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Owned by Him

Page 9

by Sam Crescent

  She frowned at him. “Elijah Booth, are you taking me to a sex resort?” she asked.

  “It’s a kind of sex resort.”

  “What do you mean by kind of?”

  He chuckled. The suspicion on her face and in the tone of her voice was incredibly cute. “It’s a sex resort that I helped invest in. This is why I’m not hurting for money, and I don’t really need a job.”

  “You’ve got income from a sex resort?”

  “It’s a resort that offers everything to everyone. One of my wealthy friends is a Dom and a sub. He’s a switch, but for so long he was undecided.” Elijah twirled a strand of her hair. “He came to me talking about people and couples exploring certain activities together.”

  “It’s not always safe to go out hunting close to him,” she said.

  “Yeah, so he asked if I’d be willing to offer my services for several weekends a year, and I do. He’s wealthy, and he didn’t need any help financially.”

  “What’s the resort called?”

  “Take Me Away. It’s incredibly lame, but my friend felt it had a lot of pull. Men and women experience that feeling of wanting to get away at times in their lives or in relationships.”

  He stroked the back of her neck, loving the way she shivered against his fingers.

  “I like the name. What do you offer?”

  “I’ve never taken a sub or done anything sexual. I told Derrick I wouldn’t do that.”

  “Derrick’s the guy who owns the resort?”

  “Derrick Torres. He’s a good guy. We offer everything. There are special weekends for Dom/sub pairs, or for sadists, but they’re not as popular at the moment. We cater to more than one fantasy. Two or more men at a time for some women or more than one woman for the men. There are auctions where they have the chance to buy a willing slave. It’s all above board and consensual. Derrick has a psychologist and some medical staff in case of emergencies. He’s strict on security as well.”

  “Okay, wow, I get it. The resort is above board, and we’re both safe.” She took his hand. “I trust you, Elijah. Do I need to be worried about what you’ve got planned for us?”

  “No. We’re not joining in the fun. I’ve got a place near the ocean. It’s secluded and away from the resort. I own it, and I wanted you to see part of my life.”

  “A weekend away for us both to be together without any trouble?”


  She settled her head against his chest. “I love you.”

  “Baby, words can’t describe how much I love you.”

  The rest of the plane ride to the resort went by without a hitch. Amber fell asleep with her head on his lap. He stroked through her red curls, staring out of the window across from him. This weekend was about more than getting them to spend time together. He hoped to rekindle their life with him as the Dominant and her as his submissive. Elijah missed their time together and the intensity of their relationship within that world.

  He’d always been a Dom, and he knew in his own mind that he’d never change that part of him. Amber with all of her spunky attitude and fiery personality was a submissive at heart. There were moments when he saw her need to be controlled flash in her eyes.

  They needed this weekend together to get back to the way they were. Over the last few weeks they’d gained ground with their feelings for each other, and now he felt was the time to advance on that. His palms were sweaty and his cock aching with need, but he was determined to have everything with Amber. Elijah knew it was possible. She was the woman for him, and there was nothing stopping them from being together.

  Chapter Eleven

  “What do you think?” Elijah asked.

  Amber stared at the cabin or holiday home or whatever the hell you wanted to call it. She loved it instantly. Turning around she stared out at the ocean. The sun was setting, and the orange and fiery red tones blazing in the sky made her gasp. This was such a perfect place to be. The cabin looked like a luxurious bungalow surrounded by sand and trees. The resort itself was idyllic, and to anyone knew or was experimenting the place wouldn’t feel threatening.

  “This is perfect, Elijah. Your friend really knew what he was doing.”

  His arms wrapped around her waist. “Our luggage has been unpacked. Do you want to go and look inside?”

  “Not yet. I want to watch the sun go down.”

  Living in the city she never got chance to watch the sunset.

  “It’s so beautiful,” she said. She held onto his hands, resting against him.

  “I always thought of you when I watched the sunset.” He kissed the side of her head.


  “Yeah. Look at the colors, Amber. They’re fiery, passionate, and so full of life. You’re the same. Your hair is the same color as the fire, and I’ve seen the passion you have. But if you look at the sky, there’s so much going on that no one really sees what truly is happening,” he said. His voice was intoxicating. He reeled her in with his words.

  “What’s really happening?” she asked, staring at the sky but so focused on the man behind her.

  “The sky is just as submissive as you. On the outside it’s all the passion and the attitude, but if you look long enough and hard enough, you see the sun is simply going down. It’s submissive to its Master.”

  “You’re talking about more than the sun, Elijah,” she said.

  He turned her in his arms. “I am talking about more than the sun. Staring at the sunset always reminded me of you. Wherever I went within the world, I’d always remember you. You were the one person I never wanted to forget or to escape from.”

  She stared into his eyes, captivated by his intense stare.

  “You’re my submissive, Amber. You’re my woman, and you’re my sunset.”

  “What do you mean?” she asked. Tears filled her eyes. Elijah was opening up to her in ways she didn’t think was possible.

  “You’re my everything, Amber. You’re my submissive, the woman I argue with and have fun with. I’ve wasted seven long years to get my shit together, but I’m telling you, baby, you’re not going to have to wait another damn minute for me. I’m here, and I’m ready to commit to you.”

  “Why did you get so sweet?”

  “You’re the reason. Only you.”

  She reached out, stroking his cheek. “I’m ready, too. I’m ready for you to be my Master again and my Elijah.”

  He leaned down and kissed her. His tongue plundered her mouth, demanding and so in control. She missed this. “I have to taste you. I need you spread out on my bed.”

  “I want that, too.” She circled his neck, pressing her body against his.

  Elijah grabbed her ass, rubbing his cock against her pussy. She moaned, kissing him back as he took her lips once again.

  “Not out here. I’m taking you inside.”

  Picking her up, he crossed the threshold of the cabin. She liked the thought of calling it a cabin more than a bungalow. His place was modern with all the touches a man could want. The cabin was open planned, and she saw all the rooms in one turn. The doors were wide open, and she spotted a pool out of the far window.


  “Is that the only word in your vocabulary?” he asked, teasing her.

  “Around you it seems to be. This place is amazing.”

  He put her on her feet giving her a chance to look around. She noticed there was no office. There was a large sitting room with a full length plasma television. There was a small fireplace on the side wall, which made it look cozy. She imagined in the winter it would make staying at the resort comfortable.

  Through to the kitchen she saw an open plan kitchen and dining room.

  “Do you entertain a lot?” she asked.


  The appliances were top of the range. The cabin layout was better than her apartment.

  Next he took her through to another room, the main bedroom.

  “This is where we’ll be sleeping,” he said.

  The b
ed was large and open. She caressed the sheets, feeling the silk of them against the pads of her fingers.

  “Every comfort, right?”

  “Yeah. There’s another room I want to show you.” He took her hand and led her through to where she imagined the office would be. The door didn’t have a lock. “I had this installed, but I never planned to use it. I felt I needed to make it, and I think even then I always intended to claim you, Amber.”

  He opened the door and switched on the light.

  The room was large, like an office, only this office was not intended for work but for play. She gasped as she recognized several devices and toys.

  “This is your playroom?”

  “It’s our playroom. I’ve never used this with anyone else. You’re the only person I want, Amber.”

  She stepped inside and felt like she was going into another life. The desire to get down on her knees and present herself to him was strong. She held off and took the time to admire the playroom.

  A lot of care and attention had gone into decorating this room. Like in most playrooms one wall was devoted to spanking equipment. She eyed the whips, coils, floggers, and paddles. Elijah had used each one in Club Kink. These were personal spanking toys. No other woman had known the pleasure or the pain they could create. In the BDSM club, the toys were cleaned before every use, but others had felt what they could create.

  Her personal favorite item was the spanking bench. She loved leaning over the bench and being open to her Master for him to spank.

  She moved toward the bench, touching the hard leather. “It’s beautiful.”

  There were chains hung from the wall, and on the far wall, next to the floggers was a cross. They’d never used it at Club Kink. She didn’t like to be open or vulnerable in front of people.

  “I’ve always wanted to get you naked for me. I want you to trust me with your body.”

  “I trust you.”

  “I’d like to play with you this weekend, Amber.”

  “And I’d like that, too, Sir.”

  She let out a sigh. Amber hadn’t called him Master or Sir in a long time. Hearing his title sound off her lips and into the air, made her feel calm.


  Elijah smiled. His hands shook as he reached for her. Seeing her inside his playroom made all the weeks and months put into decorating the room worthwhile. He’d spent hours trawling the internet looking for the right toys to fill the room.

  Even though he’d tried to forget about Amber, she’d always been at the forefront of his mind when organizing his room.

  “Do you want me to assume the position?” she asked, taking him by surprise.

  He shook his head. “No.”

  “Why not?”

  “We’ve got all weekend to experiment and explore. Tonight, I want you as you are.” Elijah led her out of the playroom, shutting the door behind him.

  She didn’t say another word as he led her to the back of the cabin to where the bedroom was. He let her go, and they faced each other. The bed was a dominating presence between them.

  “Do you want this?” he asked. He wanted her to be ready.

  “I’m ready, Elijah. So ready.”

  Closing the small distance that lay between them, Elijah sank his fingers into her hair, bringing her closer to him with his grip. She went without a fight, relaxing against him.

  “I need your lips. Give them to me.”

  She went on her toes as she leaned down, brushing his lips against hers. He touched her so lightly and fleetingly that she moaned.

  “Please, Elijah, don’t tease me. It has been too long.”

  “And this will be amazing. Trust me, baby. I know what I’m doing.”

  He fingered the buttons of her suit jacket and popped them out, opening her jacket. Loosening his grip on her hair, he pushed the open jacket from her shoulders.

  Amber gasped.

  “I’ve barely touched you, and you’re already shaking.”

  “I’m turned on. I need you to touch me.”

  “I will. All in good time,” he said, stroking fingers down the front of her shirt. He purposely missed skimming her nipples. The buds were so tight as they pressed to the front of her shirt. He went down caressing her stomach and tugging at her shirt to pull it out of the skirt.

  “You and time. You’re going to drive me crazy with your need to prolong everything.”

  “It’ll be worth it when you’re screaming my name in orgasm.”

  She gasped, pressing toward him. “I need you now.”

  “I’m in charge. Wait for it.”

  Amber closed her eyes, whimpering.

  He tugged her shirt out and began unbuttoning her shirt. She wore a lacy white bra. He saw the dark red tips of her nipples, glinting at him through the lace. Pushing the shirt from her shoulders, he knelt before her.

  Elijah looked up at her, staring up the length of her body. “You’re so damn beautiful.”

  Running his hands up her legs, he found the zipper and pulled. The dress fell down her body in a heap on the floor. He held her hand, giving her help to step out and kick the skirt aside.

  She was mostly naked with only her bra and panties remaining. He stood and circled her where she stood in front of him. Elijah reached out stroking her back then moving around to caress her arm. He touched her, circling her at the same time.

  Goosebumps erupted all over her flesh. He saw them. Her nipples were hard buds pressing against the lace of her bra. His mouth watered for a taste of her supple flesh.

  “I bet you’re wet for me, aren’t you, baby?” he asked, standing close to her.

  He wrapped an arm around her middle, kissing her neck.

  “You know I am.”

  Teasing her, Elijah stroked an arm down her middle to rest on her rounded stomach. He kept his hand on her stomach while kissing and nibbling her neck. Only when he knew she was ready to be touched did he caress down to her covered mound. The front of her panties were soaking wet with cream.

  Elijah gripped the fabric, then tore it from her body. She gasped, arching up toward his palm. Chuckling, he settled his palm against the fine hairs of her pussy. She was so fucking wet and sweet.

  “Wet, dripping wet.” He bit down on her shoulder as he pressed a finger deep inside her tight entrance. Adding a second finger, he pumped inside her, drawing out the pleasure and watching as her body shook. He’d not touched her clit yet, and she was panting for more.

  “Elijah,” she said, whimpering.

  “What’s the matter, baby? Do you need to come?” He pressed a third finger inside her and opened his fingers, stretching her for his cock.

  Rubbing his cock against her ass, Elijah felt her cum spill over his fingers.

  “Yes. Stop teasing me.”

  He pumped inside her body. Slamming all three fingers inside her tight heat, he pressed a thumb to her swollen clit. Her cries were music to his ears. Amber never held anything back. She didn’t fake her responses. He’d not given her an opportunity to fake anything.

  “I like teasing you.”

  Stroking his thumb across her clit, he teased her, waiting until she was close before drawing his hand out of her cunt.

  Amber screamed in frustration. “Stop it.”

  She jumped out of his arms. Elijah kept his gaze on hers and licked his fingers. They tasted juicy, sweet, and utterly like her pussy.

  He grabbed her arms and threw her down to the edge of the bed. “I’m going to lick this pussy before I do anything else.”

  Opening her thighs, he dived in and began licking and sucking her clit into his mouth. There was nothing neat or tidy in what he did. Opening her legs with the width of his shoulders, he settled between her spread thighs. He held the lips of her pussy open with his fingers. Elijah lavished her pussy. He fucked her with his tongue and then smashed her clit, flicking the bud.

  Amber was screaming, shuddering, and clawing at his arms.

  “Come for me, baby.” He thrust two fingers into h
er cunt, turned them and stroking over her G-spot. She erupted, her cream spilling over his fingers as she sat up on the bed, crying out. The bliss on her face was intoxicating.

  Wiping her juices from his chin, he climbed up the bed. Reaching around her body, he tugged the bra off her. The bra was only in his way. Once he had her bare, Elijah slammed his lips down on hers.

  “Did that take the edge off, baby?” he asked.


  “Good.” He moved off her and stood at the end of the bed waiting. “I now want you to undress me.”

  He was still fully clothed, and he intended to make this night to last.

  Chapter Twelve

  There was no grace in climbing off the bed. Amber did the best she could, keeping her eyes on Elijah as she went to him. He stood fully clothed, staring at her with that heated look she loved so much.

  “Come here and undress me,” he said again.

  She reached for his shirt and began to unbutton him. His hard, tanned, muscular chest appeared before her eyes. Elijah worked out giving him the definition in his frame. She ran her hands up his chest, like he’d done to her and pushed the shirt off his shoulders.

  Stroking her hands down his arms she felt how warm he was.

  “You’re so warm.”

  “I burn hot for you, baby.”

  “You’re charming me again.”

  He gripped her chin, bringing her closer to his lips. She moaned, kissing him back. Elijah did know how to kiss.

  Her body hummed with the tension.

  “Do you want me, baby?” he asked.


  “On your knees,” he said.

  She sank to her knees, gripping the buckle of his belt. Amber worked the belt and the jeans open until they fell down around his knees.

  His cock sprang up. The tip was red and glistened with pre-cum.

  “Touch me, Amber.”

  Reaching up, she wrapped her fingers around the root of his shaft. He groaned. She looked up to see him staring down at her.

  “You’re rock hard,” she said.

  “That’s what you did to me, baby. I want inside your cunt. I know what you taste like and how tight you are.”

  She knelt up and licked the tip of his cock.


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