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Out of My League, Part 2

Page 13

by Sharon Cummin

  As she made her way across the street, she was nervous. Karen still hadn't text her back yet. Rachel wanted to know for sure that her friend was there. She wasn't sure if Brad was home already and didn't want to run into him. Rachel tried to talk Karen into meeting at her house like most holidays, but Karen's parents were determined to see both of the girls. They were like a second set of parents to her. How could she say no? If she had to see Brad, she would just ignore him like she did when she was younger. There was no way Rachel wanted her best friend to know her true feelings about him. She took a deep breath and took the step up to the door. It was going to be so awesome to see her friend again.

  Just as she leaned forward to knock, the door flew open and she fell forward. Her fall was broken, as a set of arms caught her. She looked at the two very muscular, sexy arms, and her stomach dropped at the feeling that shot through her body. Oh shit, she thought. Rachel hurried to pull herself out of his arms.

  She stood up straight and brushed her hands down the front of her clothes. Her phone chimed, and she hurried to pull it out of her back pocket. There was a text from Karen.

  Karen: I'm not home. My parents insisted on taking me out to dinner. I'll be back as soon as I can.

  Really, she thought? That text couldn't have come ten minutes earlier so she could have avoided the very uncomfortable situation she was standing in.

  “I'm sorry,” Rachel whispered. “I thought Karen was home.”

  She turned to walk away when he grabbed her arm to stop her.

  “Wait,” he said.

  She still hadn't looked up at him but knew it had to be Brad. He was the only one that would have been left to open the door. She knew his voice, even if he only spoke one word. Slowly, she looked up to see the man in front of her and her body froze. What the fuck, she thought? The person standing in front of her was not the boy that left for college over two years ago.

  “Rachel?” he questioned.

  She didn't respond. Her body and her mind were fighting each other. He was such an ass. How could he be so manly and look so good, she wondered? He was the hottest man she had ever laid eyes on. What the hell was going on?

  “I can't believe it's you,” he whispered. “You're beautiful.”

  She rolled her eyes and laughed. Wow! He had never been short on words before. Where were the cocky remarks she was used to?

  “Thanks,” she replied.

  “Come in,” he said, as he held the door open for her. “I just got home. They left a note that they would be back in a couple of hours.”

  “No, thanks,” she answered. “I'm going to go and wait for her at my house.”

  “Please,” he said nicely. “I haven't seen you in over two years. Come in and wait for them.”

  “I don't know,” she answered. “I'm fine with another two years.”

  She turned to leave, but he pulled her into the house and closed the door.

  “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” he snapped.

  Rachel was shocked at his reaction. His big hand was still on her arm, and she could feel so much heat from his touch. She jerked her arm from his grasp and looked directly into his eyes. He had the most beautiful blue eyes. She thought he looked good before. That guy had nothing on the one standing in front of her. He was tall, and she could see the outline of his muscles through his t-shirt. Football had been very good for him. She thought she saw a tattoo through his white shirt but wasn't positive. His brown hair looked so soft. She could see his jawline tense, and her eyes moved to his lips. They were so sexy and inviting. The light stubble covering his chin was adorable. Her mind wandered to a picture in her head of her fingers in his hair and his stubble brushing against her face. Shit! She snapped out of her thoughts and stared into his eyes as she stood confident.

  “It means that I've been able to avoid seeing your cocky ass for two amazing years,” she said with a smile.

  “Are you saying you've purposely avoided seeing me every time I've been home?” he asked, as his eyes became a darker shade of blue.

  “It looks that way,” she snapped. “I'd have been just fine doing it now too, but your parents were strict on the fact that I needed to come over while I was back. I didn't know you were here already.”

  “You planned on avoiding me this time too?” he asked. “Why? What did I ever do to you?”

  “I have to go,” she snapped.

  “Tell me now,” he snapped back.

  Something inside of her broke. She didn't want him or anyone else to know how she really felt about him, but she couldn't hold it in any longer. He needed to know what a jerk he was. Her plan of ignoring him wasn't working. She would speak her mind and be on her way. He would leave her alone next time for sure. She took a deep breath and stood as tall as she could to him. It wasn't easy. He towered over her.

  “You want to know why I avoid you?” she asked, as she took a step toward him and pulled her shoulders back.

  He stepped back and his eyes widened.

  “You are the biggest ass I know. I can't fucking stand the way you treat people. You think just because you're some hot shot football player, you can treat everyone like shit,” she said, as she poked her finger into his chest. “I watched you treat girls like crap in high school. I've watched you treat me and Karen like we were less than you for a long time. You went through high school thinking you were the most important person in the school because you were captain of the team. Big fucking deal! Being on the team was more about what you could get away with or which girl would fall at your feet. It wasn't about the game anymore. You weren't always like that. I remember when you played with passion. You loved what you did. I fucking looked up to you back then. You used to play in the yard for hours and hours just to play the game. There wasn't anything in it for you. You did it because you loved it. You were different. Then, everything changed in high school and that guy disappeared. A giant ass took his place. That's the guy I avoid.”

  He was against the wall with her finger in his chest. She shook her head and turned around. Just as she reached out to open the door, his hand wrapped around her arm and turned her. He stepped forward, grabbed the back of her neck, and brought his lips down on hers hard, as he pinned her against the door with his body. She gasped as his mouth worked hers open and his tongue commanded entrance. Her hands went to his hair without thinking, and she instantly felt a buzz shoot through her body. The heat in his kiss was like nothing she had ever felt before. She slid one hand down over his hard chest and moaned into his mouth. Their tongues danced together with such passion. Every feeling she had for him, good and bad, was being poured into that kiss. He shoved his knee between her legs and spread them apart. She felt every part of his hard body against her. His other hand grabbed onto her ass and pulled her closer to him. She could feel his hardness was right there. He felt huge. His chest pushed into hers as he pinned her to the door.

  “Fuck,” he said, as he pulled her lower lip between his teeth.

  His knee rubbed her pussy through her jeans as she ground against him. He grabbed the bottom of her shirt, pulled it up, and squeezed her breast through the lace of her bra. She whispered his name as he leaned down and pulled her bra lower with his teeth. He took her nipple into his mouth and tugged it as he sucked. Her hand, still wrapped in his hair, pulled him toward her.

  “You're so perfect,” he said, as he looked up into her eyes.

  Oh shit! Her thoughts broke her from the moment. What the hell was going on, she thought? It was Brad. There was no way she could be with her best friend's brother. She pushed him away from her and tried to catch her breath. He looked at her with sadness in his eyes. What was he thinking, she wondered? He didn't give a shit about her. Why did he look like he even cared? What would he do if he found out she was a virgin? Would he be her first and then make fun of her later? He would be out getting laid later that night anyway. She shook her head as she came to her senses. As hard as it was to walk away from him, she knew she had to.

/>   “I have to go,” she said with a tear in her eye. “I can't do this with you.”

  “What? Why?” he asked.

  “I'm not like the rest of them, Brad. I don't want to be a notch on the belt of the star football player. You're even more popular now that you're in college. They talk about you everywhere. I'm not that girl. I'll never be that girl. Go find one of the girls that are usually waiting for you when you come home. Tell your sister to come over when she gets home. I can't be here.”

  “Stop!” he snapped. “Please, don't leave. You have no idea how long I've waited to see you.”

  “Yeah, right!” I snapped back. “I'm not thirteen anymore. I won't put up with the same stuff I used to. I'm a different person now.”

  “You don't think I could be?” he asked.

  “No, I don't,” she said. “You were my first kiss, Brad. It meant the world to me, but it never meant shit to you. I won't give you the satisfaction of being my first anything else. I didn't mean to see you. I should never have come over.”

  Quickly, she swung the door open and left. She knew a few tears slipped from her eyes as she spoke to him. It was so hard to hold back her feelings. Seeing him was harder than she thought. Why did he have to look and feel so perfect? Why did he have to kiss her like she mattered? Why did it feel so good? As soon as she got home, she sent Karen a text.

  Rachel: Come over when you get home. I just want to relax.

  Karen: Okay.

  When Karen finally walked in, the girls hugged for a few minutes. They were surprised that they missed each other as much as they did. It seemed like minutes passed when they took a breath from talking about school and looked at the clock. It was already midnight. They were both tired from their trips home. Karen was excited about a boy she met and spent most of the time talking about him and how she had lost her virginity to him. Rachel had talked to a couple of guys, but hadn't found them worthy of taking her virginity. Not that she thought she was special, but she wanted to care about the guy she had sex with for the first time. She thought about Brad and how passionately he'd kissed her just hours earlier. No guy had ever had made her feel like that with a kiss. It was hard to sit there with his sister and not think about him. She knew she was just tired and needed some sleep. Everything would be better in the morning.

  “I'm really tired,” Rachel said. “I think I need some sleep. My mom will most likely wake me up early tomorrow to help her cook dinner for us. We aren't having a big turkey or anything, but I know she'll want to talk about school.”

  “Okay,” Karen replied. “My mom wanted me to invite you two over for dinner. It's just the four of us this year. My grandparents aren't coming. I think my mom already told your mom about it. She told me this morning you two were coming.”

  “We're coming to your house for Thanksgiving dinner?” Rachel asked.

  “Yep,” Karen answered. “I'll let you get some sleep. See you tomorrow.”

  “I can't wait,” Rachel replied.

  She tried to sleep, but all she could think about was kissing Brad. The feeling of his teeth against her lip was still there. She reached up and rubbed the spot she could still feel him on. How was she going to sit through dinner with him in the same room, she wondered? Finally, she drifted off to sleep. She had dreamt about him before, but never as vivid as she did that night. When she woke up in a sweat and looked over at the clock, she knew she needed to get rid of her stress. It was only four o'clock in the morning. The only light in her room was from the moon outside and clock on the desk.

  Rachel slid her hand beneath her covers and under her panties. She closed her eyes as she rubbed her finger through her already wet folds. Her kiss with Brad played through her mind. The way his hand felt as he held her head and claimed her mouth had her breathing deep. She thought about how amazing it felt when his hand rubbed up her stomach to her chest. He cupped her breast and took her nipple into his mouth. She could feel her nipples harden beneath her blankets. As her other hand went to her breast, she rubbed her clit with her fingers. She could see herself pinned against his door with his knee between her legs. The way his body felt against hers was hot. She could see herself being with him. Her mind wandered to what he looked like under his clothes, as she rubbed herself a little quicker. What would have happened if she hadn't left, she wondered?

  She pictured his hand going beneath her jeans and cupping her mound. A moan escaped her lips as she thought about him rubbing her wet pussy with his fingers. She had pleasured herself many times, but she knew it would be different with him touching her. She rolled her nipple through her fingers as she arched her back. Her palm slid across her clit as she entered herself with one finger. Her head went back and her chest went forward as she squeezed her breast and fingered herself. The entire time she thought about Brad's fingers being inside of her. He would kiss her hard as he fucked her with them. She ground against her finger as she took it in and out with speed. When she slid a second finger in, she had to bite her lip to stop the noise that wanted to escape her. Thinking about Brad, she fucked herself hard and deep with her own fingers. Her palm continued to hit her clit as she ground herself against her hand. The more she thought about his mouth on her, the closer she got to edge of her release. She thought about him stripping her naked and thrusting his huge cock into her as she moaned his name and felt her pussy tighten around her fingers when her orgasm took her over. She continued to thrust them in deeper until her breathing returned to normal.

  She rolled over and closed her eyes. One dinner, she thought. She could get through one dinner. Only three more days and she could go back to school and not have to think about him.

  When she opened her eyes in the morning, she grabbed her phone to see if Karen had text her yet. It was noon and Rachel couldn't believe she had slept so late. There was one text, but she didn't recognize the number.

  Unknown: I'm not the same person either.

  Who the heck was it, she thought? The only person she could think of was Brad, but how did he get her number?

  Rachel: How did you get my number?

  Instantly there was a reply.

  Unknown: I looked through my sister's phone. That one kiss meant something to me. What makes you think it didn't?

  Rachel: You never mentioned it again. Then, you turned into someone else. It doesn't matter anymore anyway. That was a very long time ago.

  She programmed his number into her phone so he wouldn't catch her by surprise again.

  Brad: Yes, it does matter. I looked forward to seeing you each time I came back home. I've waited two years to see you. When I opened that door, I couldn't believe it was really you standing there. I can't believe you purposely blew me off all that time.

  Rachel: Just go back to treating me like I'm less than you, please. You were always good at that.

  Brad: You were my sister's best friend and only fifteen when I left for college. Things were different then.

  Rachel: Yes, they were. Bye.

  Brad: I'll see you at dinner.

  Rachel: I'm not feeling well. I'm not coming.

  Brad: Yes, you are. My parents have been waiting to see you. I'll leave you alone as long as you agree to show up.

  Rachel: I'll come for one hour. Then I'm leaving.

  Brad: Fine.

  She threw the phone down on her bed and went to take a shower. Her mom knocked on her bedroom door just as she was finishing her hair and makeup. They sat and talked for a few minutes before heading to dinner at the neighbors. Rachel's mom had picked up a pie to take with them. As they stood in front of her friend's door, Rachel let out a huge breath. I can do this, she thought.

  Karen's parents were so excited to see Rachel. They both wrapped her in a hug and pulled her into the living room. She sat down on the couch and answered all of their questions. It was strange how much they wanted to know about what had been going on with her. She felt like they cared more than her own mother did. Her mom sat and quietly listened to the conversation.

  Brad and Karen walked in laughing and joking with each other. Rachel could see how much Karen loved her brother. He seemed to have a different attitude than he had when he first left for college. Maybe he was different, but she wasn't willing to take the risk of finding out. They all sat around the big dining room table. Karen's parents began by saying they were thankful to have all three kids home at the same time. Rachel's mom said she was thankful for family. Karen was thankful for four days at home. Rachel wasn't sure what to say. She looked up and noticed that Brad was watching her. Finally, she said she was thankful to be home. Brad looked her in the eye and said he was thankful for life, friends, and family.

  They all filled their plates and separate conversations began around the table. Rachel's mom asked Brad what he had been doing the last two years. She hadn't seen him either. He talked about school and how good he was doing. Football was going well and professional teams were looking at him. He said there wasn't much time left for anything else. She asked him about his summers. He worked during the summer and played football. There was a soup kitchen close to campus that he said he volunteered at three days a week during the summer. Rachel looked up at him. She had always been into volunteering and helping those in need, but he always laughed and messed with her about it.

  Rachel needed to get out of the room. Was he just saying things he knew she wanted to hear, she wondered?

  “I'll be back in a few minutes. I need to get some air,” Rachel said.

  She stood up and walked outside, down the driveway, and onto the sidewalk. There were footsteps behind her. She knew they belonged to Brad.


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