Masters and Commanders
Page 89
diary 91, 274
on Eastern Front 300, 305
education and early career xxxix–xl
and Eisenhower 174–5
and fall of Singapore 117
fears American focus on Pacific front 124
First Cairo Conference (Sextant; November 1943) 430–31
and Gandhi 350
and invasion of mainland Italy 388, 390, 408–10, 413–14
and Ismay 111
and Japan’s entry into war 64, 65
and Margesson 112
and Marshall’s mission to London (Modicum; July 1942) 251–2
on need for a supreme commander in
Europe 172–3
and North African campaigns 62, 63, 184–5
and Operation Husky 383
and Operation Torch 263, 274–5, 277–8, 279, 287–8, 294, 296, 298
opposition to early Second Front 126, 131–2, 132–3, 167–8
on Pacific War Council 238
and plans for Operation Overlord 424–5, 428
and reinforcement of Middle East 124
with Second BEF 39–40
on Stalin 215, 444
on Teheran (Eureka) Conference (November 1943) 455
The Business of War xxxix, xl
Kennedy, John Fitzgerald 296
Kent, Prince George, Duke of 348
Kesselring, Field Marshal Albert 221, 410, 422, 435, 459, 494, 513
Keyes, Admiral Sir Roger (later 1st Baron Keyes) 44, 119, 224
Kharkov 191, 406
Khartoum 314
Kiev 54, 406
Kimball, Warren 165, 228
King, Admiral Ernest J.
and Anglo-American Air Agreement (1942) 210
Anglophobia 98, 195, 582
appearance and character 94, 97–8, 195, 281, 320, 321–2, 339, 491
Argonaut (Second Washington) Conference (June 1942) 190, 194–5, 198, 199
Casablanca Conference (January 1943) 314, 317, 318, 320–22, 323–4, 327–8, 329–33, 335, 336, 339, 342
causes problems for British 88, 195, 216, 251, 320, 528, 574
and CCS 94 memorandum 256
codename 94
and Combined Chiefs of Staff meetings 91
and development of Mediterranean strategy after Operation Torch 312
disagreement with Marshall over convoys 93
‘drain on military resources’ 160
First Cairo Conference (Sextant; November 1943) 432, 435, 437, 448–9
focused on Pacific 139, 226, 232, 237, 247, 366, 368
Great War service 162
and Greece 528
and Italian plebiscite 430
and Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee 96, 97, 98–9
and MacArthur’s offensive to recapture Philippines 404
Malta Conference (Cricket; January–February 1945) 541
and Marshall’s Japan First alternative 231–2, 233, 240
meetings with Molotov 175
mission to London with Marshall (July 1942) 239, 242, 243–4, 245, 247, 248, 251, 253–4, 257, 258
Octagon (Second Quebec) Conference (September 1944) 516, 519–20, 521–4
Operation Anvil 494–5
and Operation Torch 274, 284
opposes Britain’s Pacific strategy 474
plans for Operation Overlord 433, 462–3, 488
Quadrant (First Quebec) Conference (August 1943) 402
reading of Soldiers and Statesmen (Robertson) 241
rejects proposal for reciprocal Planning officers 426–7
replaces Stark 88
Riviera Conference (August 1941) 52
and Roosevelt’s memorandum on future strategy (May 1942) 171, 172
spurns British involvement in Pacific 510, 519–20, 521–4, 553, 569
supports unified command structure 79
Trident (Third Washington) Conference (May 1943) 358, 362, 366, 369
and use of convoys 182
Yalta Conference (February 1945) 546, 553
King’s College, London, Liddell Hart Centre for War Studies xl, 211
King’s Dragoon Guards 416
Kinzel, General Hans 570
Kipling, Rudyard, Kim 295
Kitchener, Herbert, 1st Earl 72
Klagenfurt valley 517
Knickerbocker Club, New York 526
‘Knightsbridge’ (Western Desert area) 179, 182
Knox, William ‘Frank’ 349
Kohima 242
Koreis 550
Kowloon 313
Kriegsmarine (German Navy) 4, 92, 553
see also U-boats
Krueger, General Walter 163
Kurile Islands 548
Kursk 55
battle of (1943) 382–3, 489, 535
Kutuzov, Operation 383
Kuznetsov, Admiral Nikolai 553
Kwajalein Atoll 130
Labour Party 286
Lac des Neiges 408
LaGuardia, Fiorello H. 53
Lambe, Admiral of the Fleet Sir Charles 392, 403
Lancaster (bomber) 523
Land, Admiral Emory S. 550
Land Girls 309
Langhorne, Mrs Cary 99
Langley airfield 363
Lascelles, Sir Alan xxxviii, 295–6, 358, 427, 493, 500, 512, 550, 567
Laval, Pierre 165
Law, Richard (later 1st Baron Coleraine) 557
Lawrence, David 466
Lawrence, T. E., ‘of Arabia’ 34
Le Havre 125, 129
Le Mans 10, 39, 41, 42, 46, 49, 106, 251
Le Touquet 161
League of Nations 19
Leahy, Admiral William D.
appearance 315
career 96
Casablanca Conference (January 1943) 314, 317
Chief of Joint Chiefs of Staff xxxviii, 96, 97
on command of Operation Overlord 397
First Cairo Conference (Sextant; November 1943) 435
and Italian plebiscite 430
Malta Conference (Cricket; January–February 1945) 544
mistrustful of Churchill 195, 359
Octagon (Second Quebec) Conference (September 1944) 520, 521, 522, 523, 524
and Operation Torch 281
predicts civil war in France 434
proposes Marshall take over both
Mediterranean and Western Fronts 428
Quadrant (First Quebec) Conference (August 1943) 407
relations with Brooke 381, 397
and role of British in Pacific campaigns 520, 521, 522, 523, 524
Trident (Third Washington) Conference (May 1943) 359, 361, 368, 371, 372
Yalta Conference (February 1945) 554
Leathers, Frederick (later 1st Viscount Leathers) 282, 315, 358, 418, 466, 512, 545
Lebensraum 276
Lee, Arthur, 1st Viscount Lee of Fareham 244
Lee, Robert E. 11, 29, 96
Lees-Milne, James xxxiii–xxxiv
Leesburg, Virginia 29, 61
Leigh-Mallory, Air Chief Marshal Sir Trafford 348, 456, 488
Leipzig 564, 566
Lembang 120
Lend–Lease 30, 45–6, 51, 63, 79, 83, 86, 209, 326, 468, 561
Leningrad 54, 64
Leros 411, 538
Levant 184, 205–6, 268
Lewin, Ronald 167
Lexington, Virginia 10, 11
Liberty ships 297, 437
Libya 3, 62–3, 89, 118, 124, 171, 182, 184–5
Liddell Hart, Captain (Sir) Basil 106, 299, 403, 451, 459, 493
Liddell Hart Centre for Military Archives xl, 211
Lidice massacre 183
Lincoln, Abraham 34
Lincoln, Lawrence ‘Abe’ 114, 115
Lindemann, Professor Frederick
see Cherwell, Frederick Lindemann, Viscount
Liri Valley 457
Litvinov, Maxim 126, 288
Livadia Palace, Crimea 545, 546, 551, 552, 555
Ljubljana Gap 490, 494, 510, 517, 538, 540, 545,
562, 574, 577
Löhr, Generaloberst Alexander 527
Loire, River 38, 492
Lom, Herbert 258
air raids 108, 140, 257, 294, 464, 537
anti-invasion exercise 46–7
Army & Navy Stores 525
Athenaeum Club 483, 582
Bethnal Green tube station disaster 353–4
Brooks’s Club xxxiv, 116
Buck’s Club 264
Bushy Park 495
Cabinet War Rooms, Whitehall 48, 58, 108, 504, 537
Carlton Grill restaurant 65
Cheyne Walk 301
Church House 108, 472
Claridge’s Hotel 147, 243, 248, 251, 253
Dorchester Hotel 267
Down Street tube station 108
Downing Street 39, 48, 141, 146, 153, 384
Euston Station 243, 491
GPO Research Station, Dollis Hill 108
Gray’s Inn 9, 35
Great George Street 108, 109, 337
Guards’ Chapel 493–4
Horse Guards Parade 578
Junior Carlton Club 40
Mansion House 295
Metropolitan Water Works 46
Ministry of Defence, Whitehall 516
Neasden 46
No. 10 Annexe, Whitehall 48, 277, 287, 383, 532, 537, 541, 568
Norfolk House, St James’s Square 382
Office of Works, Whitehall 48
Old Royal Naval College, Greenwich 257
Ritz Hotel 112
Rotunda, Horseferry Road 108
Sackville Street 59
St Paul’s School, Hammersmith 482
Savoy Grill 111
Savoy Hotel 145, 148
Tower of London 444
United Service Club 63, 131
V-1 flying bomb attacks 490, 493–4, 501, 504
V-2 rocket attacks 490, 513, 537, 563, 582
Victory in Europe Day (8 May 1945) 571
victory parade (1919) 9–10
Waterloo Station 483
Westminster Abbey 419, 584
Westminster Gardens 247, 253
London Combined Chiefs of Staff talks (June 1944) 491–3
London Conference of Dominion prime ministers (May 1944) 480–81
London Fencing Club 13
Londonderry 164
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, ‘The Building of the Ship’ 48, 568
‘Longstop’ Hill 303
Los Alamos, New Mexico 406
Lost, Operation 588
Louis XVI, King of France 570
Louisiana manoeuvres (1941) 163
Lovat, Simon Fraser, 15
th Lord 232
Lübeck 116, 566
Lublin Committee 550
Lucas, Major-General John 459, 462
attacks on Arctic convoys 4, 192
bombing of Malta 249
command of landing sites in France 173
London Blitz 108, 140, 257, 537
Mediterranean campaign losses 459–60
in Norway 4, 47, 192, 227
and Operation Overlord 19, 403, 489
pinpoints Chequers 41
in Soviet Union 154, 155
strength in west 249, 306
withdrawal from North Africa 185
Luneville 12
Lunghi, Hugh 445, 447, 448, 549–50
Luqa airfield 545
Lusitania, RMS 63
Luxembourg 533
Lyneham, RAF 315, 559
Lyons 508
Lyttelton, Oliver (later 1st Viscount Chandos) 81, 131, 153, 159, 256, 287, 309, 418, 466
MacArthur, General of the Army Douglas
on Brooke 442
Brooke’s views on 172–3, 216, 442
campaign to recapture Philippines 404
character 25, 398, 423
demands for supplies in Pacific 160–61, 288
and Japan First alternative 232
and King 97, 553
in Philippines 74
Victory in Europe Day 571
MacArthur (film) 363
Macaulay, Thomas Babington, Baron 374
McCarthy, Major Frank 199, 243, 363, 484
McCarthy, Senator Joseph 485, 544, 548
McCormack, John 296
McCrea, Captain John 314
McCreery, General Sir Richard 510
McFarland, Colonel Andrew 406
McIntyre, Rear-Admiral Ross 314
Mackensen, General Eberhard von 459
Mackenzie King, William L. xxxviii, 391, 449, 481, 514, 515
McKinley, William 11
Macmillan, Harold (later 1st Earl of Stockton) xxxviii, xxxix, 43, 111, 311, 317, 322, 325, 337, 495, 497, 498
McNair, General Lesley J. 208
McNarney, Major-General Joseph T. 114, 151, 152–3, 160, 187, 190, 362, 364, 511
McNaughton, General Andrew G. L. 21, 283
Macready, Lieutenant-General (Sir) Gordon N. 190
Madagascar 124, 586
Madeira 85
Madjerda valley 303
Magdeburg 564
Maginot Line 36
Magnet Plan 83
Mahan, Admiral Alfred Thayer 18
Mainz 532
Maisky, Ivan 127, 290
Malakand Field Force 16
Malaya 65, 90, 119, 295, 313, 470, 473, 475, 520
Mallaby, Colonel Aubertin 17, 111, 266
Mallaby, Sir George 111
Malta 328, 462, 489
Admiralty House 539, 540
bombing of 182, 249, 419
British battleships stationed at 411, 414
Chiefs of Staff meeting en route to
Cairo Conference (November 1943) 431
Operation Breastplate 109, 586
Valletta Grand Harbour 200, 544
Malta Conference (Cricket; January–February 1945) 537, 539–45, 575, 577
Manchuria 551
Mandibles, Operation 300, 586
Manhattan Engineer District project 406
Manila 18
Manna, Operation 527, 586
Manstein, Field Marshal Erich von 305, 546, 587
Margesson, David (later 1st Viscount Margesson) 22, 46, 49, 56, 62, 112, 118