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Golden Boy Two-Volume Set

Page 36

by Claire Thompson

  Eric leaned up and whispered, “Are you ready to suffer?” Johnny closed his eyes, a small sigh escaping his lips. Eric could feel the desire emanating from him, even if his perpendicular shaft hadn’t been bobbing between them. He reached up, encircling Johnny’s throat with his hand. Gently he squeezed, using just enough pressure to get Johnny’s attention. Johnny’s eyes opened wide, green and gold as he drew in a sharp breath.

  “That’s right. I control you—all of you. Even your very breath belongs to me. You do understand that, don’t you?” Johnny didn’t respond, nor had Eric expected him to. His words were a part of their hot, sweet ritual, designed to ease Johnny into submissive headspace that much more quickly.

  “Tonight we try something new. I’m going to blindfold you, silence you, even plug your ears. With the loss of sight, sound and voice you’ll feel the cut of the lash that much more keenly. I’m going to take you further tonight, Johnny. You’ve earned the right and tonight we push the edges of your sensual envelope. If we go too far, don’t be afraid, I’ll be right here to pull you back.”

  He kissed Johnny on the lips and Johnny responded ardently, desperately seeking Eric’s mouth with his own, giving a small cry of dismay when Eric disengaged. “Not now, not now,” Eric laughed. “Time for pleasure later. First comes the pain.”

  He stepped away from Johnny, his own cock straining against his pants. Reaching in, he straightened his cock, letting it point up toward his belly, protruding past his bikini underwear. From the sideboard he retrieved the items designed to heighten Johnny’s sensual experience. First, he gently pressed a soft spongy plug into each of Johnny’s ears. Next he took a bright red ball gag and said teasingly, “Open wide.” As Johnny obeyed, he pressed the ball into Johnny’s mouth, aware it was forcing Johnny’s tongue back, rendering him effectively mute. Because he was bound and would be unable to speak or even signal with his hands or eyes, Eric knew his responsibility was especially serious tonight. He would have to gauge Johnny’s reactions from his body. Eric would never have bound and silenced a slave like this whom he didn’t know very well, who didn’t trust him with his very life. Indeed, just a month ago he wouldn’t have tried it with Johnny.

  But this past month as they’d come to trust and love each other even more deeply, Johnny’s grace had risen to new levels. Eric felt confident in both their abilities to handle the scene he now envisioned. Finally he tied a red satin blindfold around Johnny’s head, carefully knotting it at the nape of his neck with a knot designed to stay secure but be easily unraveled.

  Eric stepped back, unzipping his pants to massage his hard shaft as he admired the beautiful naked slave in chains in front of him, blinded and gagged, completely at his mercy. Moving close, Eric dragged his fingers down Johnny’s chest, causing Johnny to jump a little and then to shiver, leaning forward in his cuffs.

  Eric stepped back and moved to the sideboard, bringing over a flogger, a crop and a cane. Stepping behind Johnny, he dragged the leather tresses of the flogger over Johnny’s back and ass. Johnny bent forward slightly, offering better access to his hot little butt. Eric grinned at the wanton display. Not able to resist the target, he brought the flogger down hard on Johnny’s ass, making him flinch. Up and down his back, ass and thighs Eric used the flogger, quickly reddening the skin as he warmed his slave for the torture to come.

  Moving to his front, Eric used the flogger on his chest, belly and finally his cock and balls. Though he was mostly gentle with Johnny’s jewels, he gave one savage blow that made Johnny jerk and leap back, pulling hard at his wrist restraints. At once Eric dropped the flogger, smoothing Johnny’s cock and balls with his hands, watching as Johnny calmed, again standing still.

  Taking one of the plugs from Johnny’s ear, he said, “Are you ready for more, slave?” Johnny nodded eagerly and Eric had to grin. He well knew Johnny could take more, much more. The night was just beginning.

  Next he selected the crop, dyed a deep crimson red, its flat square of leather capable of causing a delicious sting. He began to crop Johnny’s left ass cheek, striking the same spot over and over. How much better Johnny now took the crop than when they’d first begun and he would fall out of position repeatedly, covering the stinging, reddened flesh with his hands to ward off more blows.

  Of course he couldn’t cover himself now, chained as he was to the ceiling by his wrists. But he could have danced out of the way of the crop and he did not, instead standing firm, only his head falling slightly back revealing his reaction to the sting. Very satisfied, Eric moved to the other cheek, reddening it similarly with the wicked little square of leather. Finally he moved again to Johnny’s front side, focusing on the ringed nipples. He was very careful, aware of how sensitive Johnny’s pierced nipples were. Instead of smacking his nipples, he lightly tapped at them, making Johnny jump and jerk back, reacting more out of anticipated pain than actual pain, Eric was certain.

  Moving to his cock, Eric smacked the shaft, watching it bob with each strike before landing a few well-placed blows to the shaven balls beneath. He resisted his own sudden impulse to kneel down and take Johnny’s shaft into his own throat, lavishing his attentions on his beautiful slave boy.

  That wouldn’t be fair to Johnny, who was still in the throes of erotic pain, not yet ascended to that celestial bit of submissive heaven to which only a skillful Dom could take him. Picking up the cane, Eric slid it over Johnny’s flat belly, moving up to his chest. He knew Johnny would be able to feel the bamboo rod against his skin, aware it would soon slice his flesh.

  Johnny shuddered as his nerve endings processed what he was feeling. Eric moved behind him again, standing back to wield the cane with precision and skill. Unlike some less experienced Doms, Eric handled a cane with ease, expertly painting lines of red on the flesh of his chosen slave. He well understood the potential severity of a cane with its ability to actually cut the skin and draw blood—not something he was interested in doing. Standing slightly to the left of Johnny’s ass, he drew back his wrist and let the whistling cane arc forward, creating a perfect stripe across the broadest part of Johnny’s ass. The long line of white faded quickly to pink and finally dark red.

  Johnny had jerked forward in the instant the cane had made contact with his skin but now he stood still, his head high, breathing hard through his nostrils. Eric removed an ear plug and said, “Are you okay? Shall we continue?”

  Vigorously Johnny nodded and Eric smiled, well pleased. How far Johnny had come from the frightened boy who fell out of position with each strike of a whip, no matter how lightly it grazed his skin. Then he had been compelled by fear and anticipation, both of which interfered with his capacity to handle and even exalt in his torture.

  Eric stood back again, catching Johnny’s ass just above the first welt, creating another perfect line. With expert aim, he soon covered Johnny’s poor ass with welts, watching Johnny carefully to assess his reaction and response. After the fourth lash, Johnny’s head slowly fell back and his body sagged a little, pulling against his wrist cuffs. Eric removed Johnny’s ear plugs, untied the knot that covered his eyes and unbuckled the gag from his mouth. Johnny didn’t move during these ministrations, staying perfectly still, his eyes closed, his breathing now deep and even.

  “Shall I continue?” Eric whispered close to his ear. Slowly Johnny nodded. As he’d tried to explain to Eric, and as others had said before him, when they fell—or rose—into this submissive trance, it wasn’t that they were unconscious or unaware. Indeed, their senses were heightened by the altered state. It wasn’t even that they no longer felt pain. It was that the pain itself literally transmuted and transformed into something sublime, something spiritual in its intensity. Johnny had said when he was floating in such a trance, the pain was like liquid pleasure, replacing his very blood with something finer, making him feel at once fiercely aroused and deeply at peace. Eric didn’t entirely understand and indeed even felt a spark of envy for the feeling engendered, but he loved knowing he was the one who ma
de it possible.

  Eric let the cane slice through the air, its whistle a split-second warning before it made contact with Johnny’s strongly muscled back. Eric had never used the cane before on Johnny’s back, limiting himself to his ass and thighs, better padded for such treatment. Johnny sighed a little but otherwise remained still, his eyes closed, his lips parted, his head back. Eric struck him once more, this time at the base of his ass, before dropping the cane and using the heavy flogger yet again, at first with some force then slowly easing until the soft leather was but a kiss of sensation.

  Finally he dropped the whip and pressed his own warm body against Johnny’s heated flesh. Supporting Johnny’s weight with his body, he reached up and released the clips that held Johnny’s cuffs to the chains. Johnny sagged against him, still caught in the grip of his swoon. Carefully Eric eased him to the rug, lowering him to his side to protect his tender, abraded skin.

  For almost ten minutes Johnny lay completely still, breathing deeply and slowly, his eyes closed, his cock still hard, caught in its ring of silver. Eric sat cross-legged on the ground next to his head, smoothing the golden hair from his brow. He whispered, “Johnny, are you asleep?”

  Johnny opened his eyes, his mouth lifting into a lazy smile as he saw his lover next to him. “No, Sir. I’m ready for more, Sir.”

  Eric laughed. “You slut! I bet you are!” As Johnny grinned unabashedly, Eric added in a more serious tone, “Johnny, you were amazing tonight. I think you’re ready at last.”

  “Ready? For what, Sir?”

  “The Cavern.”

  Chapter 12

  “Oh Johnny, you’re going to turn heads tonight!” Eric stood back, admiring his slave boy who was putting on the outfit Eric had laid out for him while he showered and groomed. Johnny was looking at himself too, tonight not wearing his usual T-shirt and jeans, but instead buttery soft black leather chaps, a black leather codpiece and a black leather vest with nothing beneath it but his hard, broad chest. The vest was open, revealing the new little hoops Eric had bought for him, yellow-gold with a small diamond embedded at the base of each ring. The hoops were connected with a fine gold chain that glittered against his dark blond curly chest hair.

  The eye followed down his firmly sculptured abs, trailing along his flat belly to the soft black leather cup covering his cock and balls. The tops of his thighs were visible where the chaps didn’t cover his tan, supple skin. From behind, the globes of his firm ass were bared, the belt of the chaps slung over his narrow hips.

  Eric knelt in front of Johnny, pulling the heavy metal zippers down Johnny’s calves to his ankles so the pants appeared to be painted onto his long lean legs. The look was complete with black leather work boots.

  “Are you sure about this, Eric? I look like a model for a BDSM leather fetish magazine.”

  “You do. A very highly paid one, I’d wager. You look hot, Johnny. Hot and dangerous. I’m almost tempted to kneel before you myself and beg for a taste.”

  Johnny laughed, finding himself curiously pleased with the description of dangerous. He looked again at himself in the full-length mirror of their bedroom, squinting his eyes slightly, trying to see himself as others might see him.

  For others would be seeing him tonight! It was the night he’d been asking for for months—they were going to return to The Cavern, the super-exclusive, invitation-only, private BDSM play club. Mark and Jason, partners and the owners of The Cavern, lived on the third floor of a fine old stone house in a New Jersey suburb. The other two floors were dedicated to the club.

  On the first floor were two bars, one serving juice and soda only, the other with alcohol for those who didn’t plan to play that night. Mark and Jason had learned from experience alcohol and BDSM play didn’t mix, especially not in a public arena. On the second floor were the playrooms—two small and one large well-equipped dungeon lavishly outfitted for S&M play.

  The playrooms weren’t bound by the restrictions to which public clubs in the city were forced to adhere. The limits of “no exchange of bodily fluids” and “no total nudity” were not in force here.

  Turning away from the mirror, Johnny said, “You don’t look so bad yourself, Eric.” He shook his head, trying to keep his tone light as he added, “Sometimes I wish you weren’t so damned good-looking. Every guy in the place is going to be hanging all over you. Even Doms will want to submit to you.” His cock rose in its leather cup as he admired his lover, silently marveling Eric still wanted him, the novice sub who had made such a colossal fool of himself the only other time they’d been to The Cavern.

  Eric was dressed in a black silk pirate shirt, the sleeves full to the wrist, the front closed with silk laces left open at the sternum to reveal Eric’s strong, smooth chest. He wore black leather pants perfectly tailored in elegant lines broken only by the sexy bulge at his crotch. His dark, shiny hair fell over one eye as always, his mouth curved in a sexy smile that held a hint of dominant cruelty, softened at the moment by his expressive liquid brown eyes looking at Johnny with naked love.

  “Don’t you worry about that, Johnny. I’ll only have eyes for you. But I want you to promise me something. If things get too intense, tell me. And I promise you I will listen. This night is for us. We’ll be playing with others of course, that’s the point of going—but as with all things we do together, it’s about us, you and me. When you serve others tonight, and you will, you will be serving me. And if I use others or allow them to serve me, you will accept it with grace and the knowledge my heart belongs wholly to you. Okay?”

  As Johnny nodded, Eric’s expression became serious. “Sit down a minute, Johnny.” Johnny sat on the bed and Eric sat next to him, taking his hand. “Listen, it’s not too late to change your mind. We’re only going tonight if you’re absolutely sure it’s what you want to do. I should warn you, Mark called me while you were in the shower. He said Peter and Alfonso will be there. If that’s going to upset you, we can go a different night and make sure it’s one when they won’t be there.”

  Alfonso, the sub who had tricked Johnny into orgasming when he wasn’t supposed to and then had spit on Johnny’s cock in disgust at his “lack of self-control”. Alfonso, the bastard who’d manipulated Eric by challenging his pride, prodding him to force Johnny to do something his gut wouldn’t allow him to do, even at the risk of humiliating himself and his master.

  Johnny knew Eric was as nervous as he was about their return to The Cavern. He knew Eric blamed himself for what had happened and Johnny understood intellectually in fact it had been Eric’s fault, in so far as it was ultimately the Dom’s responsibility to keep his submissive safe and secure, no matter how intense a scene became. Johnny knew Eric felt he had failed Johnny, but Johnny also felt he had failed Eric. This was their chance at redemption, not only in the eyes of the other players there tonight but in each other’s and their own eyes.

  Johnny lifted his head, looking straight at Eric. “I’m not afraid of that little punk, Eric. We’ll just see who has the self-control tonight!” Looking down at his lap, he added softly, “I want this, Eric. I want to prove myself for you, with witnesses. I can’t explain it exactly, but I know I want it, deep inside. Please let me have this chance.”

  Eric nodded, smiling. “I want it too. We’ll show Peter a thing or two about submissive grace tonight, I’m willing to wager.” He let go of Johnny’s hand. “Johnny, one more thing. There will be others there as well. People you know, people who know you. If we go, it will be a test for you in that regard. I will expect you to submit without question to whatever I deem appropriate, to whatever pleases me at that moment. Tonight will be a true test of your submission, not just a kinky parlor game for the amusement of voyeurs who have come to gawk at you. I’ve invited someone special. That’s all you need to know for now. Do you accept that? Do you trust me?”

  “With my life.” Johnny had never felt more conviction. He would do whatever Eric asked. Eric had earned his trust and deserved his submission. It went beyond love.
They stared at one another for several seconds.

  Eric was the first to look away. He glanced at his watch. “Okay then. Let’s go pick up the car. The garage is expecting us about now.” Johnny nodded, allowing Eric to help him with his long nylon coat—the coat that would conceal his sexy outfit until they arrived at their destination. There was no turning back now, no backing out. Mark and Jason were expecting them and had promised a special turnout of the most select of their clientele. The car was waiting in the garage where Eric kept it as he rarely used it in the city, usually only taking it out when he left Manhattan and needed the convenience of a car.

  As they crossed the George Washington Bridge with Eric at the wheel, Johnny thought back to the first trip. How anxious he’d been back then, truly a novice in the scene, barely secure in his homosexuality, unskilled as a sub—eager but without grace. Tonight he found himself if not exactly calm, at least confident in his ability to service another man—to suck his cock, to take a whipping without struggle or fear, even to be penetrated anally if Eric wished it. He was nervous, yes, but it was a nervous excitement, a heady anticipation. Unconsciously he’d been preparing for this night for months. He knew deep inside this time he would not let his master down.


  “Let me take your coat, you must be sweating like a pig in that thing this time of year.” Mark, a big burly man, ushered Johnny and Eric into the spacious front hall of The Cavern. Eric dropped his duffel bag to be swallowed in Mark’s big bear hug. As Mark took the coat from Johnny’s shoulders he said in a low, husky voice, “Well, my, my, my, my. I can certainly see why you had to hide this beautiful package.”

  He cupped Johnny’s bare ass above the chaps and winked at Eric, who smiled and moved just behind Johnny, forcing Mark to drop his hand. Johnny grabbed Eric’s hand and squeezed. Mark looked at Johnny and said in a stage whisper, “Is he ready for his surprise?”


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