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Puck Battles: A Complete Sports Romance Series

Page 12

by Kristen Echo

  “Yes, please.” Carly was still recovering from being hit by car, but she wasn’t too sore to make love.

  Theo was mindful of her bruises and entered her slowly. Taking her with skilled precision; the same masterful talent he exuded in everything he did. His thrusts were slow, and deep, picking up speed as her moans got louder.

  They didn’t have much time, but they made the most of what they had. Two orgasms later, Carly was blissfully wrapped in sticky sheets as her man got dressed in a suit that sent him from sexy to drop dead gorgeous.

  “Damn, you look good. Have I told you how much I love you?” She hated to let him go, but he had a big game.

  “I love you too,” he said as he kissed the top of her head one last time before walking out the door.

  Theo told Carly at the hospital that his love didn’t have an expiration date, and so far, he’d been true to his word. The hourly text messages and naughty phone calls helped. If she’d had any insecurities left about him being a selfish, egotistical playboy, this trip cured them.

  Before the game, Theo asked her to come meet the team. She was shaking like a leaf and sweating despite the cool air. He introduced her to some of his friends, beaming like a lovesick idiot the entire time. His enthusiasm and the fact he called her his future wife didn’t help her nerves. She was as red as a tomato through most of the introductions.

  Carly was star-struck. Never in her life had she been around so many famous people. Nicolas Ivarsson, the team captain, shook her hand and her knees gave way. If Theo hadn’t had his arms wrapped around her, she would have fallen flat on her face. Theo was tall, but Nicolas was huge. His deep rasp was sinfully sexy. His kind eyes and easy banter made her feel welcome and less intimidated. If that were even possible?

  She noticed the guys were taping their sticks and performing their pre-game rituals. That was her cue to leave. But not before a kiss so intense she nearly blacked out. Theo poured his heart and soul through his lips. She had to use to the wall to hold herself up.

  Theo grinned. “Thanks for coming. It means a lot to me, Carly.”

  It meant a lot to her too. “Good luck.” Carly worried that Theo might not play as well with her there. Some players were extremely superstitious.

  Theo wasn’t, and it showed on the ice. The team was killing it. The first period went by too quickly for Carly to appreciate. She couldn’t take her eyes off her man.

  The buzzer sounded the end of the second period. Most of the players skated back to their benches, but a scuffle near the opposing blue line caught Carly’s eye. Helmets and mitts scattered onto the ice as fists flew. Blood splattered in stark red contrast against the bright white. Carly hated the brutality of hockey, but remained riveted nonetheless. Her father may have introduced her to the game when she was a kid, but Theo Montagne turned her into a diehard fan.

  A perk from dating a professional hockey player was the amazing tickets to watch him play. The seats were so close to the action; she saw shards of ice sprayed through the air as the ref joined the fray.

  The opposing team was having a good season, but Theo had been skating circles around them. She noticed the name Montagne embroidered on one jersey involved in the battle. Theo held his own, but three against one were never good odds.

  Her heart was in her throat as he dodged a right hook. The refs stepped in finally and broke it up. They lead Theo towards the penalty box. The crowd cheered, but Carly and her parents booed.

  Theo looked like he was having the time of his life on the ice. He smiled up at her and winked, his blue eyes shining with mirth and love. Her heart was full, near bursting with happiness because all was right in the world.

  The icing on top of the cake was Theo scored the last goal of the night to win the game. Getting to watch him play the game he loved so much was awe-inspiring. It wouldn’t get old anytime soon.

  “Impressive game Montagne.” Carly leaned against the wall as he approached.

  His hair was still damp from the shower but his smile was sizzling hot. “Glad you enjoyed it. We could take home the cup this year. I can almost taste the victory. But right now, there’s something else I’d rather taste. Let’s get out of here. I want to take you out on our first official date.”

  They linked arms, and he led her out of the arena. They took a cab to a restaurant near central park. It wasn’t fancy, but it suited them. He put on his hat and pulled it low as he had done when he’d first come into the diner. The waitress didn’t recognize him and they were seated in a booth. Theo sat next to her so they could both look out the window.

  The views were spectacular. “Have you been here before?” The menu was large and took up most of the table. There were so many choices.

  He propped his open on the table and leaned over to kiss her. His lips were cool and refreshing. She could have feasted upon them forever but he pulled away, leaving her burning for more. “I came here once with the guys. Nicolas recommended it, and he’s got great taste. This place comes to mind when I think of you.” He placed his hand on her lap.


  The waitress came by and delivered two glasses of water. “Do you need a few minutes to look over the menu?”

  He didn’t take his eyes off Carly. “Yeah, we’ll need a couple for sure. I’ll signal when we’re ready,” he said to the waitress who smiled at them and left.

  His playful grin and brow twitch told her she was in deep trouble. Theo moved his hand over the zipper on her jeans. “This place has a beautiful view, and I wonder if it’s as impressive as your come face.” He lowered her zipper and pushed his hand inside her panties.

  The cold brush of his fingers made her squirm and gasp. “Theo… we” The rest of her thoughts disappeared when he rubbed her clit.

  He slipped two fingers inside. She was so turned on that he entered her easily and she widened her legs to grant him better access.

  “You’re so wet for me, sweetheart.” He pumped his fingers fast, then slower, driving her insane. “You’re going to come so hard all over my hand.”

  His skillful touch had her on the brink in no time. Carly glanced around the restaurant but no one paid them any attention. Theo’s big body shielded her from their view and the upright menu provided extra privacy. She chewed her lip to keep quiet when she wanted to scream.

  “Do you like it when I touch you like this?” He applied more pressure against her clit and she moaned, unable to hold it back. “You wish it was my cock inside you, stretching you in the best possible way.”

  “Yesss,” she whispered, dragging out the last syllable when he reached deep inside and hit the special explosive detonator.

  “It will be later. Come for me, Carly. Let me see you.” His nose touched the tip of hers as she shattered. His blue eyes soaked in every quiver and shake her body had to give.

  “Breathtaking.” He placed a chaste kiss against her lips before removing his hand.

  They had the rest of the night to fool around and have fun. Then Theo’s schedule would keep him away until his next home game on New Year’s Eve. Carly looked forward to ringing in another holiday with him. Another adventure. A lifetime of adventures.

  “I hear it’s supposed to snow tonight,” Theo said, leaning forward in his seat. He sucked his fingers into his mouth.

  Carly grinned and thought back to how a little snow had changed her life forever. “Yeah, let it snow!”

  Extended Epilogue


  The freckles on the apples of her cheeks lifted as Carly smiled. He’d been waiting a long time for this day. After years of hard work and dedication, Carly had her diploma in hand. Her family had arrived for the big event. Together, they cheered and clapped as she collected the hard-earned degree and shook hands with the Dean. Theo smiled and waved as she stepped off the stage.

  It seemed like only yesterday, she was in her freshman year and they’d met under a blanket of snow. So much had changed since their first Christmas together. They’d survived many ups and do
wn. Life in the national hockey league wasn’t easy. The seasons were grueling and kept him on his toes. His love for the game hadn’t waned. Neither had his love for Carly.

  She was beautiful. Her cheeks flushed with a rosy glow, and her auburn curls hung loosely around her shoulders. She held her head high and smiled as she crossed the auditorium. The radiant smile conveyed years of love and compromises.

  “Congratulations,” her mother and father said in unison.

  “Thanks.” She grabbed Theo’s hand and threaded their fingers together. “I’m happy, but it’s surreal. All those exams and papers and… it’s done. I am a University graduate.”

  “I’m proud of you, sweetheart,” Theo said, pulling her into his arms.

  His lips covered hers as she hugged him. He kissed her hard. Not caring about the eyes on them. She tasted like chocolate, making him hungry for more. If her parents and a room full of people weren’t staring, he’d have lifted her gown and taken her against the wall. His hunger for her remained insatiable.

  From the moment he’d met the redheaded vixen, he’d known she was the one. Her inner strength and sexy sass had won him over. Every time he looked at her poetry danced around his mind. He didn’t consider himself a romantic, but it came naturally around her.

  Carly pulled her lips away but held him tightly. “Thank you, Theo.”

  “You’ve got the piece of paper. You know what that means.” He winked and smacked her ass playfully.

  “I have a good idea.”

  He growled and tugged her towards the door. The woman had refused to move in with him or advance their relationship to the next level until she graduated. He respected her decision. Four years of dating had allowed them to build a solid foundation. It was time to make things more permanent. He wanted to share the rest of his life with her.

  “Let me be clear. Your days of living in the dorms are over.”

  She smirked. “I was contemplating a master’s degree. That would add another two years. Maybe more if I go for my doctorate.”

  His heart skipped a beat and his steps halted. Carly was the smartest, most stubborn, and independent woman he’d ever met. He loved her fierce determination, but he hadn’t expected this curveball. On the ice, he could anticipate his opponents moves and be a step or two ahead. This woman never did or said what he expected.

  “Are you serious?”

  Her big brown eyes narrowed. “Just kidding.” She smacked his shoulder. “Let’s get out of here and go celebrate!”

  He’d been fortunate his contract kept him in Winnipeg where she attended school. His agent had delivered options more than once, but he was happy to stay. The team was his family. Carly was his family.

  The moment they stepped outside, sweat beaded on his brows. It was a warm, late spring afternoon. All traces of winter and snow had long ago disappeared. The sun beat down on his dark suit. He used his free hand to adjust his collar, thankful for the slight breeze.

  As they drove to the dinner where they’d met, his stomach somersaulted more than during playoffs. He drove slowly, letting her parents and friends arrive ahead of them. His big surprise had the potential to backfire, but he hoped he hadn’t gone too far. When they parked in the full lot, her nails dug into his thigh.

  “The parking lot is full. Why are all the blinds drawn? That’s odd for a weekday afternoon.”

  “Always full of questions.”

  “I don’t like surprises. Tell me what’s going on.”

  “You’ll see,” he replied. “You trust me, right?”

  Since the moment he’d introduced her to his friends, and hockey family, he’d known she’d one day be his wife. It took her a lot longer to fully trust in his love. He was patient. Over the years, he’d done everything within his power to prove his love would never expire.

  “I trust you, but I still don’t like surprises.”

  He crawled out of the car and shoved his hands in his pockets. His palms were sweaty. The tiny velvet box in his pocket slipped from his grip as he raced around his car to open her door. She took his offered hand, and they made their way towards the entrance. He opened the door and let her go in first.

  “Theo,” she gasped as she looked around. “It’s beautiful.”

  The diner was decorated for Christmas, just like it had been the day they met. Tinsel, twinkling lights and garland covered every inch. The place was packed. Mr. Perry, the owner, had gone above and beyond his request, creating a magical winter wonderland inside.

  Theo took a deep breath to steady his nerves. Nico Ivarsson, his team Captain, winked from the counter. His entire hockey family had taken time from their busy lives to share this momentous occasion with them.

  He grabbed her hands and dropped to one knee. With his heart in his throat, he removed the box from his pocket and presented her with a diamond ring. The words he’d rehearsed disappeared. He opened his mouth, but nothing came out.

  Her eyes filled with moisture and her smile soothed his soul. “Is that what I think it is?”

  “Carly Saint. You are the love of my life. A snowstorm brought us together. A Christmas miracle really. You are the best gift I’ve ever received. I told you I planned to keep you, and I meant forever. I’ve been waiting years to put a ring on your finger. Sweetheart, you’re it for me. With your father’s blessing, please do me the honor of being my wife.”

  She nodded. “Yes. I love you so much. Theo, you’re it for me too.”

  He breathed a sigh of relief and placed the ring on her finger. “I love you. I can’t wait to start the next journey of our lives.”

  Spencer Northcote, the team owner, set off a snow maker. “Congratulations,” he yelled as the room exploded in cheers.

  Theo stood and hugged his fiancé. Her body curved against his as she wrapped her arms around his waist. Their lips met with the force of a blizzard. They kissed under a blanket of white and began the next journey in their happily ever after.



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18


  Extended Epilogue

  Chapter 1

  “It’s getting late. Daddy, if you don’t send her home—” The threat died on her lips as yet another hockey player approached.

  “Martin, I’m so glad you could come,” her father cut her off and turned to face the newest arrival.

  She rarely got upset at being dismissed for business. Her father, Spence Northcote, always made time for his team. Owning an NHL team took a lot of his time. She didn’t resent the players for stealing his time, but they didn’t win any favor in her books either. Caroline rolled her eyes as the guy shook her father’s hand, beaming like he was in the presence of greatness. The team loved him; they feared him; more than all of that, they respected him. She wished one day someone would look at her with half the admiration he got.

  “Mr. Northcote you’ve outdone yourself. The place is packed.”

  “Thanks. We should meet our targets, but I can’t take all the credit; the foundation handled everything. I merely extended a few invites.” Her father was being modest as usual. He started the Masters Mental Health Awareness Foundation and still sat on the board of directors. The cause was near and dear to them all. This New Year’s Eve fundraiser gala had been his idea. “You played one hell of a game tonight son. It was a close one.” He patted the young man on his back, and both men smiled.

  The hockey player’s cheeks turned an endearing shade of pink. She would have found it sweet, downright adorable, if he hadn’t
rudely interrupted her conversation. “Thank you, Sir. I’m glad I got a shot to help the team, though I wish it was under different circumstances. It was a tough one, but we came out ahead.” The guy looked more like a model than a pro athlete with his high cheekbones and long eyelashes. Damn, those things had their own time zone, and she envied him. Her own lashes were short and blonde, and nowhere near as impressive. He was beautiful, but she wasn’t interested.

  As if her father sensed her checking out the guy, he stepped in front of her and blocked her view. The pair continued their conversation. “Our defense let through too many shots on net. You stopped more pucks than necessary.”

  Blah, blah, hockey blah.

  Caroline shuffled her feet, knowing she would not get an introduction. Her father never introduced her to the players. She blinked back the tears that threatened to fall. That didn’t even bother her. This was the first event she’d ever been allowed to attend where the two would co-mingle. She knew the rules and kept her distance. But she had something to say, so she chewed her lip and waited.

  And waited.

  Her younger sister sat at a table, rocking in her seat. Connie had reached her quota for company and refused to look up from her iPad. Caroline had spent the last hour sitting with her and reassuring the nine-year-old that everything was fine. Her sister had been diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome at a young age and big events weren’t good for her. Any changes to her routine were usually met with hostility. It was hours past her bedtime and her nanny, Meagan, was too star struck by all the famous people in the room to do her job properly. If Connie hadn’t instantly taken to her, Caroline would have fired the eighteen-year-old the first week. But her sister’s wish always came first.


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