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Red Hot

Page 9

by Ann B. Harrison

  She readied her equipment and quickly sewed the wound closed. After dressing the injury, Rhian lifted the dog and put her in a cage on soft towels, letting her sleep off the sedative. May walked in just as she was washing down the table.

  “Well now. Do I have to squeeze it out of you or are you going to share the goss?” The small brunette stood with her arms crossed and a petulant look on her face.

  “You know I would eventually, don't I always?” Rhian wiped the table down and threw the paper towel in the bin. “His name is Red as you already know. He crashed his motorbike on the coast road the weekend I found Bambi.” She smiled at May, remembering the dazed lost look when he came to and she was standing over him. “Poor boy swerved to miss the wee thing if you please. What a sweet man he is.”

  “And that's all there is to this story. Why don't I believe you, Rhian?” May walked in and leaned over the table, her head resting in her hands as Rhian fussed with her equipment. “You would hardly break your staunch stand on spells if there wasn’t more to this.”

  “Oh now, there's not much more to tell. He rang to ask me to a picnic tonight. Not a real date you understand. At least it didn't sound like it.” Rhian screwed up her forehead.

  “Why didn't it sound like a date? Did he ask you to take home his laundry or something?” May shrugged and raised her eyebrows.

  “No, it was more the tone of his voice. Not calm and gentle like he normally is. Kind of rushed and in some sort of a hurry. Now I wonder why that would be?”

  “What do you mean, 'normally?' How many times have you met this guy?”

  “Well now, the time he fell off his bike. The time he called in here to say hello the following day.” Rhian could feel the heat racing up her face and May pinned her with a sharp look. “Then I invited him to dinner the following night.” She broke off with a break in her voice. That was the night she mounted him and just about blew her brains out with the orgasm that had hounded her all day. All his fault of course, he had been on her mind and with his beautiful body, it stood to reason it would make her horny.

  But she wasn't going to tell May about that night. No way, at least not yet. Those visions were going to be hers alone to be replayed on the nights she couldn't have the real thing. Hopefully there wouldn't be too many of those.

  “So, tonight on this non-date, what are you doing?” May asked.

  “Well, he did suggest we go for a ride on his bike somewhere and have a picnic and watch the sun go down.” Her hands stilled and she moaned. “Oh shit, I need to shop. There's nothing in the fridge suitable for a picnic.” Rhian looked at May. “May, can you whip up to the deli for me, pretty please and grab some food for tonight.”

  “But you told him you had plenty in the fridge. Why would you say that?”

  “The poor boy wouldn't know the first thing about a picnic, take my word for it.” Rhian rubbed her fingers into her eye sockets. This morning's headache was still just near the surface, and threatened to come back and bite her ass. “Please May while I watch the phones and deal with whatever comes in.”

  “I hope this isn't another of your lost souls needing rescuing, Rhian. Please don't fall for another idiot like the last one, you can do so much better,” May pleaded.

  “Oh no. ‘T is nothing like that May, my love. He's just not the sort who takes his nose away from his job very often you see. A scientist he is and no doubt very good too. He just doesn't strike me as the outgoing type you understand. A bit nerdy you might say.”

  “Nerdy, don't you mean needy?” May frowned and shook her head. “It's not a wonder you haven't got yourself a husband girl. You always pick the ones nobody else wants. Ooh I could strangle you, Rhian, honestly.”

  “Stop now. He is nothing of the sort. He's just a little bit, um shy I guess. But that's not a bad thing. Now be a good girl and go and get me something nice and easy for dinner.” She pushed her hand on May’s back and guided her out to the desk where she took money from the till and pushed her out the door. “Take my car too,” she said and handed over her keys.

  Rhian smiled to herself as the little car reversed out of the drive and took off down the hill toward the shops. May meant well and was always there when Rhian crashed when the latest 'Mr. Right' didn't turn out. This wasn't going to happen with Red. Of that she was certain. But damned if she was going to take too much more digging about her spells either, she would have to find a way to stop May asking for information.

  She sang to herself, and went back out into her surgery to check her sleeping patient. The dog was still resting peacefully so Rhian took the opportunity to check her supplies and start the order list for the end of the week.

  Chapter 7

  May locked the door on her way out after the clinic closed and Rhian ran into her room to find clothes suitable to wear on a bike. Passing over her selection of dresses she eyed her old blue jeans and decided if they were going on the motorbike these were the most suitable things she owned. She picked out a warm sweater and changed out of her work clothes. She pulled on some old comfortable boots and ran into the kitchen to pack a picnic basket. Thinking better of it, she grabbed a lined backpack and packed all of the delicatessen goods in containers that wouldn’t crush, fitting them inside.

  She tried it on her back for weight since she would be the one carrying it and then added a bottle of wine and a couple of plastic goblets. Not too heavy. Satisfied with her efforts, she said goodbye to the animals and left, locking the door behind her.

  She found Red’s house easily. It was only a couple of streets from hers and they both shared the same lovely view over the bay. While her house was bright lemon with white trim, Red’s home was more sedate. A lovely pale dove grey with white trim and a bright red front door. His bike was in the driveway and she parked behind it. As she reached for the picnic bag, she heard him call out.

  “Rhian, glad you could make it. Busy day?” He came down the stairs to stand beside her and rested his hand on her back. He leaned down and gave her a sizzling kiss before taking the bag from her hand.

  “Yes, hectic actually, hardly a moment to breathe but that's how it usually goes you understand. There is always some poor animal in need.” She lifted a hand and touched his face running her fingertips over his cheek. When he smiled at her she reached up and touched her lips to his again before she relaxed against him. She felt so right in his arms. How could what she had done be wrong in the greater scheme of things?

  They both started as a car door slammed and someone cried out.

  “Carrick, what is she doing here? How dare you touch him, you bitch? Get your hands off my boyfriend.”

  Rhian looked into the furious face of a dark haired beauty and took an involuntary step backward. The woman was glaring at her with pure evil seeping from her soul.

  “Eleanor. What the hell are you doing here?” Red asked. He held onto Rhian’s arm but she brushed him off, staggering away from him as the woman grabbed at Red with her blood-red manicured fingernails.

  “When you didn't return my calls, what did you expect?” She threw her arms around his neck and molded her body into his. She planted her bright red lips against his and moaned softly while glaring at Rhian.

  Rhian stood shocked at the display of affection in front of her. What upset her the most was, Red didn't seem too keen to put a stop to it. Who was this woman and why did she have a claim on Red? Hearing May’s words coming back to haunt her she stumbled back toward her car. She turned and with tears in her eyes opened the door and threw the bag on the passenger seat. She quickly climbed in and slammed the door before she started the car.

  Red pulled free and called out to her. “Rhian, stop, I can explain. Please don't go.”

  Tears filled her eyes and rolled down her cheeks as she shook her head. She reversed out of the drive, not at all phased she had narrowly avoided hitting the chauffeur driven car gleaming at the curb. She turned quickly onto the road and headed for home on auto pilot. Rhian was gutted. Another stray she d
eemed worthy to be her mate already had a girlfriend and it would appear she had money, plenty of it.

  How pathetic was she?

  The tears streamed down her face and she brushed them off with the back of her hand. She pulled into her driveway and raced up the stairs and into the house, not bothering with the picnic food. She slammed the door behind her and ran into her bedroom. Rhian threw herself on the bed letting the sobs escape and the tears flow. How could she have been so damned stupid? She thought he was different but it was the same old story. Rhian feeling sorry for the lame duck and getting burned in the process.

  And to think that she had cast a spell to make him look more attractive in his own eyes.

  It sure as hell didn't seem to worry that rich beautiful girl who was clinging to him as Rhian left. Obviously she liked the way he looked just fine.

  She sobbed her heart out and wished for just once she could find a man who wanted her and only her. She wanted to be good enough for a normal guy, not one who had issues greater than she could ever be. A bounce on the bed heralded the arrival of Nero. He walked up the length of her body and sat on the pillow looking down at her.

  She turned her head to look at him through watery eyes. “You told me, didn't you? You didn't think it was a good idea and now I know why.” She sniffed loudly and grabbed a tissue from beside the bed and wiped the tears running down her face. “Next time I want you to dig your claws into my leg, not just turn your back on me.” He watched her with calm, green, unblinking eyes as she raved on. “I thought he was different but he wasn't. He was using me for some sick reason.” Hell, the sex was great and it made a change from Bob but she’d thought this guy was it.

  She snuggled into her pillow and cried until she fell asleep. When she woke the next morning her head thumped and her stomach was protesting the lack of food the night before. Rhian rolled over and bumped noses with Nero.

  “Just as well I can count on you my friend.” She rubbed the heels of her hands into her eyes and willed her headache to go away. Knowing it wouldn't, she tumbled out of bed and staggered into the bathroom. Avoiding the bath and the memories of Red leaning back in the bubbles, she turned on the shower. Rhian stripped and threw her clothes on the floor before she stepped into the warm water. She stayed there until her skin wrinkled and the hot water started to run out. Flicking off the tap, she reached for a towel and dried herself.

  Glancing in the mirror Rhian sucked in a breath. Her face was puffy and her eyes were red-rimmed from her tears. She quickly cast a spell but even that didn't take the sadness from her eyes. She walked back into her room and pulled out clean clothes and dressed.

  In the corner of the lounge, Bambi was getting to her feet, knowing movement meant food was not far behind. On auto pilot, Rhian made the bottle and fed the fawn. She flicked on the coffee and took bread from the cupboard. She stood at the counter and made toast. Rhian ate it although she knew she wouldn't remember what she’d had for breakfast later on.

  Footsteps sounded on the front steps and she walked over to the hallway. The bulk outside the door was Red, she was sure of it. When he knocked on the door, she melted back into the shadows in case he saw her. She was too hurt and raw to face him now. If he had followed her last night she might have spoken to him but sleeping on the hurt had made her stubborn. She walked back to the kitchen and ignored the knocking until he gave up and left.

  She fed Nero when he wandered out and rubbed against her legs--the only constant male in her life who never let her down. Her brother was too young to be responsible so he didn't count. Her Da was losing patience with her inability to settle down and grace him with grandchildren. It would be no use talking to him or her mother. Mam always sided with Da and didn't understand why she hadn't already picked one of the many young men who they deemed suitable son-in-law material. Mooning over a cup of coffee, Rhian replayed last night over in her mind. She was so sure Red was the one. Hadn’t the Fates thrown him at her feet?

  Sighing with despair, Rhian headed for the surgery and unlocked the door. Today was the day she normally did most of her operations and she had to see what she had booked in. If she could avoid it she would. She ran her finger down the page of appointments and groaned.

  “What was that for then?” May walked in the door as Rhian slammed her palm on the appointment book. “Did you not have a good night then, my girl?”

  Rhian shook her head and walked away before tears could start again. She held her hand out to stop May from following her and escaped to the relative safety of her kitchen. She stayed there until May buzzed her when the first patient arrived.

  “Rhian, I don’t want to pry love, but you don’t seem your usual self today.” Mrs. Winkle had been bringing in native wildlife for as long as Rhian could remember. “Is there something I can do for you?”

  “Oh no, thank you. I’m just feeling a wee bit blue for no good reason. Must be the moon changing and I’m desperate for the weekend so I can get out of town.” She tried to smile and failed miserably. She turned her attention to the patient. A cat had attacked the small squirrel and after washing the wounds Rhian gave it an antibiotic injection. “Okay, that’s you for the day. Just bathe the wound and use the cream I gave you and he should be ready for release by next week.” Rhian stroked her finger over the soft fur of the baby squirrel before shutting the lid on the carry cage.

  “Thank you, my dear,” the old lady said. “I hope you enjoy your weekend and come back with a smile on your face. I don’t like seeing you down and sad.”

  Mrs. Winkle walked slowly from the surgery carrying the cage and Rhian heard her talking to May at the front of the house.

  The rest of her day was long and painful. She was not her normal bubbly self, she knew that. Those patients who knew her were kind in their suggestions it was time she had a holiday or a date. May kept her words to herself knowing full well Rhian would talk when she was ready.

  It was almost closing time when May came out to the surgery and announced there was someone here to see her.

  “Well, send them in then.”

  “Um, it's not a patient, Rhian. I think it’s him.” Her voice dropped down to a whisper. “Red.”

  Rhian felt the blood drain from her face. “Tell him I'm not here.”

  “I know you are Rhian and I need to talk to you.” He stood in the doorway, holding his helmet in his hand as he looked at her.

  * * * *

  She was so beautiful but looked incredibly sad. He knew she was hurt and it was his fault. If he had phoned Eleanor back she wouldn't have come to the house and messed up the evening he had planned. He looked at Rhian, willing her to say something, anything.

  Anything except go away and leave her alone.

  “Thanks, May. I'll lock up. I'll see you in the morning.” Rhian smiled at her friend and she left after giving Red a hard stare.

  “Thanks. Look--” he held up his hand in a gesture very much like defeat “--I can't tell you how sorry I am about last night.”

  “Sorry you got caught or sorry you missed out on dinner?” Rhian asked turning from him, her shoulders drooped in defeat making him feel like a heel.

  “Sorry I missed out on a date with you.” He put his helmet on the floor and walked over toward her but stopped when she held out her hand. “There was nothing to get caught out about. She is a long ago ex who just showed up. I'm sorry, really I am. But she means nothing to me. She hasn't for a long time.”

  “What was she doing there then? Tell me the truth, Red. After all you are the one who decided we needed to be honest with each other. How about you try it on for size and tell me what's really happening between the two of you? It wasn't like you were forcing her away when she kissed.”

  “She took me by surprise, honestly. I never expected to see her.” This wasn't going very well and he didn't know what to do to fix it.

  “That much was fucking obvious. But seriously, you could have handled it so much better you know. If you wanted me as a bit on the side
, you should have come here instead of me coming to you.” Rhian’s eyes were hard and she was looking angrier the more she spoke. “You know, just to make sure we never met up. That would have been the sensible thing to do now, wouldn't it?”

  Red cringed at the sarcasm in her voice. “It's not like that, really. Look we broke up last year. She dumped me if you must know. She is the reason I don't feel happy getting into another relationship.” Red shook his head and looked away from her. The feelings were all coming to the surface again. “I got hurt so badly I wasn’t sure if I could risk another heartache when we met. She was the reason why I held back with you Rhian. Because of the hurt she caused me.”

  Rhian lifted her gaze to his and his heart clenched. “But back to her, I wasn't good enough apparently. She tried to make me something I'm not.” He turned away from her and ran his fingers though his hair. “I'm just a scientist trying to do the right thing by developing things that matter to me. She wanted me to discover things that would make instant money if you know what I mean. Things the rich could afford but the average man in the street couldn't.” He turned back to see if she was listening to him. Her gaze was locked on his face.

  “Her father is powerful and could introduce me to the 'right kind of people.' I could get the funding to do the kind of studies they thought were important, but those things are not me Rhian. I wasn't brought up that way. I just couldn't do it all for fame and money. She dumped me in the most public and humiliating way. But not until she had someone to replace me.”

  “Why was she there last night then?”

  “Her boyfriend isn't who she thought he was. She was trying to have another go at me thinking if I missed her enough I would be who she wanted me to be. I can't do that. I've already told you we would try to see if we had something.” He walked closer. Lifting his hand, he ran a finger down her cheek catching the tear making its way down her face. “I told you I would give you total honesty, Rhian. I won't go back on that, I promise you.”


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