Owned by Him

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Owned by Him Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  Why was she being so damn difficult?

  Closing her eyes, she blew on the hot cup in front of her.


  “Please, don’t say another word. I couldn’t handle you speaking right now. I need … quiet.”

  She wasn’t trying to be cruel. Their past made it hard for her to focus. Last night when she’d finished in the shower, she’d expected him to have been gone. When she’d found him in the same place she left him, rock hard and waiting for her, she hadn’t been able to deny him.

  Blowing out a breath she stared ahead of her, hoping to gain her thoughts.

  “You can’t shut me out forever.”

  “This is what we do, Elijah. This thing with the sex and the secrets, it’s our thing.” Biting her lip, she took a huge gulp of coffee trying to bring focus back to her world.

  “It’s not our thing, Amber. We’ve got so much more,” he said.

  “You mean the domination? Is that what else you think we’ve got?” she asked, finally looking up at him.

  The spanking he’d given her rang clearly in her mind. He was a Dom, and she a submissive. The spanking she’d received at his hand had awoken her in ways she’d never understood. Until she’d joined Club Kink she didn’t understand any of it.

  Was that why their relationship was so … weird?

  “Amber,” he said, starting to speak. She couldn’t handle this anymore. The moment she took Heather out of the equation the only other problem she found was the domination.

  “Why did you do it? Why did you spank me and walk away?” she asked.

  “You left me the following morning, Amber. I didn’t walk away.” He’d tensed up at her words. She’d seen the reaction inside of him.

  “I had no choice. It was Heather’s birthday, and she’d already knocked on the door. I had to sneak out. You never said anything about me sticking around. I got out of Dodge.” She placed the cup on the kitchen counter. Her anger was making the hot coffee spill over the sides, burning her. “You were my first, Elijah, and you weren’t exactly fucking gentle. Then you put me over your knee like scolding a child,” she said. “What was I to you?”

  He didn’t answer, simply stared at her. “Why haven’t you asked me these questions before?” he asked, folding his arms. “You’ve had plenty of time to ask them. Why now?”

  “I was young and stupid. I didn’t care about anything other than being with you, Elijah. Being with you, in any way, was better than not being with you at all.” The truth blurted out of her lips.

  Staring at his face she saw him open his mouth to speak.

  “Amber, honey, it’s us. We brought pancakes, or at least I brought the ingredients to make pancakes,” Heather said, knocking and calling through the door.

  Amber’s eyes widened.

  “Unless you’ve got some superhot guy and want us to go,” Ashley said.

  She walked around the counter and pushed him back into her bedroom.

  “What are you going?” he asked, whispering.

  “You’re not going to be seen by them. I’m not ready for this. You will stay here and not make a sound.”

  She grabbed her robe from the back of her wardrobe door.

  “This is childish, Amber. You’re a grown woman.”

  “I don’t care what you think. My friends are not finding out about us.”

  “I’ve got no clothes,” he said. “And we still need to talk.”

  “I’ve got to wash your clothes. You’re staying here, and if they sound close to the door, hide somewhere. I don’t want you being found.”

  More banging from her friends interrupted her.

  “Why don’t they leave? You’re not answering your door.”

  “They’re my friends. They want my company.”

  She turned away to leave. Elijah caught her hand, bringing her close to his body. “This isn’t over,” he said, slamming his lips down on hers.

  His kiss was passionate yet loving. Pulling away, Amber looked at him, surprised.

  “We’ve still got a lot to discuss. Go and have fun with your friends. You owe me breakfast after this.”

  Amber shushed him up and then closed the door behind her.

  “Come on, Amber. I’m tired and bored, and I’m hungry,” Ashley said.

  “I’m coming.”

  Rushing toward the door, she quickly glanced around the apartment to make sure there was no sign of him. Letting out a breath, she opened the door.

  “Hey,” she said, trying to look casual.

  “What were you up to?” Connie asked, walking past her.

  Heather headed straight for the kitchen while Ashley dived on the sofa face first. Amber couldn’t help but cringe. She and Elijah had fucked on that sofa.

  “I’m so tired. I took a man home last night, and I swear to God, he was a yoga tutor or something. No man should ever be allowed to bend like that.” Ashley curled around a pillow.

  “You guys took me by surprise. I wasn’t expecting you here today,” Amber said, taking a seat opposite Ashley.

  Connie was rummaging through her book collection, putting away the book she’d borrowed a week ago.

  “It’s pancakes, Amber. We all love pancakes.” Ashley grumbled from her position.

  Every now and again she glanced at her bedroom door. How long could she keep this up knowing he was listening to their entire conversation?

  “What happened to you last night?” Heather asked, calling from the kitchen.

  “I was a little bored. I came home and read.”

  “You don’t look like you’ve got any sleep,” Connie said.

  “It was broken.” Amber played with the tails of her robe while thinking about Elijah and what he’d done to her body. This was the closest she’d gotten to ever being caught by her friends.

  This had to stop. She couldn’t keep opening herself up to this, knowing it was only a matter of time before Elijah got bored and left her.


  Elijah glanced over at the time to see it was getting close to noon. His sister, his woman, and their friends were still talking and laughing. The scent of pancakes was long gone, but he was still starving. Listening to the women talk about men and sex was plain disgusting. Heather was his sister, and he was fucking scarred at what she’d been telling Amber. Fuck, the next time he saw Julian he was going to smash the bastard’s face in.

  The sound of the front door closing had him storming out of the bedroom.

  “I never want to hear you talking about men again,” he said.

  Amber faced him, still in a robe, with a glare on her pretty face.

  “You shouldn’t have been listening.”

  “I’m not talking to Julian again,” he said.

  She walked past him. “You’ll do no such thing. The moment you start talking they’ll all become suspicious of what you were doing here. It’s not happening, and I’m not having you treat my friends with anything but respect, even your sister.”

  He caught her elbow. “I’m the only man that’s known you, right?” he asked.

  Her eyes widened, and he knew in that instant that he’d fucked up.

  Amber pulled her arm out of his grip. “That’s none of your business.”

  “It’s my business, Amber.”

  She opened her wardrobe and started rummaging through the contents. He watched her, admiring the way the robe molded to her sexy backside. God, he missed her close to him already.

  Removing the spare robe he found in the bathroom, he went to her. He lifted up the fabric of the robe, caressing his fingers over the globes of her full ass.

  “I’m sorry, baby. I shouldn’t have gotten angry.”

  Amber tensed for a split second before melting against him.

  “You’re the only man I’ve ever known,” she said. Her voice was so quiet that he only just caught it. He tightened his grip on her hips, tugging at the belt keeping her robe together. The moment she was naked in his arms, he dived between her slick thighs to
her sweet cunt. Plunging a finger into her warmth he tested to see if she was ready for him.

  Her cunt was dripping wet. His seed and her cum combined together on his fingers. Last night was not enough, and he’d learned some time ago that a lifetime with Amber would still be too short a time.

  Amber wasn’t the only one who’d been running. He’d been running from her just as much. His feelings for her scared him.

  “Why did you have to come back now?” she asked, whimpering.

  He fingered her clit, relishing the feel of her quivers.

  “I couldn’t stay away any more. I needed you.”

  She shook her head. “You’re going to destroy me.”

  “No, I’m not. I’m going to cherish you.”

  Turning her around to face him, Elijah pushed her against the wall near the wardrobe. Sinking to his knees before her, he lifted one thigh over his shoulders opening her up for his touch.

  “What are you doing?” she asked. Her eyes were glazed over with her arousal.

  “First, I’m going to eat this sweet pussy, and then I’m going to spend the rest of the day fucking you. You’ve not got any plans, have you?”

  She didn’t respond for the longest time. Finally, she shook her head.

  “Good, because I can’t be anywhere but inside you at this moment.” He closed the distance between his face and her pussy. The first taste was as addictive as the last. He’d heard of couples being together and the chemistry never disappearing. Elijah always thought it was a load of bullshit. People got bored with each other, and they moved on. Marriage was a trick designed to trap people. He never once thought he’d find the one woman who could keep him on his toes.

  From the moment he first took Amber, he’d never strayed. He’d fucking tried, but her face always entered his mind, stopping him before he got chance to seal the deal. It was probably good. There was no way he’d ever be able to be with Amber if he knew she’d been with other men.

  He was a big bastard. She wasn’t his first woman. He’d taken other lovers before their first time. Elijah was older than she was and hadn’t lived like a monk when it came to sex.

  Elijah blocked everything out and licked her creamy pussy.

  “This is my fucking pussy.” He muttered the words against her.


  Her fingers sank into his hair, tightening her grip into a fist.

  “That’s right, baby. Hold me in place. Fuck my face and show me what you want.”

  Amber thrust her hips onto his face, giving him her pussy. He plunged his tongue deep into her pussy and then circled the bud.

  Wetting his finger through her copious amounts of cum, he pressed the wet digit against her anus. He circled her ass, testing the tight muscles.

  She moaned, opening for him. Elijah pushed the tip of his finger inside. Amber was getting wetter with his invasion. He wished he could fuck her at the same time, but he only had one dick and one set of hands. Getting another man to join them wasn’t an option. There was no way he was going to let it happen.

  “I’m close,” she said.

  His hair was tugged, and he didn’t care. Pushing his entire finger into her ass, he smashed his tongue against her clit, bringing her to orgasm. Amber screamed, thrusting onto his face.

  Removing his finger from her ass, he gripped her waist as her legs were about to give out underneath her. He held her tightly while flicking her clit with his tongue.

  Only when she called for him to stop, did he stop.

  Getting to his feet, he picked her up in his arms and dropped her onto the bed.

  Without waiting, he gripped his erection and slid into her body.

  Their moans mingled. This was where they communicated, inside the bedroom without any interference from the outside world.

  They were perfect together. Elijah just needed to prove it to her.

  He held her close and made love to her. Elijah didn’t rush or speed up. He took his time, loving every inch of her body until, together, they found their completion.

  Chapter Five

  On Monday morning, Amber’s body was sore all over. There was not a part of her he hadn’t touched. She drove to work because she couldn’t handle the thought of being cramped in a bus or on the subway into the city. Parking proved to be a problem. She rarely took her car into the city, and the law office where she worked was always busy.

  When she found the parking lot was full, she paid a ridiculous sum of money to get her car parked all day. She hated paying for something she didn’t have too. If she’d not been picky she wouldn’t have had a problem with parking, and she wouldn’t have been late for work.

  Running through the city in heels was the most humiliating thing she’d ever done. The two women on the front desk of the law office gave her pitying looks as she walked in.

  “How late am I?” she asked, trying not to wheeze.

  Shit, when had she gotten so unfit?

  “Dale Marche wants to see you,” Abby said, looking her up and down. “You might want to go and make yourself presentable.”

  Nodding her head, she headed for the female quarters at the back of the law office. Opening her cubby, she stored her bag and coat before heading to the mirror to check the damage. She didn’t wear any makeup, and today was no exception.

  Running her fingers through her red hair, she took a deep breath and made her way out and toward the elevator. The ride up was the hardest minutes of her life. Dale was stationed on the top floor. He was in his late thirties and had become partner to the law firm for his quick thinking and the fact he’d never lost a case.

  His personal assistant told her to go on through. She loved working for this law firm. The employees didn’t take any shit and were not unkind to one another. They were a top law firm and demanded the best of all their employees. She felt part of the team, but she was thinking today would be her last day.

  Knocking on the door she waited for Dale to call for her to enter. When she did, she closed the door behind her and stepped into the room.

  “Miss Phelps, it’s a pleasure. Please, take a seat.” He gestured for her to take a seat.

  Stepping into the room she slowly lowered herself in the chair available, opposite his desk.

  “Is it a pleasure?” she asked.

  “Why wouldn’t it be?”

  “You’re going to fire me for being late?” She looked down at her knees, wishing he’d just get it over with.

  “No, I’m not going to fire you. This is your first tardy, and the security guard told me you couldn’t find any parking. You were signed in because you’d have been here on time otherwise.”

  She was shocked and simply stared at him. One, she wasn’t going to get fired, and two, she wasn’t going to get fired. Okay, they were the same thing, but she needed a few seconds to adjust to the fact she was still in a job.

  “Seriously?” she asked, feeling like a child.

  “We’re not ogres, Amber. You don’t mind me calling you Amber, do you?” She shook her head. “Good. We like to work with our employees so we get the best performance out of them. You’re a good worker. Hard working and you get your job done. You’re an asset to this team, and I was wondering if you’d like to go out on a date with me,” he said.

  Her mouth fell open. She couldn’t stop her initial reaction. “W-what?”

  “I noticed on your status you were single, and I’d like to get to know you. I consider myself a pretty decent guy. I like you. I’m attracted to you. I’d like to get to know you better outside of work.”

  His words were registering, but she didn’t think he was saying them properly.

  “You’re not serious?” she asked, looking behind her. Why was she looking behind her? No one was there, and she was starting to think this was some kind of joke.

  “This is no joke, Amber. I like you a lot, and I want to get to know you. I’m a blunt person, and I don’t see a reason pissing about with the truth.”

  She saw that.

>   Looking down at her hands she tried not to laugh. The whole weekend she’d spent with Elijah in her bed, and yet there was still no promises made between them. This is how it had been like with them. Neither of them committed to the other. They were always fighting one another, and when Elijah grew bored he’d leave her.

  She didn’t even know if he’d taken other women. Shit, she needed to get the morning after pill.

  “I, erm, I’m sort of seeing someone. It’s not really official or anything.” Her cheeks were heating with humiliation. Why was she explaining her situation to him?

  “You’re not together though?” he asked, leaning forward.

  He was such a large man. She’d seen him coming and going out of the gym they kept in the basement above the parking lot.


  “Then give me a chance. I understand you’re seeing someone else. No pressure. Give me a shot,” he said.

  “If I refuse, what then?” she asked, nibbling her lip. Part of her wanted to go out with him. She needed to see what it was like to be with someone other than Elijah. He’d controlled her for too long. She needed to stop always being worried about what he’d think.

  This is not like me.

  She ignored her doubts and looked at Dale. He leaned back, folding his arms over his chest. “I’ll fire you.”

  Her heart stopped, and she stared at him in shock.

  Dale suddenly smiled, transforming his whole face. “I’m kidding, Amber. I’m not a monster. You can say no, and things go back to the way they were. I’m not an ogre, and I’m not an ass.”


  “Take the day to think about it,” he said. “I’ll be waiting tonight after work for an answer. There’s no pressure, and I can wait.”

  “Okay,” she said, repeating the word. “Is there anything else you want to say to me?”


  “Isn’t dating between colleagues bad?” she asked, frowning.

  “It’s not encouraged, but we all understand when you work in this job and are putting in long hours then attractions are going to start and develop. I hope my interest hasn’t offended you,” he said.

  “No, it hasn’t. I’m surprised. I better get started back to work. I don’t want anyone to be giving me problems for slacking off.” She stared at him for several seconds before standing. “I’ll see you tonight.”


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