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Golden Boy Two-Volume Set

Page 7

by Claire Thompson

  Eric’s hand slid slowly up Johnny’s thigh and Johnny felt his cock straining toward that hand. When it touched the zipper of his jeans, the warmth and light pressure of Eric’s hand on his crotch wrenched a small moan from Johnny’s lips. His heart raced and his lips parted of their own accord as he tried to accommodate his suddenly rapid breathing.

  The pressure on his cock subtly increased as Eric’s lips again found Johnny’s. This time Johnny allowed the gentle invasion of Eric’s tongue. Unlike the urgent thrusting he was used to, Eric’s kiss was slow, teasing. As Johnny sat with his head resting against the back of the black leather sofa, the dark-haired man used the tip of his tongue to make Johnny tremble.

  Inserting it between Johnny’s top lip and his teeth, he slid it along Johnny’s gums, making him shudder involuntarily, his cock throbbing. He couldn’t have moved if he’d wanted to. He didn’t want to. He wanted to stay perfectly still so Eric would never stop this peculiar, perfect kiss.

  Eric did stop, but only to further stoke Johnny’s lust. His tongue glided farther into Johnny’s mouth, touching Johnny’s tongue. Johnny suddenly came alive, kissing and suckling against Eric’s mouth, ravenous for his kiss.

  Eric took Johnny in his arms, pulling him forward so Johnny’s cheek was against Eric’s chest as he cradled him in a strong embrace. Johnny’s cock was bent painfully against his jeans, about to explode at any second. Eric reached down and unzipped Johnny’s fly, slipping his fingers into the opening of Johnny’s cotton briefs.

  “I got the prize,” he whispered in a teasing voice as his hand grasped Johnny’s erect shaft. Johnny moaned as the other man ran his fingers lightly up and down his cock, and then squeezed, applying perfect pressure until Johnny’s moan became a cry. The pleasure mounting within his body became almost unbearable. It was like a white light too bright to look at, and yet one couldn’t resist facing it, risking blindness just to feel its beauty and its warmth. Within a minute or so the younger man shot his sticky seed in several strong spurts as he shuddered and arched, his voice echoing his passion.

  After a moment he came to himself somewhat and tried to sit up, looking down at his lap. “Oh, Jesus,” he whispered, humiliation overtaking pleasure as he realized what he’d done. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to—shit, I wasn’t ready to—I mean, I’ve made a mess here, I’m not usually so premature, it’s just—”

  Eric smothered Johnny’s protests with another kiss. Between kisses he murmured, “Shh, hush…hush, Johnny. It doesn’t matter. It’s sweet. It’s lovely. It’s a testament of your passion for me and of your willingness to let go with me. Don’t apologize for being a virile, sexy man. Just enjoy it. Lie back and close your eyes, I’ll take care of you.”

  Johnny leaned back again, his heart still thudding, the endorphins whizzing through his blood making him feel strong and glorious. He realized he’d never experienced such pleasure with a woman, and certainly not at his own hand. The intensity of the orgasm had taken him completely by surprise.

  He let Eric pull his underwear and jeans down his legs, keeping his eyes closed as if by doing so he didn’t have to fully admit what was happening. He felt something warm and wet against his cock and realized Eric was taking it into his mouth. It was only half erect and still sticky with come. Johnny instinctively started to pull away, at once thrilled and horrified. Then Eric slid his tongue, his warm, strong tongue, smoothly down to Johnny’s balls and he forgot to be horrified.

  “Oh,” he moaned softly as Eric’s sweet tongue moved skillfully over and under his ball sac before licking its way back up his once-again fully erect penis. Eric took the cock into his mouth, moving down until the entire shaft was enveloped, the tip grazing the back of Eric’s throat. Johnny felt Eric’s fingers curling around his balls, cupping them, applying a slight pressure as he massaged the cock with lips and tongue.

  He didn’t stop until Johnny ejaculated again, this time deep in Eric’s throat. Instinctively Johnny grabbed Eric’s head as he shot his load, holding the man still to receive his offering. Eric allowed this, waiting until Johnny’s shuddering had eased before gently pulling away.

  Johnny felt dizzy, almost feverish and utterly exhausted. He didn’t move, head back, eyes closed, as Eric pulled Johnny’s jeans and underwear back up his legs. Eric sat next to Johnny, who couldn’t find the strength even to lift his head. “That was my gift to you,” Eric said, his tone soft but suddenly dominant. “But from now on you’ll have to earn it.”

  Chapter 6

  Johnny seldom missed a day of work. He was rarely ill, he wasn’t married, he didn’t have children and frankly, it was a matter of personal pride to know he could always be counted on, even if he secretly would rather be doing something else.

  So when he called in sick to the garage Monday morning, his brother Hank registered his surprise. “Hey, the perfect attendance employee can’t make it? You don’t sound sick, bro. What is it, lovesick? Finally meet the girl of your dreams? Well, it’s about time, eh?” Hank laughed as if he’d said something extremely witty.

  Johnny answered automatically. “Don’t I wish. No, I think it’s a tummy bug. I had a rough night. I barely got any sleep. I’m just wiped out. I’m sure I’ll be fine tomorrow.”

  “Well, I’ll let dad know. Hopefully he won’t dock your pay.”

  “Yeah, very funny. Bye, Hank.”

  He clicked his cell phone closed and set it on Eric’s nightstand. He hadn’t left Eric’s apartment since Saturday night. Eric, leaning up on one elbow, grinned. “Barely slept, huh? Now why is that, young man?”

  Johnny laughed and made a mock swipe at his lover. “We really should get out of your apartment, right? We’re going to run out of food. People are going to think I was kidnapped.” But instead of making a move to get up, Johnny rolled over again, snuggling spoon-style against Eric.

  Johnny had never felt so wonderful in his life. The tight knot of fear and secret self-loathing that had been a part of his makeup for as long as he could remember had simply come unraveled, dissolving into this strange newfound joy in his life. Eric ruffled Johnny’s hair and agreed. “Yeah, you’re right. We do need to get moving. I have a few patients I have to see this afternoon, and you really should go home and make sure you still have an apartment! There are a few things I want you to pick up, as well. You remember our discussion, of course.”

  Their discussion. Johnny felt a little thread of fear tug through his guts. It was a delicious sort of fear, though. He was intrigued and excited by what Eric had talked with him about. He had been willing to try it right away, right when Eric was talking, but Eric had refused.

  “You need to slow down, my wild stallion. You’re just getting used to the idea of your sexual orientation. You haven’t even had that sweet little asshole deflowered yet!” As Johnny blushed Eric said, “See? You can’t even talk about it, much less do it yet! So you certainly aren’t ready for anything else.”

  The last delicious day and a half had been spent first with Johnny passively allowing Eric to kiss and caress his entire body, leaving a trail of fire with his mouth and hands, giving him orgasm after orgasm while asking nothing in return.

  Finally Johnny had been sated, and had found the courage to ask if he could reciprocate. Tentatively at first, he had limited himself at Eric’s direction to only kissing and massaging Eric’s upper body and legs. The cock and ass were strictly off-limits.

  This had the desired effect of making Johnny want what he could not have. Had Eric pressed him too soon to suck his cock or touch his ass Johnny might have bolted. Instead, the forced withholding made Johnny eventually crazed with lust and desire.

  When he’d finally said, “Please, Eric. Come on, man, give it to me! I want to taste your cock. Please, I’m begging you…” Only then did Eric allow him this privilege.

  “Oh I like it when you beg,” he had crooned softly, finally allowing Johnny to explore his cock. Though Eric was not a tall man, measuring only five feet nine inches to Johnny’s
six feet, he was strong and well-developed, his cock being no exception. It was thick and richly veined, hard as steel when Johnny finally dared to take a virgin lick with his tongue.

  Eric lay on his back, his arms tucked under his head, his eyes closed, his body relaxed. Johnny felt his own cock rising in response to the sight of Eric’s gorgeous body—the broad, smooth chest and strong, flat belly below which sprang his erect cock like a little god waiting to be worshipped. Kneeling over one of Eric’s strong thighs, Johnny leaned forward, dizzy with nerves and desire.

  A part of him couldn’t believe what he was doing. In his circles, when a guy wanted to put down another guy, to aggressively assert his superiority, he would say something like, “Blow me, asshole.” To take another man’s penis into one’s mouth was viewed as the ultimate degradation. He’d even felt vaguely ashamed when his girlfriends had wanted to do it, as if he were denigrating them. Of course, that didn’t stop him from allowing it, as his own selfish pleasure usually outweighed such philosophical concerns.

  Yet, despite a lifetime of misguided aversion, he now found himself poised over this erect cock, ready to give to Eric what he’d so lovingly lavished on Johnny in the hours before. His mouth actually watered at the prospect as he leaned over, carefully holding the base of his lover’s cock. Tentatively he licked the head. It tasted of salt and musk, and Johnny wanted more.

  As he eased his mouth down over the shaft, he had to resist an initial impulse to gag. He wasn’t used to something so large and thick in his mouth—an invading presence. He pulled back, and then felt Eric’s hand lightly on the back of his head, not forcing him, but encouraging him to continue, to try again.

  This time Johnny was able to relax enough to override the gag reflex. As Eric moaned, arching upward a little, Johnny thrilled at the power of giving someone else such pleasure. He began to take less care, caressing and sucking Eric’s cock with more abandon, which in turn seemed to arouse Eric all the more.

  Johnny liked the spongy feel of the head, the smooth, taut skin over the rock-hard sheath, and the sweet, delicate heft of the balls, like small eggs nestled in their soft, furry sac. He felt at once tender and full of wild lust as he licked and kissed the shaft to erection over and over again.

  He hadn’t yet found the courage to swallow when he made his lover come, instead pulling away and hiding his face each time, which made Eric laugh. He was a patient lover and assured Johnny he would be ready for that too, when the time was right.

  “You’ll learn not only to swallow my come, but to love it. To crave it—to beg for it. I will teach you the honor of taking your Master’s seed.”


  That was when they’d begun the first of many discussions about D/s—dominance and submission. What it entailed, who was suited for it, who was not, how homosexuality fit into the mix and Eric’s personal experience in the scene. Carefully he’d teased out Johnny’s reactions, giving him only as much information as he felt Johnny was ready for at that moment. Again the result was to create intrigue and a desire for more—where pushing too fast would have shut Johnny down.

  Now Eric said, “We’ll take it slow, baby. Trust me on this. I know what I’m doing. I’ve trained many a sub, most with far less potential than you. I’ll train you to serve me so perfectly you’ll never want to go back to your vanilla lifestyle, I can promise you that.

  “But we’ll do it at my pace, using my methods, in my timeframe. The very first thing you’ll need to learn is patience. It’s a virtue not many people have, even those who profess themselves to be submissive. In fact, there are very few true subs. It’s something you’re born being, I think. Kind of like being gay or left-handed.” He grinned and winked at Johnny.

  “From our conversations, I gather you have never had any particularly strong submissive or masochistic fantasies. That leads me to believe you aren’t necessarily hardwired that way. Which doesn’t mean you aren’t teachable. Or inclined, with a little prodding and a lot of loving discipline, to become my sexual slave.”

  Johnny shivered a little as he said this. The fact was, though it hadn’t been on the surface of his fantasies, he did have secret dreams about whips and chains. Dreams that only slipped into his consciousness when he was masturbating, and close enough to orgasm so his inhibitions were lowered sufficiently to let such taboo fantasies slip by.

  “I do, you know,” he whispered suddenly. Throughout their conversations over the weekend he hadn’t yet admitted it, but now he said, “I have had those fantasies.”

  Eric raised his eyebrows and smiled a half smile. He didn’t ask for more details, but simply waited.

  Johnny went on. “I dream about it sometimes when I’m, uh, touching myself. I have this recurring fantasy—” He stopped. He felt shy but determined. He wanted to say it out loud. Intellectually he knew how silly it was for him to feel shy with Eric. They had just spent the past thirty hours together, much of it naked and in each other’s arms.

  Yet the power of this fantasy still had a strong hold on Johnny. It was a secret he’d kept, almost even from himself, all his sexual life. Now he tried to find the words, halting at first, but gathering courage from Eric’s gentle smile of encouragement. He knew Eric wouldn’t judge him, and suddenly he was eager to share it.

  They were both sitting up in bed, Johnny still leaning against the headboard, his chest bare, his lower half covered in Eric’s fine, dark blue sheets. Eric sat on the side of the bed, completely naked and wholly at ease in his nudity. His long, slender fingers rested lightly on his thighs, the half-moon of each nail perfectly manicured. As Johnny glanced down at his lover’s aristocratic hands, he slipped his own beneath the sheets, self-conscious about his work-roughened hands, the nails ragged and bitten from nervous habit.

  Eric tilted his head slightly, his black hair falling over one eye as he watched Johnny, waiting for him to speak. He was perfectly still, as if watching a wild animal, willing it to trust him.

  Johnny kept his eyes on Eric’s hands. “Sometimes, when I’m lying in bed alone at night, and I’m, uh, pleasuring myself and I’m hard and just about ready to come, this image will flash through my head. When I’m that hot I forget to think of it as something dirty.”

  He looked up at Eric’s face and amended, “I mean, I used to think of it as dirty. Back when I was busy denying everything that turns me on.” He laughed without mirth. “Now I don’t know what I think.” As Eric tilted his head a little more, Johnny flushed and admitted, “I know. That’s a lie. I do know what I think. I think this is amazing.” He waved an arm around the room, encompassing the whole experience of the last two days in his gesture. “Fabulous. Incredible!” He paused and then said in a more subdued voice, “I want to be more honest, you know? I want to be honest with you and with myself, maybe for the first time.”

  “The fantasy…” Eric gently coaxed.

  “Yes. Yes, the fantasy, the image.” He lowered his voice, looking away, visualizing the fantasy in his mind’s eye. “I see myself bound. Bound in rope and sometimes chains. I’m naked. I can’t see my face, but I know it’s me. And there’s someone behind me. A man. I just see his arms. Strong arms and powerful hands. He’s always got a whip. A big bullwhip, and he snaps it around my body from behind.”

  He paused and Eric waited before finally saying, “And then?”

  “Well, that’s it really. I know that’s not much of a fantasy, huh?” Johnny looked embarrassed. “Shit, I can’t even fantasize properly.”

  “Not at all. That’s not what I meant. I was just wondering how full-blown these fantasies of yours were. This sounds like more of a feeling, a freeze-frame almost of an idea.”

  “Yeah, I guess. I guess that’s it. I know it doesn’t sound like much, but it was always enough to send me over the edge.”

  “And interesting, isn’t it, that this image of yours involved another man? Even when you were still telling yourself you were straight? How did you reconcile that in your mind?”

ny shrugged and gave a half-hearted laugh. “I didn’t. I just ignored it. Like you said, it’s amazing what you can deny, I guess. I never thought about it afterwards, either. It was just this weird little thing that helped me jerk off faster. I didn’t really appreciate its significance, if there even is any.”

  “Oh no question of that. I think it’s very significant. What gave you the push to climax? You, bound and helpless. Not only bound and helpless, but at the mercy of another man. Think of the implications, my love. Think of what this little seed of an image, this flash of a fantasy, could become with the proper introduction—with the proper training.” He smiled now, the curve of his lip suddenly cruel. Johnny drew his legs up so his body was hidden in the sheets.

  Eric stood and began to dress. “As I was saying before, there are a few things I want you to pick up and have ready for me when I return. Do you remember what they are?”

  Johnny nodded, swallowing.

  “Well?” Eric turned back toward Johnny. Eric had pulled on a pair of black silk bikini underwear, his cock and balls alluringly packaged within.

  Johnny’s eyes dropped to Eric’s crotch as he whispered, “Yes, I remember.”

  “Tell me. Say it aloud.”

  Johnny took a breath. Why was this so hard? They were all items one could get at any variety store—well, most of them. Why did the thought of repeating the list suddenly seem so difficult? Eric watched him a moment. For the first time in their new relationship, his voice took on a sterner tone, an edge of steel beneath the kindness. “I want to hear you say it. This is the beginning of the training you say you want. To submit to me, you will need to learn to open yourself utterly to me. A part of this process involves a breaking down of the ego. Right now you are Johnny Wilson, an athletic, good-looking, sexy, very hot young man who knows it. Even if you didn’t appreciate your sexuality, you had to know how the world perceives you. And that colors how you behave and how you think about yourself. Right now, your ego tells you that you are in control. You are your own man.


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