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by Andrea Jordan


  Chapter 2

  Becoming his keyholder

  The next morning Tom woke, remembered the night before and smiled to himself. Yesterday had been fun, even if he had had to induct his own dominatrix. He felt a slight ache between his legs and reached down to feel the steel chastity cage tightly encasing his cock. ‘Shit, that’s right’, he had left the key to the cage with Hannah’. What had he been thinking?

  In the next door apartment, Hannah woke, with the padlock key still in her hand. She took it and rubbed it gently between her legs. Wow, had she really done all those things to her sexy neighbour? She must be some sort of sex goddess! And she still had his cock locked up. For once she wouldn’t have to feel lonely and jealous when his multiple girlfriends knocked on his door. He may not be her boyfriend, but having him locked in chastity had to be the next best thing.

  It didn’t take Tom long to realise that he couldn’t go to work that day, with his wrists still red from Hannah’s handcuffs. So if he couldn’t work, there was only one other thing to do, go and see his neighbour.

  Hannah opened the door, casually dressed in blue jeans and tight fitting t-shirt with her hair in a ponytail.

  “Can I buy you a coffee?” he asked.

  “Are you asking me or this key out for coffee?” Hannah smiled back as she produced the key to the chastity cage from the back pocket of her jeans.

  “You, but the key can come too.”

  “OK, we’d both love to come.”

  He watched intently as she slid the key back into her pocket, where it lay safely pinned against her butt. He could have wrestled the key from her if he’d wanted, but right then he was loving the power that she had over him and loving how excited she seemed to be with their arrangement.

  They sat on stools in the window of the local coffee shop.

  “Does it hurt?” Hannah asked.

  “Its fine,” Tom smiled at his beautiful and most considerate dominatrix.

  “Let me know if you want me to let you out, I have the key right here.” she said tapping her jeans.

  “Yes mistress,” he joked.

  As if remembering her role Hannah said, “I’m still going to lock you inside a cage, like that other woman.” And then after a short pause, “Where do you think I can get a cage?”

  They left the cafe and Tom watched Hannah walk up the street, wondering how she might tackle the next challenge. As he watched her butt, his cock started to ache. She was certainly doing something right.

  Two hours later Hannah knocked on his door, took his hand and led him into her apartment.

  “It’s a tool trunk,” Tom remarked as he examined the steel box in the middle of Hannah’s lounge.

  “It was all I could find.” she replied somewhat disappointed by his reaction.

  “Its thick metal, you won’t be able to escape.”

  “I know, that’s what I’m worried about.”

  “But that’s the fun part isn’t it?”

  “OK let’s give it a try.” he smiled.

  “Cuffs first,” Hannah said as she held up the heavy restraints.

  “Hannah, my wrists are still red from where you cuffed me up yesterday.”

  “That’s only because you tried to struggle,” she purred, “just accept that there’s no way out without my keys and you’ll be fine.”

  “And maybe don’t lock them as tightly?”

  “But you weren’t able to escape were you?”

  “Well, no...”

  “So I must have done it right.” she giggled.

  Hannah found herself getting more and more confident. This was partly as a result of becoming familiar with the restraints, but also because chaining Tom up was such a huge turn on for her.

  However she still lacked the real mean dominatrix instinct and so went to find one of her old silk scarfs and scissors to cut it into two. She then gently wrapped one half around Tom’s left wrist and tied it in place with a small knot. She then took the heavy steel cuff and slowly ratcheted it closed around his wrist.

  “OK, that’s good.” Tom smiled as she squeezed the cuff tighter around his wrist.

  “Just one more click, for me?” she asked and she continued to tighten.

  “Hannah, there is no way I’m slipping out of that!”

  “I know,” she said in a matter-of-fact way as she tightened another three clicks and engaged the double lock.

  Tom watched as she locked the other cuff equally tightly around his right wrist and then did the same with his ankles. Tom stood there chained hand and foot as Hannah lifted the trunk’s steel lid.

  Inside she had already placed a mat. Tom kicked off his shoes and climbed in and lay down on his back with his knees drawn up to his chest. Hannah placed a few cushions around to fill any gaps.

  “I had the shop drill some small holes in this end of the lid so that you can see out a little and of course breathe.” the brunette explained as she looked down at him.

  “Hannah you’re too kind.”

  “Don’t speak too soon....”

  “This is tight fit, I’m not sure the lid will close.”

  “Let’s find out.” she smiled as she gently lowered it in place.

  With an inch left to go, the lid was resting on Tom’s legs. Determined for this to work, Hannah placed a knee on the lid and forced it closed. She then flicked the two padlock hasps in place to hold the lid shut.

  “I can’t move a muscle. My nose is even touching the lid!” Tom complained as he looked up at Hannah through the small drill holes.

  Hannah almost didn’t hear him as she pulled out two large padlocks and in her excitement fumbled as she tried to unlock them.

  “Hannah, I really can’t move at all!”

  But Hannah’s focus was only on the padlocks as she slipped them through the hasps and locked them in place. Her excitement mounted as the second lock clicked shut. She then held up her key ring above the trunk so that he could see it through the drill holes and counted out the keys.

  “This one is for your hands, this one for your feet, this one for the box and this one... for your cock.”

  She smiled as she slowly and deliberately slipped all the keys into the back pocket of her jeans. She then ran into her room and lay down on her bed. She unbuttoned her jeans and ran her hands up and down between her legs.

  She was buzzing with excitement. A few days earlier, she had been too shy to talk to him, now she had him locked in her trunk. He was quite literally her property, she had the only keys to release him. She had to get some air. She changed into a t-shirt and bright pink running shorts and walked back into the lounge.

  The tight confines of the steel box were starting to freak Tom out. He was just about to call out and ask Hannah to release him when she walked back into view and dropped the keys into the pocket of the sexiest little running shorts he’d ever seen. Seeing her butt in those shorts swung his emotions the other way and he said nothing and just lay there and watched her stretch.

  “Nice shorts,” Tom remarked from inside the trunk.

  “What about now?” Hannah smiled as she faced away from him and touched her toes.

  “And what about now?”

  Hannah sat on the box just above his head and in so doing took away Tom’s only light and fresh air. Tom looked up longingly, her perfect butt was so near and yet so far. He puckered his lips to try and get just a little bit closer to her.

  “I assume as you’re admiring my bum that you are OK in there?”

  Tom didn’t know how to reply, this was the most exciting, most scary and most erotic he’d ever experienced.

  “Good, then I’m going to for a run so you can enjoy the trunk in peace.”

  Hannah jumped up and once again left Tom alone and unable to do anything other than await her return.

  When she did return half an hour later , she was out of breathe and glowing with perspiration. She walked over to the trunk and without saying a word, stripped off her damp top and bra. Sh
e then pulled off her shorts and knickers.

  “Wow, you look amazing.” Tom said through the steel lid.

  “Thank you.”

  Hannah smiled as she held out her dirty running kit and dropped in on to the air holes, plunging Tom once again in to darkness. Tom could only lie there and breath in her scent as he listened to her shower.

  Ten minutes later she returned to the lounge wearing her yellow dress.

  “What do you think,” she smiled as she gave him a twirl.

  After giving him only a few seconds to admire her outfit, Hannah pulled out her dress and sat her knicker clad butt down over the air holes and placed the keys to the trunk in her lap. She giggled as she heard the heard the inevitable coughing from her prisoner below. She had sprayed perfume on her butt which was now only half an inch from Tom’s face, he was now breathing in almost pure D&G. Her initial coyness was fading fast.

  “So do you think you can get out of there?” Hannah purred.

  Tom was starting to realise how much his imprisonment was turning her on.

  “No way, I’m completely at your mercy Hannah.”

  He heard her giggle and felt her butt wriggle above him.

  “You know you’re going to have to make it worth my while to let you out.”

  Tom smiled, “What about dinner tonight at Annisa?”

  “Mmm, I’d love to!”

  “And if I buy you champagne will you also unlock the cock cage?”

  Hannah thought for a moment and then replied, “Not a chance.”

  While still sitting on the trunk, Hannah picked up her book from the coffee table, crossed her legs and started to read. Her underwear was still blocking all of the air holes. The little air that Tom had was thick with perfume and was starting to heat up.

  “Hey, aren’t you going to unlock me?”

  “Yes....but not yet.....never rush a girl when she’s getting ready for a big night out...”


  Chapter 3

  Hannah realises her power

  Later that night they arrived at the restaurant and were shown to a table at the back. Tom had obviously been there before and seemed to know most of the waiting staff.

  Hannah looked at the attractive guy sitting opposite her.

  “Did you really like what I did earlier, I mean was I OK?”

  “It was great, you were great,” Tom smiled.

  “Wasn’t it a bit scary for you, you were completely helpless?”

  “Completely at your mercy, I know, that’s what made it so much fun.” he replied.

  Hannah looked a little embarrassed,

  “It feels strange, I’ve locked you up and put my underwear in your mouth and now we’re just sitting together in a restaurant.”

  “And you still have me locked in chastity.” Tom reminded her.

  Hannah had forgotten and checked that she still had the key.

  “You still have it?”

  “Maybe,” she giggled.

  Tom watched her carefully, “It seemed as though you were enjoying yourself too.”

  Hannah looked down at the table, breaking their eye contact. It had been amazing, but she couldn’t tell him that.


  “So what did it feel like when I was chained up in the trunk and you were practically sitting on my face?” Tom asked.

  Hannah blushed and tried to compose herself.

  “Hey, I’m the dominatrix, I ask the questions here.”

  Tom held his finger to his lips.

  “Sorry,” she whispered.

  They paused the conversation as the drinks arrived, this time carried by another waitress that Tom seemed to know. Although after giving her a quick smile, he returned his full attention to Hannah. Her dark hair was hanging around her cute face and she had an entrancing expression, a mix of excitement, embarrassment and arousal.

  “You look great, especially in that dress. You have no idea what effect you’re having on my locked up cock right now.

  Hannah smiled coyly.

  “And I love the way you giggle with excitement when you lock a padlock or cuffs on me. And I even love the way that you lock the cuffs far too tightly.”

  Tom pulled up a shirt sleeve to reveal his red and sightly bruised wrist.

  “It serves you right for trying to escape.”

  “Escape? No one could ever escape from your cuffs Hannah.”

  She smiled proudly.

  As they walked home, Hannah was desperately thinking through her next move. She would love to invite him back to her place and make out with him. But he hadn’t shown any interest in her before she’d become his dominatrix and so if she dropped that act now, then he was bound to lose interest in her again. She smiled at her own pun.

  Also, while she would have loved to sleep with him and start dating, she was also excited about the prospect of continuing to dominate him. He seemed to be so besotted with her as a dominatrix, she really could whatever she wanted to him. At her whim, he could spend the night in cuffs, or locked in the trunk, or with the panties that she was wearing right then stuffed in his mouth. Her mind started to play through the various scenarios, which unconsciously brought a smile to her face.

  When they reached their apartment block, Hannah had made up her mind and took Tom by the hand and led him down in the building’s underground parking area. Here each apartment had a car parking space, although Hannah didn’t have a car, and a small secure storage room. She opened the padlock, slid back the bolt to open the barred door to her storage room. Inside there was her bike and a few suitcases.

  “Sit here,” Hannah ordered as confidently as her nerves would let her.

  Tom had no idea where this was going, but so far he had enjoyed everything Hannah had done to him and so he played along.

  She unwrapped the old chain that she used to lock her bike from around her saddle. She then looped the chain around both one of the building’s steel columns and Tom’s neck. Finally she took the combination padlock that was hanging on the end of the chain and used it to lock the chain in place. By the time she had finished, Tom was securely chained and Hannah was shaking again from nervous energy.

  “A combination lock, do I have to guess the number?” Tom asked.

  “You’ll never guess.”

  “It’s your bra size, isn’t it?” he joked.

  Hannah responded by using the toe of her shoe to press down on his balls.

  “Ouch! Sorry.”

  “Bad boy! For your punishment, you can massage my legs,” she said as she lifted her dress up and over his head so that he was inside her dress.

  Fuck! This was the first time he’d touched Hannah’s body and the excitement made him breathless. Her legs looked every better up close, almost impossibly soft and smooth. The air under her dress was warm and fragrant and the whole atmosphere was really playing with his mind. He started to massage her legs using both his hands and his face. When he reached her butt, he ran his fingertips up inside her black silk underwear.

  For Hannah, it felt fantastic having his head rubbing up against her thighs. And just as importantly, it made sure that he couldn’t look at her in that sexy way that made her almost fall apart.

  Tom slowly rubbed his mouth against the front of Hannah’s panties and smiled to himself as he heard the inevitable response. He teased her by stopping and starting a few times before gently pulling the material aside and using his lips and tongue on her. He knew exactly what he was doing and by the time he had finished thirty minutes had passed and Hannah was panting.

  She stepped backwards so she could see him again and sat down on one of her suitcases. “Wow,” she mouthed breathlessly.”

  “Does that earn me the key to the chastity cage?” he asked hopefully.

  Why, is it getting a little tight in there?”

  “Hannah, you rub your butt over my face and ask if my chastity cage is tight?”

  Hannah giggled, “Good it’s supposed to be tight.”

  Tom looke
d up at her in the half light of the storage room. She looked different to yesterday, the innocence was fading and her eyes now had a mischievous, teasing look. She was increasingly enjoying the power she had over him. Her confidence was adding to her control, with Tom now having less and less influence over what she did to him.

  Tom would have loved to make out with her there and then, but he knew that unless she locked the chain that was impossible. He watched her take the key from her pocket and hang it on a hook on the far wall, well out of his reach.

  “It’s just over here,” she purred as she returned and sat down on his lap with one leg either side of his body.

  “What’s the combination?” he asked.

  “I’m not telling.”

  “Just the first number?”

  “69.” she giggled and rubbed herself over his locked up cock.

  In a moment of weakness Tom tried to kiss her, but she leant back and out of reach. She whispered into his ear again.

  “I’ll do you a deal. Its 11pm now. If you can escape and get to my apartment by midnight, then you can kiss me.”

  With that, Hannah stood up and walked over to the storage room door. She closed it behind her and blew him a kiss through the bars. She then strode confidently away, trying hard to hide her excitement.

  Tom watched her long legs and swaying hips disappear out of sight before turning his attention to the combination lock around his neck. Only three dials, Hannah would be able to open it in seconds, he hoped to crack it within the hour. Although after only a few tries Hannah turned off the lights and he was plunged into almost total darkness.

  It was starting to get cold, when at 11.30pm, the lock clicked open. ‘7-4-5, easy’ he smiled as he jumped up and grabbed the key to the chastity cage. He pulled down his trousers, unlocked the padlock and finally freed his cock, over 24 hours after Hannah had first locked him in.

  He then pushed the storage room door, but it was stuck and so he tried to slide the bolt back. Only then did he see the second combination lock, this time with 4 dials. He kicked at the heavy barred door and reached his hands pathetically through the bars. He’d totally fallen for her trick. He picked up his phone and dialled.


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