Masters and Commanders
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appointment as supreme commander South-East Asia Command 395
on Brooke 20
Brooke’s views on 162, 174, 340, 395
Casablanca Conference (January 1943) 315, 317, 340, 385
character 107, 398
diary xxxviii
Dieppe Raid (August 1942) 250, 272–3
Habbakuk demonstration 405–6
and Marshall’s first mission to London (Modicum; April 1942) 143, 153, 154, 156
and Marshall’s second mission to London (July 1942) 244
and Operation Roundup 307
and Operation Torch 280
Quadrant (First Quebec) Conference (August 1943) 392, 405–6, 409
and replacement of Pound 415–16
and sinking of HMS Jersey 200
talks with Roosevelt (June 1942) 180–81, 185, 202, 211, 250
Moyne, Walter Guinness, 1st Baron 558
Mulberry harbours 173, 465, 494
Munich Agreement (1938) 18–19, 25, 118, 278
munitions production 45, 83, 86, 468
Murmansk 118, 175, 227, 285
Musahi (battleship) 332
Mussolini, Benito 344, 359, 390, 430, 583
Naples 385, 388, 416, 426, 493, 517, 580
Napoleon I 196, 203, 258, 264, 276, 279, 375, 508, 513, 533
Napoleonic Wars 112
Narvik 47, 192, 227, 272
National Archives (British) xxxvii
National Guard (United States) 32
National Velvet (film) 546–7
NATO 413, 525
Nazi–Soviet (Molotov–Ribbentrop) non-aggression pact (1939) 119, 215, 278, 304, 451
NBC (broadcast network) 201, 212, 347, 368–9, 390, 402
Nel, Elizabeth 14, 113–14
Nelson, Admiral Horatio, Viscount 257, 359, 419
Nelson, HMS 169
Neptune, Operation 461, 586
see Holland
Nettuno 484
New Britain 332
New Deal 19, 25, 35, 53, 453
New Guinea 288, 289, 332, 371, 404
New York 34, 363, 526, 571
New York Herald Tribune 466
New Zealand 67, 70, 76, 79, 117, 124, 238, 487
Newbolt, Sir Henry 103
Newfoundland 52, 215, 374
News Chronicle 230
Niagara Falls 392
Nicolson, (Sir) Harold xxxviii, 463
Nicolson, Nigel 20, 409
Nikopol 463
Nile, River 49, 263
Nimitz, Fleet Admiral Chester 404
Ninth Army (US) 534, 563, 564
NKVD (Soviet secret police) 546
No. 10 Annexe, Whitehall 48, 277, 287, 383, 532, 537, 541, 568
Normanbrook, Norman Brook, 1st Baron see Brook, Norman
British Expeditionary Force (1940) 38
landings (Operation Overlord) 386, 392, 402, 403, 405, 482, 486, 487–90, 493, 494, 502–3, 506, 578, 581
Operation Bolero 121, 133
Operation Roundup 245, 367, 386, 556
Operation Sledgehammer 121, 129
North Carolina, USS 156
North Sea 46
Northam, Sussex 182
Northern Ireland 12–13, 42, 68, 83, 140, 164, 165, 209, 396
Northolt aerodrome 539
Britain defeated in (April 1940) 4, 220
and Combined Chiefs of Staff system 76
deportation of Jews 305
German troops stationed in 456
German withdrawal 539
Luftwaffe in 4, 47, 192, 227
Norwegian casualties on D-Day 487
see also Ajax, Operation; Jupiter, Operation
Nye, Lieutenant-General (Sir) Archibald 62, 104, 177, 225, 266, 268–9, 274, 354, 472
Oahu, Hawaii 51
Octagon (Second Quebec) Conference (September 1944) 512, 514–26
Oder, River 549, 550, 557
Office of Civil Defense (United States) 30, 53
Office of Strategic Services (United States) 94
Official History of the Second World War 220
Official Secrets Act (1911) xxxiv
Caucasus 241
embargoes 20
Middle Eastern 4, 127, 155, 160, 168, 191, 222, 242, 263, 477
New World 222, 263
Roumanian (Ploesti) 303, 367, 371, 579, 588
Okinawa 523, 554
Olympic Games (Paris, 1924) 73
‘Operations in 1942–3’
see CCS 94
Operations Division (of US War Department; OPD)
Anglophobia in 223, 582
creation of 71, 114–15
departmental unanimity 260
plans for early invasion of Europe 121, 123, 128, 167
and plans for invading North Africa 223, 260, 262
suspicions of Britain 83–4, 358, 458
views on Churchill as strategist 237
Oran 255, 260, 274, 277, 279, 280, 281–2, 291, 293, 300
Orange plan 131, 587
Oregon 26
Orion, HMS 539, 541
Orkney Islands 156
ornithology 21–2, 59, 100, 185, 299, 301, 321, 322, 328–9, 339, 364, 366, 378, 531
Orphan, Operation 588
Ostend 125
Other Club 42
Overlord, Operation 587
appointment of supreme commander 381–2, 394, 395–8, 414–15, 417, 432, 442, 448–50, 452–4, 455–6, 577
build-up for 464, 477–80, 482
construction work for 403, 482
deputy and subordinate command positions 455–6
discussions at Algiers strategy talks (May–June 1943) 376, 377
discussions at Quadrant (First Quebec) Conference (August 1943) 403
discussions at Teheran Conference (Eureka; November 1943) 436, 446–7, 451, 455
discussions at Trident (Third Washington) Conference (May 1943) 369–70, 371, 377
importance of air power 19, 403, 425, 456
naval and air support (Operation Neptune) 461
plans for 382, 386–8, 418–19, 420–25, 433–4, 457, 461
scale of 308, 468, 502–3, 580
size of British and American contingents 432, 437
see also D-Day
Overseas Defence Committee 94
Overy, Richard 222–3, 335
Pacific Ocean
in ‘American area of responsibility’ 124, 155
disagreement over British role in Pacific campaigns 510, 519–25
Japanese domination 64
limits of reinforcement 86
Pacific War Council 238
Paderborn 563, 564
Paget, General Sir Bernard 20, 57, 141, 177
Pakenham, General Sir Ridley 295
Palau Islands 404, 588
Palermo 5, 387, 389
Palestine 84, 171, 237, 263, 266
Pan-American Airlines 30, 133
Panama 170
Panama Canal 30
Pantelleria 384, 544
panzer divisions 3, 37, 219–21, 263, 275, 383, 411, 459, 488, 533–4
fall of 38
liberation 503, 511, 512
Olympic Games (1924) 73
Victory in Europe Day (8 May 1945) 571
Pas de Calais 128, 192, 247, 488, 512
Passchendaele, battle of (1917) 214, 394, 487
Patton, General George S. Jr
advances through France 500, 508
battle of the Bulge (1944–5) 534
broad-front strategy 510, 511
character 326, 398, 510
crossing of Rhine 562
encirclement of Ruhr 529, 530
and Marshall’s offer to send armoured division to Middle East 206–7
North African campaigns 325, 381–2
Operation Husky 356, 389, 403
Operation Torch 291, 314
and ‘race for
Berlin’ 561
successes on Moselle 562
Patton (film) 363
Pau 12, 14
Paulus, Field Marshal Friedrich 305, 346, 349
Pavlov, Vladimir 175, 271
Peake, (Sir) Charles 555
Pearl Harbor 51, 62, 63–4, 66, 67, 88
Peirse, Air Chief Marshal Sir Richard 21, 358
Peloponnesian War 575
Penang 67
Penitent, Operation 588
Pentagon building 178, 361
Percival, Lieutenant-General Arthur 116, 118, 125
Perkins, Frances 445
Pershing, General John ‘Black Jack’ 12, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 61, 236, 414, 452, 534
Persia (Iran) 4, 126, 241, 250, 266, 268, 443
oil 155, 160, 242, 477
post-war independence 451, 477, 548
Persian Gulf 124, 127, 155, 171, 191, 285, 326
Pétain, Marshal Philippe 165, 299
Petsamo 227
Peyrouton, Marcel 351
Philippines 11, 12, 18, 74, 79, 82, 145, 404, 407, 475
Phoney War 42
Pim, Captain Richard 137
Pisa 390, 429, 447, 481, 492, 498, 504, 517
Pitt, William, ‘the Younger’ 258
Placentia Bay 52, 64
see also Riviera Conference
Plan D 36
‘Plan Dog’ 45, 69
Ploesti oil fields 367, 371, 579, 588
Plog, William 243
Plunder, Operation 542, 562–3
PLUTO (Pipeline Under The Ocean) 173
Plymouth 40, 200
Po, River 58, 377, 388, 491, 509, 569
Po Valley 390, 391, 392, 466, 467, 490, 498, 504, 505, 578
Pogue, Forrest
biography of Marshall xl, 22–3
and Brooke 579
and Casablanca Conference 338–9
on Churchill’s insistence on Mediterranean strategy 215
compares Marshall and Brooke 142, 163
and Cunningham 516, 582
and D-Day 490
on differences between Marshall’s and Brooke’s strategies 139, 140, 253
and Eisenhower 69
and Ismay 398, 472
and Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee 96, 98
and Lambe 403
and Marshall’s decision on command of Operation Overlord 452
and Marshall’s Japan First alternative 234
on Marshall’s self-effacement 10
and Marshall’s suspicions of Britain 84, 539
on Marshall’s views on Churchill 150, 203
on Marshall’s views on King 251
on Marshall’s views on Roosevelt 205
and Modicum Conference 166
and Morgan 423
and reform of War Department 115
and Bedell Smith 535
and Tedder 560
Pointblank, Operation 319, 587
forces in Italy 481
German invasion 28, 32
massacre of Jews 305–6
post-war proposals 451, 548, 550
Soviet occupation 504–5, 526, 557
Pope, Major-General Vyvyan 348
Port Arthur 551
Port Patrick 16, 165
Portal, Air Chief Marshal Sir Charles (later Viscount Portal of Hungerford)
appearance and character 73, 104, 107, 108, 163, 466
Arcadia (First Washington) Conference (December 1941–January 1942) 66, 67, 69, 73–4, 79, 81, 99
background and career 103–4, 106
and bombing of Germany 170, 178
and bombing of Monte Cassino 472
and bombing of Rome 310
and British role in Pacific campaigns 521, 522, 524
and Brooke’s appointment as chairman of Chiefs of Staff Committee 103, 105
and Brooke’s appointment as CIGS 58
Casablanca Conference (January 1943) 315, 317, 321, 327, 331, 332–3, 334, 339–40, 342, 345, 385
on Churchill 35–6
and Churchill’s ‘Bay of Bengal Strategy’ 469, 470–71
at Coronation (1953) 584
falconry expert 104, 364
handling of Churchill 104
Malta Conference (Cricket; January–February 1945) 541
and Marshall’s first mission to London (Modicum; April 1942) 1, 140, 143, 146–7, 149, 154
and Marshall’s second mission to
London (July 1942) 244, 249–50, 254
on military strategy 509
Octagon (Second Quebec) Conference (September 1944) 512, 521, 522, 524, 525
and Operation Ajax 47
and Operation Anvil 496
and Operation Gymnast 83
and Operation Roundup 307
pall-bearer at Pound’s funeral 419
and plans for Operation Overlord 418
Quadrant (First Quebec) Conference (August 1943) 391, 408
Trident (Third Washington) Conference (May 1943) 364, 365–6
Victory in Europe Day 571
Portugal 124, 310
Potomac (yacht) 52
Potsdam Conference (Terminal; July 1945) 585
Pound, Admiral of the Fleet Sir Dudley
appearance and character 73, 104, 107, 148, 163
Arcadia (First Washington) Conference (December 1941–January 1942) 66, 67, 68, 73–4, 75, 79, 81, 99
background and early career 43–4, 106
and Brooke’s appointment as CIGS 58
Casablanca Conference (January 1943) 315, 317, 339–40, 385
codenames 94, 243
and Combined Chiefs of Staff system 91
death 419
and Marshall’s first mission to London (Modicum; April 1942) 140, 143, 148, 149, 154, 156
and Marshall’s second mission to London (July 1942) 243, 244, 250
medical conditions 44, 102–3, 313, 392–3, 408, 416
and Operation Ajax 47
and Operation Jupiter 227
and Operation Roundup 307
and Operation Torch 282
and proposed modifications to battleships 170
Quadrant (First Quebec) Conference (August 1943) 392–3, 408
replaced by Brooke as chairman of
Chiefs of Staff Committee 102–3, 105