rise of 19–20
and Stalingrad 276, 305
suicide 567, 569
Tunisian campaign 93, 296
Hobart, Major-General (Sir) Percy 42, 43
Hodges, General Courtney 562
Hohenlohe-Ingelfingen, Prince Kraft zu, Letters on Infantry, Cavalry and Artillery 15
Holland (and the Dutch) 36, 51, 61, 67, 76, 238, 358, 403, 516, 556, 563, 570
see also Dutch East Indies
Hollins College, Virginia 24
Hollis, Brigadier Leslie ‘Jo’ xxxv, 66, 74, 109, 143, 154, 228, 444, 498, 512, 564
Holmes, Major-General Sir Noël 300
Holmes, Richard 451
Home Guard 42, 219
Hong Kong 63, 64, 313, 555
Hoover, Herbert 1, 19, 34
Hopkins, Harry
appearance and character 78–9
Arcadia (First Washington) Conference (December 1941–January 1942) 84, 87, 88
Argonaut (Second Washington) Conference (June 1942) 200, 204
bitterness over postponement of Marshall’s plans 206
Casablanca Conference (January 1943) 314, 321, 324
confidant of Roosevelt 78–9, 87, 130, 324
death of son 484
First Cairo Conference (Sextant; November 1943) 440, 441
first mission to London with Marshall (Modicum; April 1942) 123, 129, 130, 133, 137, 141, 142–3, 146–7, 149–50, 153, 157, 164
and Greece 528
loyalty to Roosevelt 143
lunches with Marshall (1943) 61
on Marshall 80, 441
meetings with Molotov 175
meetings with Mountbatten 180
and Morgenthau Plan 513
and Operation Torch 262, 288, 296
and plans for early invasion of Europe 125, 128, 177
and plans for invasion of mainland Italy 387
and plans for Operation Overlord 434
poor health 143
Quadrant (First Quebec) Conference (August 1943) 573
and Riviera Conference (August 1941) 52
and Roosevelt’s memorandum on future strategy (May 1942) 171, 172
second mission to London with Marshall (July 1942) 222, 237–8, 239, 242, 243, 247–8, 251–2, 257, 258
at Shangri-La meeting (November 1943) 429
supporter of Marshall 28
Teheran Conference (Eureka; November 1943) 444
Trident (Third Washington) Conference (May 1943) 360, 373
at White House (November 1938) 26
Yalta Conference (February 1945) 554
Hopkins, Robert 130, 321, 546
Hopkins, Stephen 130
Horne, Vice-Admiral Frederick 190
Horrocks, Lieutenant-General Sir Brian 37
Howard, Sir Michael
on Balkan strategy 458
on British response to Bolero–Roundup plan 159–60, 166
on CCS 94 memorandum 255
on development of British strategy in 1941 58
on Italian campaign 466
on Mediterranean campaign 327, 328, 378, 410, 422–3, 426
on strength of German forces 517
on US planners 582
Hughes-Hallett, Commodore John 181
Hull, General John Edwin ‘Ed’
on Casablanca Conference 337
and Italian campaign 466
on linguistic ambiguities in negotiations 438
on Marshall 29
in Marshall’s clique 95, 96
mission to London with Marshall (Modicum; April 1942) 130, 137
and Morgenthau Plan 513
on Operation Gymnast 212, 223
and Operation Torch 260–61, 346
plans for an early invasion of France 120–21, 129
on Roosevelt’s failing health 549
suspicious of Britain 84
Yalta Conference (February 1945) 546, 549, 556
Hungary 415, 476, 511
Hungerford 103
hunting 12, 13, 188, 364
Hurricane (fighter aircraft) 118
Husky, Operation 586
American opposition to 306
chosen over Operation Brimstone 340–41
command of 335, 356
discussions at Casablanca Conference (January 1943) 325–6, 335, 336, 340–41
launch of 357, 383, 384–5
post-Husky strategy 373, 376–8, 383, 387–8, 389
success of operation 383, 385
Hyde Park, New York 1, 2, 5, 143, 188–9, 243–4, 392
Springwood estate 188–9, 568
Ibn Saud, Abdul Aziz 558
Iceberg, Operation 553–4, 586
Iceland 30, 155, 178, 206, 285, 314, 328
Illustrious, HMS 50
Imperial Defence College 21
Imphal 242
air operations into Burma 436
allocation of resources 540
bases 473
in ‘British area of responsibility’ 124, 126, 171
Brooke’s service in 14
Churchill’s service in 16, 208
communications with China 360, 370, 371, 404, 437, 588
Cripps’ mission to (1942) 150–51
discussions at Casablanca Conference (January 1943) 321, 326
Dykes’ service in 94
hunting in 13, 364
Mahatma Gandhi 264, 265, 350–51
reinforcement 65, 124, 154
Roosevelt’s memorandum on future strategy (May 1942) 171
row over surplus sterling balances 60
threatened by Japan 4, 117, 119, 149, 151, 160, 238, 242
and unified command structure for Pacific theatre 79
Indian Army 518
Indian Ocean
Axis threat in 64, 239, 241, 242
in ‘British area of responsibility’ 124
communications in 90
losses of Allied positions 117, 160
and Marshall Memorandum on early
Second Front 155, 156–7, 159, 164
see also ‘Bay of Bengal Strategy’
Ingersoll, Ralph 441
Inter-Allied Council (Anglo-French) 39
International Labour Organization 202
‘Invasion Areas’ (southern England) 351–2
Iran (Persia) 4, 126, 241, 250, 266, 268, 443
oil 155, 160, 242, 477
post-war independence 451, 477, 548
Allied forces in 117, 254, 266, 268
British interests 84
oil 4, 160, 168, 242, 263, 477
threatened by German forces 117, 127, 241, 242, 263
Ireland 13, 14, 94
see also Northern Ireland
iron 513
Iron Curtain 5, 539
Ironclad, Operation 124, 586
Ironside, General Sir Edmund (later 1st Baron Ironside) xxxviii, 38, 42
Ismay, Lieutenant-General Sir Hastings ‘Pug’ (later Baron Ismay)
Algiers strategy talks (May–June 1943) 375
on Americans’ suspicions of British 214
Argonaut (Second Washington) Conference 1, 186, 190, 193, 195, 199, 200, 202, 207
background and career 110
Casablanca Conference (January 1943) 317, 340, 385
character 110, 111, 148
at Chequers 49, 244
and Chiefs of Staff system 76, 104, 110
on Churchill 65, 507
and Churchill’s ‘Bay of Bengal Strategy’ 472, 473, 475
and fall of Tobruk 3, 200
First Cairo Conference (Sextant; November 1943) 443
inspection of troops at Fort Jackson (June 1942) 207, 208
interview with Pogue 398, 472
loyalty to Churchill 461
on Marshall 236–7
and Marshall’s first mission to London (Modicum; April 1942) 143, 145–6, 154, 157–8, 166
and Marshall’s second mission to London (July 1942) 244
(Second Quebec) Conference (September 1944) 512
and Operation Jupiter 285
and Operation Roundup 307
and Operation Torch 280
Quadrant (First Quebec) Conference (August 1943) 392, 408
and relations between Churchill and
Brooke 77, 110–11
suggested as successor to Dill 530
Trident (Third Washington) Conference (May 1943) 358, 362–3
and unconditional-surrender celebration 570
visits Chartwell 42
Yalta Conference (February 1945) 549
Ismay, Sir Stanley 110
isolationism 32, 54, 199
Istria 459, 466, 499, 510, 511, 513, 515, 516, 562, 578
armistice 390
declares war on Germany 390
fall of Mussolini 389–90
future of monarchy 430, 555
Navy 415, 420
operations in North Africa 46, 62
Iwo Jima 523
jackrabbits 488
Jackson, Thomas ‘Stonewall’ 11, 145
Jackson, General Sir William 345, 393
Jacob, Lieutenant-General (Sir) Ian
and ambiguity of terminology of Allied operations 228
on American Government’s lack of organization 2, 71–2, 77
and Anglo-American Air Agreement (1942) 209–10
Arcadia (First Washington) Conference (December 1941–January 1942) 71–2, 81, 84, 87
Argonaut (Second Washington) Conference (June 1942) 190, 199
on Balkans strategy 516–17
Casablanca Conference (January 1943) 316–17, 319, 320, 324, 325, 335, 336–8, 340–41
character 71–2, 84, 228
on Churchill and Chiefs of Staff Committee 105, 109
code for communicating with Dykes 93–4
diary xxxviii
on Dykes 94
on King 98, 320
Malta Conference (Cricket; January–February 1945) 539
in Marrakesh 348
on Marshall 33
and Marshall’s first mission to London (Modicum; April 1942) 154, 158–9
and Marshall’s second mission to London (July 1942) 245–6
minutes of talks with Stalin (August 1942) 271, 272
nickname 94
on Operation Overlord 581
on Operation Torch 296
on plan to expel Italy from North Africa 346
on Roosevelt’s meeting with Molotov 176
on splitting of Middle East Command 268
on strategy 492
Trident (Third Washington) Conference (May 1943) 358
advance across South-east Asia 66, 67, 119–20
attack on Pearl Harbor 62, 63–4
domination of Pacific 64
fails to co-ordinate strategy with Germany 127
fanaticism of Army 519
invasion of Burma 89, 118, 124
invasion of China 20
loss of aircraft carriers 238, 241
surrender 523
total mobilization 86
Japan First policy 138, 232–5, 239–41, 261, 328, 367
Java 119, 120
Jean Bart (battleship) 321
Jena–Auerstadt, battle of (1806) 513
Jersey, HMS 200
Jerusalem 54, 443, 451
Jews 305–6, 354, 558
Johnson, Louis 26, 28
Johnson, William 363
Johore 90
Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee (United States)
creation of 71, 72, 96–7
operation of 98–9
see also Combined Chiefs of Staff Committee
Joint Declaration (1941) 54
Joint Intelligence Committee (British) 108, 221, 511, 515, 535, 564–5
Joint Planning Committee (United States) 45, 72–3, 436
Joint Planning Staff (British) 108–9, 321, 328
see also Combined Chiefs of Staff Committee, Joint Planning Staff
Joint Staff Mission 50, 74, 76, 78, 79, 93, 132, 300, 464
Jordan, Sir William 238
Jubilee, Operation 227, 250, 272–4, 277, 291, 586
Juin, General Alphonse 509
Julius Caesar 583
July (1944) Bomb Plot (against Hitler) 509
Junge, Traudl 112
Junior Carlton Club, London 40
Jupiter, Operation 586
Brooke’s opposition to 179, 245, 252, 517, 574, 577
Churchill’s support for 173, 179, 185, 226–7, 233, 283–4, 285, 299, 301, 517, 574
impracticality of 47, 185, 226–7
proposed role of Canadian forces 227
Jutland, battle of (1916) 44, 106
Kalach 276
Karawanken mountains 517
Kassel 532, 540, 562, 563
Kasserine Pass, battle of (1943) 209, 352, 355, 410
Katyn Massacre 527
Kennedy, Major-General (Sir) John
and Allies’ naivety about Stalin 356
and appointment of supreme commander of Operation Overlord 398
on Brooke 56, 62, 101, 301–2
Casablanca Conference (January 1943) 315, 317, 318, 321, 322, 327, 333, 341–2, 344, 345, 582
on Churchill 63, 113
and Churchill’s respect for Wehrmacht 581
clashes with Churchill 49, 65
on defence of Singapore 90–91
and development of Mediterranean strategy after Torch 301, 303–4, 308
Masters and Commanders Page 88