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Just One Week

Page 10

by Alice Gaines

  He covered them with his hands and squeezed gently. “You’re beautiful, baby.”

  She closed her eyes in bliss. “That feels so good.”

  He could do better, and so he did. Bending, he took one nipple into his mouth to suck. The flesh hardened against his tongue, and she clutched his head, sliding her fingers into his hair. She liked it. Good.

  He released her long enough to guide her downward onto the coverlet. Following, he gave her other breast the same attention. Her breath came hard and fast, her chest rising and falling. Proof of her arousal and that he was doing this right.

  He’d dreamed of doing this for so long, although he hadn’t allowed himself to fully admit it. He’d always been jealous of that creep Cavanaugh. And he’d never found complete satisfaction with any of his lovers. They’d been wonderful, and he’d done his best to be wonderful right back. But the sex had always lacked the totality of his fantasies. He’d fulfill them here, with this woman.

  Glorious. His princess, the woman of his dreams. Beautiful, soft skin everywhere. She had a woman’s shape, not the stick figure fashion dictated women should emulate. He could make a pillow of her thighs, and if he rolled her over, he’d no doubt find an ass equally as plush.

  She studied him, this time with less doubt but definite curiosity. Asking if he liked what he saw.

  He grinned at her. “You’re perfect.”

  “I want to see you.”

  He didn’t need any further prompting. He toed out of his slippers and stood. When he shed the rest of his clothing and stepped out of the pile on the floor, his erection fell free. Given the state of his arousal, she could hardly doubt how much he wanted her.

  She stared at him, her eyes widening, and she licked her lips in a way that send his imagination into overdrive. Before he forgot himself completely, he bent to fish the condoms out of the pocket of his robe and set them on the table.

  “Do you always carry those around?” she said.

  “Bought ’em today.”

  “You’ve been planning this,” she said.

  “Not exactly, but I had hoped we’d end up here.”

  “Let me put one on you.”

  “You get more perfect every minute.” He stood beside the bed as she selected a square packet, tore it open, and removed the condom. When she placed it over the tip of him, a surge of sexual excitement rushed through him. The first time she’d touched him, and she took great care unfurling the sheath over his length. A simple act, and one he didn’t think about often, but she made it erotic.

  He climbed onto the bed and gathered her into his embrace. This time, nothing separated them. Nothing physical and nothing emotional. He kissed her, and their bodies fit together again. Her nipples grazed his chest, and his cock pressed into the softness of her belly. With a groan, he took her mouth over and over. No matter how much she gave, he couldn’t get enough. Her lips offered a lifetime of exploration, and right now, he only had the present. Twining her arms around his neck, she answered with the same urgency. As if the heat in his blood warmed hers as well.

  He could touch her everywhere now, and so he ran his hands along her ribs and lower to her hips. So soft and inviting. He eased beneath her to her butt and massaged the flesh there. The action brought her harder against his erection.

  When he’d finished with her lips—for now—he moved to her jaw and beneath to sample her neck. Little kisses along the length until he reached the base of her throat where it met her shoulder.

  Already, she was making the kinds of sounds a woman did when highly aroused, her breathing coming in soft sighs and little groans here and there. Audible aphrodisiac, as if he needed one. He’d make her sing a lot louder than that before he’d finished with her. So he moved lower, back to her sweet breasts. He loved each in turn with his mouth and with his hands. She had an even greater treasure, and he headed toward it, pressing more kisses across her ribs and over her belly.

  She guessed where he was headed, obviously, because she gasped and tensed. Too shy for the ultimate kiss? He had plenty of other things he could do for her, but damn, he sure would have loved to taste her. After a moment, she relaxed and her fingers stroked the side of his face. Giving him permission. The trust warmed his heart. Other parts of him needed no warming.

  Finally, he spread her legs and settled between them. The lips of her sex greeted him—swollen and parted to reveal her most sensitive flesh. When he licked her she released a cry. He’d found her sweet spot, all right.

  He set about giving her the sort of loving she wouldn’t forget in this lifetime. This was Michelle, after all. He used a firm, slow stroke to make her crazy for more.

  “Oh,” she crooned. “So good. Oh, God.”

  At that cue, he picked up the pace, pressing and pressing as her gasps turned to cries. She was right at the edge, and the longer he could keep her there, the more intense the climax would be. A little more…a little more…a little more.

  The pitch of her voice rose, signaling she’d arrived, and he worked furiously to finish her. With a shout, she stiffened, and her hips rose. Grasping her thighs, he held on as she climaxed. And when she sagged against the bed, he scooted back up beside her so he could hold her while she enjoyed the post-orgasm glow.

  “Unbelievable.” She opened her eyes, and the vulnerability and trust he read there stole his breath. She’d exposed herself to him in so many ways, and he’d never let her down again.

  He kissed her so she could taste her honey on his lips. “Feeling good?”

  “I’ll feel even better in a few minutes.” She gave him a wicked grin. “And so will you.”

  “You’re right about that.”

  She sneaked a hand between their bodies and reached down to wrap her fingers around his shaft. After months of celibacy, he was operating with a hair trigger, and if she kept playing with him, he wouldn’t be able to go slowly with her. But they’d have other times before they left, even if they didn’t have a future.

  She stroked him now, a firm grip from the base all the way to the head. “Does that feel good?”

  “Too good, baby. I’ll lose it if you keep doing that.”

  “Aww,” she said. “Another minute. You’re so much fun to play with.”

  “A few seconds, not a minute.” He closed his eyes and allowed himself to enjoy the feel of her fingers against his swollen flesh. She wasn’t shy about touching him, and soon, she had him ready to explode. That was so not happening before he could be inside her. So he reached between him and stilled her hand. “Some other time.”

  “I’ll hold you to that.”

  With that invitation for more, he raised himself over her, settling himself between her legs again but this time with his sex at the entrance to hers. He held his weight off her and eased himself into her slowly.

  Her expression spoke volumes about giving and taking pleasure. First, a look of surprise, followed quickly by a heart-melting smile. Then she closed her eyes and moaned.

  For a moment, he didn’t move. She was so hot and wet around him, and her muscles gripped him so tightly. As soon as he started to move, he’d rocket off pretty quickly. For now, he wanted her to feel him and to register that he was making love to her with all of himself. She needed to recognize that her friend Alex was now her lover. He’d make up for the hurt he’d caused her.

  In the end, he was only human, and being inside her felt too freaking good. He couldn’t hold off. As soon as he began thrusting, she moved with him. Wrapping her legs around him, she took him deeper. Blood rushed in his ears, and his heart pounded, and he couldn’t slow down.

  Amazing woman. Sexy, beautiful, responsive. Everything he’d ever wanted in a lover but didn’t think was possible. He gave her his all, and she rose up to meet him.

  I love you.

  Had he said that or only thought it? No matter. He did love her, and he’d not only tell her. He’d show her.

  His last cohesive thought before his lust took over. The moment had come, and h
e had no choice but to surrender. Just as the orgasm hit, gripping him in its fist, she climaxed again. Her inner walls spasmed around him, sending him even higher. He thrust a few more times—savage motions—and emptied himself into her. One hot wave after another.

  When it finally ended, he sagged against her, struggling for air. Even then, her sex fluttered around his in sweet aftermath of what they’d just shared.

  “God, baby,” he said finally.

  “Wow,” she breathed.

  Wow, indeed. He’d never felt anything like that. “I’ll get off you as soon as my bones solidify.”

  She clutched his shoulders. “Don’t you dare move.”

  “I must be crushing you.”

  “I don’t care,” she said.

  “I don’t think your colleagues would like you coming back as flat as a pancake.” He managed to roll onto his side, but he didn’t let go of her. Instead, he snuggled her against his chest. He slid from her body, but he’d have her again, and soon. Maybe he could take his time and not rush to the finish.

  “Alex?” she said.


  “I did go out there hoping you’d find me,” she said. “You always did know when I was up to something.”

  “And you always knew I’d be watching over you.”

  “Do you regret what we just did?” she said.

  “Not one little bit.” He probably would miss her terribly when they had to part, but he’d take that risk rather than lose the joy of making love with her.

  She sighed. “I’m glad.”

  “Why don’t we get under the covers before it starts getting cool in here?” he said.

  “You’re staying?”

  “I dare you to try shooing me away.”

  Her eyebrow went up. “Your family will know we spent the night together.”

  “Let ’em. We’ll deal with that in the morning.”

  “True.” She wiggled out of his arms and got up long enough to pick up her end of the covers and slither underneath. He joined her so quickly his image might have blurred while he did it. After turning off the light, he pulled her against him again. With both of them naked, he was surrounded by her heat. The grin would not leave his face.

  Chapter Seven

  It had been one hell of a day. Or maybe yesterday had been, because it was no doubt after midnight when Michelle awoke to find herself surrounded by Alex Stafford’s body. Even in sleep, he clung to her like a barnacle.

  Her body had that pleasantly exercised feel that good sex left as a little lagniappe—a reminder to bring back the glow. But, wow, that had been more than good. It had been more than sex. Her mind would take a while to wrap itself around everything that had happened to her in the past several hours. Alex Stafford had deliberately come into this cottage to make love to her. He’d even brought condoms, proving he’d planned for the encounter. Instead of berating her as he had on that afternoon when he’d found her with Phil, he’d taken her into his arms and shown her delights beyond what she’d imagined possible. It was a minor miracle, when you thought about it. He’d made the place of her humiliation into the place of newfound joy.

  With some effort, she eased his arm from around her and slid out of bed. Still naked, she went to the bathroom. The light might wake him, so she went inside and closed the door before hitting the switch. After using the toilet, she went to the sink to wash her hands and found someone who looked like her staring back from the mirror.

  Michelle and not Michelle. Her hair was wild, and her cheeks seemed flushed. Possibly from contact with the stubble of his beard. And he’d left a mark at the base of her neck. Her teddy bear of a lover had a savage side. Cute, but she’d have to hide it. His family might put two and two together and come up with Alex and Michelle spending the night together, but they didn’t need to see the evidence.

  He did want you, she told her younger self. Things worked out exactly the way you dreamed. The fantasy came true.

  She giggled, and put her hand to her mouth to stifle the sound. The giggling didn’t stop but turned to laughter. Almost hysterical, shaking her body. She had to lower the top of the toilet and sit to get control of herself.

  Little Mickey Dennis had seduced the famous linebacker. The nerd had made one of the most desirable men on the planet want her. None of this would last, of course. He’d go back to dating glamorous women, and she’d go back to her academic life. But at least for the next few days he was hers. Hers!

  She had to keep her wits about her and not make this brief affair into more than it was. He hadn’t trusted her with the fact of his learning disability, so he hadn’t truly opened up to her. She couldn’t involve her heart nor expect him to give her his. But for now, she could bask in the glow of knowing he saw her as a woman. He’d never again treat her like a stupid child.

  God, don’t let me screw this up. She didn’t have the greatest track record with men. Although she’d gotten over her shyness in professional settings, she still tripped over her own feet where dating was concerned. She’d never played in Alex’s league. If she acted as if this meant more than a temporary fling—like his relationships with the supermodels and actresses—he might reject her again. Then her victory would prove bittersweet at best.

  No, even after everything that had happened between the two of them, she had to remain casual. The approach had worked so far, and it would continue if she didn’t lose her head over him.

  That settled, she switched off the light and went into the bedroom. Her eyes took a few seconds to adapt to the dark. When they did, she could make out the huge lump under the covers. She walked to him and stared down at his face. With only the light from the illuminated dial of the clock on the table, she couldn’t make out much. But he was Alex Stafford, the sandy-haired Adonis who got padded up and slid into tight pants on Sundays during football season and made spectacular plays to the adoration of millions of fans. And he was in her bed.

  She crept back in beside him and pulled the covers up over her shoulders. Immediately, Alex’s arm snaked out, wrapped around her ribs, and tugged her toward him until her back nestled against his front.

  “You ’kay?” he mumbled.

  “Great,” she answered.

  “You were making some odd noises,” he said.

  Lord, he’d heard her? “Just coughing.”

  “Sounded like laughter. Did I do something funny?”

  “It wasn’t anything. Don’t worry about it.”

  “Okay.” He yawned and kissed her shoulder and tugged her closer, if that was possible, and then his soft, even breathing said he’d fallen asleep. Michelle wouldn’t manage that for a while if she did at all. But she could enjoy being right where she was. If she was going to worry about anything, she could do it tomorrow.

  Michelle awoke from an incredibly erotic dream to discover the reason she’d become so hot and bothered. In her dreamscape, the man making love to her had Alex’s face and an incredibly huge erection. Something she’d never be able to enjoy in reality, but for sleep-induced fantasy, it worked just fine.

  The actual cause of her arousal became clear as consciousness dawned. Alex had reached around her, and his fingers had parted the lips of her sex. One now toyed with her using the same amazing technique he’d done with his tongue the night before.

  “What are you doing?” she said, her voice breathy with sexual excitement.

  “Thought that would get your attention,” he answered.

  Another reality penetrated the fog in her brain. He’d become erect, the outline of his hardness pressed against her ass. The texture of latex against her skin told her he’d managed to put on a condom without waking her.

  He was going to give her sleepy sex—the kind you simply enjoyed and didn’t worry about your own response or your partner’s. Just for the hell of it, she let her mind drift back to her dream, and she was taking that huge instrument inside her and it was pushing her closer and closer to climax.

  Just when things couldn’t get any m
ore heavenly, he shifted, lifting her leg up and over his and positioning himself to enter her. Spread wide like this, she felt impaled on him as he filled her completely. Now, she had him stretching her while his fingers continued his magic on her most sensitive flesh.

  Pleasure so absolute she couldn’t bear it, and yet it got even better as he moved inside her. If she’d thought the night before had been a fluke, she had to admit now that Alex could make her body respond in ways she’d never imagined. And she selfishly took all he was giving her with no thought to satisfying him. She’d pay him back. Oh yes, she would.

  He was driving faster now, and he rubbed harder. As the arousal built to unimaginable levels, she gave in to the inevitable. The orgasm rushed through her, starting at the spot between her legs and radiating out to encompass her entire being. She shouted as the spasms started, and she gripped him again and again. So intense. So beautiful.

  Behind her, he stiffened, and he let out a muffled roar against her shoulder. He’d be coming, too, making her climax all the more powerful.

  After a minute, they lay together, both working for breath. He still held her against him as if he’d found a treasure.

  “Morning, sunshine,” he said finally.

  “You sure know how to wake a girl up.”

  “Not just any girl. You.”

  Her heart did a little stutter at that.

  He pulled out of her and rolled onto his back. “We’re going to have to face the family.”

  “What’ll we tell them?”

  “Depends on who knows what, I guess,” he said. “Maybe no one realizes I spent the night here.”

  “So we might have avoided detection entirely,” she said.


  He sounded relieved. What had she expected? A declaration that they’d let the whole family know they were a couple? Obviously, he had no intention of doing anything like that.

  “Kyle won’t be very happy with me,” he said. “He put me on warning the other day.”


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