Owned by Him

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Owned by Him Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  Heather growled and walked away.

  “I better go and sort out their order. They don’t like it when one of the guys or girls fucks it up,” Wade said.

  Elijah knew they were not that bad. Wade was just using it as an excuse for a chance to speak with Connie. The guy was totally in love with her. He’d feel sorry for him if he didn’t feel the same for Amber.

  His woman was running from him just like Connie was Wade.

  “I appreciate you sticking up for me there. So, what’s with you and Amber?” Julian asked, catching his attention.

  “I helped you out, and you’re questioning me?” Elijah took a sip of his beer, glancing behind him.

  Several guys were checking Amber out. Over the years he’d come to realize Amber didn’t see how attractive she was. She truly was a beauty, and her curves drove him insane.

  “Heather is my woman—”

  “She’s my sister,” Elijah said, interrupting him.

  “Amber’s like a sister to her. I don’t want her hurt because you want to get inside one of her friends.”

  His grip tightened around his drink.

  “I’m looking out for my woman and her friends. You’re a good brother, but I know Heather and you haven’t really been close. If you hurt Amber, Heather will choose her friend over you.”

  Elijah understood that. “I’m not going to hurt Amber.”

  “There is something going on between you and Amber, though. I see the way you two look at each other.”

  Elijah stared at Amber. She had her back to him, which didn’t stop him from admiring her fleshy ass. He’d spanked her ass until it was red. There was nothing better than the sight of his handprint on her ass.

  He made a quick decision. Julian would keep Heather off his case, and he needed time with Amber. She was his woman, and he was determined to get the message across that he was not leaving her.

  Taking a quick sip of his drink, he leaned in close. “I was Amber’s first and only. That woman is mine. Every part of her belongs to me. She’s my submissive.” Julian knew what he was talking about. It was written on the guy’s face. “I fucked up, but she’s mine. I’m not backing down or leaving. Amber is mine, get me?”

  “I get you. Heather’s not going to like it.”

  “Keep my sister out of it. I can make Amber happy. She’s too busy running scared to give me the chance.”

  Julian slapped him on the back. “It’s up to you what you do. I’ll try and reason with Heather if this gets fucked up.”

  After several seconds silence between them, Julian started laughing.

  “What? What’s so funny?” he asked, wanting to know the joke.

  “Those four are close friends. They’ll do everything for each other, and yet, they keep secrets from one another.” Julian shook his head. “I find it hard to believe that best friends can keep parts of themselves at bay.”

  Elijah’s gaze followed Amber across the dance floor to where she sat in a secluded booth. It was the one Wade always kept by for them. Elijah didn’t know all their secrets, but he understood why. “They’re keeping the bad shit at bay. Amber, Ashley, Connie, and Heather, they’re a family. They’re bound together by friendship and trust. What they keep at bay is what will hurt them. Amber doesn’t want to hurt Heather, and she doesn’t want to bring the truth about her real nature to the floor. I understand that. You ever tell her about this conversation, and I’ll fucking hurt you,” Elijah said, meaning it.

  “I wouldn’t dream of it. I may have money, but I wouldn’t be easy to hurt. I fight back,” Julian said.

  “I got it.”

  Wade walked back, handing him another beer. Elijah took the beer and made it his last. Tonight he wanted to get Amber to his home. He was now living in Heather’s place seeing as she’d moved in with Julian. Elijah was still looking for a place of his own. Her house would do for what he needed. It was a stop-gap until he got what he wanted for his future.

  “Is the booth always reserved for them?” Elijah asked.

  “Yeah. I put them there because it’s safe. I can also watch them. I don’t want anyone to think they can fuck with them. They’re good women,” Wade said.

  Elijah knew the truth but didn’t see a need to bring it up.

  Chapter Three

  Downing her third shot of tequila Amber got up to get another. Heather was on the dance floor with Ashley. Her two friends were dancing beside the booth. Connie was nervous, drinking a straight cola.

  Amber needed the buzz to block everything else. It was Saturday tomorrow, and she wasn’t working. She got few weekends off. This one she intended to slob on the sofa with ice-cream, takeout, and a good book.

  Amber knew it wouldn’t end up like that. She’d probably clean her apartment and go for a walk. Still being a slob for once sounded like fun.

  Placing her glass on the counter she waited to be served. Wade and the other bartenders were busy. Reaching into her shirt she pulled out some money.

  “You’re drinking too much,” Elijah said, coming up behind her.

  “Not the boss of me. I can drink and do whatever the hell I like.”

  His hand settled on her hip, steadying her. “Don’t do something you’ll regret, Amber.”

  Getting angry, she turned in his arms, staring at him. “Like what? Maybe I want to get drunk and take a man I don’t know home? Have you ever thought about that? I only have you to compare notes with.”

  She hated the words. None of the men inside the club had interested her. She’d looked and hated herself for looking. Why couldn’t she get over this man? He drove her insane all the fucking time.

  His grip tightened on her hip. He tugged her close, rubbing his hard cock against her jean-clad pussy.

  A moan escaped her lips before she could contain it.

  “You want me, Amber. The only man you’re going home with is me.”

  “No, it’s not. You lost your chance.” She pushed him away. Wade chose that moment to serve her another drink.

  “This is your last one, Amber. You’ll thank me later,” Wade said.

  She grumbled but didn’t argue before going to her booth, leaving Elijah behind.

  “What did Elijah have to say?” Connie asked, once she was seated.

  “Nothing. He was complaining about how much I was drinking. Wade’s also cutting me off.”

  “You are drinking a fair bit. Are you all right?” Connie asked.

  Amber stared at her friend. Connie out of all of them was the most quiet and sweet. She never argued, and she always avoided conflict.

  “I’m fine, honey. I just need to take the edge off. Work and everything.” She stared down at her glass and downed it in one gulp.

  Alcohol would never help her get over the man who was camped out at the bar.

  “Are you going to come and dance with me?” Amber asked.

  She needed to get away from looking at him. He distracted her too easily.

  “No, you go on ahead. I’m going to sit here and wallow in the fact I can’t get up on that stage.”

  Connie was a fantastic singer, but she suffered with stage fright. When they were all on the stage, Connie was fine. The moment she tried it alone, she was stuck.

  Amber, Ashley, and Heather were never going to make it as backing singers or dancers.

  Looking on the dance floor Amber saw Heather was in Julian’s arms while Ashley was being sandwiched between two guys.

  The tequila had given her a buzz, and she had lost some of her earlier discomfort. Moving into the center of the dance floor, she started to let the music take over. Closing her eyes, she moved to the beat. Her body went with the beat.

  She let herself go, loving the slight feel of freedom dancing gave her. No one had any expectations of her. On the dance floor she was free to move without fear of being caught or someone finding out the truth about her time with Elijah.

  Arms wrapped around her stomach, and she knew it was Elijah instantly. His scent surrounded her, fill
ing her with warmth. She wanted to push him away. Her defenses were lowered, and all she wanted to do was drown in everything that was him.

  “No one can see us,” he said.

  “I don’t care.”

  Amber would care in the morning.

  His fingers stroked the curve of her stomach. Moaning, she wrapped her arms behind his neck, dancing. Her eyes were still closed. The moment she opened them, she’d lose her little bubble of happiness.

  “You can’t fight me forever,” he said.

  “I’m not trying to fight you at all, Elijah.”

  He turned her in his arms. “Look at me.”

  Opening her eyes she stared into his deep brown ones. The bubble didn’t burst. He inserted a leg between her thighs, rubbing her against him. She gasped, gripping his thick arms as he made her legs turn to jelly.

  Elijah took one of her hands and pressed it against the front of his jeans.

  “Feel what you do to me, woman. I want you so fucking bad. You’re sexy, and I want you.”

  He lowered his head, catching her lips between his.

  She tilted her head back, giving him much better access to her mouth. They were entwined together. His leg was between her thighs with one hand holding her against him and the other caressing her nipple with his thumb.

  The music faded; the past faded away. She held onto him, and Amber had never felt more stable than she did in those few moments they were sharing.

  When he leaned back to look at her she was lost in his intense gaze. Her body pulsed for him.

  “I’ll call a cab. Say goodbye to your friends and meet me outside.”

  He left her then.

  She stared at his retreating back. Part of her wanted to stay on the floor, pick up a man, and have meaningless sex. She listened to the part of her she’d come to know in the last seven years.

  Amber left the dance floor. She found Connie giving her a message that she had to leave early. In no time at all she was stood beside Elijah. A cab pulled up, and they were inside it.

  No words were necessary. They couldn’t speak with the driver present. She rubbed her hands between her thighs trying to cause some friction.

  Her pussy was red hot and begging to be fucked. Six months wasn’t a really long time, but right now it felt like a lifetime since he’d been with her.

  When they were outside of her apartment, Elijah took the keys from her shaking fingers and opened the door.

  She entered first, turning to watch him as he closed the door then proceeded to lock the door. His actions were slow, not hurried, and his gaze was on her at all times. The rest of the world was locked away. They were the only two people who existed.

  “Take your shirt off,” he said.

  Tugging the leftover change from her night out, she threw it onto the counter. Next she tugged her shirt over her head and dropped it on the floor.

  “Take your jeans off.”

  Toeing her shoes off, she removed her jeans. He was leaning against the door staring at her. When she was with Elijah, she never felt self-conscious of her body.


  With his eyes on her, Elijah tore off his boots. All the time he was watching her, waiting for her to respond to him. Her gaze never once left him. Amber was all his for the taking, and he was more than happy to take her, to claim her. His name would be the one she was screaming out in pleasure come the end of the night.

  She stood before him in a bra and panties. Her full-figured body was on display for his eyes only.

  Once he removed his boots, he tore at the belt holding his jeans up. Shoving them down, he tore at his shirt. He was naked, hard, and wanting inside his woman. Amber’s gaze travelled down the front of his body until it landed on his erect cock.

  Fisting his length he stepped toward her.

  “Do you want this?” he asked.

  “You know I do.”

  This was the only time they saw eye to eye. They were together, and no one could take that away from them, not even Heather.

  “Take your bra off. I want to see those tits I love to suck on.”

  Her hands went behind her back, and she tore the bra from her body. Their actions were rarely smooth. Seeing her need made him that much harder. Her breasts swung free, and her glorious red nipples made his mouth water. He’d done many things with her body, pleasurable things, and he intended to do many more.

  “Get on your knees.”

  She did so without comment. His submissive was back, and he was so fucking grateful. He couldn’t handle another argument tonight. Six months had been too long without touching her.

  Elijah stepped closer. Her head was bowed in submission. Wrapping her red hair around his fist, he presented the tip of his cock against her lips. “Tell me you want to suck my cock,” he said.

  “I want to suck your cock, Elijah. I want it so damn bad.”

  His lack of title didn’t bother him. For most of their time together he’d been “Sir” or “Master”. This was a nice change. Besides their first time together he’d always had some kind of title.

  “Do it,” he said.

  He watched her lower her eyes from his face to his cock. Her tongue peeked out flicking the tip. Elijah groaned, feeding her the length of his cock. She took him down to where he held himself.

  Her tongue flicked his palm and then came off.


  She took him back inside, sucking on the tip. Gripping her hair, he bobbed her head on his length, needing so much more from her.

  For several minutes he watched her working his length.

  When he couldn’t stand the pleasure of her mouth, he pulled away from her.

  “Lean over the arm of the sofa with your ass in the air.”

  She got off the floor and did as he asked without a single word. Where was the fiery woman he’d come to know and, God help him, love? She was doing everything he asked, and for some reason he no longer wanted it. This was not the Amber she showed to her friends. This was his Amber, but he wanted the other Amber in his bed.

  Going to her side, he peeled the panties from her body, seeing her cream coating the outer lips of her pussy. She was nicely trimmed and looked utterly feminine.

  Slipping a finger through her wet folds, he felt her wet heat surround him. He pushed a finger deep into her cunt. She was still tight and squeezed him like his fist would around his cock.

  Sinking to his knees behind her, Elijah grabbed her hips in his hands to keep her steady and simply feasted on her pussy. He was addicted to everything about her, and six months without a single taste of her creamy pussy was starting to wear on him.

  She cried out, trying to thrust back on his tongue. He wouldn’t let her, and he was far stronger than she. He thrust his tongue into her hot little cunt and felt her tighten around him.

  “That’s it, baby. Come for me,” he said, working her clit in between finger-fucking her cunt. He wanted her to lose control. She screamed within seconds of his order, and he drank her cream down, relishing the taste.

  Standing up, he gripped his length and slammed inside her from behind. She was dripping wet but tight.

  “Fuck, that’s it, baby. Take me deep inside.”

  Tightening his hold on her hips, he slammed inside to the hilt. She moaned, and he saw her hands tighten in the fabric of the sofa.

  “I’m going to spend all night fucking you, Amber. No talking, no running, and no fucking arguments.”

  He pounded inside her tight heat, sinking all the way inside. Pulling out he saw his cock was covered in her cream. Reaching under her body, he fingered her swollen clit, teasing her into another orgasm.

  When she came around his cock, Elijah fucked her hard and fast until he erupted inside her warmth. The first time after six months apart was always going to be fast.

  He wasn’t a once a night guy. Amber had given him a taste, and he wanted some more.

  Pulling out of her body, he ordered her to stay and grabbed a cloth from the kitchen. He wipe
d away most of his cum before helping her to her feet.

  She stared into his eyes for the longest moment. Neither of them spoke as they looked at each other.

  Without a word she turned and walked away from him. He didn’t follow her. Taking a seat on the sofa, he stared in front of him.

  Her apartment felt warm to him. The space was filled with her scent, and it comforted him.

  Elijah heard the shower running. He stayed in his seat waiting for her. His cock thickened as he sat there imagining the water cascading down her body. Grabbing his length, he worked himself into full arousal.

  When she walked out of the bathroom, she was wrapped in a towel and dripping with water. She stopped when she saw him.

  “I’m not finished,” he said. “Climb on my lap.”

  She stared at his cock, then dropped the towel before doing exactly as he said.

  Chapter Four

  Amber groaned as she rolled over and came into contact with a rock hard body. Turning her head she saw Elijah was still sleeping. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes she stared at her best friend’s brother as memories assailed her. Glancing at the clock she saw it was gone eight. The last time she’d checked the time it had been past five. They’d been fucking until five in the morning.

  She lifted the blanket and eased her way out of the bed without waking him. Amber stared down at him. What the hell had she been thinking? When he’d come to her on the dance floor she’d been ready to turn him down flat. But no, she’d gone home and taken him with her instead.

  Leaving him to sleep she walked into her main sitting room. Their clothing was strewn on the floor by the door. Rolling her eyes she picked them both up and dumped them in the laundry basked before heading to the kettle to start some coffee. She had cheap taste and loved the instant coffee.

  As she was making up their cups Elijah padded out of the bedroom, naked, like she was.

  “Why did you sneak off?” he asked.

  “I needed to use the bathroom.” She dropped her gaze from him. Looking at him made her want so much more from him.

  “You could have come back to bed.”

  Shaking her head, she nudged a cup toward him. “I needed coffee.”


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