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Playboy Pilot

Page 15

by Penelope Ward

  That terrified me.

  The thought made me fuck her even harder, more possessively.

  “Open your legs wider.”

  She willingly obliged as she grabbed my ass to help control my movements. We were like two animals in heat, mating in the still of the night. I thought about all of the small planes that fly low overhead around here. If it were daylight, what a sight they would have seen from above: my bare ass ramming into Kendall in the middle of what was basically someone’s back lawn.

  I needed to come so badly, but I only had one condom and needed to make this last because the walk home was too damn long. It was quiet except for the sounds of our breathing, our bodies joining together, my balls slapping against her ass and the wetness as I moved in and out of her. It was sexual sensory overload, and I was drowning in it—drowning in her.

  Kendall was more petite than I was used to in a woman, so much so, I worried I might have been hurting her. It was a challenge to fuck her the way I wanted with all of my weight on top of her. She surprised me when she suddenly pulled away then flipped over, sticking her fucking beautiful ass in air. She wanted me to take her from behind. It was as if she’d read my mind.

  Pulling on her blonde hair, I relished the feeling of entering her again. The sight of her tight ass as I pounded into her was too much to handle. Within seconds, I unexpectedly started to shoot my massive load.

  “Fuck, Kendall. I’m coming. God…this is so…” My words trailed off as I lost the ability to speak.

  “Me, too,” she said as she slammed her ass back into me over and over, milking my dick for all it was worth.

  It felt like a neverending orgasm—a fitting end to days upon days of neverending physical and mental foreplay. My body trembled until every last drop had emptied into the condom.

  I immediately wanted more.

  After carefully pulling out, I flipped her around to face me. We stayed kissing on the grass while she rubbed her wet pussy against my abs. It was driving me insane.

  “I’m hard as a rock again, baby. I’ve got to get off of you, otherwise I’ll end up inside of you again, and I don’t have anything else with me. We need to get back to my house, stat.”

  “Okay.” She kissed me harder, causing me to collapse down onto her again.

  “Remember that fancy dinner we were supposed to go to tomorrow night?”

  “Yeah.” She smiled.

  “I think we need to order it in, because I don’t think I can keep my hands off of you long enough in public. Is that okay?”

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  Forcing myself off of her, I said, “Let’s get out of here.”

  “I just need to wash off really quickly in the lake.”

  She went ahead of me, and I ran to catch up. We ended up frolicking in the water for several minutes. I lifted her up, threw her down, spun her around, and we kissed over and over. I’d been to a lot of places as a pilot, travelled around the entire world, but nothing had been more spectacular than this night with Kendall by the lake.

  Some flashing lights in the distance caused us both to take notice. We ducked down into the water and held each other while we kissed quietly until whatever it was passed. I couldn’t tell if it had been a car or someone walking by with a flashlight. It would be just my luck to get into some kind of trouble that would spoil what was literally the best night of my life. I couldn’t let that happen.

  “Are you ready, gorgeous?”

  “Yes. Take me home, Captain.”

  When we returned to our spot, Kendall slipped on her dress, while I looked around for my pants.

  “Where the fuck are my pants?”

  She squeezed out the water in her hair. “You can’t find them?”

  “No. They’re gone. My underwear, too.”

  “Is this a joke? Does it have something to do with those lights we saw?”

  “Someone apparently decided it would be hysterical to take only my clothes.”

  Kendall covered her mouth. “Oh my God. I don’t mean to laugh, but this is nuts. Do you want me to walk back to your house and get you some pants?”

  “That would be great, except for the fact that my house key was inside my pants!”

  “Shit.” She threw her thong at me. “Here.”

  “What are you doing?”

  “Put it on.”

  “That little thing is not gonna cover half of my junk.”

  “It’s better than nothing.”

  Rubbing my temples, I tried to think. My house was over a half-mile away.

  “Let’s run to Gordon’s house. Compared to my place, he’s pretty close to here, just around the corner. He’s probably sleeping, but he keeps a key in the plant pot outside his door. I’ll go in there and get some pants.”

  Kendall and I couldn’t help laughing our heads off as we ran. With one of my hands holding hers and the other covering my ass, we finally made it to Gordon’s doorstep. She waited outside for me.

  Gordon was snoring as I entered his bedroom. His closet door creaked as I opened it, causing him to jump awake.

  “Dad,” I whispered. “It’s me. It’s okay.”



  “What are you doing here?”

  “I need to borrow some pants.”

  “What kind of trouble did you get into?”

  “I was skinny dipping with a girl, and someone stole them.”

  “Michelle Pfeiffer?”

  “Yeah.” I smiled in the dark.

  “Atta-boy.” He then simply rolled over and began snoring again.

  Securing Gordon’s loose trousers with a belt, I returned outside to rejoin Kendall. We couldn’t stop cracking up as we made our way back to my house. The pants were loose yet ridiculously short on me.

  After breaking through a window, I carried Kendall into my bedroom and without even putting her down, reached into my drawer for a condom.

  “Please tell me your taking those pants off.”

  I laughed against her mouth and nodded as I unbuckled, letting Gordon’s giant trousers fall to the floor. I ripped the condom with my teeth and somehow managed to get it on without putting her down. I gasped upon sinking into her. She was already fully wet.

  “Fuck. I can’t ever let you go now, Perky. You know that, right? This feels too good. Too damn good.” I was already addicted, and there was no way I could fathom not having this in my life anymore—not having her in my life.

  “Carter…” she moaned.

  I thrust in to her. “Kendall.”

  Again. “Kendall.”

  Again. “Fuck, Kendall. How am I gonna fly planes ever again when all I want to do is this for the rest of my life?”

  She suddenly started to spasm around my cock, and I immediately came in response. Her back slammed against the door as I pumped in and out of her, still needing more when there was nothing left to give.

  Beads of sweat were pouring off of us. Speaking against her limp body, I said, “I feel like I’ve lost my damn mind over you. I’ve never felt this way about anyone. I don’t know what tomorrow will bring. I don’t even know where my fucking pants are! All I know is I can’t let you go, baby.” I held her close. “I can’t let you go.”

  My heart was racing faster than it ever had after sex. I knew that was because for the first time in my life, it wasn’t just sex; it was so much more.

  THE SMELL OF BACON wafted through the air. Wrapping the sheet around my naked body, I followed my nose to the kitchen. I stopped at the doorway to take in the scene before me. Carter was completely naked, his taut ass swaying back and forth as he stood in front of the stove frying bacon while belting out the Beatles I Got a Woman along with the radio. It was seriously an astounding sight. The epitome of Carter Clynes’ magnetism was on full display—gorgeous, confident, playful, loving, a little crazy, and a whole lot magical.

  When he caught me leaning against the doorway, I felt his smile inside of my chest. My heart swelled watching him wa
lk to me, take one hand in his, and wrap the other around my back. Carter pulled me close and lead with a strong hand as we slow danced together.

  He sang the words of the song with his mouth at my ear.

  I got a woman.

  I got a woman.

  It was one of those beautiful moments in life that felt like a dream. I wanted it to last forever. I wanted us to last forever.

  The song ended, and Carter pressed his lips to my forehead. “Morning, beautiful.”

  God, there couldn’t possibly be a better way to start a day, could there? “How long have you been up?” I asked.

  “Not long. Maybe a half-hour.”

  Smoke was billowing from the frying pan behind him. “Umm…I think you’re burning the bacon.”

  “Shit.” He rushed to the stove and twisted the dial to turn down the flame. The sizzling bacon made a loud crackle, followed by a snap, right before a burst of hot oil splattered hitting Carter in the abs. “Ouch. Shit! Damn it.”

  I giggled. “You might want to think about putting some pants on before you burn the good parts.”

  Waving the spatula at me, he said, “The good parts, huh? You mean my hands?”

  “Well…those are pretty good. But not what I was worrying about you injuring.”

  He pointed to his lips and grinned. “My mouth? That must be what you’re worried about.”

  “That’s definitely good, too. Especially that little thing you do with your tongue where you swirl it around and then flutter.”

  His pupils dilated, and his voice was low and gravelly. “You like that, huh?”

  My cheeks flushed thinking about how he’d brought me to orgasm more than once with his mouth. I nodded.

  Without taking his eyes off of me, he reached back, turned the flame completely off, and slid the pan from the hot burner to the cool one to the right. “I don’t even remember what we were talking about anymore.”

  “I had suggested you cover up a certain body part so it didn’t get burned with bacon grease splatter.”

  “Oh I’m gonna cover it alright.” He took a few long strides to where I was still standing and surprised me by scooping me up and tossing me over his shoulder in a fireman’s hold. “Gonna cover it with your gorgeous pussy in about ten seconds.”

  He swatted my ass as he headed toward the bedroom.

  “What about the bacon?”

  “Fuck breakfast. I’m going to eat you.”

  IT WAS EARLY AFTERNOON before we even thought about real food again. Carter had just microwaved one of the Tupperware containers in his fridge, and we were sitting in bed eating goulash by passing the container back and forth between us. He slurped an egg noodle into his mouth while making his eyes go cross. It was something a six year old might do, and that made me wonder what Carter might have looked like as a young boy.

  “Do you have any photo albums?” I asked.

  “Not with recent photos.”

  “Do you have any of you as a boy?”

  “I do, actually. When I moved down to Florida, my mother made me an album of old family photos. I found it with a letter when I was unpacking. She wrote that she wanted me to remember how much I was loved and asked me to look at the album at least twice a year—on my birthday and hers.”

  “That’s so sweet.”

  He handed me the almost empty container, and I declined my turn at stuffing my face. “I’m full. You can finish it.”

  “I like eating with you. You only eat half, and I get to finish off the rest.”

  “Better watch it. Might wind up with a pot belly eating two dinners all the time.”

  “We’ll work it off and then some.”

  I had no doubt we would. Carter handed me the water bottle we were sharing and I took a sip. “Do you do what your mom asked in her letter? Look at the album twice a year?”

  “I do.”

  “When is your birthday, anyway?”

  “July Fourth.”

  “Are you kidding?”

  “No. Why?”

  “That’s my birthday, too.”

  Carter mumbled. “And eventually the pieces fall into place.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Nothing. It’s something my mother always said.”

  “What did you do on your birthdays growing up?”

  Carter finished off the last of the noodles in the Tupperware and stood from the bed. “I’ll show you.”

  He came back a minute later with a thick photo album and sat with his back to the headboard. Adjusting me so I was positioned next to him, he opened the album on his lap. The first page had two pictures of a chubby naked baby that was probably about three or four months old.

  “Is that you?”

  “Yep. Look at the size of my balls. Why are they so big? Are all baby’s balls that size, or did I just have to grow into mine?”

  I laughed. “I don’t know. But you were so cute! And chubby, too.”

  The next page had pictures of two girls who were probably about six or seven and a boy of maybe four who was most definitely Carter. The chin dimple was a dead giveaway even if it hadn’t looked exactly like him. “Are those your sisters?”

  He nodded. “Catherine and Camille.”

  They looked about the same age. “Are they twins?”

  “They are. Fraternal. My mother is a twin, too.”

  Carter, Catherine, Camille. “What are your parents’ names?”

  “Mom is Calliope and dad is Carter.”

  “So you’re one of those families, huh?” I bumped shoulders with him. “All your names begin with the same letter?”

  “Five people, all our initials are double C. Hated it when I was a kid for some reason.”

  He flipped a few more pages, and I watched Carter grow up before my eyes. He was a cute baby and an even cuter little boy, but God, did he grow into his looks in his teens. We laughed at the progression of his hairstyles over the years. The last few pages of photos looked like they were recent, in the last few years. I slipped a photo of Carter holding a little girl who was probably about two out of the slot. They were sitting in front of a Christmas tree. “Who’s this? She’s adorable.” She had platinum blonde pigtails, and Carter’s captain’s hat was covering half her eyes. Her toothy smile was outlined in chocolate and she held a squished chocolate covered éclair in one fist.

  “That’s Corinne, Camille’s daughter. Don’t let the face fool you. She’s a holy terror.”

  “I bet she’s sweet. Wait…Another C name?”

  “Yep. Catherine has a son. Wanna take a guess?”

  “Charlie? Chance? Cash? Christopher?”

  He pointed at me. “Christopher.”

  “Will you keep up the tradition someday? Maybe a little Carter or Claire?”

  His entire demeanor changed. Carter’s eyes held a seriousness that I hadn’t previously seen from him. “I don’t know. I never really gave it any thought before.” He seemed to be contemplating something for the longest time. Eventually, he said, “Wasn’t even sure I wanted kids. I’m gone twelve days out of the month. But now, I’m starting to wonder if maybe that is something I want. I think the right woman can change what a man thinks he wants out of life. I guess it depends on her. On us.”

  I swallowed. “That makes sense.”

  He looked down at the photo album. The last picture was of him, his parents, and his two sisters. They were all smiling broadly and had their arms around each other’s shoulders. He brushed his fingers over the page. “My sisters like to bust my balls about having kids. They act like I’m pushing fifty instead of thirty. For years, my mother has been saying this thing that I thought was just something she read on a Hallmark card somewhere.”

  “What’s that?”

  “She said I’d have a family when I was ready to stop traveling all over the world searching for something and realized what I was looking for was already at home.” He continued looking straight into my eyes. Since the first time my gaze landed on Carter Clynes in that airp
ort lounge, my heart had been beating a million miles an hour. But in that moment, I felt it happen. My heart slowed, took a deep breath, and let out a giant sigh. Just like that, it gave in, unable to fight it anymore. I had no idea how long we had or how things were going to play out, but I knew without a doubt that I was in love with Carter.

  THINGS LIGHTENED UP between us in the late afternoon. Carter went to check on Gordon and then when he came back, we had sex in the shower, followed by sex on the bedroom floor. I got the feeling that my ass print was going to be all over the man’s apartment by the time we left in a few days. Even though my body felt like I’d just taken a strenuous yoga class followed by running a marathon, Carter apparently was no worse for the wear.

  “How about if we head over to the gym for an hour and then I take you out to a nice dinner tonight?”

  I was lying on the bed with my head dangling upside down off the edge watching a rerun of That 70’s Show. “Seriously? You want to go exercise after all that sex?”

  Carter chuckled, walked over to the bed, flipped me over, and swatted my ass hard. That seemed to be a thing for him. “Oww….” I rubbed at it.

  “Come on, lazy. I still have a lot of energy to burn off. We don’t go to the gym, you won’t be able to walk for a month.”

  We decided to walk to the fitness center, even though it was on the other side of the development. The lake from last night was on the way, and Carter wanted to see if his uniform pants turned up in the daylight.

  “Where the heck could they have disappeared to?” I asked. Scouring the lake, there was no sign of his pants anywhere. It was the most bizarre thing.

  “No idea.” Carter shrugged. “But I’m glad I’m due to pick up my annual replacements next month. I’ve lost half my uniforms over the last year.”

  “Lost? Do you leave them behind at hotels when you’re traveling?”

  “That’s the strange thing. I lose them at home. Last month, I could have sworn I had a hat at Bingo, but I couldn’t find it afterward. Think the forgetfulness of some of the residents is starting to rub off on me.”


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