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Lavos Page 20

by Laurann Dohner

  “You encouraged that shit, not me. I wasn’t interested. Could I have been any clearer?”

  “I just wanted you as happy as I am. A mate is everything.”

  “All I could think about was Jadee. I told you that.”

  “I didn’t understand you were that drawn to her.”

  “Now we know why.”

  “This Mya is damn persistent. The news might upset her, since she made it clear she was interested and believed you were single.”

  “Too bad for her. Volti’s an enforcer, and he’d love to test out a mating. Kar wasn’t looking for a mate but he’s definitely horny. Both of them are good options. Gar wanted a mate but he’s doing territory patrol.”

  “I’ll shove them at her.”


  “I need you here when the main meal is served. Can you drop your mate off with mine? They’ll be safe together and Kira would appreciate the company. We discussed it and I don’t want her there. I trust the other clans not to attack my mate but it would be a perfect time while we’re distracted for any Decker sympathizers to go after her. The other clan leaders agreed with me.”

  “Kira was okay with that?”

  “Yes. She understands.”

  “Can do, but you know everyone is going to smell Jadee on me.”

  “I realize, but it’s important my lead enforcer be at my side, Lavos. Human mate or not. We’ll say you mated Jadee and brought her home when you checked out that report of a Vampire sighting. Maybe she could be the one who saw the Vamp, and you interviewed her. There is such a thing as instant bonding. Be vague with the details. You’re good at that.”

  “Understood. An hour?”

  “Make it an hour and a half so it’s believable. Appetizers are just being served. Davis figured passing around trays of them would help relax everyone and ease us into conversations before we’re seated. He called it ‘mingling.’ You supposedly left our territory, so you’d need time to return. I’ll try to pull our enforcers aside so they don’t seem shocked when you arrive, scenting like you’ve just mated a human.”

  “Can you send Davis to your home? I know Kira can defend herself but Jadee can’t.”

  “You’re a pain the ass, but yeah, I’ll see what I can do.”

  “Thanks, Lorn. You took it better than I thought you would. You’re a good brother.”

  “You’re an idiot if you thought I’d accept your offer to leave. I’d rather not have a clan than lose my brother. We’ve always stood together. See you soon.” Lorn disconnected the call.

  Lavos grinned.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Jadee felt nervous. “So this Kira was a human, then a Vampire, but now she’s a VampLycan?”

  “Her father is a VampLycan but her mother was human. Kira was born mostly human like her mother.”

  “Then she was attacked, turned into a Vampire, but drinking blood from your brother helped her become more Lycan than Vampire?”

  “She’s almost equally both now. She can withstand the sun and eat food.”

  “This is so complicated.”

  “You’re doing great.” Lavos smiled.

  “I feel like I’m cramming for a test no one told me about and I have an hour to learn it all or I fail.”

  “There’s no failing. I’m just getting you acquainted with facts about your new family. I’m sorry I have to go to the lodge but you can’t come with me. And I don’t want to leave you alone. You’ll be safe with Kira.”

  “She won’t want to bite my neck, right?”

  “She only feeds off my brother, Lorn. Mates share blood.”

  “Am I going to turn into something from drinking your blood? Will you turn partly human?”

  He chuckled. “I have the dominant traits in our relationship. I won’t turn human, but some things about you will become different over time.”

  She felt the blood drain from her face. “Am I going to turn into a Vampire?”

  “No.” He shook his head, looking far too amused. “My Lycan blood will protect you from my Vampire genes. You’ll get a better immune system to fight off colds and other things humans suffer from. It will also greatly slow your aging. You’ll heal faster from drinking my blood, too.”

  “That doesn’t sound so bad. It probably accounts for how awake I feel. I was exhausted when I arrived but now I’m almost hyper.”

  His gaze lowered to her belly. “Every child you carry will help. Some humans who mate with Lycans tend to become Lycan over time.” His voice deepened. “We could have lots of children.”

  “Eyes up here, sexy.”

  He held her gaze.

  “Still fixated on the babies, huh?”


  “It’s okay.” She took his hand. “Is the PMS a little better?”

  “Not by much. I resent having to be dressed right now when all I want to do is keep you naked in my bed.”

  “I wouldn’t complain. I love sex with you.”

  He growled, the blue of his eyes brightening.

  “Horny, huh?”

  “You have no damn idea. I’m rock hard.”

  She glanced at his groin, the bulge detectable. “How long do you have to spend with your brother?”

  “A few hours at most. I’ll return and pick you up as soon as possible.”

  She focused on his face. “You said Lorn just took control of the clan and the other ones are worried about that. Why?”

  “We were led by Decker. He had no honor and tried to cause friction with the other clans.” He licked his lips, his gaze wandering over her body. “Everyone hated him, including most of his own clan.”

  “He was like a corrupt politician?”

  “Worse.” The blue faded from his eyes and darkened to near black. The evil look returned. “He murdered innocents and wanted to start a war.”

  “What’s going on with your eye color?”

  He blinked a few times. “Sorry. It’s a VampLycan thing. They lighten when I’m using Vampire traits or thinking about sex. They darken when I feel rage and my Lycan side is bleeding through.”

  “Okay.” It would take time to adjust to those abilities. “Thanks for clearing that up.”

  “The other clans need assurances that Lorn is nothing similar to Decker.”

  “Is he?”

  “Hell no!” he snarled.

  Jadee startled at his sudden outburst.

  “Sorry.” Lavos lowered his tone, softened it. “I hated Decker.”

  “You said he was a murderer?”

  “Any children in our clan who presented too many Vampire traits were killed, along with their parents if they tried to protect them from Decker and his enforcers. He didn’t like humans either, and kept my brother from claiming Kira because he saw her as too weak to matter. The bastard would have killed her if he could have. It just pisses me off to think anyone could compare my brother to that bastard.”

  “I’m glad Lorn isn’t upset that you mated me.”

  “He understands.” He reached out, stroking her. “He had to resist the urge to claim his mate for a long time. They both suffered for it.”

  “It worked out okay though, right? They’re mated now.”

  “Yes, but we expect problems. That’s why Kira usually has a guard when Lorn isn’t with her. Davis is her father, and he’ll fight to the death to keep her safe too.”

  “What does she need to be protected from?”

  “Some of our clan are paranoid and racist against anyone not clan.”

  “But she’s not human anymore, right?”

  “Yes, but she was turned into a Vampire. Some won’t trust her because of it.”

  “But…VampLycans are half Vampire!”

  “That’s true. Though Decker taught them to hate anyone with too much Vampire blood.”

  “He sounds like a dick.”

  “He was much worse.”

  “Was? So he’s dead?”

  “We wish, but no. He’s gone though, and he can’t ever come ba
ck. The other clans would kill him on sight.”

  “That’s good.”

  “We need to show the other clans that Lorn wants peace with them and alleviate their concerns.”

  “That should be easy enough. He mated Kira and you said Decker kept them apart. That sounds like proof to me that they aren’t the same types of men.”

  He grinned. “True.” He let her go. “I wish logic played a part in this but we’re talking about almost two centuries of Decker fucking with the other clans. It’s going to take time to build and strengthen our bonds with them again.”

  That stunned her. “Two centuries?”

  “Vampires don’t age, and Lycans age much slower than humans. Decker had ruled this clan since he became strong enough to shift and fight. He chased off the full-blooded Lycans and bullied the other VampLycans into following him.”

  She let that sink in. “How old are you?”

  “I’m second generation…and it took a long time for my father to find his mate, and then decide to have children.”

  “He didn’t want to knock up your mother right off the bat?”

  “No. We’ve never been anything alike.”

  “You didn’t answer my question.”

  “How old do you believe I am?”


  He leaned in and stared into her eyes. “Add a few years.”

  “You look good.”

  “I’m considered young. That’s another strike against Lorn. He’s only three years my senior. He’s second generation too, and just a baby compared to the other leaders. The other three clans are still being run by first-generation VampLycans who took control from the beginning.”

  “But he’s not Decker, so that has to make him a huge improvement.”

  He brushed his mouth over hers, kissing her. “Yes.”

  “Point that out to everyone.”

  He grinned. “I will. I wish I could take you with me.”

  “I’m kind of curious now to meet this Kira. I’ll be fine.”

  “You will be. Her father swore he’d protect you with his life. Davis has honor and he’s human friendly. I trust him. He just left the lodge so he’ll be the one guarding you.”

  “Let’s go. Avoid that woman, please. She looked determined earlier to get you into bed.”

  He nodded. “I’m not interested in anyone but you. Remember, I’m a VampLycan.”

  “I’m still trying to figure out what exactly that is.”

  “Would you settle for eating dirt-covered live snails if you were craving chocolate?”

  Jadee grimaced. “Ewww.”

  “That’s how I feel about other women. You’re mine, Jadee. No one else will do.”

  She relaxed, willing to trust him. “Okay.”

  “Time to go. Lorn will be eager for me to join him at the lodge.”

  Jadee gripped his hand tight. “You’re sure Kira won’t want to bite me?”


  “Let’s go.”

  * * * * *

  Lavos pretended to ignore the shocked gasps and the few openly hostile stares as he stood next to his brother. He’d purposely hugged Jadee and rubbed against her when he’d dropped her off at Lorn’s home. It made her scent cling to him strongly. No one would doubt he’d taken a human mate.

  Lorn glanced at him, giving him a knowing look. “Blatant,” he said drily.

  “So what? We want to make a stand and change things.”

  “True.” Lorn smiled, glancing around. “I noticed you turned on the overhead fans.”

  “It helps scents mingle and spread.”

  “As I said, blatant. You’ve got balls, bro.”

  “My situation is different from yours. You had to hide it when you first mated Kira. I want everyone to know Jadee is mine.”

  “They will. I’m certain the gossips will spread it to our members who aren’t present as soon as the meal ends. I didn’t have a chance to warn anyone. Sorry. The clan leaders have been talking to me.”

  “That’s why I asked for Davis to protect her. Sorry to take him from the lodge.”

  “Perri said she could handle the kitchen, and I feel better with Davis watching over my mate too.”

  The bell rang, announcing dinner. Lorn sighed. “Try not to start any fights with the other enforcers.”

  “Good luck eating with the other leaders. No fighting for you, either.”

  “We’re here to keep the peace.”

  Lavos didn’t need the reminder. He turned, making his way to the table he’d been assigned. Kar and Garson were already seated, along with nine enforcers from the other three VampLycan clans. Every man there watched him as he took his assigned place.

  “I’m Lavos, Lorn’s brother,” he announced. He glanced at Garson. “I take it Lorn invited you?”

  “Yes. I got a text from him.”

  Kar sniffed, then smirked. “I know that scent.”

  “Shut up,” Lavos ordered his friend.

  “I don’t.” Garson inhaled, his eyes widening. “You’re mated? When the hell did that happen? I just saw you this morning.”

  “Long story. Drop it,” Lavos ordered.

  “She’s human.” The deep voice came from a dark-headed hulk of a man. “Maku,” he introduced himself. “From Velder’s clan.”

  “Do you have a problem with that?” Lavos tensed, trying to stifle his instant anger.

  “No. Two of Velder’s sons mated mostly human-blooded women. They are good women with big hearts.”

  Lavos breathed easier. “I heard about that. Decker’s granddaughters, right?”

  Maku nodded. “They take after their grandmother. She was from our clan.”

  It was meant to be an insult to the previous clan leader. “My father swore loyalty to Decker long before we were born. Lorn and I hated him.” Lavos decided it was best to be clear and break the tension. “My brother and I weren’t his enforcers, nor were any of Lorn’s current enforcers. We all refused to do his bidding and would only take patrols to keep the rest of our clan safe.” Lavos addressed the rest of the table. “I refuse to apologize that my mate is human. We can take it outside if anyone has a problem with it.”

  “My clan won’t,” another dark-haired enforcer announced. “The name’s Frack, and I’m the lead enforcer for Crocker. We don’t allow our members to casually fuck humans just for the sex, but if someone finds their mate by feeling a strong urge to bite one, bloodlines don’t matter.”

  The man seated next to him nodded. “I’m Brody. Crocker will have no problem with it.”

  An unusually tall enforcer leaned forward, openly studying him. “I’m Wen, from Trayis’s clan. Don’t be so defensive, Lavos. Only Decker fiercely opposed other races being mates. We’ve had a few of our men mate humans. In my clan, only first sons are expected to keep the bloodlines pure VampLycan—and only if their parents demand it. Trayis is open to accepting human and Lycan purebloods as mates if they are willing to swear allegiance.”

  The man to Wen’s left nodded. “I’m mated to a Lycan. The name’s Denno; I’m one of Trayis’s enforcers.”

  Wen spoke again. “We kept close ties with the pack that protected the first generations, before it left here and settled somewhere else. Family is important to us.”

  “That’s how I met my mate.” Denno grinned. “I helped our Lycan family deal with a group of renegade Lycans who’d made a habit out of raiding packs to steal breeders. One of those bastards had forced her to be his mate. I took his ass out and expected her to try to kill me in revenge. Imagine my surprise when she thanked me instead. She asked for my protection, since the renegades had murdered her entire pack when she’d been taken. I brought her home. We fell in love and now she’s mine.”

  Wen lifted his drink and took a sip. “We’re not the ones who have a problem with you taking a human mate.” He stared pointedly across the room. “It’s your own clan you should be worried about.”

  Lavos followed his gaze and caught a few of his cl
an members glaring in his direction. “Those three are first-generation elders who were loyal to Decker.”

  “I could stick around for a few days,” Wen offered. “I’m not mated, and Trayis wants to see your brother succeed. We sure as hell don’t want one of them to take over your clan.”

  “We can handle our own people,” Garson protested.

  Lavos waved him silent. “That’s a nice offer.”

  “Nice, hell.” Wen snorted. “Nobody wants another Decker in charge over here. I’d be willing to fight to keep that from happening.”

  “That’s appreciated.” Lavos inclined his head.

  “We’re doing fine,” Garson muttered.

  Lavos kicked him under the table and shot him a warning look. “Enough.” He turned his attention back to Wen. “I need to take a perimeter walk. Would you like to join me?”


  “I’ll go too,” Kar offered.

  “Sit,” Lavos ordered.

  His friend sat hard, not looking happy. Lavos led the way, giving his brother a nod that stated everything was fine. The taller enforcer followed him outside and they both studied the area.

  “What did you want to talk about in private?” Wen got right to the point.

  Lavos faced him. “You said some of your men mated humans. I have some questions, if you don’t mind me asking them. Decker didn’t allow it and other clans barely spoke to us. Not that we blamed them. You should never have trusted anyone he sent to visit your people. He mostly ordered his loyal enforcers to go spy for him. I’d like to know what to expect between a VampLycan and a human.”

  “Gotcha.” Wen shifted his stance and leaned against one of the porch posts. “I’ll tell you what I know. Hit me with your questions.”

  “Just between us?”

  “Sure. I don’t see any reason to share what we discuss of a personal nature. Trayis wouldn’t ask me to either.”

  “I want to get her pregnant,” Lavos confessed. “It’s an almost overriding desire. My brother and other mated couples I’ve known didn’t seem to experience this.”

  “I’ve seen it before. Blame the Lycan side. First off, she’s the weakest species. Humans are fragile. It’s going to cause you to fear losing her, which riles up the beast. Second, it’s harder to form a mating bond. It’s always a coin toss on the links we can establish with them.”


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