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Shadow Chaser (Undeadly Secrets Book 3)

Page 28

by Aaron L Speer

  “How many men do you want?”

  “None. You and me. Two people can get into a place easier than twenty.”

  Talia couldn’t help but smile.

  Alicia narrowed her eyes. “What is it?”

  “It’s just, this is what I wanted. Alicia Slade. You’re back.”

  “No,” Alicia held up a hand. “I need you to understand and to listen to me. Once you bring the grate down, you get the fuck out of there. Do not stay, do not come in with me. I really shouldn’t be putting you in this kind of danger. Not for people you don’t know. I’m not back, but I need help and you’re the only one I felt like I could ask. I’m doing this because the love of my son’s life is carrying his child. I don’t know what Tynan wants with her, but it won’t be good. He hasn’t committed an act of war by harming a member of your pack. But you will if you go in. He’s very smart.”

  “I don’t care about that. I’m an Alpha and I will fight for what I believe in. What sort of an Alpha would I be if I just let this happen? I don’t know Nicole, but her baby will be my niece or nephew. My mother probably found out she was pregnant, and that’s why she was having her followed. Thwarting whatever my mother is up to is reason enough for me to help you. There is no way I’m letting you go in alone. Even if she wasn’t pregnant, she’s innocent in all this. Creed destroyed the name of this house. I want to stand for something. Doing this is what’s right.”

  “Talia, I can’t look out for you in there. I don’t know what we will face. And if you’re caught, he has every right to execute you. The other houses would see your presence as an act of war. Please know how serious this is.”

  “I do. So quit talking and let’s go.” Talia grinned.

  Alicia stood and stared for a moment. “I just realized right now, you are so like Wilson. But I see Nick in you too.” Alicia shook her head and gestured for Talia to follow.

  Both women smiled. This was right.

  Chapter 50

  A Way In

  Talia kept as still as possible as Alicia directed the outboard motor-powered tinny over the small waves. On the cliff above them loomed a fortress whose walls looked too high for even a wolf to jump, and on the topmost tower was a searchlight, scanning.

  “We have to be careful,” Talia called. “That’s got an infrared light. They’ll see our body heat even on the ocean.”

  “They would, if I didn’t know that it has a flaw. It doesn’t go all around.” Alicia grinned.

  “Wait a second,” Talia said as the boat slowed to a crawl. “The tunnel is behind the fortress and the search light only shows the front of the compound? That is ridiculously stupid. Especially for one you claim to be so smart. He’s inviting attacks.”

  Alicia shook her head. “No, see, the grate and tunnel are under ten feet of ocean. The grate itself is reinforced steel. Most Alphas couldn’t hope to bend it, But a tenth gen? Easy. And there aren’t many of you around.”

  “It still seems like a pretty big chink in his armor.”

  Alicia shrugged. “I get the feeling he wanted a route out of his castle that isn’t recorded on his own surveillance. I have yet to figure out why, though. Ok look, I want to advise you once again to turn around and go, but I know you’re not the type to back down. So, if you’re ready, we’ll dive down together. Once you break the grate, you rise up and wait for me. I don’t have an escape plan. If things go to hell, and they probably will, I’ll need you on the outside to set us up with different ways to get out. Agreed?”

  “Agreed. I’m ready,” Talia said.

  Alicia nodded and both dove head first into the icy sea. Talia let Alicia take the lead, but she spotted the grate within seconds. It covered a small tunnel that led in through a solid stone wall, and the bars were rusted and overgrown with algae. With a few strong strokes Talia reached it, grasped the bars and gave a slight tug. The bars gave a little in her hands, but the grate didn’t move. She readjusted her grip, braced her feet against the wall and gave a mighty heave. With a dull grind and crack, the grate broke free. Alicia gave her a brief wave of thanks and shot through the tunnel. Talia dropped the grate into the depths and launched herself up, hoping Alicia would get to wherever she was going with ease., and that she could help Nicole. Ultimately, Talia felt good about her decision to come, to really be an Alpha for the first time.

  She broke the surface of the water and took a breath. There was a sharp stabbing pain in her neck. She reached for the spot and pulled free an empty dart. She turned left to right but could see nothing. No shooter. She flung herself down into the water but it was no use. The dark water was getting darker. Her brain felt foggy and her body felt lighter as the contents of the dart started to work its way into her limbs. Someone grabbed the back of her jacket and lifted her into a boat. Her vision was dark and blurry now; she was unable to make out the face that hovered over hers. They were speaking, but she couldn’t understand. Why don’t they just kill me? She was so tired now. She closed her eyes and thought of Alicia. Hurry.


  Nicole sat back down when she heard the sound of people approaching the door. She had been trying, unsuccessfully, to find another way out. The hidden television behind the bookshelf made her think that secret passageways might not be out of the question, but maybe she just had an active imagination. It wouldn’t have done her much good anyway, she decided. Her back ached from the heavy pregnancy, and she definitely would not be able to outrun anyone in her current condition.

  The door burst open and Tynan entered, dragging Anthony in with him.

  “What are you doing?”

  “The remaining occupant of the house,” Tynan jeered, dropping him to the floor in front of Nicole. “My boys were only ordered to kill the queers.”

  “Leave him alone.” Nicole shook her head in desperation, trying to think of anything to save Anthony. “I’ve already told you I’ll do what you say.”

  Tynan tutted and shook a finger. “But you see, I’ll need insurance. You’re too sharp to be trusted. And so your little friend here will ensure you do as you’re told.” Tynan looked at her stomach and smiled. “I’ll be back soon.”

  When he left them alone, Anthony looked up from the floor. “What the hell is going on here?”

  “He’s a werewolf. The men who attacked you were too.”

  Anthony shook his head. Nicole knew there was no way to process as quickly as he was having to right now. “What? But Dr Sarsky. PJ. They’re dead!”

  “I saw. Anthony, please, I’m begging you, I need you to focus.”

  “Focus?” Anthony shouted over the sudden blaring of what sounded like an air raid siren. “How can I focus? Werewolves? What the fuck is this?”

  “Anthony!” Nicole raised her voice, her eyes watering as she leaned forward slowly. “Please, I need you.”

  Anthony held his head, clearly panicking. “What the hell can I possibly help you with?”

  “My water just broke.”

  Chapter 51

  The Walking Dead

  Solomon felt the tremor throughout the hospital. A mini earthquake? Christ, what next? But as he looked out, nothing seemed disturbed. It lasted maybe two seconds. No one seemed to worry, if they even noticed. A nurse popped her head around the corner. “Everything ok?”

  “Yeah, what was that? That happen often?”

  “Not really. There have been little things though over the last few months. Really random. The hospital has had the pipes checked and all that. Nothing fishy. Just little quakes for some reason.

  Solomon thought unexplained quakes seemed pretty fishy to him, but he nodded. The nurse didn’t seem very concerned, so he put it out of his mind. He wandered back over to his daughter’s hospital bed. Karen had fallen asleep on the couch. He took off his jacket and placed it over her shoulders. At the contact, Karen sighed. “Sol...I love you.”

  Solomon brushed her hair from her face. “You’re awake?” He sat down on the edge of the sofa.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispe
red sleepily.

  He leaned forward and kissed her. “We’ll get her back.”

  She drifted off again and Solomon hoped his words had comforted her somewhat. He returned to his chair and paused. Something under Abbey’s bed grabbed his attention, a strange image on a metal bar under her bed. Solomon lowered himself and saw a V drawn rather haphazardly. But that wasn’t the only one. There was another drawn beneath her food table. Solomon started picking up objects in the room. There was another V under her water cup. Weird. Is it some kind of grouping thing for the movers? An accounting sign?

  Solomon was still wondering about the strange sign when shouting erupted at the nurse’s station outside the room. The nurse who had just left was yelling into the phone, “Jackie! Jackie? Hello?”

  Solomon couldn’t help switching into “cop mode” and he stepped into the corridor to check things out. He flashed his badge. “Problem?”

  “Thank god.” The nurse looked genuinely thankful to see him. “That was my relief nurse. She was calling from the old cafe. It’s been gutted and stripped for refurbishment. I have no idea what she was doing there but she sounded like she was in a real panic. I couldn’t understand her except that she wanted me to call the police.”

  “Maybe the earthquake did something? Shifted some debris that maybe injured her?”

  “Maybe? She seemed terrified.”

  “Where is this old cafe?”

  “Um, it’s on the lower ground floor. Are you going by yourself?” The nurse twisted her hands nervously.

  Solomon grabbed the nurses’ station phone and jotted down the extension. “I’ll go see if I can help her. If I need backup, I’ll call.”


  “Lackey, we’re here.” Lauren looked around. She didn’t have much hope for this plan. Matt and the young hunter Koha followed her up to the entrance. Whatever Dante needs to do, he’d better do it fast.

  Melina opened the door and was corralling in some nurses who had been on a smoke break. They were confused and one objected loudly, but they were no match for Melina’s strength or tenacity. Once inside, Lauren closed them inside and Nathaniel helped Melina push a car in front of the glass entryway. It didn’t block all of it, but most.

  “Okie-dokie,” said Clive over Lauren’s headset. She could hear his fingers clacking on the keys. “Time to work the magic. All ambulances in the area being diverted to Hospital shut down in three...two...” The lights above Lauren clicked off. After a moment, they kicked back on. “Ok, generators are online. Emergency power is strong. But as far as everyone knows, it’s in lockdown. I’ve disrupted the emergency services for ten blocks.”

  “Huh? What did you do?”

  “I switched all police radios in the area to a different channel. It should be awhile before they figure it out, and then when they can’t switch the radios back, they should head back to base to get it looked at.”

  “We could’ve used the backup, Lackey. Seriously.”

  “No, listen. Guns won’t work against these things, unless you aim for the head. Dante said he wants the collateral damage minimised. People are going to die regardless, we know that. And when they do they’ll rise again. I figure there’s no point in the emergency guys losing their lives when they have no idea what’s going on. Plus there’s nothing good about giving you even more enemies to deal with.”

  “You know, Lackey, sometimes I forget how smart you are.”

  “Aw, shucks. I’m not all that smart.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “I should’ve kissed you.”

  Lauren grinned and realised she hadn’t felt tingly like this since she was thirteen. But it was bittersweet. Does he think we’re all going to die? “Nice confidence boost. I thought you would’ve had more faith in Dante.”

  “No, that’s not it. I’ve got faith in you. I’m not saying goodbye. I just really wanted to kiss you.”

  “You should’ve.”

  Lauren clicked the ear piece and stuck it in her pocket. Despite Lackey’s very sweet explanation, the fear of the situation seeped into her. That could in fact be the last time she spoke to him. If she focused on that, she couldn’t do what needed to be done.

  A scream made Lauren look up. A ghoul had sprung out from the ambulance bay and run directly towards her. Lauren steeled herself for the hit when the ghoul staggered and fell, a boomerang jutting out from between her eyes. The boomerang wrenched itself from her skull and flew of its own accord to the waiting hand of Koha, who caught it and flung it again, sending it through the ghoul’s throat, and lopping off her head. In mid-air, the boomerang did as it was designed to do, turning and flying back to the hand that threw it.

  “Thank you!” Lauren said, though Koha ignored her. She tried again, indicating his boomerang. “That is so cool.” But still no reaction. I guess he’s not a people person.

  “All right, listen,” Melina said. “There is no way we can patrol all over the hospital. We need to branch out across the entrance and fucking hope it’s good enough.”

  Her frustration was evident. This was a very sloppy plan. But Lauren realised she couldn’t have done any better. What else could be done? They were stretched thin. Razor-wire thin. Tyson and Bison had been left in charge of T. Dante had organised a females-only night, with free drinks, hoping to get as many women out of harm’s way as possible. That place was buzzing for the first time in months, and the boys were under strict instructions to lock the doors when the place was full and make sure nothing went wrong. Clive would let them know when or if it was safe to open them.


  There was no help coming and they had to prepare as best they could. All Dante had said was that he and Michelle were going to face the demon. If they defeated it, all these ghouls would drop. They just had to hold out until then. If even one of these things got inside the hospital, it was over. Melina clicked her earpiece.

  “Heads up. Clive sees movement on the satellite down Francis Martin Drive. There have been reports of multiple deaths. Men too. Only women are rising from a bite or scratch, but they seem to have no qualms about attacking anything that moves.” Melina glanced at Koha and Lauren followed her look. The young hunter still looked unfazed. “Their numbers are growing. Here they come.”

  Lauren heard it. They all did. Even Koha and Matt, despite their lack of enhanced vampire hearing. Koha stilled, looking straight ahead. Matt clicked his rifle and aimed it, stepping into line with the rest of them.

  Hissing, groaning. Running footsteps. Lauren looked off in the distance and saw several people across the hospital grounds standing in front of the Sydney Children’s Hospital. They were looking at the space somewhere near the front of the Royal Hospital for Women, just outside the doors where she and the others waited. Thankfully, they had the presence of mind to stay back and finally the cause of the noise came into view. The ghouls rushed forward. Koha stretched his arm out, judging, calculating, and then flung his weapon sideways. It spun in a semi-circle before slicing across the front of the ghouls. His aim was true; the throats of several of the monsters split open, and the black tar-like sludge flowed and spilled. Those whose bodies fell were simply trampled by those coming from behind. The weapon returned, and was released again. All to little avail. It thinned the numbers but they didn’t stop. Lauren joined the other vampires in flaring their fangs and preparing for battle. Even Nathaniel had shattered a car window and held a piece of shard glass at the ready. Lauren tried to feel brave, tried to stay strong. Tried to think of Clive. But all that went away when the first ghoul leapt for her. She slammed it to the floor and pummelled it with fists, but then remembered, she needed to sever the head. She leapt up, brought the heel of her foot down directly onto the ghoul’s neck, and cracked the spine.

  “Remember,” she called. “Take their heads!”

  Melina, fighting off three ghouls at once, shouted some obscenity about where she could stick her head. Lauren moved to help her when she was set upon by two more. One of
them faltered, and leant back. Nathaniel, black eyes blazing, had leapt on to its back, and was repeatedly hacking into its neck with the glass. Lauren focused on the other, shoving it away with all her strength but it was still so strong. Two more ghouls had fallen on top of her, but they didn’t move. The stench of the tar-like blood churned her stomach. The ghoul that she had pushed away suddenly backed off. She shouldered the bodies off her, and saw they were headless. Behind her, Koha was flinging the boomerang left and right. The ghouls were lunging for him, yet he was spinning and ducking away with ease, hitting the target every single time. Matt fired pistols from both hands, emptying every bullet into the heads of the oncoming horde. But he would have to stop and reload soon, and more ghouls were coming.

  The area in front of the hospital was filling up. Lauren was tackled into the ground again and there was nothing she could do. More of the hideous creatures leapt past her and clambered over the car in front of the entryway. Melina broke free of her constraints and tackled them on top of the car, unloading with everything she had, but it was no use. They were all fighting with everything they had, but the ghouls were too many. They couldn’t keep up. It was impossible.

  And yet again, the ghouls on top of her slackened off briefly. Lauren launched her legs in the air and struck both of them in the face. When they fell, she again stomped on their necks. It was all she could think of.

  Her ears were suddenly awash with rock music but it was unclear where it was coming from. Is that AC/DC? Then she saw it. A minivan was screaming down the road, barrelling into the ghouls at top speed, heading straight for the entrance. Lauren leapt sideways just as the minivan crashed into the car glass, crushing a horde of ghouls. She picked herself up up and looked at the minivan. Who the hell? But her question was answered as the driver opened the door and stepped out. Without a second thought, he unleashed furious left and right hands at any and all ghouls that were in his way. Every strike impaled his fist into their heads, cracking skulls open. Killing them with only one hit.


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