Quadrant (First Quebec) Conference (August 1943) 391–3, 395–8, 401–8, 409, 577
denied supreme command of Overlord 395–8, 402, 419, 577
and Churchill’s plans to attack in
Dodecanese 411, 413, 425, 574, 577
momentarily wavers over Overlord 418–19, 425–6
First Cairo Conference (Sextant; November 1943) 425, 429, 431, 436–8, 441–2, 463
Teheran Conference (Eureka; November 1943) 443–4, 446–7, 450–51
Second Cairo Conference (December 1943) 452, 577
promoted to field marshal 456
doubts about value of Operation Anvil 457–8, 461, 524
apprehensions about Overlord 463–4, 486
recommends cancelling Anvil 464–6, 475–6, 492
disagreements with Churchill over ‘Bay of Bengal Strategy’ 468–75
and Ljubljana Gap plan 490–91, 517, 540, 545, 574, 577
London Combined Chiefs of Staff talks (June 1944) 491
Guards’ Chapel V-1
bombing 493–4
battles with Americans over Anvil/
Dragoon 494–6, 498, 500, 502, 505
unhappy with broad-front strategy 511
Octagon (Second Quebec) Conference (September 1944) 512, 513–14, 515–16, 520, 522, 524, 525, 526
Second Moscow Conference (Tolstoy; October 1944) 527
and Eisenhower’s strategy for advance into Germany 162, 532, 541–2, 562, 563–4
visits SHAEF 535
and proposal to make Alexander deputy commander 537–8, 560
Malta Conference (Cricket; January–February 1945) 539, 541–2, 577
Yalta Conference (February 1945) 545, 552–3, 554, 556, 577
views Allied forces crossing Rhine 560–61, 562, 563
Victory in Europe Day 570–71
at Coronation (1953) 584
death (June 1963) 483
Character & characteristics aloofness 100, 142, 163
ambition 41, 49, 57, 142
anti-Bolshevism 215, 450, 515
appearance 58, 94, 142
codenames 93, 243
comparisons with Marshall 142, 163
departmental tactician 107
despises public opinion 163–4
diary-keeping xxxviii, xxxix, xl, 22, 110, 113, 162
‘difficult and pig-headed’ 108
direct manner 46, 58, 142, 326
distrust of civilians 118–19
emotional 14, 20, 57, 100
expert at delegation 61, 62
fearlessness 13
flinty 2, 365
grates on Americans 326–7
highly strung 22
impatience 56, 58, 319
linguistic ability 14
loner 14, 20
love of ornithology 20, 21–2, 59, 100, 185, 299, 301, 321, 322, 329, 339, 364, 366, 378, 531
moral conscience 42
moral courage 13
natural propensity to command 14
not a team-player 14, 20
powerful personality 104, 108
‘quick and decided’ 57
religious faith 42
reputation 396, 578–9
restrained 14
sanguine 22
self-assurance 14
sense of humour 91
short temper 20, 450
speaking voice 46, 94, 112, 201, 324
strategist 57–8, 61, 103, 107, 139–40, 516
‘suave, intelligent politico’ 107
talent for mimicry 62
underestimated by Americans 141–2
views on Eisenhower 311
views on MacArthur 172–3, 216, 226, 442
views on Marshall 138–9, 145, 161–2, 173, 309, 326, 369, 390, 444, 449–50
views on Roosevelt 302
views on Stalin 443–4
working methods 41, 58, 61–2, 105, 301, 480
working relations with Churchill xxxvii, 17, 41–2, 43, 48–9, 56, 58, 91, 100–101, 107, 110–114, 301, 302–3, 407, 415, 475, 507, 514, 574–5
working relations with Marshall 201, 212, 216–18, 226, 369, 575
Triumph in the West xl, 515
The Turn of the Tide xl, 161–2, 163, 397
Brooke, Alice, Lady (née Bellingham) 12
Brooke, Benita, Lady (later Viscountess Alanbrooke) 22, 38, 39, 42, 145, 159, 378, 381
Brooke, Janey (née Richardson) 15, 20, 22, 42, 395
Brooke, Kathleen ‘Pooks’ 151
Brooke, Ronald 23, 57
Brooke, Sir Victor (AB’s father) 2, 12, 13, 58
Brooke, Victor (AB’s brother) 23, 57
Brooke, Victor (later 3rd Viscount Alanbrooke; AB’s son) 23
Brooks’s Club, London xxxiv, 116
Brown, Allen Tupper 483–4, 493
Brown, Clifton Stevenson 25
Brown, Margaret 484, 493
Bruce, Stanley (later Viscount Bruce of Melbourne) 183
Brunei 569
Brussels 203, 512
Bryant, Sir Arthur xl, 161
Buccaneer, Operation 437, 442, 451, 452, 469, 586
Bucharest 512, 517
Buckinghamshire 150
Buckley (Major; chief orderly) 443, 444, 450
Buck’s Club, London 264
Budapest 517
Buhle, General Walter 456
Bulgaria 360, 548, 556, 558, 559
Bulge, battle of the (1944–5) 93, 519, 533–6, 538, 549, 552
see also Ardennes Offensive
Bullitt, William C. 557
Bulolo, HMS 337
Bureau of the Budget (United States) 297, 506
Bureau of Yards and Construction (United States) 437
Burg el Arab 268
Burgis, Lawrence ‘Thrushy’ xxxiii–xxxv, xxxvii, 89, 108, 113, 269, 457, 559
Burgis, Lorna xxxiv
air operations 370, 371, 436
allocation of resources 540
Brooke and Churchill clash over 65
Churchill’s plan for reconquest 185
defence of 116, 117, 179
discussions at Casablanca Conference (January 1943) 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 326
discussions at First Cairo Conference (Sextant; November 1943) 436–7, 438
discussions at Quadrant (First Quebec) Conference (August 1943) 391
discussions at Second Cairo Conference (December 1943) 452
discussions at Trident (Third Washington) Conference (May 1943) 362, 370
finally cleared of Japanese 534
importance to Marshall’s strategy 404, 452
Japanese invasion 89, 118, 124, 192, 354
Operation Anakim 323–4, 329, 330, 331, 332–3, 334, 336, 341, 357, 362, 379, 404, 586
Operation Tarzan 438
planned naval attack on Rangoon 436–7
Roosevelt’s memorandum on future strategy (May 1942) 171
supplies to 552
terrain 65
and unified command structure for
Pacific theatre 79
Burma Road 180, 379, 404, 438
Butcher, Captain Harry C. 251, 355, 389, 414, 487, 562
diary 376, 378
My Three Years with Eisenhower xxxviii, 243
Butler, (Sir) James R.
M. 204, 220, 222
Byng, Admiral John 49
Byron, George, 6th Baron, Childe Harold 553
Cabinet Office (British) xxxiv, xxxv, xxxvi
see also War Cabinet Office (British)
Cabinet War Rooms, Whitehall 48, 58, 108, 504, 537
Cadogan, Sir Alexander ‘Alec’ 52, 119, 182, 227, 238, 270, 310, 384, 418, 422, 439, 510
Caen 355, 494, 501, 502, 503
Axis advance on 3, 262
Churchill visits (August 1942) 263, 264–5, 272, (January 1943) 348, (February 1945) 556, 559
Mena House Hotel, Giza 435, 451–2
Operation Torch 262
p; strategy for defending 55
Cairo Conferences
First (Sextant; November 1943) 418, 420, 421, 423, 428, 430–43, 473, 577
Second (December 1943) 451–4, 577
Caius College, Cambridge 94
Calais 125
California 64, 206, 526
Camberley xxxix, 15, 16, 21, 94, 530
Cambridgeshire (trawler) 40
Camrose, William Berry, 1st Viscount 463, 512
aid to Britain 551
and Combined Chiefs of Staff system 76
contribution to war effort 273, 449
Japanese threat to 64
and Operation Ajax 47
and Operation Jubilee 227, 272–3, 274
and Operation Jupiter 227
and Operation Overlord 487, 503
Canadian Corps 15
Canary Islands 85, 121
Cannes 508
Cantigny 12
Cape Colony 264
Cape of Good Hope 65
Cape Horn 64
Cape Matapan 106, 419
Cape Verde islands 200
Capital, Operation 586
Capra, Frank 61
Caraway, General Paul 97, 132, 337, 477, 537
Caribbean Sea 122, 182, 206, 520
Carnot, Lazare 375
Caroline Islands 332, 333, 334, 371
Cary, Richard 55
and Allied invasion plans for North Africa 70, 83, 85, 187, 229, 234, 253
Operation Torch 255, 258, 260, 274, 277, 280, 281, 282, 291, 300
Casablanca Conference (Symbol; January 1943) 313–45, 349, 385, 576, 582
Caserta 497
Casey, Richard (later Baron Casey) 3
Casfie, Colonel Frederick W. 535
Caspian Sea 184, 268
Cassibile 390
Cassino 435, 464, 483
see also Monte Cassino, battles of
Catania 385, 387, 388
Caucasus 4, 126, 127, 238, 241, 272, 277, 300, 301
Cavalaire 508
Cavendish-Bentinck, Victor (later 9th Duke of Portland) 108, 221
CCS 94 (memorandum) 68, 254–7, 258, 261, 331, 345
CCS 153 (memorandum) 329
Cetewayo, King 264
Ceylon 117, 124, 470
Chamberlain, Neville 34, 36, 47, 82, 118, 278
Champion, Operation 586
Chance, Edgar Percival, The Truth about the Cuckoo 21
Chaney, Major-General James E. 143
Channel Islands 176, 246, 249, 531–2
Charge of the Light Brigade (1854) 553
Charlesworth, Captain Barney 182, 544
Charlesworth, Diana 544
Charterhouse School 110
Charteris, Brigadier-General John xxxiv
Chartwell, Kent 42, 244, 559
Chatham, William Pitt, 1st Earl of 42
Chaumont 12, 37
Chennault, General Claire L. 423, 438
Chequers, Buckinghamshire 36, 41, 48, 149, 150–51, 181, 244, 258, 298, 564
British Expeditionary Force (1940) 38, 39, 249, 490
falls to Allies 494, 495
Operation Sledgehammer 121, 133, 176, 191, 246–7, 248–50, 253, 258
Cherwell, Frederick Lindemann, Viscount 42, 48, 49, 119, 244, 273, 358, 512
Chevy Chase, Maryland 487
Chiang Kai-shek 30, 179, 180, 404, 429, 430, 436, 438, 439–40, 452, 558
Chiang, Madame 61, 436
Chiefs of Staff Committee (British)
Brooke replaces Pound as chairman 102–3, 105–6
Churchill’s working relations with 47, 104–6, 109, 111–14, 468–75, 574
creation of 43
number of meetings 107
Staff Conferences 43, 62, 110, 131, 224
see also Combined Chiefs of Staff
Committee child allowances 60
air operations 171, 360, 436, 452, 588
allocation of resources 540
discussions at Casablanca Conference (January 1943) 317, 318, 321
Japanese invasion 20
Marshall’s service in 23–4
measures to keep in war 87, 179, 317, 318, 321, 371, 379, 404
Pacific War Council 238
post-war 548
represented at First Cairo Conference (Sextant; November 1943) 429, 430, 436, 437, 438
supplies 370, 371
total mobilization 85
treaty over Kowloon 311
and Yalta Conference 551
Chindits 391
Christ Church, Oxford 103
Churchill, Clementine (later Baroness Spencer-Churchill) 47, 48, 123, 150, 301, 375, 487, 512, 541
Churchill, Major John ‘Jack’ 225
Churchill, Pamela (née Digby, later Harriman) 49
Churchill, Lord Randolph (WC’s father) 15
Churchill, Randolph (WC’s son) 269, 287
Churchill, (Sir) Winston
background and family 14
education and early career 15–17, 23, 208
and Dardanelles Campaign (Great War) 16, 20, 106, 220, 235–6, 575
first encounter with Roosevelt (1918) 9, 35
first encounter with Marshall (1919) 9–10
‘wilderness years’ 16, 278
Chancellor of Exchequer 89
First Lord of the Admiralty 34
becomes prime minister 35–6, 47
and British Expeditionary Force 37–40
first contretemps with Brooke 10, 38–40, 106
and American military aid 45
and planned invasion of Britain 46–7, 49
Operation Ajax 41, 47–8, 157, 173, 179
Riviera Conference (August 1941) 52–4, 561
appointment of Brooke as CIGS 55–7
domestic politics 59–60
and United States’ entry into war 63–4, 65, 66, 87
WW1 strategy document 68–70, 71, 255–6, 345
Arcadia (First Washington) Conference (December 1941–January 1942) 66, 70–71, 72, 79–80, 84–5, 87–9, 576
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