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Yo' Boo Been Creepin' With Me 2

Page 4

by Angie Hayes


  “So what you telling me Ryan?”

  “I’m telling you that last year you were a rookie who broke out in the NFL like you owned this muthafucka. You almost led your team to a Super bowl by making it to the third round playoffs. I got endorsements lined up for you and I’m trying to secure you a long profitable contract with the Falcons. So right now you can’t afford any scandal coming your way. Now the blogs are gonna do what they can to keep a story relevant, but as your agent I need you to tell me exactly what the hell is going on about this baby situation so I can know which angle to take?” Ryan explained to me.

  Ryan called me into his office early this morning and stated that we needed to handle the story about my love child ASAP! Everyone knew I was engaged to Kema already, considering the fact she’s always on my arm at fundraisers and special team events and at my games. So the fact that someone else is pregnant from me that’s not her is looking messy as hell right now.

  “Alright Ryan it’s like this. I don’t know who leaked the story, but it’s true I do have a child on the way outside of Kema.” I confessed to him.

  “Damn it Rashaad. I explained to you from jump when you hired me that I didn’t want shit like this happening. I’m here to make you money and do what’s best for your career, not having to clean up your fuck ups along the way. So who is this woman you got pregnant, or is it even your child?”

  I took a deep breath before answering him because it was just about to get worse.

  “The woman name is Katrina and she’s Kema Cousin.” I answered with my head slightly down rubbing my brow.

  “You have got to be fucking kidding me!” Ryan laughed shaking his head. “So you mean to tell me that not only have you gotten this woman pregnant, but she’s your fiancée cousin?” Ryan clarified.

  “Yea man.”

  “This is un-fuckin-believable! Does Kema know all of this?”

  “Yea she found out when she caught me and Katrina at the doctor’s office together, after that I had to come clean.”

  “So what’s happening with you two now?”

  “Shit she still wanna be with ya boy and ride this out with me.” I answered confidently.

  “This is some real Jerry Springer shit you got going on Rashaad, but unfortunately, believe it or not I’ve seen worst from you damn rookies. Always letting the money and hoes cloud your judgement and diving head first into the pussy without a care in the world. Then you always end up with some shit you can’t handle.” Ryan lectured me.

  Ryan was if not, one of the best agents in the league. Hell he even managed Tom Brady so you know he was top notch. He also was Jewish and we know they handled their business when it came to your funds. He’s been around long enough to know how to handle business and he was a straight shooter. That’s why when he was talking, I made sure to listen.

  “Now you only get one pass with me, and it you fuck up again I’ll remove myself from being your agent you got that?”

  “Yeah I got it.” I responded sheeply like I was a fucking shorty.

  “This can either go two ways: Either you and Kema get married and we say this was a break baby, or you end things with Kema and marry Katrina and we say that you and Kema haven’t been together for a while but remained good friends and you have moved on.” Ryan explained.

  I sat there quiet for a while pondering about what he just said. I promised Kema that we were going to get married after I re-proposed to her, but I also knew that Katrina wouldn’t let me be in my child life if I went that route. I was really stuck between a rock and a hard place.

  “I know you are over there thinking hard and probably leaning towards option A with marrying Kema; but let me warn you son, I’ve seen plenty of cases like this and the cousin is liable to try and make your life a living hell. She’ll be a woman scorned who will run to the courts every chance she gets for more child support, and she’ll be talking to whoever will listen and pay her the bucks to tell her story. It’ll be publicity that you don’t need and will knock you off your focus. It could also be a strong possibility that all your endorsement offers will disappear as well.” Ryan explained.

  “So basically what you saying is I should go with plan B then, leave Kema and marry Katrina for the sake of my child?” I questioned him. “And your money.” He responded.

  “Look Rashaad, you’re young and just started your career. Fuck this love shit! Right now you have to do what’s best for your career and to keep your pockets rolling. I know you love Kema, but you got yourself in this situation so you’re gonna have to deal with the consequences and that even means losing her.”

  I couldn’t believe I got myself in this predicament. I’ve been fucking with Katrina just as long as I’ve been with Kema, but I didn’t want to lose Kema this way. I knew she was a good woman, hell she had to be to keep putting up with the shit I’ve been putting her through and still trying to ride with a nigga; but being with Kema means that not only would I not be able to be in my child’s life, but Katrina could take me for all that I worked hard for. Fuck!

  “I’m going to give you some time to think on it, but I need an answer by the time training camp starts. That way you can focus on the season and I’ll know which way to handle this.”

  “Alright thanks Ryan, I really appreciate this man.” I shook his hand and headed out the door.

  I was driving as slow as I could on the way home dreading this decision I had to make; because even though I didn’t want to, I knew I had to do what was best for me and mines.


  The last thing I wanted to be doing right now was sitting in this stank ass visitation room at Edgecombe Correctional. But, I knew that if I didn’t, this muthafucka would blow my cover. Soon as I saw him walk in I couldn’t help but stare. I had to admit, that even for his age he still was fine as hell.

  “My, my, I was starting to get pissed at the fact that I had to threatin’ yo ass in order for you to come and see me.” He said soon as he took a seat at the table.

  “You didn’t have to threatin me Tyrone, I was just busy trying to make sure everything was still in order with your son.” I reminded him.

  “Ah speaking of my son, how is Rashaad? I been sending the lil muthafucka letters, but they’ve been coming back as return to sender. Then I called my brother to see if he has heard from him, but he’s telling me that every time he calls him he gets the voicemail.”

  “Well, you should expect him not to answer your letters Tyrone; I mean you did kill his momma.”

  “Bitch, I know what the fuck I did! I’m still his fucking daddy!” Tyrone said banging his fist on the table.

  I jumped as the CO came over and asked if there was a problem.

  “My bad boss, I just got a lil happy at the moment with my lady, it won’t happen again.” Tyrone explained to him calmly.

  Once the officer was out of reach, Tyrone begin talking more calmly to me.

  “So what’s going on with you and Rashaad? You all should either be married or damn near walking down the aisle by now?”

  “I know. Well, Kema found out, but now she’s trying to play this ride or die bitch and stick it out with him. I had my girl call TMZ and leak the pregnancy to them, but this bitch still won’t budge. So I thought I’d start becoming a pain in her ass by just showing up to their place, but she still called herself standing her ground.” I explained everything to him.

  “Look, yo ass need to do whatever it is you have to, to make this lil nigga marry yo ass so you can get access to his money, hire my fucking lawyer and get me the fuck out of here! I don’t give a fuck how you do it, but it needs to be done. Now when you and yo trick ass momma reached out to me about this shit, I didn’t see a reason to help ya’ll. But when you promised that once you married him and got access to his money, that you would hire me the best attorney who can find some loophole that could have my sentence turned on a technicality. So I want out of this shit and quick!” Ronald clinched through his teeth.

sp; I wish like hell I would have never listened to my momma and bring his crazy ass in on this. I’ve heard of the stories about him when we were growing up and the fucked up shit he use to do to people, mainly Rashaad momma. It wasn’t a shocker that my momma use to run with him back in the day considering her track record.

  “I’m on it, trust me. Even though Kema is still trying to stick around, Rashaad is overly excited about the thought of having a child so I’m a make it real clear to him that if that bitch isn’t out of the picture, then he won’t be able to see his child. Then I’m a hit him with the child support and exposure. He’ll fold under that pressure, trust me on that.” I explained grinning.

  I knew I could get Rashaad stuck in a corner and once I got back home I was going at his ass full force.

  “Well you better have this shit under control. In the mean time I need to feed my seed, so get yo ass in that bathroom and get ready, I’ll be in there shortly.” Tyrone ordered as he signaled for the same CO that came over earlier to come over to the table.

  Once I saw the CO nod his head for the signal for me to go ahead, I got up and went into the bathroom preparing myself for Tyrone to tear this pussy up.


  After having that talk with Pam, I was thinking long and hard about what she had said. Although I didn’t tell her, I knew she was right when she said that it won’t just stop with the baby. I Knew Katrina was the type to go where the big money was at, and I can bet you getting child support out of Rashaad was on her top list. I also had to question myself and ask if I was really ready for all that. More importantly, how could I compete with a fucking baby?

  I decided that enough was enough and I needed to get to the bottom on this, so I thinking long and hard about reaching out to Katrina and asking her if I could come over to her place and talk. The last thing I wanted was for that hoe to ever come back over to where we lay our head. While still contemplating, I decided to head the grocery store to grab a couple things I needed for my smoothies in the mornings.

  Fifteen minutes later, I pulled up into Whole Foods parking lot and got out of my car and proceeded into the store. Thank God it wasn’t so crowded because I wanted to be in and out. I grabbed a basket and headed towards the produce section. Once I got my fruits and kale, I went down the aisle for some coconut oil. As I was standing there reading the back of the label, making sure it was the right oil I wanted, I heard a familiar voice.

  “Look Yolanda, I really don’t know what the fuck is up with you lately, but I’m really getting sick and tired of this shit.” I heard the guy say.

  “You know what Eddie, I’m so sick and tired of thinking that you can call all the fucking shots! I’ve been sitting back too long letting you get away with shit while our daughters get the short end of the stick!” I heard some woman respond with a heavy accent.

  “That’s a damn lie and you know it! My kids will never get the short end of shit!”

  “If that’s the case, then why can’t you claim them in public and introduce them to their other sister and brother huh?”

  Soon as I heard the chick say Eddie, I peeked my head around the aisle and couldn’t believe at what I was seeing. There stood Eddie, Pam’s husband standing face to face with some other woman having a heated argument. What was even more shocking was to hear this woman say how she wanted their daughters to meet him and Pam kids!

  I didn’t want Eddie to see me, so I quickly moved away from the aisle without noise.

  I didn’t even make my purchases, I left the basket in the middle of the aisle and hauled ass out the store. I got in my car and sped out the parking lot in complete shock! I couldn’t believe Eddie was a slimy muthafucka, but then again they do say birds of a feather flock together, and Rashaad is defiently slimy so I shouldn’t be shocked.

  As I was driving home, I was thinking about how I was going to tell Pam what I had just witnessed with her husband. I know other people would say that I needed to mind my business and stay out of their shit; but since I was just betrayed in the worst way by the man I loved, I didn’t want another person to feel this pain. Especially Pam. She has always had my back and been a good friend to me and I know if the shoe was on the other foot she would do the same thing for me.


  For a dude to have his shit smooth sailing for 7+ years with both of my families, to now feel like things are starting to get a little out of hand is not sitting well with me. You would think that my life at home with my wife would be the problem, but that’s not the case. It’s Yolanda’s ass who is starting to give me problems! After she tried to front on me at Sidebar the other day, I purposely stayed away from her because I wanted to ring her fucking neck.

  Every time she would call or text me I would ignore her. Since OTA’S (organized team activities) are starting next week, I needed to stay focus and prepare for the upcoming season. Pam always helped me prepare by making sure I had no worries or stress and normally Yolanda keeps me at ease too.

  I was just coming from the stadium from looking at some film, when Yolanda texted me saying since I don’t want to talk to her, maybe it’s time my wife does. I immediately called her and told her I was on my way to her place and that’s when she told me she was at Whole Foods. I shot over there real quick not worried about any one seeing me because she was at the one by her house across town. Once I got there, I went inside and stalked the aisles like a raging bull looking for her ass!

  I spotted her moments later with her back turned to me looking at something.

  “What the fuck you mean it’s time you talk to my wife?” I questioned startling her as she turned around to find me straight in her face.

  “Oh, I see that got your attention, I swear you are a fucking joke.” Yolanda stood there laughing like shit was funny.

  “I’m a joke now? It’s funny you standing here calling me a joke but you steady blowing a nigga up and when I ignore yo ass you start sending me threating messages, so who’s the joke?” I shot back at her ass.

  I don’t give a fuck who you are! You could be my momma, wife or even Michelle Obama, you still not gone talk to me any kinda way!

  “Fuck you Eddie.”

  I could tell by her response that she was pissed with nothing else to say.

  “Look Yolanda, I really don’t know what the fuck is up with you lately, but I’m really getting sick and tired of this shit.” I spoke.

  “You know what Eddie, I’m so sick and tired of thinking that you can call all the fucking shots! I’ve been sitting back too long letting you get away with shit while our daughters get the short end of the stick!”

  “That’s a damn lie and you know it! My kids will never get the short end of shit!”

  “If that’s the case, then why can’t you claim them in public and introduce them to their other sister and brother huh?” She demanded.

  Now I was the one who couldn’t say shit. I also knew I had to regain control of the situation because we were actually standing in the middle of a public place having this discussion when it should be done in private.

  “Look, I’m not about to continue to stand here and go back and forth with you about our fucking business. I’ll be over later to see my kids, make sure they’re home.” I turned around and walked away to leave the store before she could respond.

  I got in my car and headed home. I needed to regroup before I had to deal with Yolanda later on, and my wife’s pussy was the perfect antidote.


  “Let’s go Rashaad, pick those damn knees up! Fuck you doing trying to skip!” Our running back coach yelled at me at practice.

  Camp had officially started and I would be the first to admit, that I needed to get on my shit.

  I was running routes and had just got beat. I could tell my coach was getting frustrated with me. This was the third time this morning I dropped a pass from the QB and now I just fumbled.

  “My bad coach, I got this.” I assured him trying to catch my breath.

  “You ain’t g
ot shit! You need to get your head in the game or yo ass will be on that damn bench! Let’s go run that play again, and if you drop my ball yo ass will sit out for the rest of the day!” he warned me.

  The offense got back in the huddle as the quarterback called the same routine again. I had about a twenty seconds breather before I was handed the ball. Soon as it touched my hands I took off. Finally I ended up in the end zone.

  “Now that’s the shit I’m talking about!” Our head coach yelled.

  “Good job dawg.” Eddie said as he came over and gave me a pound.

  Practice went on for about two hours. After we left the field, we headed for a quick shower and were dismissed.

  I stayed back in the shower a lil longer wishing like hell it was this easy to wash away my problems. I vowed to myself not to let anything from the off season distract me when it was time to get back to work on the field, but that shit was impossible right now.

  I dreaded going home. After having that meeting with my agent the other day, I felt like the pressure was really on as to what to do about me and Kema.

  “Aye man you ight?” Eddie asked me as I stepped in the locker room with my bag ready to head out.

  “Yeah man, why you ask?”

  “’Because you looked a lil out of a bit at practice that’s all.”

  “Naw I’m good. I got my shit together though.” I reminded him.

  “Yeah I saw that. Look I’m about to head over to Yolanda’s real quick. We been beefing lately and I need to try and get shit back on track.”

  “Aight get at me.” I said as I left out.

  Once I got in my car, my first thought was to head over to Katrina’s. She got back into town last night and I could use some of that good ass pregnant pussy, but I wasn’t in the mood to hear her give me any ultimatums either about her or Kema. Then I didn’t want to go home and see Kema’s face because this guilt and my decision was eating my ass up! I pulled out my phone and scrolled through my contacts until I found blondie's number, whose name I found out was actually Latoya the last time we hooked up.


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