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Goldilock's Misunderstood Billionaire

Page 13

by Laura Ann

  “Of that, we have no doubt,” Finley said into the side of her head before kissing it. Looking over her, he spoke to Quentin. “So, what now?”

  “Now, we decide whether to press charges.”

  Finley pulled back and looked down at Goldie. “Your call, Sweetheart. You were the one she wanted to hurt the most.”

  As Goldie looked around the table at all the supportive faces, her anger suddenly drained away, replaced by sympathy for the cold, manipulative woman. “What is going to happen to her already?” She asked Quentin.

  “Well, a judge will decide what happens because of the documents. She made a plea deal when her dad went to court and I’m guessing this time they might slap her with the full extent of the law now that she’s at it again.” He shrugged. “When she eventually returns to normal life, she’ll be starting from ground zero. No house, no money, no anything.”

  “Leave her be,” Goldie said softly.

  “What?” Finley’s eyes widened. “I thought you would want to put her away for as long as possible.”

  Goldie played with the cloth napkin in her lap. “I kinda feel sorry for her. Not only has she lost all her possessions, but she’s lost her family and friends, as well.” Goldie looked up at Finley and gave a small smile. “I, on the other hand, got everything. She can’t hurt me anymore. Let’s just put it all behind us and move on.”

  Finley leaned his forehead against hers. “I don’t deserve you,” he whispered.

  Goldie smiled. “Maybe not, but it’ll be fun to try, won’t it?”

  Brody and Quentin broke into belly laughs while Snow and Tia smiled and shook their heads.

  “And I thought I had my hands full,” Brody finally managed to choke out.

  Tia frowned and crossed her arms at him.

  Brody leaned in and kissed her cheek. “I wouldn’t have it any other way. No one else can handle me, Love.”

  “Got that right,” she muttered, her lip twitching.

  “To family, new and old!” Quentin raised his glass and the rest of the table followed suit.

  Goldie sighed as they all took a sip. Can life be any more perfect?


  Finley nodded a quiet thanks to Harlan, hoping the man could see it in the dark. When Harlan nodded back as he yawned, Finley had to hold in a chuckle. I agree. This is way too early for normal people to be up.

  “Everything is set up on the back deck,” Harlan whispered.

  “Great, thanks, man. I owe you one.” Finley almost slapped Harlan on the back, but refrained just in time.

  Through the dim lighting of the room, Finley could see Harlan eyeing him carefully.

  “You promise to be good to her?”

  “With everything in me,” Finley replied. He hoped Harlan could hear the seriousness in his voice.

  Harlan nodded once then headed down the hall. “She’s in the master, last door at the end.”

  Finley rubbed his hands together, his nerves suddenly getting the better of him. At least I won’t have to search every room until I find her. A quick glance at the window showed him that pink was just starting to peek above the horizon. Time to go.

  Stepping carefully down the hallway, Finley made his way to her door. Opening it carefully, he peeked his head in. He could hear soft snoring coming from the bed and he bit his cheek to keep from laughing. I’ll have to remember that.

  Walking up towards the bed, he leaned over her prone form. Goldie’s ringlets were spread across the pillow in wild abandon and Finley wanted to bury his face in them. Instead, he caressed her cheek lightly. “Goldie... Goldie, love... wake up, Sweetheart.”

  “Hmm?” Goldie stretched and yawned before blinking several times. Finally, her eyes focused on Finley. With a gasp, she shot up and pulled the covers to her neck. “Finley!” She shouted.

  “Shh!” He admonished with his eyes wide.

  “Finley!” She whispered. “What are you doing here? How did you get in?” Goldie peered behind him as if she could see where he came from.

  “Well,” he sat on the side of the bed. “Unlike, some people, I actually had permission to come in.” He smirked as Goldie scowled at him.

  “What do you mean you had permission? Who in the world would let you in in the middle of the night?”


  Goldie’s mouth dropped open. “How did you manage that?”

  Finley shook his head. “Doesn’t matter. Point is, I’m here.” He smiled widely. “Aren’t you glad to see me?”

  Goldie let her head thunk back on the headboard as she smiled. “I’m always glad to see you, but it’s like,” she glanced at the clock, “four-thirty in the morning.”

  “Yep, time’s a-wastin’. Come on.” He stood up and offered his hand.

  Goldie’s eyes widened and she glanced under the covers at her pajamas. “Uh...”

  Finley raised an eyebrow at her. “Just what are you wearing that is so scandalous, Ms. Lockwood?”

  Goldie rolled her eyes. “Nothing, I’m just not used to people seeing me in my pajamas.”

  “Well then, come on.” Finley wiggled his fingers.

  “Fine!” Goldie’s tone was weary and sarcastic and Finley held in yet another laugh.

  He eyed her tank top and pajama bottoms as she climbed out of bed, taking note of the paintbrushes all over the pants. When she took his hand, he pulled her into his body. “Cute pj’s,” he whispered in her ear.

  Goldie smacked his chest. “It’s not like I was expecting company.”

  “Oh? What would you wear if you were?”

  “Men,” Goldie huffed as she marched out of the bedroom.

  Finley chuckled and quickly caught up to her. “This way,” he said as he guided her to the back deck.

  Two steaming mugs of cocoa and a fresh vase of flowers were sitting on a side table next to two chairs and Finley mentally thanked Harlan, again.

  Goldie turned wide eyes to Finley. “What’s all this?”

  Finley walked her over to the edge of the deck, turned her back to his chest and caged her in. “I thought maybe we could watch the sunrise and find a little inspiration this morning.”

  “Inspiration for what?” She asked over her shoulder.

  “I guess you’ll find out,” he said as he playfully nipped her ear.

  Moments later, light began to stream over the neighboring houses. Finley kept his eyes on Goldie, watching as the bright hues colored her skin and turned her hair a magnificent shade of gold. Unable to resist, he picked up a ringlet, stretched it to its full length and watched it bounce back.

  “I thought we were watching the sunrise,” Goldie said with a laugh.

  “Maybe I was inspired by something else.”

  “Oh yeah? Like what? My hair?”

  Finley cleared his throat. “Yep. Right now it looks just like gold. Which reminds me of something.” He dug in his pocket.

  Goldie turned at his movement and watched his hand. Her eyes went wide as he pulled a small black box out. She gasped and covered her mouth with her hands as Finley stepped down and went down on one knee.

  “Goldie Lynn Lockwood. Over the last few months I have grown to love you more than life itself. You brought me out darkness and taught me how to live again. Your spunk and passion for life inspire me to be a better man and though I know I don’t deserve you, just like you once said, I want the chance to try. Will you make me the happiest man alive and be my wife?”

  Tears streamed down Goldie’s face as she looked at him before nodding vigorously.

  A large puff of air rushed out of Finley’s mouth in relief. Standing up, he slipped the ring onto her finger and pulled her in for a kiss, only to stop and frown when she didn’t move her hands.

  “Sweetheart, I can’t kiss you with your hands there.”

  “Morning breath!” She squeaked behind her fingers. “Be right back!”

  Finley closed his eyes and chuckled as she darted back into the house. Walking to one of the chairs, he sat down
and grabbed a mug. “Ugh, too cold,” he said with a frown. Grabbing both mugs he walked into the house and popped one in the microwave.

  “Ouch, ouch, ouch!” Finley nearly dropped the mug when the timer beeped. “Too hot!” He rubbed his sore fingers. “Dang, that hurt.” Putting the other mug in, he put it on for half the time.

  Goldie came around the corner just as the timer beeped. Jumping in front of Finley, she opened the microwave and grabbed the mug. “Mmm... just right,” she murmured as she took a sip.

  Finley glared at her, then took the mug and set it on the counter. “I think you owe me a kiss, Miss Fiancee.” He pulled her into his arms as he leaned back against the counter.

  “Ooh... I like the sound of that,” Goldie murmured as she snuggled in.

  “You know what I like the sound of?” Finley leaned in until his lips were just millimeters away from hers.

  “What?” She breathed.

  “You not having to break into my house anymore because you’ll already live there.”

  Goldie jerked back. “I have never-”

  Finley cut off her protests and by the time he was done with her, Goldie couldn’t remember what she had been complaining about in the first place.

  (Read on for a bonus peek at the Middleton Prep Family)



  “This is all your fault, you know,” Principal Grimm said with a groan as he set himself down in the folding chair next to Mrs. Merryweather.

  Edna frowned and folded her arms over chest. “Well, I’m retiring. Of course, the retirement party is my fault.”

  “Not that.” He sipped his drink. “I meant the fact that I’ve had to hire six substitutes in the last two years for maternity leaves alone. Not to mention I’ve had to replace several teacher’s permanently.”

  Mrs. Merryweather grinned and fluffed her hair. “Not too shabby, if I do say so myself.”

  Together, they let their eyes wander around the room. Flora and Fauna stood on one side, cooing over Piper and Nash’s latest addition, a darling little girl. Piper held the small bundle, glowing as only a new mother could while Nash chased their three-year-old son around the room who was determined to tackle everything that moved.

  Christian was walking slowly through the refreshment line, holding the hand of a quite, little girl who was the spitting image of her blonde-haired, blued-eyed mother.

  Edna looked to the corner just in time to see Ruby pull her son’s hand back from grabbing Mrs. Hubbard’s wig. When Ruby’s husband Derrick, set the mischievous boy on the ground, he took off sprinting with a loud laugh, forcing Derrick to chase after him.

  They rushed past little Lila Fitzherbert, who stood next to her father, gripping his pants with a tight fist while she sucked on the thumb of her other hand. Her father’s hand rested on her dark head, while her wide, green eyes watched the antics of the other children. Zellie often glanced down with an indulgent smile on her face, before groaning and rubbing her back, trying to stretch out the kinks that came from being late in a pregnancy.

  Principal Grimm chuckled, catching Mrs. Merryweather’s attention. He caught her eye then cocked his head at a scene to their left. Mateo held his one-year-old son over his shoulder while he and his wife, Lucy, chatted with other adults. Little Benjamin was grinning as wide as his toothless mouth would let him, waving a fist at a group of older ladies, seated nearby.

  “Inherited his father’s charm, I see,” Edna murmured with a grin.

  Principal Grim grunted in amusement and agreement.


  Edna and Principal Grimm looked down between them to see a tiny, dark hand make grabbing motions at Principal Grimm’s plate.

  With a delighted laugh, Edna picked up Maysie Gruffman and put her on her knee.

  The Principal held out a cookie for her, which she quickly grabbed and began to gnaw on.

  “Not again,” Tia walked up and rolled her eyes. “I swear, if there is food available, that girl finds it.” She reached over to grab her daughter. “Sorry, Mrs. Merryweather.”

  “No, no, no, she’s fine,” Edna shooed Tia away. “I haven’t held her all evening. Besides, you already have one to take care of.” She grinned and motioned toward Tia’s rounded stomach.

  Tia straightened, grinned and rubbed her stomach. “I think this one is the size of his father. Good grief, he’s strong. Gonna be a football player for sure.”

  Principal Grimm smiled. “If he inherited his sister’s appetite, you might not be able to keep enough food in the house for him,” he chuckled.

  “True enough,” Tia said with a light laugh. “You sure, you’re okay with her?”

  “Oh, we’re happy as clams over here,” Edna assured Tia.

  “Alrighty then, let me know if you change your mind.” Turning, Tia began to waddle back across the room to her husband.

  Brody was standing with Quentin and Snow. Quentin had one arm around his wife and his other was filled with his six-month-old daughter, whose head full of dark hair and soft, white skin created the promise that Quentin would be fighting off the boys in a few years.

  Suddenly, a hush filled the room and all heads swiveled to the doorway.

  “Goldie! Fin! You made it!”

  Edna gave a cry of delight and stood, perching little Maysie on her hip before rushing to the doorway.

  Goldie looked tired but was beaming, while Finley’s chest was so puffed up, he could have been a rooster. Each held a bundle in their arms.

  “Oh, Goldie! They're perfect!” Charlotte exclaimed. One hand rested on her own protruding belly and the other reached around Goldie's shoulders.

  “Let the rest of us see!” Rory called from the back. On her hip was a dark haired beauty who was chewing on Rory’s hair. Steven hollered his agreement while disentangling Rory’s curls from the sticky fists.

  With a grin, Finley folded down the corners of the pink bundle in his arm and reached over to do the same for the one in his wife's arms. Gasps of surprise and delight rang through the crowd as everyone got a good look at the three-week-old twins.

  Thin, wispy halos of blond ringlets surrounded tiny pink faces.

  “Everyone, meet Hazel and Juniper.” Fin nodded to each baby accordingly.

  “Uncle Ridge gets first dibs!” Ridge appeared behind his sister and took the small bundle of blankets from her. Kissing Goldie on the cheek, he waltzed into the crowd, aiming specifically for a group of younger, women teachers.

  Harlan then grabbed Hazel and began to work the room as well.

  “Hey! Where's mine?” Sawyer winked at Goldie, who rolled her eyes, before following her brothers into the room.

  Edna sighed as she handed Maysie to her father and walked back to her waiting chair.

  “Well, has it all been worth it?” Principal Grimm sat back down and crossed one leg over the other.

  Mrs. Merryweather watched the room for a moment before looking heavenward. “It has,” she finally murmured. “Every minute of it.” She smiled at her ex-boss. “I think Martin would be proud.”


  Thank you so much for joining me on this journey through Middleton Prep. When I put out my first book, I had absolutely no clue what I was doing! But with reckless abandon, I shoved forward anyway. And it has been a wonderful trip.

  I LOVE fairy tale retellings. I love Happy Ever Afters. I love cutesy, sweet, little love stories that leave me with a giggle and sigh. I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but it’s definitely mine. :) As a very busy mother and wife, when I read a story, I want to escape. I want something happy and light that leaves me feeling like all is right with the world. And that was my goal with these stories. Only you can say whether I actually accomplished that goal and the answer probably varies from reader to reader.

  But even more than that, I have grown as I have written these stories. My writing style has strengthened, and I can see that I have become a better author for having told them. (Don’t get me wrong,
I totally understand I still have a long way to go, but the progress is there.) :)

  And so, I want to thank you, the reader, for allowing me the chance to push my imagination and test my skills in this series. As one reviewer wrote, “These aren’t high brow literature.” Nope, they definitely aren’t and they were never meant to be. But hopefully, they’re fun and for me they were a wonderful lesson.

  Thank you for putting up with my meager beginning skills and sticking with me until the end. Hopefully, as I tackle my next series, it will be just as enjoyable and the growth just as strong. Thank you, thank you, thank you. No writer is anything without their readers and I want you to know how much I appreciate your support and loyalty.

  With much love-

  Laura Ann

  The Gruffman Brothers

  Curious about the other Gruffman brothers?

  You can find Quentin’s story HERE

  And Brody’s story HERE


  Enjoy this book? But haven’t read the rest of the series yet? Each book is a stand-alone and they can be read in any order. The other books in the series are:

  A Home for the Ugly Duckling: Get it for FREE by signing up for my newsletter.

  The Librarian and Her Beast (Piper and Nash)

  Ms. Cinder’s Prince (Charlotte and Christian)

  Waking Ms. Briar (Stephen and Rory)

  A Date for the Goose Girl (Lucy and Mateo)

  Running from the Wolf (Derrick and Ruby)

  Ms. Frogg’s Hidden Billionaire (Brody and Tia)

  Saving Ms. Gothel (Zellie and Hank)

  A Billionaire for Ms. Snow (Snow and Quentin)

  Goldilock’s Misunderstood Billionaire (Goldie and Finley)

  You can check out all of my books and series by going HERE.

  Keep Reading for a Peak at Middleton Prep #1


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