Misadventures with the Boss

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Misadventures with the Boss Page 8

by Kendall Ryan

  “What do you think you’re doing?” she demanded.

  “I think I’ve made myself clear,” I shot back, already feeling better just being close to her than I had all weekend. “You had the weekend to decide, and now I want an answer.”

  “So you decided to crash my meeting?” She shook her head. “You’re incredible.”

  “But you like it. So tell me, what’s it going to be?”

  “I should say no.” She crossed her arms over her chest and narrowed her eyes.

  “You should, which means you don’t want to.”

  She was silent for a long moment, her gaze trained on the floor, but then she met my eyes again. “Look, I’m not going to deny there’s something here. Some…chemistry or something.”

  “Good start.” I shrugged.

  “And I enjoy being with you in a physical way.” Her pink cheeks burned brightly, but rather than commenting, I smiled at her, encouraging her to continue.

  “So, I’m interested in continuing our…arrangement. On one condition.”

  “And what’s that?” I asked, a fresh wave of triumph sweeping over me.

  “I want to be monogamous.”

  “You what?” I blinked.

  In all the affairs I’d had, of course women had asked me this before, but I had always out-and-out refused. For a man like me—with so many business trips and so little time for enjoyment—I’d never liked the idea of limiting my options.

  “You heard me. While we’re in our arrangement, I don’t want you sleeping with other women.” Her chest heaved, and her lively eyes were snapping fire.

  “Look, if this is about safety, I always wear a condom. I don’t see what the problem here is. We had a good time, and—”

  “I don’t want to be screwing you and sending flowers to other women. It’s awkward and weird,” she shot back.

  “I thought we agreed on this being casual,” I cautioned.

  “We did.” She nodded. “But I want to only be with each other. The same would go for me, of course.”

  “And if I say no?” I challenged.

  “Then the deal is off. I’ll see other people. You’ll see other people.”

  I considered this. The idea of watching her come and go in front of my desk, some random man picking her up and taking her out. Some other man inside her…

  “What if you were monogamous and—”

  She cut me off with a laugh. “Ha! Nope. Both of us or nothing.”

  I clenched my fist but gave her a solemn single nod.

  “Fine, then. We have a deal. But if you check your calendar, I think you’ll also find we both have an appointment to keep, and I don’t like to be kept waiting.”

  It was out of character. Totally nuts, whatever this thing we were doing was.

  But fuck, I couldn’t wait to start.

  Chapter Eleven


  “You don’t think someone will notice us leaving together?” I asked hesitantly.

  Of course, I knew by now that not only had this thought never occurred to him, but even if it had, it wouldn’t have made the slightest difference in his plans. Around here, he had rule of the roost, and if he wanted to sleep with his assistant, there was nothing anyone or anything could do to stop him.

  I, on the other hand, didn’t exactly feel like walking past the herds of whispering secretaries every day on my lunch break, and I certainly didn’t need anyone thinking I kept my job because I was sleeping with the boss.

  Maybe he was the ruler of everything around here, but when it came to this arrangement?

  He was going to play by my rules.

  As I stared at his Greek God face, I found myself wavering.

  Okay, so I was going to try to get him to play by my rules.

  “And if they do?” he asked, his eyebrows raised.

  “Look, you said we weren’t going to do this on business time.”

  “We’re not. Your lunch hour is yours to do with as you please. Unless, of course, you’d rather not.” His luscious mouth tipped up in a mocking grin.

  He knew my answer as well as I did. I wanted to go. Wanted him. Even if it was the worst idea in the world.

  And now, with his mahogany desk between us serving as a vivid reminder of all the ways he could work my body into throes of ecstasy…

  “Fine,” I found myself saying, despite my reservations. “I’ll leave for my lunch break,” I said, lowering my voice. “In ten minutes, you can leave too and then meet me in the bar at the hotel.”

  “Are you always going to be so clandestine about this?” he teased. “Should I call you by another name when I see you?”

  Ignoring that, I said, “See you there.”

  Then, turning on my heel, I made for his door, but not before he added, “When I see you there, you’d better not be wearing panties under that skirt.”

  An ache of need rose between my thighs and I gave him a brief nod before striding past my desk and practically sprinting into the elevator.

  Suddenly I felt like a runner racing toward the finish line, and as people shuffled in and out of the elevator car with me, I barely noticed them. All I could think was how I was going to find the nearest bathroom to slide off my tiny black thong…and what he was going to do when he found out I’d followed his instructions.

  In a flash of memory, I thought of the way he’d used my skirt as an anchor, pulling himself deeper and deeper into me. Maybe he’d do that again?

  But no. Jackson didn’t seem like the sort of man who followed a routine. So far, he’d blown my mind on so many levels, my head was spinning.

  The elevator dinged, and I realized I’d finally reached the ground level of the office building. Trying to act natural, I squared my shoulders and rushed toward the revolving glass doors, my heels clicking on the marble floor.

  Logically, I knew nobody knew what was happening—that nobody would even blink an eye when they saw Jackson down here ten minutes from now—but somehow it all still felt illicit. Like their eyes followed me, knowing what I was about to do.

  But even with the weight of all those imaginary eyes on me, I couldn’t bring myself to feel ashamed or embarrassed. Instead, I felt…well, sexy. Empowered. I held my head a little higher, imagining Jackson as he walked across the hotel lobby toward me, that hunger in his eyes.

  All for me.

  It was crazy. Nuts, really. Completely out of character, yet somehow it felt so right.

  Luckily, the walk to the hotel was a short one—it was just around the corner, so close that it was likely a happy hour favorite for the people who worked in the business district. As I walked into the lobby, though, it was clear that it wasn’t a favorite lunch spot. The hotel bar was nearly empty save a few older gentlemen sipping amber liquid from highball glasses on the edge of the bar. Briefly I debated heading over but instead settled into a booth in the far corner of the room.

  Jackson wasn’t even here yet, but my heart was already racing. At this rate, I was going to drop dead of anticipation before he walked in. I was just about to head to the ladies’ room to take off my underwear and pat my hot cheeks with cool water when, too soon, I spotted him. He was striding toward me, his hands tucked lazily in his pockets, his dark hair falling slightly over his eyes.

  I stared at him, shaking my head in rueful disbelief. He hadn’t waited the ten minutes. In fact, it seemed like he hadn’t even waited two. But then, how could I have ever expected him to do something that was completely and totally his idea?

  I should’ve been irritated. Instead, another sizzle shot through me. He was a man who marched to his own beat. Did what he wanted and took charge. The feminist in me should be totally turned off, but instead, my knees started to shake with excitement.

  This guy was turning me into some sort of sexual deviant, and I had to admit, I kind of liked it.

  Wordlessly, he slid into the booth beside me and then dropped one warm palm on my naked knee, searing me with the heat of his skin. The waiter approached, a
nd Jackson ordered for us—two glasses of Cabernet. He waited until the other man’s back was turned before leaning in close to me.

  “Did you follow my instructions?” he asked, though before I could reply, his fingers were snaking up the inside of my thigh, gently spreading my legs apart until he felt the rough lace of my thong.

  “Oh, Piper,” he murmured, shaking his head in mock disappointment.

  “You didn’t exactly give me time,” I hissed. “What happened to waiting ten minutes?”

  “I wanted to, but then I saw your ass in that skirt while you were getting on the elevator and…well, a man has needs.” He offered me his wolf’s grin, and I narrowed my eyes.

  “Well, now you have to pay the price. I’m still wearing my panties, and you’re just going to have to live with it.”

  He looked about ready to answer, but then the waiter reappeared with our beverages.

  “Thanks so much. And we’re only here for the one, so we’ll take the check,” Jackson said with a smile.

  The waiter disappeared, and so did Jackson’s smile. His heated gaze locked on to my mouth, and I could feel my nipples tighten beneath my blouse.

  “Now, where were we?” he asked silkily. “Ah, I remember now. We were talking about punishment.”

  “Exactly,” I said, pausing to gulp down a swallow of wine to soothe my dry throat. “The underwear is your punishment for not waiting—”

  “Nope. I mean your punishment. For not doing as I asked.”

  “Ridiculous,” I murmured, but I could already feel my body responding to the threat that felt way more like a promise.

  “It’s an option. That’s all I’m saying,” he said with a casual shrug that belied the tension in his muscles. Dear Lord, was this man sexy. Like a tiger, all sleek, hard muscle and barely restrained power.

  “And the other option?” I pressed, my voice breathy and thin.

  “I could make do with what we have.” He traced a line back up to the hem of my panties, pushed them aside, and rolled a finger over the seam of my sex. “If I choose to.”

  I shivered, and another rush of need took hold of me as his finger pushed deeper, teasing me. I shot a panicked glance around the room, but there was no one looking our way. And even if they did, the way he was angled in front of me probably made it look to an outsider like he was whispering something in my ear.

  “What do you think I should do?” he asked.

  “I-I don’t think you should stop,” I whispered as he nipped my earlobe sharply with the edge of his teeth. I gasped and could feel his smile against my skin.

  “I think I will. And let it be a lesson to you.” He pulled away, and my breath caught again, my knees shaking as he righted my skirt. He settled across from me again, leaving me staring at him.

  “I…” I started, but I didn’t know what to say. Instead, my gaze searched his as he reached for his glass of wine and clinked it against my own.

  “To a deal well struck.”

  “Sure. To that,” I muttered, wondering yet again if a person could literally die of need.

  Because if so? Somebody was going to need to call the coroner. Stat.

  He smirked again, eyeing me over the top of his glass while he took a sip.

  “What’s so funny?” I demanded, taking my own glass with a shaking hand.

  “You,” he said simply. “You’re trying to be cool and collected when I know what you really want.”

  “And what is it that I want?”

  “Honestly?” He ran a hand over his square jaw as he let his gaze trail over me again. “Well, first of all, you want me to hide underneath this tablecloth and lick you until you make a scene.”

  I squeezed my thighs together to quell the surge of need that rose in me at the very thought.

  “And then?”

  “Then you want me to take you up to one of these fancy rooms and fuck you hard and deep until you scream.”

  That was about right, but hell if I was going to admit it.

  I ran my index finger down the front of my blouse and popped the top button open with a flick of my fingers, baring a few inches of creamy skin. Jackson went suddenly quiet, his gaze locked on my hand.

  “Thing is, boss man…you want that too, don’t you?”

  I popped another button, feeling like a fucking Amazon warrior high with power.

  “So we can sit here talking all day, or we can go upstairs and do what we’ve both been wanting to do since we walked in. Your call.”

  I managed to take another sip of wine without spilling a drop, despite my trembling hands.

  “What’s it gonna be?” I asked, eyeing him like he was my last meal on death row.

  “I’m going to pay the check,” he managed through gritted teeth. He nodded toward the approaching waiter. Quickly glancing at the bill, he dropped some money into the leather billfold and then turned his attention back to me.

  “Enjoying your drink?” he asked.

  “I can barely taste it,” I answered honestly. All I could think about was how his lips would taste on mine. What he was going to do to me when we were finally alone. How he would satisfy the needy ache between my thighs.

  “Well, if you don’t think you can enjoy the rest, it’s better that we don’t waste our time. What do you think?”

  Swallowing hard, I nodded and then allowed him to take my hand and lead me across the room and back into the hotel lobby.

  Rather than stopping for a room key, though, he led me into the elevators.

  I frowned. “What are we doing?” I asked.

  “You said this was supposed to happen on your lunch hour. So I’m giving you a choice.” The elevator swung into action, but just as quickly he pressed the emergency stop. “I happen to know that the video cameras in these elevators don’t work.”

  My breath caught in my throat. “So what’s my choice?” I forced myself to ask.

  His smile widened. “Whether you want to grip one of the handles or get on your knees.”

  He lifted an eyebrow, eyes blazing, looking every bit like the devil himself out to make a deal.

  I was sure he’d made the offer just for the shock value, to make me squirm and blush. But he’d freed a whole new side of me, and I wasn’t about to pass up an opportunity like this.

  “Why not have both?” I replied.

  Then, taking another step toward him, I sank to my knees and unzipped his fly while he unbuckled his belt with a groan of approval. My hands were still shaking, but as he lowered his pants and boxers and his thick, hard length sprang out, I wetted my lips.

  He was perfection. Long and thick and straight. I’d never felt more sexy, more free. And I was determined to show him exactly how much that meant to me.

  I bent low and pulled his throbbing cock into my mouth, my heart hammering.

  How was I going to go back to the way my life was before? How was I going to give this—give him—up?

  His fingers slid into my hair, and those thoughts melted away under the heat that sizzled between us.

  This wasn’t a time to worry. It was a time to live and embrace this window of pure joy. And I wasn’t going to waste a second of it.

  Chapter Twelve


  Hardly anyone came into the office on Saturday.

  It was always an option, of course—including overtime pay. But on a sunny May afternoon like this? I could hardly expect to find people sitting in their gray cubicles, staring at their computer screens and clacking away on their keyboards.

  In fact, if it hadn’t been for the upcoming merger, I might have been out on the town too, enjoying the sunshine…or, better yet, watching it pour in through Piper’s bedroom window. If there was a window in her bedroom.

  Over the past week, our arrangement had been working well. We met during lunch breaks or after work, but I’d never been over to her place, and I was starting to get curious. I knew that she walked to work, so she couldn’t have lived too far off, but that was as much as I knew. An
d, if I was being honest with myself, as much as I knew about her.

  From the three times we’d been together since Monday in the elevator, I was learning how to make her back arch into me and how to get her cheeks to turn that pretty rosy color I loved. But other than her hyper-organization and the few items on her schedule I was able to view?

  Piper Daniels was as much a mystery to me as the pyramids.

  And for some strange reason, it was beginning to piss me off.

  Tapping my fingers along the edge of my desk, I picked up the receiver, dialed the number I’d already memorized, and waited as it rang, and rang, and rang again. There was a click followed by a cool, robotic voice instructing me to leave a message.

  Frowning, I hung up.

  Where would Piper be on a Saturday morning in a city full of people she didn’t know? And why the fuck hadn’t she brought her cell phone? Or was she just screening my calls? The thought made me frown.

  It was too early to go to a bar or a club. Maybe out for brunch? Or a run in the park? Did she like to sit on the edge of the pond and look at fish? Or maybe the library?

  Did she even like to read?

  Letting out a snarl of frustration, I dialed her number again and waited as it went to voice mail again. Apparently, wherever she was, she was too busy to take my call.

  Unless she was at home and sleeping in…

  If that was the case, then I knew exactly what to do.

  It only took me five minutes to pull up her employee information form. I quickly entered her address into my phone and started the route there. After stashing the few bits and pieces I’d been working on, I headed out to the parking garage to my car, cursing myself the whole way.

  This was ridiculous. She wasn’t some southern belle I was wooing to become my bride or something. But now that it was lodged in my mind…the thought of bringing her breakfast in bed and climbing in beside her?

  I couldn’t shake it.

  When I finally got onto the street, I made a pit stop at the little bakery at the corner and got a dozen assorted pastries before following the route again. It was no wonder she walked to work. Her place wasn’t far off, though the neighborhood was hardly one I’d ever visited in my free time. It was filled with apartments and little shops, but if you didn’t call the place home, you’d have no reason to visit here.


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