Painful Deliverance

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Painful Deliverance Page 15

by Ann M Pratley

  The thought of leaving her affected him again - as it did every time he came here - and then he was kissing her more passionately, before moving down her body to taste her again. Always when he left, he wanted the taste of her to be the last thing that was present on his lips and tongue.

  When he stood up to get dressed, Alexis saw the marks on him, and gasped. He turned to look at her, forgetting initially what she had done, but then he reached back and touched himself there and enjoyed the feeling of the heated marks.

  "It's okay, Lexi," he said, feeling slightly embarrassed - not because he was marked, but because he liked it so much that he was marked. He quickly dressed, as did she, and nothing more was said about it. For him, he couldn't get away fast enough - to get to his office and turn the hot water on so he could feel pain there all over again.

  But Alexis remembered the sight of the marks - obviously nails had indented his skin deeply, and the long red streaks showed her scratch trails. And she had done that. She knew that he had asked her to - but it was a form of hurting someone and she didn't want to hurt anyone.


  Two months later, Lincoln was feeling like the scratching - her digging in nails - wasn't enough. He had been telling her to keep doing it - and she had - but even though he still loved both the feeling of her doing it, and the feeling of intense stinging he got when he showered afterward, suddenly it didn't feel like enough.

  He found his mind wandering more and more, when it shouldn't be. He needed to find a way to get that feeling, without there being any strong visible marks on him - his mind worked overtime trying to consider different options for how he could grow that nail-scratch feeling.

  Eventually he considered a riding crop. He didn't know how it felt to be slapped - no-one had dared do such a thing to him. But Lexi was different - she would do it to him - if he told her to.


  Alexis looked at the item he had placed in her hand, feeling her gut sink as she realised straight away what he wanted to use it for.

  Lincoln looked at her and saw her look at him in confusion. She was timid in many ways, but so strong in others - but always difficult to read.

  "Why do you look so worried?" he asked, trying to smile at her but feeling like he was asking for something abnormal.

  "I don't want to be hurt, Lincoln," she said, almost in a whisper, and he immediately pulled her into his arms and kissed her softly.

  "It isn't for me to use on you, Lexi," he said, seeing her confusion only grow. "It is for you to use on me."

  "I have no wish…" she started to say, and he saw that she thought he thought she wanted to do it to him. He kissed her again.

  "Lexi, I want you to use this on me. Don't ask me why - even I don't know the answer to that - but I want you to try. Will you?" he asked, and Alexis could hear doubt in his voice as if he were deeply afraid she would think him weird for wanting it.

  She nodded slowly, looking into his eyes. She had been finding it hard enough to scratch him, but at least she wouldn't feel this on her own hands. Perhaps not directly feeling it as something she was doing to him, might make it easier than the scratching thing that he seemed to enjoy so much.

  "Come to the bedroom," he said, his voice thick with desire, and she followed him.

  This time, instead of instructing her to undress in front of him, Lincoln found himself needing to take a softer approach, in anticipation of what would come later. He took his time and enjoyed removing her clothing, piece by piece, and kissing her skin, and then indulged in his usual pleasuring of her, before kissing her passionately.

  After removing his own clothing, he lay between her legs. He had already thought about the order of things with this new idea of his, but lying with her he found himself - just this once - letting things happen as they would naturally happen.

  He slid into her and brought them both to orgasm with his subtle movements, before pulling out and lying in her arms, enjoying now her natural move to stroke his hair and scalp. When they had relaxed for a while, he looked at her.

  "Kneel here on the bed, Lexi," he said and she took a deep breath, only wanting to do what he asked for. She had faith in his promise to never hurt her physically but she still found herself panicking slightly as she moved onto her knees.

  He knelt before her - they two of them facing each other on the bed as they were on their knees but upright - and put his arms around her and kissed her gently before finally turning around so that he was on all fours and at a 90 degree angle to her, lined up perfectly with her being right handed.

  "Pick up the crop," he said, and she could feel the desire in his voice. She couldn't understand it - but she certainly could hear it.

  She followed his instruction and picked up the foreign thing into her hand. It felt alien to her - the whole idea of hitting someone with it felt alien to her.

  "Hit me … on my thigh," he said, having long ago considered where he wanted to feel the pain.

  Alexis hesitated, not even sure how to use the thing in her hand, but resolved to try - for him.


  She raised herself up high and held her hand and arm well out to the right, before moving it sharply left and letting the end of the crop hit his skin. Inside of her was an automatic brake, she discovered, and he felt it too.

  "You aren't hurting me, Lexi. Hit me harder - I promise it is okay," Lincoln said to her, feeling a combination of not wanting to get angry at her, but also needing to feel the pain that he knew could come from her hitting him.

  Alexis tried again, and this time started to believe that she could master it if she kept trying. She tried only five times in total before he moved slightly. He could feel she was getting comfortable with the crop in her hands, and he was excited by it. They both were aware of how aroused he was getting.

  "Strike it across my buttocks now," he said and she realigned herself so she could bring the crop down on him.

  Not satisfied with the power she was showing, he moved off the bed and stood up, facing her, and she was astounded by his erection. He really is enjoying this, she thought to herself in wonder. Something about the sight of him like that pushed her final resolve to give it her full effort, if it was something that he really wanted.

  She stood up with him and watched him bend over so his hands were on the bed, instantly giving her much more power by being able to swing her whole body if she needed to.

  "Do it," she heard him say and she let her full strength deliver a smack with the crop onto him that was much more audible than her previous attempts. The sound startled her, making herself jump in surprise at it, but to him he seemed to only be fuelled by it.


  Alexis felt a slight nausea inside, but pushed it down. It was a strange feeling she was experiencing, having to cause pain in someone who wanted her to, even though it was not something she had ever wanted to do.

  She pushed logical thought aside and braced herself to try again … and again. After a handful of more blows, she heard him as she had not expected to, breathing out her name … as he climaxed before her, over her bed cover.

  Alexis saw it happen - it was the first time she had actually seen him ejaculate, with him usually doing so in her mouth or inside of her - and the sight was new to her. He hadn't even had any direct stimulation there. He wasn't touching himself at all. It just seemed to happen - and she didn't know till that moment that such a thing could happen without direct touching.

  Lincoln felt a new high - having the orgasm without having had any direct touch at all on his erection was completely new to him, and he found himself wondering briefly if that was normal. But then he didn't care even if it wasn't normal or usual - all he knew was that it felt good - very good. Everything just felt good in his body. He could feel the traces of the crop's strikes on his buttocks and thighs, and found himself looking forward to his shower later, where he would really feel it.

  He stayed as he was for a few minutes, leaning over with his hands on t
he bed, but turned his head to look at her. He was temporarily detached from her - like she was there but not a part of what had just happened to him. When he realised he was feeling like that, he immediately stood up, went to her, took the crop out of her hand and put his arms around her to kiss her passionately. He felt her melt against him and he guided her to sit on the edge of the bed, before pushing her thighs wide and kneeling before her - to give her her parting orgasm before he would leave.


  Later, after he had left, Alexis lay in her bed, initially wide awake with her mind racing, but then later let herself peacefully drift off to sleep. As always, when he was there he was very much in her life, but when he walked out, he just … wasn't.

  She didn't want to think about what she had just done. She didn't want to think about the fact that she had been hitting someone, over and over again. That she had caused pain. That she had left marks. That he was so aroused by it that he had not needed anything sexual from her at all in order to reach his desired point of orgasm. That she was there, but knew from the look in his eyes that he wasn't really there with her. That on this particular night, even though they had still earlier joined and he had still made it a priority to take time to please her, ultimately she had been his accessory - his tool - and not his lover.

  After leaving her apartment, Lincoln eagerly went to his office and into the bathroom. When he turned to look at the marks he felt a huge satisfaction from them. It had been her first attempt and he had already felt her grow more confident and strong just in that first attempt. So it was possible she would hurt him more next time - and the idea was very arousing to him.

  Entering the shower he turned the water to hot again - as he always did now - and groaned at the glorious sharpness of it hitting each spot of red. The crop had been a good idea, he thought to himself as he smiled inwardly and outwardly. Now he just had to get her to learn to really hit him with it.


  "Harder, Lexi!" Lincoln shouted at her, after he felt the chain he had bought earlier that day, hit his back. He was on the ground in the living room of her apartment, on all fours, and she - at his instruction - was standing.

  She had so far hit him four times with this length of metal that he had brought to her today, and she could see the marks it was leaving on his back. He kept asking her for more, but she had fear inside of her that she was going to hit his spine with it and do real damage. Already on his skin she could see bruising starting - and she didn't feel good about having made that happen. No matter how much he wanted it - no matter how much he begged for it - she never felt good delivering it.

  But he kept telling her to hit him, again and again, over and over. He had moved on from the riding crop and between then and now had brought a wide selection of items into her apartment, with requests for her to use them on him - to cause him as much pain as she physically could. He seemed to thrive on it, she could now see - he was now regularly having orgasms from that, and that alone - and she started to recognise that she was becoming less and less important to him as a person - as a lover. She was now veering more toward simply being the giver of pain for him. His deliverer of pain.

  In some ways he was still attentive to her - still he always pleasured her when he arrived, and at least once more before he left - but between these times things had dramatically changed. Sometimes he joined with her or wanted her to still please him with her mouth, but more and more his choice of pleasure for himself was the pain.

  It had started to affect her. At a logical level she didn't think it should - and he still had kept to his promise to her to never hurt her physically - but she couldn't stop the worry when she was with him. It wasn't right, within her, to hurt anyone, even if they begged for it - which he sometimes sounded like he was doing.

  As Lincoln received another blow his body was pushed over that edge - the blissful edge that he could never get enough of - and he finally found himself reach that point and he ejaculated as he relished the intense contraction of all of his bodily muscles. He didn't understand how it was all connected, but something about the levels of pain he was receiving, had a direct link to his arousal, and he found it increasingly exciting as the months passed.

  The only problem was, he acknowledged to himself, that he couldn't seem to find quite the right thing to keep him happy for very long. The crop had lasted a couple of months. Then he had gone out and bought a variety of normal things from a sex shop - floggers and whips - and the two of them had tried those. For the first month or so each item was exciting and brought on a new level of pain - a different kind of sting in the hot water - and a new level of satisfaction. But then he just needed something more.

  At home, he had managed to keep all the marks from Diana by continuing to work later at night if he had to, to be able to slip into bed unseen, in the darkness of the night. She still pulled him into her arms often, and he found he could experience some slight pain again there, too, on the odd occasion when she put her arms around him while he was moving inside of her. The marks were like an addiction - the more of them, and the deeper they were, the better.

  Ever increasingly, he still found his thoughts extremely focused on Lexi when they were apart. Even though he knew there now came a point each time when he was with her that he would almost forget she was there, he was still excited by her - obsessed with her - especially on the long, drawn out days when he didn't see her. She consumed his mind - somehow he still believed when he was away from her that it was her consuming him, and couldn't seem to align his obsession as being about the hurt she gave to him, and not her at all.

  He had now increased the frequency of his visits to three nights a week. But he just couldn't get enough. It was only his extreme commitment to control and his business success that forced him to take a break from her the other four nights of the week. The company was thriving and growing, and he found that when he had to, he could still focus. For most of the day. But it took effort - lots and lots of effort that in itself he sometimes found extremely taxing on his body and his mind. He had always been physically fit but was finding more and more that on occasion he wished he could stop everything and just crawl into bed, alone, and sleep. The only time he felt truly alive now was when he was with Lexi - then he felt like he was full of vigour - full of adrenalin. He knew he was addicted. He was an addict. And she was his drug.

  In his business, he had recently acquired a new and very significant corporate client in another city, and the day-long meetings there on Fridays were always intense, so he purposely left his phone off and pushed Lexi from his mind all day long. He had to - otherwise he could make an error that would be worth millions. And as much as he was driven to think about her whenever and wherever he could, he did believe that his company was much more important to him.

  But once each Friday's business was concluded, he had taken to instructing her to be ready for him, before he arrived at her apartment that night. He had forgotten her 8pm rule and disregarded it completely, and somewhere along the way she had stopped trying to tell him she didn't want him turning up after 8pm.

  So at 9pm on Friday nights she started to receive instructions that sometimes he delivered via a text message. Sometimes he would ring her and tell her the instruction with his voice over the phone. The how didn't matter. It only mattered that he gave her an instruction - and that she followed it.

  As strange as it initially was, Alexis was getting used to the routines that Lincoln seemed to need. She was finding it an odd existence, with the contrast between what happened in her apartment with him, and what happened outside her apartment door the rest of the time.

  Just after 9pm on Friday nights he would knock on her door and she would open the door, topless, only in panties, before moving into the living room, kneeling and putting her head down … to wait.

  He would then take his time, sometimes just looking at her. Walking around her. Taking in what she looked like, like that. Sometimes he would si
t down in front of her and just look at her face before he even spoke to her. Sometimes he would kneel before her, push down his pants to his knees, and then rub himself over her lips. Always on Fridays, even though he would have only seen her the night before, he couldn't wait to get back to her and see her again.

  He was oblivious to the increasing internal distress she was experiencing by having to constantly deal pain to him. He didn't notice how little she spoke as the months passed. He didn't even notice how much weight she was losing. He was so caught up in his own journey of pain for pleasure, that although he believed in his mind and heart that he loved her, he really had stopped truly seeing her, long ago.


  "Scrub harder, Lexi," Alexis heard him say as she took a bath. For whatever reason, tonight he had told her that she had to have a bath when he arrived - not before he arrived, and not a shower - it must be a bath, and it must be when he was there with her. "Yes, see how shiny your skin becomes when you scrub it," he continued, and she followed his instruction, almost as if she were hypnotised.

  Lincoln let his fingers enter the water and trail down to touch her labia.

  "Hmm, now I want you to shave. Come and sit up on the edge of the bath - no, at the end there so I can watch you," he said and positioned her so that he was able to see full view of her.

  Alexis continued, as if in a daze. This wasn't the first time he had instructed her to do this in front of him. It was just his latest request and when she consciously thought about it she did find it odd, but somehow - even though she didn't believe it was his intention - the act - the order - successfully put her into a trance. Like she was dreaming it instead of living it. Like she was seeing it from a third person point of view, not first person as she really was.

  She picked up the shaver and wet it in the water.

  "Spread your legs wider, Lexi," he said and moaned as she did so. "Yes, now rub that soap all over."


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