Emerson (Royal Marine Lance-Corporal) 408
English Civil War 13
English Shakespearean Company 24–5
Enigma (enciphering machines) 92, 93
Erne, Lough 140
Esher, Reginald Brett, 2nd Viscount xxxiii–xxxiv
Esher, Oliver Brett, 3rd Viscount xxxiii
Essen 116
Eureka (Teheran) Conference (November 1943) 420, 429, 436, 443–51, 455, 459, 479
Evening Standard 230
Fadala 314
Fala (Roosevelt’s dog) 72
Falaise gap 503
falconry 104, 364
Falkland Islands 296
Falls, Captain Cyril 536
Farne Islands 185
Faroe Islands 531
Farouk, King of Egypt 558
Fascist Grand Council (Italian) 390
Faslane 391
Fellers, Colonel Bonner F. 205
Fifteenth Army (US) 564
Fifth Army (US) 410, 411, 458, 478, 493, 497, 504, 510, 516
First Army (British) 274, 303, 323, 535
First Army (Canadian) 283, 563
First Army (US) 534, 535, 562
First World War see Great War
Fisher, Sir John ‘Jackie’ (later 1st Baron Fisher) 44, 72, 236
fishing 392, 408, 494, 525–6, 562, 563, 569
Fleming (usher) 365
Florida 84–5, 87
Flying Fortress (B-17; bomber) 562, 588
Foch, Marshal Ferdinand 34, 79, 230, 409
Foggia 367, 370, 387, 403, 410, 415, 426, 497, 579
Ford factory 19
Formosa 474, 475, 523
Fort Benning, Georgia 24, 26, 37, 94, 95, 562
Fort Dix, New Jersey 130
Fort Jackson, South Carolina 207–9
Fort Leavenworth, Kansas 12, 37, 73
Fort Monmouth, New Jersey 130
Fourteenth Army (German) 459
and Allied Control Commission for Germany 555
Army 36, 38, 39, 344
British plans to build into ‘first-class power’ 429–30
Brooke’s childhood in 12, 14
civil war predicted 434
fall of 19, 32, 38–9, 51
Great War 12
total mobilization 86
see also Free French; Vichy France
Franco, General Francisco 83, 85, 280
Franco-German War 15–16
Frankfurt 532, 540
Frankfurter, Felix 344
Frantic, Operation 588
Fraser, Admiral Sir Bruce (later Baron Fraser of North Cape) 416
Fraser, General Sir David 20, 36, 37, 110, 140, 202, 222
Frederick II ‘the Great’, King of Prussia 567
Free French 30, 61, 168, 311, 344, 352–3, 487, 508, 512
Freehold, Operation 586
French, Field Marshal Sir John, 1st Earl of Ypres 104, 236
French Expeditionary Corps 509
French National Committee 379
Freyberg, Bernard (later 1st Baron Freyberg) 21
Friedeburg, Admiral Hans-Georg von 570
G-2 (US Military Intelligence) 73, 262, 490
Gallipoli, battle of (1915) 20, 39, 215, 235–6, 237, 424, 425, 575
see also Dardanelles Campaign
Gandhi, Mahatma 264, 265, 350–51
gas warfare 127–8
Gaulle, General Charles de
Anglophobia 298
British distrust of 168
British reluctant support for 292
Churchill threatens with arrest 352–3
demands seat on Combined Chiefs of Staff 76
and French National Committee 379
objections to broadcast on French liberation 487
rivalry with Darlan and Giraud 310, 311, 344
in Roosevelt and Marshall’s correspondence 30
Gazala 4, 89, 179, 184
Gazelle Peninsula 332
Genoa, Gulf of 466
George II, King of the Hellenes 528
George V, King 9, 34
George VI, King xxxviii, 186, 301, 384, 427, 482, 493, 543, 567, 570
Georges, General Alphonse 39
German Confederation 513
German Navy (Kriegsmarine) 4, 46, 92–3, 553
see also U-boats
Allied bombing raids on 30, 116, 117, 170, 178, 183–4, 338, 468, 540, 552
casualties (Eastern Front) 276, 467, 489, 573, (Italian campaign) 460
declares war on United States 63, 65, 131
fails to co-ordinate strategy with Japan 127
invasion of Poland 28, 32
invasion of Soviet Union (Operation Barbarossa) 51, 54, 55, 119, 127, 215
Nazi dictatorship 575, 576
Nazi-Soviet non-aggression pact (1939) 119, 215, 278, 304, 451
plan for post-war deindustrialization 513, 525
post-war partition 433, 451, 463, 548, 549, 550, 556, 561, 565–6, 568–9
rise of Nazi party 19–20
total mobilization 86
unconditional surrender 570
see also Luftwaffe; Wehrmacht
Germany First policy
adoption of 45, 66, 69–70, 86, 156
and CCS 94 memorandum 255–6
and diversion of shipping to Pacific 278
enshrined in WW1 document 68, 255
Japan First challenge to 229–35, 240–41, 242, 244, 328, 329–30
Operation Torch integral to 223
reiteration of 87, 169, 172, 242, 368
at risk 121, 126, 331, 335, 583
Gerow, General Leonard 82
Gibraltar 83, 261, 272, 277, 328, 348, 374, 375
Straits of 83, 261, 280, 318
Gibson, Wing-Commander Guy 391
Gilbert Islands 333, 404
Gilbert, Sir Martin 122, 123
Giraud, General Henri 292, 299, 310, 311, 326, 344, 352–3, 379
Giza 435, 439
Gneisenau (battle cruiser) 102, 118
Goebbels, Joseph 3, 343, 567
Göring, Hermann 130, 305
Gort, John Vereker, 6th Viscount 21, 23, 36, 162, 287
Gosport 41
Gothic Line 426, 491, 492, 494, 509, 510, 580
Gott, Lieutenant-General William ‘Strafer’ 265, 266, 268, 348
GPO Research Station, Dollis Hill 108
Graham, Philip 30
Grant, General Ulysses S. 70, 196, 343
Great War
American involvement 18
Ancre, battle of (1917) xxxix
Brooke family’s service 13, 15, 23, 140
Burgis’ service xxxiv
Canadian Corps 15
Cantigny, battle of (1918) 12
casualties 213, 487
Dardanelles Campaign 16, 20, 22, 106, 220, 235–7
dissension between politicians and soldiers 43, 455
Dykes’ service 94
Foch as supreme commander 79
Gallipoli, battle of (1915) 20, 39, 215, 235–6, 237, 424, 425, 575
importance of convoys 182
influence on British strategy in Second World War 213–15, 236–7, 394, 581
Jutland, battle of (1916) 44, 106
Kennedy’s service xxxix
Marshall’s service 12, 24
Passchendaele, battle of (1917) 214, 394, 487
Roosevelt’s experience 324–5
Somme, battles of (1916) xxxix, 15, 213, 214, 397
Vimy Ridge, battle of (1917) 274
War Cabinet meetings xxxv
Soldiers and Statesmen (Robertson) 235–7
Britain defeated in (April 1941) 4, 67, 214, 215, 220, 272
Communist insurgency 526, 527–8
discussions at Trident (Third Washington) Conference (May 1943) 371
German divisions in 410
plans for liberation 388, 485
post-war proposals 555, 558
nd 63, 206
Greenock 512
Greenwood, Arthur 81, 141
Grigg, Sir James
on British Expeditionary Force (1940) 37, 38
and Brooke 41, 57, 301, 398
Cabinet meetings 310, 350, 351
and Marshall’s first mission to London (Modicum; April 1942) 154
and Marshall’s second mission to
London (July 1942) 253
and Operation Bolero 309, 310
Secretary of State for War 62, 118, 153–4
on Stalin 215
and success of Operation Torch 293
Grossdeutschland panzer division 219
Groton School 188
‘group-think’ 167, 260, 346, 580
Grubworm, Operation 588
Guadalcanal 255, 261, 288, 318, 322
Guam 523
Guderian, General Heinz 130, 214
Gulf of Mexico 182
Gulf of Sirte 63
Gustav Line 426, 435, 447, 451, 456, 457, 458, 459, 466, 467, 481
Gymnast, Operation 586
American opposition to 82–3, 84, 85, 166, 186–7, 190, 195, 198, 218, 223, 230–31, 239, 241–2
British preference for 91, 157, 173, 250–51
clarification of terms 228–9
discussed and then deprecated by Combined Chiefs of Staff 191–2, 193–4, 195, 196, 200, 201
initially agreed with Roosevelt 87
Marshall’s Pacific alternative 229–35
political imperatives 203
postponement 122, 124
renamed Operation Torch 253
resurrected by Churchill 196, 197–8, 201, 217
role of French and Spanish 187, 192, 203
Roosevelt considers reactivating 165–6, 186–7
Roosevelt’s support for 202–4, 217, 223, 226, 238–9, 242
‘Semi-Gymnast’ 228, 229
size of British and American contingents 226
see also Super-Gymnast, Operation; Torch, Operation
Habbakuk (floating airfield) 405
Habsburg, Archduke Karl-Ludwig von 30
Haffner, Sebastian 258
Hagerstown, Maryland 365–6
Haig, Douglas, 1st Earl xxxiv, 34, 287
Haiti 121
Halifax, E. F. L. Wood, 1st Earl of
Ambassador to Washington 76
on American ‘sphere of influence’ 555
Arcadia (First Washington) Conference (December 1941–January 1942) 84
Argonaut (Second Washington) Conference (June 1942) 188
Attlee visits (October 1941) 203
and bombing raids on Germany 170
and Churchill 17, 71
death of son 484
diary xxxviii
on Ismay 530
and Marshall 61, 168, 239, 374, 476, 510
meetings with Roosevelt 128–9
on unconditional-surrender policy 343
Halifax, Nova Scotia 392, 512, 514
Hamilton, Douglas Douglas-Hamilton, 14th Duke of 290
Hamley, Sir Edward, Operations of War 15
Hampshire 483, 507, 545, 563
Handy, General Thomas
on Anglo-American co-operation 258
on appointment of Eisenhower as supreme commander 453
Arcadia (First Washington) Conference (December 1941–January 1942) 71, 73–4
and Bedell Smith 95, 543
on Casablanca Conference 337
on Churchill 237
on Dykes 95
education and career 71
on effects of Great War on British 213
First Cairo Conference (Sextant; November 1943) 435
and Italian campaign 511
on Marshall 27, 97
in Marshall’s clique 95
and Operation Anvil 466–7, 492, 496
on Operation Gymnast 212
and Operation Overlord 489
and Operation Torch 261, 274
and plans for an early invasion of
France 121, 129
views on Brooke 141–2
Hanover 564
Harriman, Averell
and appointment of supreme commander of Operation Overlord 448–9
Casablanca Conference (January 1943) 317, 324, 344
and Churchill’s fears of Hitler’s domination 3
First Moscow Conference (Bracelet; August 1942) 270, 271
and Marshall’s mission to London (Modicum; July 1942) 258
Riviera Conference (August 1941) 52
Second Moscow Conference (Tolstoy; October 1944) 527
Teheran Conference (Eureka; November 1943) 444, 448, 450
Yalta Conference (February 1945) 537, 546
Harris, Marshal of the RAF Sir Arthur ‘Bert’/‘Bomber’ 482
Harrow School 15, 502
Hartle, Major-General Russell P. 165
Harvard University 18, 73, 175, 188
Harvey, Oliver (later 1st Baron Harvey of Tasburgh) xxxviii, 231, 279, 307
Harwood, Admiral Sir Henry 3
Hassett, William D. ‘Bill’ 349
Hastings, Sir Max 215
Hastings, Warren 374
Hasty, Operation 588
Haushofer, Professor Karl 130
Haverfordwest 348
Hawaii 51, 122, 155, 170, 288, 404
Heliopolis 268
Hendon Aerodrome 140
Herbstnebel (Autumn Mist), Operation 532, 535, 586
see also Ardennes Offensive
Hertfordshire 421
Hess, Rudolf 289–90, 374
Heydrich, Reinhard 183
Higgins, Lieutenant-Colonel Lawrence 73
Himalayas 438, 552
Himmler, Heinrich 566
Hitler, Adolf
on Allied coalition 583
Churchill’s scheme to execute xxxvii, 225
declaration of war on United States 65
defence of Italy 93, 305, 383, 420, 459, 463, 471, 494, 495
dictatorship 575
in Great Contemporaries 34
July (1944) Bomb Plot 509
launches Ardennes Offensive 532, 533
loyalty of staff 112
Mediterranean strategy 410–11
mistrust of Franco 280
‘no withdrawal’ policies 291, 299, 322, 346, 349, 576
and Operation Barbarossa 54
preparations for Allied invasion in west 456
Masters and Commanders Page 87