Yo' Boo Been Creepin' With Me 2

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Yo' Boo Been Creepin' With Me 2 Page 5

by Angie Hayes

  “Hey baby.” She cooed into the phone soon as she answered.

  “What’s up, you busy?”

  “Naw, not for you.”

  “Bet, that’s what I like to hear. Meet me at our spot in like an hour, the key will be at the front desk.” I instructed.

  “No problem daddy, I’ll see you in a few.”

  I quickly made my detour to head downtown. I had a lot of stress built up and besides the field, the best reliever is in some pussy.


  Shit has really been crazy lately. I found out that my good friend’s husband ain’t no damn good and Rashaad seems like he’s been avoiding me. I’m starting to feel like I’m the one that got caught doing some shit instead of him! I also haven’t heard anything about Katrina lately nor have I seen her post anymore stupid shit for attention. I want so badly to ask Rashaad what’s going on with them, but I wouldn’t dare bring that bitch name up in my house!

  I knew I needed to talk to Pam, but I just didn’t know how I was going to tell her what I saw the other day with Eddie and some chick. But, I know a woman would definitely want to know if her man was up to no good, especially if it is her husband! Hell I wish someone would have warned me about Katrina and Rashaad’s ass!

  I decided to call her up and see if she had time to come over.

  “Hey You.” Pam greeted.

  “Hey yourself. Listen I was wondering if you had some time to stop by so I could talk to you about something.” I asked her.

  “Sure. I don’t have to pick the kids up from camp until about three hours from now, so I’ll be over there shortly.”

  “Cool. I’ll see you when you get here.” I told her as I hung up the phone.

  I began to get extremely nervous. What I was about to tell Pam could ruin a family, but what she didn’t know could ruin it also. I couldn’t just continue to be in her face knowing what I knew about her husband. It was no turning back now though, I already called her over. Thirty minutes later my door bell rung.

  “Hey beautiful.” Pam greeted me with a kiss on the cheek as I opened the door to let her in.

  “Hey boo.” I replied back.

  We headed into the entertainment room where I already had some drinks and fruit laid out for us.

  Pam took off her shoes and got comfortable on the lounge chair as she grabbed her glass to pour her some Moscato. I followed suite right behind her.

  “So what is it that you wanted to talk to me about?” Pam finally spoke once she took a sip of her drink.

  I took a deep breath as I prepared to tell her what I had to say.

  “Pam you know you’re my girl, more like a sister to me. Everything I have been through you have always been here to have my back, so I think it’s only fair that I return the favor.” I explained.

  “Ok I defiently appreciate that, but where is this coming from?

  Before I could respond my doorbell rang again.

  “Hold on for a minute, let me see who this is.” I said as I got up wondering who the hell was at my door unannounced.

  I looked through the peep hole to see the devil herself standing on the other side.

  “Katrina didn’t I tell yo ass not to come to my house again?” I snapped as I opened the door.

  “Girl please. You think I’m supposed to be intimated from yo lil ass bark? Anyway, where is Rashaad?” she asked as she barged her way into my foyer like she owned this muthafucka once again!

  “Bitch I know damn well you didn’t just walk up in my house without permission!” I yelled as I started charging towards her.

  Suddenly Pam appeared out of nowhere and jumped in between us.

  “What the hell is going on here? Katrina why are you here?” Pam asked confused.

  “Exactly, what the fuck are you doing here?” I asked her ass again for clarity.

  “Look at these two Thelma and Louise bitches.” Katrina said laughing. “I see ya’ll having a lil pow-wow and I didn’t get an invite? That’s ok though, I’m pretty sure I’m the topic of discussion. Anyway, I came over to MY BABY’S FATHER’S HOUSE; you know the one whose name is on the deed and everything else in this muthafucka? Yea him, I came over here to see him. We have some things to discuss and I wanted to make sure that we do it in front of you so you can get a better understanding.”

  “It ain’t shit I need to understand bitch! Get yo ass out my house before I put you out!” I threaten.

  “You need to leave Katrina, and leave now!” Pam yelled out.

  I was two seconds from punching this nasty hoe in her mouth.

  “Girl bye. Ya’ll ain’t putting me out of shit, but I’m a go.” Katrina grinned as she headed towards the door.

  “But before I go, let me put this bug in your ear. Since ya’ll wanna sit here and act like ya’ll thunder buddies and shit trying to gang up on me, I hope Pam told you Kema, that when she’s not playing the doting wife, she’s over at my house sucking on my pussy like an octopus! Now ya’ll hoes discuss that! Tell Rashaad I’ll see him later, better yet I’m sure I’ll talk to him before you do.” With that Katrina blew a kiss at me and walked out my front door laughing.

  I just stood there feeling like time has stood still. I know Katrina didn’t just say what I thought I just heard! I turned to look at Pam and saw the guilt written all over her face. She couldn’t even look me in my face, but just standing there with her head down.

  “Pam what the fuck was that Katrina just said about ya’ll?”

  “Kema let me explain.” Pam stumbled with her words.

  “Explain? So it is true! Damn, what does this hoe have over ya’ll! You know what, I don’t even want to hear it. Explain it to Eddie; as a matter of fact, you and Eddie got a lot of explaining to do to each other!”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Pam questioned.

  “Believe me, you’ll find out soon enough. But in the meantime, get out of my house Pam! I thought you were my friend, but it seems like just like everybody else you was making a fool out of me too!” I tried to prevent the tears from falling, but I was beyond hurt. The one person who I thought I had in my corner was a snake ass bitch too!

  Pam didn’t try to say anything else, she went and retrieved her purse and walked out the door with me still holding it open with her head down. I slammed my door behind her and slid down the wall crying. I just don’t know what I could have possibly done so wrong in my life to make me deserve all this pain and betrayal!


  After the incident at the grocery store with Eddie, I decided that enough was enough. I was done playing by Eddie rules. Like my sister said, it’s time for his ass march to my beat! He texted me earlier saying he was dropping by after camp to see me and the girls. Now normally I would look forward to these visits, but I had a motive for this one.

  I got the girls settled in and made dinner. By the time Eddie showed up, I was finishing up. The girls were excited to see their dad.

  “So how was practice today?” I asked him trying to make conversation. I had a sudden hate for Eddie and was trying my hardest not to let it show.

  “Practice was good, but we still have a long way to go.”

  We all continued to eat, as we listened to the kids while they told us their crazy stories about their friends. Once everyone was done eating, the girls ran upstairs to their rooms to get ready for bed, while Eddie read them a story. I stayed back and cleaned the kitchen. I needed this time alone to get myself together if I was going to be able to pull this off tonight.

  Soon as I was done with the dishes, I headed upstairs and took a quick shower and trimmed up my kitty. When I came out of the bathroom, I found Eddie laying across the bed, flipping through the channels looking yummy as hell! Regardless of how I was feeling about Eddie, his ass still turned me on with his sexiness.

  “We need to talk.” Eddie said as looked up and saw me.

  I sat down on the bed with the towel still wrapped around my body.

  “I know things have been a little rocky b
etween us lately, and I’m sorry that you feel like I don’t care for you guys like I do my wife and kids. I really love you and the kids and would always make sure you guys want for nothing.” Eddie proclaimed as he started rubbing his hand up and down my thigh.

  If I didn’t know then, I defiently knew now that everything coming out of his mouth was bullshit. But I was horny, my pussy was wet, and I had an agenda so I didn’t say anything; I started kissing him passionately. I straddled him and unwrapped my towel from my body. Eddie cupped my ass cheeks as he started sucking hungry on my neck.

  He then grabbed ahold of my breast and started biting on my nipples which turned me on even more.

  “Hmm” I moaned in pure bliss as I leaned my head back.

  Eddie was rubbing his thumb across my clit as I was grinding on his finger. He lightly lifted me up so he could pull down his basketball shorts. Eddie then guided me back down to slide on his thick dick. I swear every time this man entered me it was pure heaven! I positioned myself in a squat position and started bouncing my ass up and down while he still had his hands on my ass cheeks slapping them. After about ten minutes of me fucking him, he flipped me over and started fucking the shit out of me! Eddie was digging so good in my pussy that it felt like he was trying to dig for gold!

  He put his hand over my mouth because he knew how loud I could get and the kids were down the hall.

  “This gone always be my pussy.” Eddie whispered into my ear.

  I had already came twice, and finally Eddie exploded all up inside me.

  We both laid there a few seconds trying to catch our breaths. Eddie weight was beginning to weigh heavy on me so I nudge him to get up. Soon as I saw that he was about to get out the bed and head into the bathroom, I stopped him by wrapping my arms around him.

  “Don’t leave just yet baby. I wanna lay here with you for a while.” I said as I placed light kisses on his neck.

  “That’s no problem beautiful.” Eddie responded as he laid back down and got comfortable.

  I laid on his chest as he was rubbing his hands through my hair. Minutes later I heard light snoring. I didn’t move just yet though, I didn’t want to risk him waking up so I just laid there stiff. I waited another thirty minutes and finally moved slowly out of the bed. Eddie was so knocked out he didn’t move one time.

  I crept over to his side of the bed and retrieved his phone out of his pockets and headed into the bathroom locking the door. I sat on the toilet and noticed that his phone didn’t even have a lock code on it which made this perfect. I went through his contacts until I noticed THE WIFE. I opened the contact and had to cover my mouth from me screaming out when I saw a picture of my sister’s friend Pam.

  I couldn’t believe that the woman I opened up to and told her about what I was going through, was actually her husband! This made things all the better for me. I looked in the drawer and grabbed a pen and piece of paper off the notepad and copied down Pam’s phone number. I then cut the light off before opening the door and crept back out the bathroom and put his phone back where it was. I then got back into the bed and nudge Eddie lightly.

  “Baby it’s late and I know you have to head home.” I whispered as he stirred in his sleep.

  “Damn what time is it?” Eddie inquired sitting up.

  “Late.” I answered

  Eddie jumped up and headed into the bathroom. I heard the water running letting me know that he was washing my juices off of him.

  When he came back out, he came over to my side of the bed and kissed me on my cheek.

  “I’ll talk to you later. I’m about to stop by the girls room to give them a kiss and head out.”

  “No problem, goodnight my love.” Was all I said as I rolled back over.

  Soon as Eddie left out the room, a smile crept across my face. Not only did I have his wife information, but also finding out that she was Pam was bonus. You see, Eddie may think he knows me since we’ve been together for about seven years and I have his two kids, but he has no idea of how much of a bitch I can be. He’s definitely about to find out!


  I’ve been back from New York now for two days and I must say the trip wasn’t all that bad. I hope my pussy and the promise that I would be handling the Rashaad and Kema situation would hold Tyrone off a little while longer. I texted Rashaad the day I got back letting him know I was back, and he replied back with a dry as ok; but I have yet to see or hear from his black ass.

  I decided to do another pop up over to his house, but only to ruffle Kema feathers again. I most definitely plan on being the baby momma from hell as long as this bitch is still in the picture. My tunnel vision has visioning of being the Mrs. real soon. I got an extra bonus when I saw Pam there trying to defend her friend! Child, I busted both those bitches bubble when I let Kema know how Pam be munching on my box. The look on both of their faces were priceless! I think the sooner that they realize that I’m not the bitch to be fucked up with, the easier things will be for them.

  I was in my living room lounging around doing some online shopping when I got an alert on my phone. It was a message from Yolanda asking me if I was still out of town because she had some shit she needed to run by me ASAP. I replied back letting her know I was back, and that she could swing by. I didn’t even get a response back, instead I got a knock at my door thirty minutes later.

  I went to answer the door to find Yolanda standing there with this slick ass smirk on her face.

  “You won’t believe the shit I found out!” she said walking straight inside into the living room.

  “Well hello to you too.” I said sarcastically giving the hint that her ass is supposed to speak first when coming into their house.

  “I’m sorry sissy. How are you, how was your trip?”

  “I’m good and the trip was fine. What’s so important that you have to tell me?” I asked getting straight to the point.

  I hope her ass wasn’t over here about to cry about her no good ass baby daddy and his wife again. I just didn’t feel like hearing no bitch whine about a nigga.

  “First let me ask you this, your friend Pam. Have you ever met her husband and kids?”

  “No, I didn’t care too. Why?” I questioned.

  “I found out that Eddie’s wife is your friend Pam!” she blurted out.

  “Wait, what? What makes you think that?”

  “Well Eddie and I got into a heated argument the other day and I decided enough was enough. Like you told me mija it’s time I put my foot down. So later on he came over to the house and I made sure I fed and fucked him good. Soon as he fell asleep, I crept through his pockets and got his phone. Then I went into the bathroom and scrolled through his contacts looking for his wife number. My intentions anyway was to find out who she was so I could have a woman to woman conversation with her and let her know everything that’s going on. I found her number and saw Pam’s picture attached to it.” Yolanda explained.

  “So you mean to tell me all this time you never saw what his wife looked like or even knew her name?” I asked skeptically.

  “No. Because I had my mind trained that if I didn’t know her name or saw her, then she didn’t exist.”

  “This shit is crazy! So Pam’s husband Eddie is also the father of your twins and the person you have been in a full fledge relationship with!” I said laughing.

  Yolanda was staring at me like I was crazy as I continued to laugh. This shit was too funny to me and I couldn’t help it.

  “So what do you plan on doing now that you know that Pam is Eddie wife?” I asked once I calmed down.

  “Well she’s your friend so what do you think I should do?”

  “First off she’s not my friend, we are just fuck buddies from time to time. And Second, I think you should still tell her ass! But first have a little fun with it.” I answered.

  “What do you mean fuck buddies?” Yolanda asked me with her face scrunched up as if she smelled something funky.

  “Just like I said. But that’s my busine
ss Yolanda.” I shot at her.

  “Whatever floats your boat, but what did you mean by have a little fun with her first?”

  “Just like I said. You have her number and I’m sure it won’t be hard to find out where they stay.” I said nonchalantly.

  Sometimes it’s hard to believe that we came out the same snatch. Yolanda needs to realize that she has all the power to have Eddie’s ass squirming, yet she’s still acting like the hurt lil sidepiece that she is.

  “You know what, you’re right! I’m sick of Eddie ass thinking I’m just going to continue to be the quiet little side chick, and I definitely want to let Pam know that her husband isn’t so perfect.” Yolanda said with this slick ass grin splattered across her face as she was starring off into space.

  I don’t know what she was about to do, but it does seem that finally the light bulb went off in her head and now she realizes it’s time to fuck some shit up!


  I’ve been thinking long and hard about this fucked up situation I got myself in and finally came to the conclusion that Kema has to go. Don’t get me wrong, I love her and really wanted to spend the rest of my life with her; and even though she claims to stay by my side through all of this, I know she won’t be able to handle it. I also know she won’t leave this relationship voluntarily so I gotta do some damage to make her just give up and leave all together.

  I had just left practice and was headed over to Katrina’s. I haven’t seen her since she been back from New York and I wanted her to be the first to know my decision. But I also wanted her to have the understanding that it won’t be her place to tell Kema, that I would do it.

  I pulled up to her place and got out my car to head inside. This time I didn’t knock, but used my key just in case I walked in on something. I found Katrina in the kitchen bending over putting something in the oven. I walked up behind her and cuffed her ass cheeks.


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