Yo' Boo Been Creepin' With Me 2

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Yo' Boo Been Creepin' With Me 2 Page 6

by Angie Hayes

  “Shit Rashaad you scared me!” She yelled as she jumped from my touch and turned around.

  “Yeah I wanted to make sure yo ass wasn’t up to no good so I decided to do a pop up on that ass.” I laughed.

  “Whatever, if that was the case then you should have come over the first day I texted you letting you know I was back home.” She scoffed.

  “Katrina I ain’t come over here for yo attitude. What you cooking?”

  “I had a taste for some bake chicken so I just about to put some in the oven.”

  “How about you let me take you and my baby out to lunch instead, you can eat the chicken later.” I suggested.

  “That sounds good, give me a minute to get dress.” Katrina said as she headed into the bedroom.

  Fifteen minutes later she was dressed and we were heading out the door to go eat.

  “So where do you want to go?” I asked as I pulled out of her parking lot.

  “Wherever you go is fine with me, long as I get my chicken I’m good.” she said as she settled into the seat.

  I decided to head to Gladys Knight and Ron Winans' Chicken and Waffles. Although, I knew that their place is always surrounded with celebrities and paparazzi’s, their food is always on point. I got on the expressway. I reached my free hand over and grabbed Katrina’s hand and held it. She looked over at me with a smile and squeezed my hand.

  I knew Katrina was about to be a part of my life for a long time, so I had to accept what it was and start treating her as the mother of my child and possibly my future wife.

  That’s right I said wife. I thought real hard on what my agent had told me and decided that since I made this bed I just needed to ride this out and lie in it; especially, for the sake of my child. I refuse to be an absentee parent like my so called murderous ass daddy.

  Once we got to the restaurant, we went inside and was surprised that we were seated right away. The waitress left us with the menus to look over.

  “So how have you been feeling?” I asked Katrina.

  “I’ve been better. Thank God I finally stopped throwing up every damn day. Oh, I think I’m gonna get the fried chicken, macaroni and cheese, okra and yams.” Katrina said with excitement as she was still looking at the menu.

  The waitress came back and took our orders with the promise to bring our drinks right back.

  “Look Katrina, I really brought you here to talk to you. I know this whole situation has been fucked up and it’s mainly on my part so I’m owning up to that. I have to be honest and say that Kema didn’t deserve the shit we have done to her, but what’s done is done and we can’t change it. I’ve thought long and hard about this and I decided that I’m going to permanently ends things with her and move forward with you for our baby’s sake.”

  I noticed the glow in her eyes soon as I told her that I was moving forward with her. I knew this was music to her ears. I would be lying if I said telling Katrina this wasn’t making me sick to stomach because it was. I loved Kema and always will, but I couldn’t keep putting her through this. We continued to make small talk until our food arrived and ate mostly in silent. I don’t know what was going through Katrina mind but she still seemed happy as fuck. I on the other hand was dreading going home and putting Kema out, but she had to go.


  I’ve been trying to call Kema for past week now trying to apologize and explain things about me and Katrina, but she’s been ignoring my calls and texts. I honestly don’t blame her though. As far as that bitch Katrina, I couldn’t believe that hoe had that the nerve to not only show up to Kema house looking for Rashaad like it wasn’t nothing, but to also out us like that. I really should have followed my first instinct when I saw her ass again and left her alone.

  If she can so openly without a care in the world say that shit to Kema, I can just imagine who else she would tell. I refuse to have this hoe come and ruin my marriage like she possibly ruined my friendship with Kema. It was Friday morning and Eddie was away at Camp. The kids were both doing their own thing in their rooms; I was lying in bed trying to read my kindle with the TV on CNN. I was trying my hardest to concentrate on the book I was reading but my mind just wasn’t there. Just then my phone rang. I reached over to grab it from the nightstand hoping it was Katrina, finally ready to hear me out.

  I noticed that it was a private number. I decided to ignore it because I never received private calls. My phone rang again with the same private number displaying across the screen. I was curious as to who it was so I finally answered.

  “Hello?” I answered.

  There was silence on the other end.

  “Hello?” I said again this time agitated.

  “Um yes is this Pam?” the caller stammered.

  “Yes it is, who is this?”

  “You don’t know me, but I think we have something in common.” The caller said this time a little more clear.

  “Like I said who is this?” I said as I sat up in the bed.

  Whoever this bitch was on the other end of this phone had me fucked up if she thought she was about to call me phone and talk shit.

  “This is someone you want to talk to, especially if it is pertaining to your husband.” She snapped back.

  “Look bitch you must have the wrong number because it ain’t shit another bitch can tell me 'bout my husband! Now when you are woman enough to show yo number, then you can holla at me.” With that said I hung up my phone.

  Now when Eddie was first in the NFL, I had to deal with groupies and issue out a few ass whooping’s, but that was years ago and I thought we were over that. I looked over at the clock to see the time, and noticed that Eddie should be getting out of practice in the next two hours. I got all worked up and sweating, so I got out the bed and headed into the bathroom to take a quick shower.

  Once I was done, I quickly dried off and put on some Nike sweats with a wife beater and threw on my air maxes. I pulled my hair back in a slick ponytail and headed down the hall to my kids room.

  I found EJ on his PS4 with his headphones on indicating he was playing online. I stepped in front of the television to get his attention.

  “What’s up ma?” Ej said as he paused his game and snatched his headphones off.

  “Don’t what’s up me boy! I need to run out for a while, I’m calling Amber to come over and sit with you and your sister until I get back.

  “Aw come on ma, I’m not a baby I don’t need no Amber watching me.” He pouted.

  “Ej I’m not in the mood. You heard what I said so don’t try me.” I warned and walked out the room.

  I walked down to my daughter’s room to find her watching Nickelodeon. I told her the same thing I told Ej and headed downstairs. I called our neighbor Amber who watches the kids from time to time and asked her if she could come over; she assured me that she would be over in five minutes. Soon as I heard Amber ring the doorbell, I opened the door to let her in as I was leaving out.

  I got in my car and headed straight to the stadium. I planned on meeting Eddie’s ass in the parking lot as soon as he came out. I tried so hard not to go back to the woman I use to be and that’s show my ass when it came to my husband, but obviously I was being taken there.

  I know I was being a hypocrite about a bitch calling my phone about my husband when I was steeping out on him again with another woman, but fuck that. Eddie didn’t know about my indiscretions, but I damn sure was about to find out about his.


  Things have been spiraling more and more out of control and beyond my reach. I was still shocked and hurt by what I found out about Pam and Katrina. Pam had been trying to call me for the past week, but I didn’t have shit to say to her ass. Far as I was concerned, she was a fucking snake just like Katrina. Now Rashaad was a complete different story. It’s like he was avoiding me all together. I barely saw him because he would leave for practice before I could wake up, and he doesn’t come home until the A.M. Now I’m not that damn dumb to think that he was at practice all that damn time, but b
efore I could get a chance to ask him anything he showers and gets into the bed with his back turned to me and is out like a light.

  I want so badly to ask him what’s going on, but I’m too afraid of the answer I might get and Lord knows I don’t think I can handle any more bad news, so I just let things be. I figure since I’m still here and sleeping in his bed that obviously this is my place to be. I decided today though, that I was gonna surprise Rashaad and meet him after practice and offer to go to dinner.

  I got real cute in a pair of Robin Jeans and a Dolce&Gabanna tight fitted V-neck shirt and a pair of my Steve Madden pumps. I combed my natural hair down from the wrap it was in and it lay perfectly around my face. I put on light mascara and a nude lipstick and gloss. I looked myself over in the mirror and was very satisfied at what I saw. If only I felt on the inside how I looked on the outside. I grabbed my bag and headed out the door.

  On the drive over to the stadium, my hands became sweaty. I was nervous as hell because I didn’t know the reaction I was gonna get from Rashaad, but I prayed it was a good one. Twenty minutes later, I pulled into the parking lot and circled it until I spotted Rashaad car. I made sure to park directly behind it so he can notice me and cut the car off. I got comfortable as I grabbed my phone and started looking at my Facebook and Instagram to see who had drama today.

  I was so into my phone, that I didn’t notice when people started coming into the parking going to their cars. I got out of my car and stood in front of it so I can get a better view to see Rashaad. Imagine my surprise when I saw Pam in the parking lot as well. I stayed back so she wouldn’t see me because I really didn’t have shit to say to her nor did I want to listen to anything she had to say.

  Rashaad had yet to come out, but as soon as I spotted Eddie I knew he wouldn’t be too far behind. While I was still waiting, I saw Pam meet Eddie half way and got in his face. I couldn’t hear what was being said, but from the looks of it she wasn’t having it. Pam was pointing her finger in his face and nudged his forehead. Eddie grabbed her hand and pushed it away.

  I wish like hell I knew what was going on, but hell, both of their asses were living foul so who knows? I was still being nosey with Pam and Eddie that I hadn’t notice Rashaad walking towards me.

  “What you doing here?” Rashaad questioned as he approached me.

  “Hey baby. I figured since I barely see you since training camp started, I thought I’d come and take you to get something to eat.” I explained sincerely as I put my arms around his neck.

  Rashaad smelled so damn good that I wanted him to tear my pussy up right now on the hood of the car and I didn’t give a damn who saw us!

  “Naw I’m straight. I ain’t hungry.” Rashaad retorted as he removed my arms from around his neck.

  “Really Rashaad? It’s bad enough I barely see you lately and now you’re turning down having lunch with me?” I asked shocked.

  “Man Kema just take yo ass home ok. I don’t have time for your dramatics right now.” Rashaad pushed around me and went to get in his car.

  I was still standing there shocked as hell.

  “Can you move so I can back out?” He said as he rolled down his window.

  I got back into my car and proceeded to pull off. I was more hurt than anything. I was so lost right now as to what to do. I’m trying so hard to fight for my man and stand by his side, but I’m starting to feel like I’m fighting a losing battle.


  Pam showing up after my practice and causing a fucking scene was a big no-no in my book! We been down this road before early on, but I refuse to go back there with her again. Especially, since we’re older and more established. Soon as she saw me, she ran up in my face hollering about some bitch calling her phone and saying how they had me in common.

  She was screaming some other shit, but I couldn’t really understand everything because I was trying to calm her down and make her go home so we can deal with this in private. Pam knows I don’t like to cause scenes and have muthafuckas in my business. A crowd started to form and she mushed my head which was pissing me off even more.

  “Pam, I’m gone only tell you one more time to take yo ass home!” I warned her.

  “Yea I’m going home, but I suggest yo ass better be right behind me Eddie!” she yelled as she was walking towards her car.

  She got in her car and screeched out the parking lot.

  “Yo you good?” one of my teammates asked me.

  “Yeah I’m good, ain’t nothing I can’t handle. I’ll get up with you tomorrow.” I said to him as I walked towards my car and left.

  As I was driving home, I couldn’t help but wonder what the fuck was Yolanda thinking when she called Pam! I already knew it was her who called because it couldn’t have been anybody else. I wasn’t that damn dumb to this situation like Rashaad was to not think otherwise. I thought that after I gave her some of this good dick the last time I saw her, that things was back on track; but I guess not.

  Right now though I had to deal with Pam crazy ass. Her showing up like she did reminded me how much of a fool she can be and I didn’t have time for that. As for Yolanda, I’ll deal with her sneaky ass later


  I was in the den playing Candy Land with the twins. It had been a week since I made the phone call to Pam, and I have yet to hear anything from Eddie. I was expecting to have him call me or come by here that day, but he didn’t. I did end up trying to call him three times, but my calls went unanswered. We were laughing and having a ball when I heard the front door close.

  “Daddy!” the girls both yelled in unison as they got up and ran to Eddie.

  He bent down in the den foyer to pick both the girls up at the same time.

  “Hey daddy’s babies” Eddie said as he kissed all over the girls.

  I sat there watching as they interacted and instantly became jealous. If only they knew what type of man their father was, and that was a liar and cheater.

  “Hey baby, what you cook?” Eddie asked as he made his way over to me and kissed me on the lips.

  I was shocked, yet obliged the kiss because the girls were now standing there looking and smiling at us. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous as hell. I expected him to be pissed and all up in my shit, but instead he’s acting like nothing ever happen.

  “I cooked a lasagna earlier and was getting ready to rewarm it with a salad.” I said as I got up and headed into the kitchen.

  “Sounds good. Who’s winning?” Eddie asked the girls as he sat down in my place in front of the game and started playing with girls.

  The kids resumed their game with their daddy as I was in the kitchen setting the table and preparing dinner. I smiled as I heard the laughter coming from the other room. In another life, this would be my perfect family not the mistress and her bastard kids.

  After about ten minutes, I called everyone into the dining room to eat. Eddie walked in with the girls in tow and the three of them sat together. I sat across from Eddie and started eating. I was still nervous and avoiding as much eye contact with him as possible as he talked to the girls and listening to them tell him about camp.

  Once everyone was done eating, Eddie informed me that he was going to put the girls to bed while I cleaned the kitchen. It didn’t take me long to clean the kitchen and put the food up. I headed upstairs and hopped in the shower. While I was in the shower, my mind kept wondering back to how Eddie was acting. Maybe Pam didn’t say anything to him about my call.

  I heard the shower door close, which made me jump as I turned around to find Eddie naked in the shower with me.

  “Aye Eddie you scared me!” I startled.

  “Why? Were you expecting someone else to come in the shower with you?” he questioned as he grabbed my loofa, lathered it up and started slowly washing my chest.

  “Of course not, I just didn’t hear you that’s all.” I reassured him.

  He was staring at me with me with nothing but lust as he started rubbing the loofa across my breast. He
then took my breast into his mouth and started sucking on my nipples. Between the sensation of the hot water beating down on me and him sucking my breast, I was on fire! I leaned my head back and closed my eyes enjoying every bit of the moment.

  Eddie took his free hand and started rubbing his fingers across my clit.

  “Hmm.” I moaned as I was grinding on his fingers.

  “Cut the shower off, dry off and let’s take this to the bedroom.” Eddie ordered as he placed light kisses on my neck.

  I did as I was told and headed into the bedroom. I laid down on the bed, eagle spread waiting for Eddie to tear this pussy up. He came onto the bed and pushed his dick straight in me with no foreplay. Good thing I was still wet from not completely drying off.

  “Eddie slow down baby.” I told him as he was pumping hard in and out of me.

  He obviously ignored me as he continued to pump hard in and out of me. Now don’t get me wrong, I love a good hard fuck, but something was off.

  “Eddie please so down.” I begged again.

  Suddenly he wrapped his right hand around my throat and started squeezing hard.

  “Eddie you’re hurting me!” I said in a struggle breath.

  All of a sudden he stopped and stared at me. I saw nothing but pure hatred in his eyes.

  “You thought that shit was cute when you called my wife huh?” he seethed.


  “Bitch don’t try to fix yourself to try and lie to me because I know it was you!” he said cutting me off.

  “Let me make this clear to yo ass one muthafuckin’ time. If you ever call my wife again with some dumb shit, I will pop yo fucking neck and take my daughter’s home with me for my wife to raise. You think that lil stunt you pulled was gonna do something? News flash bitch, we’ve been around the block with this before and she still ain’t go nowhere and neither have I! Stay in yo place Yolanda or I’m a keep putting you in it!” Eddie squeezed my neck a little harder for a couple more seconds and finally let it go.

  I rolled over crying and coughing trying to grasp my breath. Eddie went into the bathroom as I heard the sink water running. Minutes later he came back out fully dressed. I was still laying there crying and shocked at what had just happened.


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