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Yo' Boo Been Creepin' With Me 2

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by Angie Hayes




  Angie Hayes

  © Copyright 2015 Angie Hayes & Cachet Presents.

  All rights reserved. The text of this publication, or any part, thereof may not be reproduced in any manner without written permission from the author and/or publisher.

  This novel is a work of fiction. Characters names, places, or events are of the author’s imagination. Any references to actual events or real people is entirely coincidental.


  First off, I can never get enough of thanking God for his many blessings! So thank you! I won’t make this long because I know you all want to get into the story to see what happens next!

  So I just want to say thank you to my Mother, Joyce and my Husband Shavargo. These two are my biggest fans and my wonderful blessings to have in my life!

  To my Publisher Cachet, none of this would be possible without you chick, so thank you a million times over for the chance and the beautiful friendship we developed.

  To my readers: I can’t thank you all enough for taking the time to read my books! I’m more than grateful. Always remember, that every story has a meaning and lesson to it....Enjoy!

  Everybody plays the fool; you just have to decide when enough is enough.


  Earlier that day…

  I could tell that Rashaad must have still had an attitude from yesterday when he picked me up from my doctor’s appointment this morning. His ass didn’t even come inside, only sending me a text telling me that he’s downstairs. Soon as I got in the car, he pulled off without saying a single word to me. The drive was quiet which was fine by me. I was still tired and sleepy as hell anyway.

  Pam and Yolanda ended up leaving my place around 1:30 am. They both had this debate going on last night between them about Yolanda’s situation with her married baby daddy. I personally couldn’t understand why Pam’s ass was so concerned, hell it’s not like it was Pam’s husband she was messing with. So why get mad about it?

  As soon as l closed my eyes to catch a quick nap, the car stopped. I looked to see we were already at the office. We both got out the car and walked inside, still not saying shit to one another. I went up to the window and signed myself in and took a seat. Rashaad already sat down and started reading a magazine.

  “Ms. Blake” the nurse called from behind the window.

  “Yes.” I said.

  “The doctor is running behind this morning so your scheduled appointment is going to be a little late, I’m sorry for inconvenience.” The nurse informed me.

  I thanked her and went back to have a seat. I picked up a magazine of my own to read to try to kill some time. Thirty minutes had passed and I still hadn’t been called yet.

  “With all this waiting, I have to use the bathroom.” I said as I stood up.

  I went into the back and almost pissed on myself trying to make it to the toilet. After I relieved my bladder, I washed my hands and headed back out into the waiting room. As I approached the door I heard commotion going on sounding like Rashaad arguing with a familiar voice.

  “Look just go home and I’ll be there later to talk to you.” I heard Rashaad say.

  “No you’re going to talk to me now Rashaad, why are you here?” I heard the female voice.

  I instantly smiled when I recognized that the other familiar voice was coming from Kema. I swear my luck was getting better and better. Now I can kill two birds with one stone. I pushed the door opened and walked back into the waiting room. They both stopped arguing and stared at me as I walked over to where Rashaad was standing and took my seat.

  “Hey little cousin.” I said to Kema looking her in her face, smirking.


  Kema didn’t speak back; she stood there with her mouth open looking back and forth between me and Rashaad.

  “Wait a fucking minute, Rashaad what is going on?” she asked.

  “What does it look like? Damn you can’t be this naive.” I said as I picked up the magazine and started reading it again.

  “Rashaad please tell me this is not what I think it is?” Kema screamed. Still only talking to Rashaad as if I wasn’t there.

  This bitch was really about to get her feelings hurt.

  “Kema this isn’t the place for this, please just go home and we’ll talk when I get there.” Rashaad pleaded.

  He looked like he was actually remorseful for being caught here with me. His ass wasn’t going to play me either, so I stood up and took charge of the situation.

  “Yes Kema please go home. When we are finished checking on our baby, I’ll send Rashaad back home to you.” I said as I made sure to put a lot of emphasis on the words our baby.

  “You bastard!” Kema yelled as she hit Rashaad upside his head with her fist.

  He pushed me out of the way so I wouldn’t get hit. The security guards rushed out and stood in between Rashaad and Kema as she was trying to get to him again. The security placed her in a bear hug and told her that she would have to leave the premises.

  “Let me the fuck go!” She yelled trying to get out of his grasp.

  “Not until you calm down ma’am.” the security told her.

  “My man you can take your hands off her, I got her.” Rashaad warned the security.

  Kema stopped yelling, and was breathing heavy while staring at me. The security must have recognized who Rashaad was and let her go with no question.

  “Kema please just go home.” Rashaad finally said in a low tone.

  She just stood there shaking her head and crying. She looked over at me.

  “You’re my first cousin, my blood, and all this time this is what you have been doing? I knew you were a hoe since we were little and from what everybody else has been saying, but I didn’t think you would be this low. Both of you are some nasty muthafuckas!” She yelled.

  By now there was an audience and we damn sure was giving them a show!

  Kema stormed out of the door and I heard her as her car screeched out of the parking lot. The nurse came back out front looking very uneasy and said that the doctor was ready to see me. I just walked back there without a care in the world. Rashaad followed behind me quietly, like he was still upset about what just happened. Once we got back into the room, the nurse ordered me to change into my gown and that the doctor will be in shortly.

  I did as I was told and laid there waiting. Rashaad just sat in the chair still not saying anything to me. Finally the doctor came in with the nurse and greeted us. The nurse put that cold ass gel on my stomach, and the doctor proceeded with the ultrasound.

  “Well everything looks great. The heartbeat is strong and your due date is still as planned. Don’t forget to keep taking your vitamins. Also, I know you mentioned the morning sickness on your patient history form, but it’ll pass just make sure you stay hydrated.” The doctor ordered.

  Once he left the room, I got dressed as Rashaad was still staring at the ultrasound picture the nurse printed out for us.

  “I can’t believe this my little guy or princess.” He said showing me the ultrasound smiling.

  “Yup, it sure is.” I said.

  Once I finished dressing, I stopped at the receptionist desk to make my next appointment then, we headed to the parking lot.

  “So what are you about to get into?” Rashaad asked me as we both got into the car heading out to leave.

  “Go home and lay down. I got to bed late and I’m still kind of tired, are you staying?” I asked.

  “Nah, I can’t. I gotta get home and handle this with Kema.” He said “Well you do that, once you finish you know where I’ll be.” I said as I leaned my head back on
the headrest and closed my eyes.

  The seed has been planted and fertilized; now it’s time for it to grow.


  I was hyperventilating so much that I had to pull over on the side of the road to try and calm down. I felt like I was in the twilight zone. I couldn’t believe that this whole time Rashaad, my fiancée and the love of my life was not only sleeping with my cousin behind my back, but got the bitch pregnant! The whole damn time these two muthafuckas was doing me dirty behind my back, while smiling in my face!

  I started screaming and banging my fist on the steering with tears streaming down my face. What could I have possibly done so wrong in life to make me deserve this pain? I have put up with a lot of shit from Rashaad. With the constant lying and cheating, hell even some ass whooping’s from time to time; but this shit here just tops it all! Fucking my cousin behind my back and getting her pregnant?

  And Katrina! I already knew that bitch had a reputation for being slimy and fucking every nigga on sight, but I thought that she would at least have a conscience not to cross her family, me especially! I was so caught up with running behind Rashaad and trying to figure out what I could do to make our relationship better that I couldn’t see anything else.

  Feeling like a fool was an understatement of how I was feeling right now. I rest my forehead forward on the steering wheel and started taking deep breaths to calm myself down so I could drive home without getting into an accident. Although home was the last place I wanted to go to right now, I needed answers and Rashaad was the only one that could give them to me right now.


  I couldn’t believe I got caught up like this! I thought I was gonna shit bricks when I saw Kema walk through the doctor’s office door while I was there waiting with Katrina. I thought to myself as I was driving home to face Kema after I just dropped Katrina off. I wanted to be the one to tell her about me and Katrina, not having her finding out like this but fuck it. What’s done is done.

  It’s one thing for her to find out that another woman is having my baby, but to find out that other woman is her cousin is more than enough. The cat is out of the bag now so it’s either Kema is with it or not, because I’m going to be in my shorty life no matter who the fuck the momma is! I pulled up in my driveway and saw that Kema was already home. I took a deep breath before getting out my car and headed into the house. I didn’t know what I was about to walk into, but I had to get this shit over with.

  When I walked inside, I found Kema sitting in the living room with a glass of wine in her hand and her face wet from tears streaming down her face.

  “So I guess not only that you have a baby on the way, but my cousin is your supposed to be baby momma” Kema spoke first looking me dead in my eyes laughing.

  She had a look that I just couldn’t grasp. It was a mixture of hate and defeat, something I never saw in her before or just never paid attention too.

  I just stood there, still unable to say shit.

  “So all this time it was Katrina. Your half ass confession of you telling me that you have a baby on the way that might not be yours due to you being drunk from a one stand was bullshit?” Kema asked me.

  The calm tone of her voice was scary. I expected her to be throwing shit and yelling and going off, yet she was doing the total opposite.

  “Look Kema, yes I lied about everything. I’m sorry but I can’t change shit.” I told her. I didn’t mean to sound like I just didn’t give a fuck, but I wasn’t gone stand here and try to pacify the situation to her ass either.

  “Why Rashaad? Did I not do enough, did I not love you enough? You can’t say I wasn’t loyal because I’m the most loyal muthafucka you have in your life even though you don’t see it! So tell me why, and out of all the people in this world you had to fuck my cousin!” Kema said through tears.

  She was now standing and facing me. Seeing her cry was actually making me feel like shit.

  “You didn’t give me enough Kema, this shit wasn’t planned but I guess it was just meant.” I finally confessed.

  “Just meant, so what the fuck was I? After all the cheating, lies, physical and emotional abuse I endured from you, you still managed to take more from me! I don’t even talk to my parents because I chose to be with you!” She yelled, crying hysterically.

  “Don’t put that shit on me, I never told you to stop talking to your folks that was your choice yo!” I reminded her ass.

  “No you didn’t, but the minute I decided to leave college and follow you here when you asked me, I couldn’t bear to keep hearing my parents talk about how much of a mistake I was making by being with you! You may not have told me to stop talking to them, but you damn sure didn’t encourage me to talk to them either! Since we’ve been together everything has always been about you Rashaad and now you do this to me?”

  “All I can say is that I’m sorry, but I’m going to be in my child life Kema. Yea, I fucked up but I’m not about to take the fucked up decision I made out on my seed.”

  Kema just stood there staring at me not saying a word. Finally she sat back down on the couch and took a sip from her wine glass.

  “So now that I have a clear understanding of that, what now Rashaad?” Kema asked.

  “What you mean?” I asked confusedly.

  “I mean what about us, is this the end?” She specified to me.

  “Kema I don’t know what you want me to say.”

  “I want you to say that no matter what that we still are gonna ride together! I want you to say that no baby or hoe ass cousin of mines could come between us, and I want you to say that you love me and that you’ll never leave me!” Kema expressed to me as she turned to me with nothing but pure desperation in her eyes.

  I was shocked as hell about what had just came out of her mouth. I expected her to want to leave a nigga, but yet she still wanna stick it out.

  “I love you bae, I always will so I ain’t going nowhere.” I finally answered her.

  She got up and fell into my arms as I reached out to hug her. Although I love Kema, I know I just put myself in deeper shit with Katrina.


  I swear I felt like a bitch that had just won the lotto when I saw the look on Kema face when she found out that I’m Rashaad’s soon to be baby momma! The fact that she tried to go off was hilarious too, if I wasn’t pregnant I would have knocked that bitch in her mouth when she talked reckless to me; but me throwing my pregnancy in her face was enough damage to deflate the stuck up bitch. Rashaad also pissed me off as well trying to explain to her ass like he was full of regrets.

  Even though his attitude changed completely when heard the baby’s heartbeat and got an ultrasound picture. I still plan to get in his ass about it though! After our appointment at the doctor, Rashaad claimed he needed to go home and deal with Kema. So I gave him a pass, but he better not try to come at me with no bullshit now that she knows everything. Once I got home, I decided to call my momma and fill her in on everything.

  “Yeah.” My momma answered the phone on the third ring sounding like she was out of breathe.

  Knowing her ass, she probably was on somebody husband dick.

  “Why you breathing so hard?” I asked.

  “Because I just hopped off my afternoon snack, now what you want?” She rudely asked me.

  “Ugh, whatever. Anyways, I had a doctor’s appointment today and Rashaad came with me and guess who we ran into at the office?”


  “Kema!” I blurted out laughing.

  “Lawd! What I would have paid to be a fly on that wall! What happened?” She asked laughing hysterically into the phone.

  “Ma the shit was hilarious! She started putting on a show with all this crying and then had a nerve to call me a bitch and tried to jump bad.”

  “I know you popped her ass!” My momma yelled into the phone.

  “I wanted to so bad, but I let Rashaad handle it and her ass left. Never the less, he stayed with me as if he should.”

told her nonchalantly as I put my phone on speaker phone and started taking off my clothes.

  “His ass had better, and I hope it’s a boy because I don’t think I could handle another hoe!”

  “Well isn’t this like the pot calling the kettle black?” I muttered.

  “I heard that and you better watch yo damn mouth! Anyway, now that little Ms. Prissy knows what’s up, you need to focus on going down to that prison and handling this other situation. I can’t keep covering for yo ass and I’m tired of having too!”

  “Fine, if he calls you again, let him know I’ll be up for a visit next week Thursday.” I said blowing out an exasperated breathe.

  “I suggest you fix yo attitude because if it wasn’t for him we wouldn’t have been able to pull this off!”

  “I said fine momma damn!” I yelled into the phone.

  My message indicator went off letting me know I had a text message. I looked at the phone and saw that it was from Pam telling me she wanted to come over. I sent a reply telling her to come on.

  “Ma look, I gotta go I’ll talk to you later.” I said and hung up the phone before she had a chance to respond.

  The last thing I wanted to do was go to that nasty ass prison again, but if this plan was going to be completed, I had to finish it out. I went into the bathroom and turned the shower on and jumped in. I would worry about that other shit later, right now Pam was coming over and I knew it wouldn’t be for no talking.


  It felt good to talk to my sister about my problems with Eddie, although her friend Pam seemed a little judgmental to me. But what she said was right. I knew Eddie was married from the beginning and still choose to stay with him and get pregnant, so I shouldn’t be giving him any ultimatums. Regardless of what the situation, I had Eddie babies too and my kids deserved a full time daddy as well.

  After leaving Katrina house that day, I decided to text Eddie and tell him that we needed to talk ASAP. He text me back stating that his wife had to run errands and that he was home with the kids, but he’ll be over later on tonight. See this is the shit I was talking about, everything is always on his time and his wife and their kids always come first. I decided to let my kids stay overnight at their friends house for a sleepover just so I could have some time to myself.


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