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Puck Battles: A Complete Sports Romance Series

Page 72

by Kristen Echo

  “Don’t tease me. Take me in your mouth,” he growled.

  Meagan gripped his shaft and licked over his crown before sucking him in deep. Her eyes stayed on his, watching his reactions as she gave him a blowjob. His hips thrust against her face. She sensed he wanted to touch her. His arm muscles flexed, but he said nothing. The only sounds were his moans when he hit the back of her throat. She did it over and over until his legs shook.

  “Stop,” he demanded, halting his movements. “I can’t come like this. I need to be inside you. Untie me.”

  She stopped, and he turned around. The belt came undone quickly, and she handed it to him. “Was it too tight? You’ve come from oral before.”

  “No, it wasn’t too tight. I like touching you too much. Do you want to try?” He looked down at her and smiled. “Your lips are puffy and so fucking sexy. Make your mind up fast.” Cameron lunged at her. Once again, tackling her to the floor. His lips claimed hers, branding them together.

  “Tie me up,” she said as his tongue slid across her jaw and he nibbled on her ear.

  He tied her hands together in the front and lifted them over her head. “I’m probably supposed to tie you to something, but I like having your hands on me too. Wrap your legs around me.” Their mouths pressed together again as their bodies became one. He entered her slowly, and she felt every glorious inch, stretching her. She was mesmerized. They rocked and swayed to a fast-musical beat that wasn’t playing. They climaxed together. His seed covered her belly. She closed her eyes as their moans and heavy breathing filled the house. Meagan saw flashes of light and hugged him closer.

  “What the fuck!” Cameron’s harsh tone killed the euphoric daze and brought her back to reality. He covered her exposed body with his as camera flashes continued to go off.

  “Coercing your employees and forcing them into having sex with you is low. Cameron, my dear, you’re royally fucked. When the media gets my story, I’ll finally get my hands on some money.” A woman dressed in a skin-tight leather jacket and pencil-skirt stood a few feet away, snapping pictures and laughing. “It’s too bad we didn’t work out. I enjoyed fucking you. Now, I’ll enjoy fucking you over.” She flipped her hair over her shoulder and stepped away.

  “You’re batshit crazy. How did you get in here, Steph? Trespassing is illegal and I’ll have you arrested.” Cameron reached over Meagan’s head, grabbed his shirt and covered her. They worked together to undo the belt and free her hands.

  Meagan pulled her arms through the sleeves as she connected the dots. This wasn’t a random nutjob, this woman was Cameron’s ex-girlfriend. The woman he’d dumped when his mother left town. She cringed and tried to cover up as quickly as possible. Racing to do up the buttons with shaking hands wasn’t easy.

  Steph laughed, never lowering the camera, but she added more distance between them. “I have a key, asshole. You made this too easy. Gail gave it to me when you fired her. She asked me to return it. Then I got a call from my friend, saying you were looking for yet another nanny. It’s hard to find and keep good help.” Her laugh grated on Meagan. Cameron scrambled for his pants as the crazy intruder kept talking, slowly making her way towards the back door. “I figured we’d talk and make up, but this is even better. Shots of you and your bimbo all tied up is priceless. See you around.” She turned and ran.

  Cameron jumped to his feet, pulled up his pants and chased after her. Meagan crawled and pulled on her pants. She lost sight of them, but she heard him yelling. The back door opened and closed. She’d made it out, and she had pictures of Cameron that could damage his career.

  Meagan ran to the front door and pulled it open. The cold blasted against her face. She raced down the snow-covered steps in her bare feet. It was freezing, but she hardly registered the cold as she ran towards the driveway. The snow crunched beneath her steps. She jumped out and Steph ran right into her. The pair tumbled to the ground and Meagan tried to pull the camera from Steph’s death grip.

  “Get off me!” Steph yelled as she clawed to keep the incriminating photos. Her long, fake nails drew blood.

  Meagan had taken several self-defense classes and used a pressure point in the neck to get her to drop the camera. Cameron ran up and grabbed it as Steph wailed in pain.

  “Call the police. I’ll keep her here,” Meagan said, applying more pressure and twisting Steph in an arm-bar.

  “I give! Uncle! Fuck, stop that!” Steph struggled, but couldn’t get Meagan off her.

  Cameron glanced down at the women. “Are you sure?”

  Meagan smiled and nodded. He took off, leaving her alone with a crying psycho. The women were close in size, but Megan was way more knowledgeable in submission techniques. This was the first time she’d ever had to get physical. “Stop squirming or I’ll break your arm. Don’t test me.”

  “Shit,” Steph repeated over and over until Cameron returned.

  He had his phone in one hand and a blanket in the other. The blanket landed on her shoulders as he crouched down next to her. “Cops are on their way. Be here in five.”

  “They’re never that fast. Guess it pays to be a hockey legend,” Meagan joked.

  “You look comfortable here, like you’ve done this before and it’s no big deal. It’s very sexy that my girlfriend can kick ass.” He planted a chaste kiss on her lips.

  The public declaration caught her off guard, and she loosened her grip. Steph tried to take advantage but after one adjustment, they were back in business. Despite how easy it looked, it took a lot of strength and endurance to hold her and Meagan was getting tired.

  “By the way Steph, your pictures have all been deleted. The memory card is in my fireplace and the camera accidentally fell down the steps and broke into pieces.”

  “I’ll sue you for pain and suffering. Damn it. Even without the pictures, I’ll sell my story. So, fuck you both.” Steph was panting, but no longer struggled.

  Meagan applied more pressure and Steph shut up. “Keep quiet. You can tell your tale to the police.”

  In the distance the sound of sirens filled the quiet street. “There’s no story. You had nothing but pictures of me and my girlfriend making love. She’s not my employee, but I’m sure you still would have gotten a pretty penny for the shots. I’ll be right back.” He ran towards the house again.

  Steph had her coat on but she still shivered. A moment later, Cameron returned with the belt they’d used during their love making. He wrapped it around Steph’s arms, giving Meagan a break. She shook her sore arms and chuckled at his creativity.

  “Good idea.” She leaned over and hugged him.

  A few minutes later the police arrived, took their statements and arrested Steph. The ordeal was over quickly, but left Meagan with a chill.

  They settled onto the couch to warm up by the fireplace. Cameron wrapped his arms around her and she snuggled against his shoulder. It was peaceful and perfect. A rare quiet moment with her boyfriend. They had taken some giant leaps in their relationship the past few days.

  Meagan ran her nose along his hairline and breathed him in. Fresh, sexy and all hers. She pressed a kiss behind his ear before sitting up to look into his big green eyes. Those were eyes she could stare into for the rest of her life. “I thought you didn’t want labels. An exclusive, mutually agreeable companionship,” she said.

  His laugh bellowed around the room, echoing through the house. “That was before I fell in love with you. And you said you wanted a simple life. I can’t give you that, but you can have my heart, my love and my all my labels.”

  Her smile matched his, and his dimples sealed the deal. “I love you.” She leaned into him and kissed him. Amid all the complications, they had each other. “I accept your offer. Simple is boring. I’ll take your heart, your love and all your labels.”

  Chapter 18

  Easter was a time for families and she felt like she was part of Cameron’s. In a few weeks, the Smith household had become her home. She’d thought she wanted a simple life, but what she wanted
was him. A partner who could add the right amount of fun and complicated to her world.

  “Did he come?” April’s eyes were huge as she tiptoed towards Meagan and Cameron at the end of the hall.

  He laughed. The sound made butterflies dance in Meagan’s stomach even after a night of lovemaking. They’d slept together and cuddled until his alarm went off at the crack of dawn. The Easter Bunny had to make an appearance. Planning the hunt and making maps for April was worth every minute of lost sleep.

  “Do you see anything?” Meagan asked, eyeing the empty hallway.

  April followed her gaze. She looked down one side and then the other. Attached to the wall next to her, she found a map. She ripped it off the wall and stared at it. “There’s a big egg on this side. I get to color it, but what is this?” She showed them the flip side with a map. In the center was a big pink arrow, showing the way.

  “It’s a map to your first clue and maybe the first treat,” Cameron said, kneeling down to help her with the map. “You can color the picture later but follow the arrow and dotted lines. It will lead you towards the treasures. Which way should we go?”

  She eyed the picture but hadn’t mastered her directions yet. When she looked up, Meagan pointed towards the kitchen. April took off running, and they followed behind. Mrs. Smith joined them in time to hear April squeal at her first discovery.

  “Chocolate!” April held up a small basket of chocolate eggs on the table with another picture. “I love Easter.”

  They finished the hunt and April found all the chocolates, candies and picture books the all too generous Bunny had left for her. She was munching away on her second egg when Cameron took Meagan’s hand.

  “I think the Bunny might have left you something to find.” He handed her a map.

  This one wasn’t as easy as left or right, but she followed the path which led to the back door. “What kind of chocolates would the Easter Bunny have hidden with the shoes?”

  “Did you follow the map?” Cameron stood close, watching her struggle.

  Meagan put down a boot and looked at the map again. It ended at the door. She turned and faced the door, scanning from the bottom up. In the key hole was a key with a small pink bow attached. She pulled the key from the door and brought it to her chest. “You gave me a key?”

  “I had new ones cut, and I wanted you to know you’re always welcome. This is your home if you want it to be?”

  “Are you asking me to stay on as April’s nanny or as something else?”

  He closed the gap between them. “I spoke with Mr. Northcote and if you’re interested in staying, we’d love to have you.”

  She opened her mouth, but he covered her lips with his finger. Her body vibrated with happiness and she bounced on her feet.

  “But. I can’t pay you. We’re a couple and it wouldn’t feel right to have you living here and working for me. So, I’d like to offer you a weird deal. Live with us, for free. I’ll pay room and board and pay for your tuition on whatever courses you decide to take. I’ll also reimburse you for the correspondence ones you’re taking now.”

  “You don’t need to do that. I have a college fund,” she said against his finger and then sucked it into her mouth.

  He growled and pulled her closer. “That’s your money and you can spend it however you choose. I have lots of money, and I’m not trying to be cheap here, but having you on the payroll when we share a bed is wrong. I really want you to stay, so tell me what to do to make that happen.”

  “Yes or no answers. I’ll keep this simple,” she joked, but inside her heart beat triple time. “Do you love me?”

  “Yes,” he said without hesitation.

  “Do you want me to stay and take care of April?”


  “Then I say yes. Heck, ya!” She gripped his arms, pulled him closer and kissed him. She loved working for Mr. Northcote and Connie, but they didn’t need her. Cameron and April did, and that’s where she wanted to be.

  They walked back into the kitchen all smiles and Cameron’s mom noticed. “You staying?” She asked, rolling her suitcase towards the door.

  “I am. It was great meeting you Mrs. Smith. I wish you could stay longer.” They had started off on the wrong foot but found their way. Cameron was right about his mom being amazing. Her love for her son and granddaughter were evident. She was a straight shooter and Meagan respected her.

  “I’m glad you’re staying, and I’ll sleep better knowing my family is well looked after. Mrs. Smith is for strangers. Call me Mom or Nana from here on out,” she said and pulled Meagan into a big bear hug. April and Cameron joined in, creating one big family hug. There was enough love in the room to blow the roof off the house.

  “Mom, are you sure I can’t drive you to the airport?” Cameron offered for the tenth time that morning.

  “Nah. Spend time here.” She gave him a kiss on the cheek and smoothed her lipstick away. “I like the swanky limo service better than your driving and your dad will be picking me up when I get home. Happy Easter. I love you.”

  April cried as she closed the door, and Cameron cradled her in his arms. “I don’t want her to go,” she sobbed, wiping her snot on his shoulder.

  “Nana will be back soon, and Papa will be with her. So, that will mean even more hugs.” He squeezed her tight while tickling her.

  “But, Easter’s not over. We have nothing fun here.” April wriggled out of her dad’s arms and pouted at the table. Her little arms crossed over her chest in the most adorable way.

  “I have an idea. Let’s go somewhere you’ve never been,” Meagan said. She paused to gain more courage because she wasn’t sure what Cameron would think about her suggestion. “My parents are hosting a humongous Easter celebration dinner. There’s lots of food. Tons of decorations. Plenty of treats and extra goodies. My mom also knows all the best Easter Bunny hiding places. What do you think?”

  In light of the key giving and their new permanent living arrangements, she wanted them to spend time with her family. The Rylen’s were a lively bunch. Fun and loving when they weren’t being overprotective jerks.

  April stopped pouting and looked at her dad. “Can we, Daddy?”

  Cameron shrugged his shoulders and smiled. “If it will make you happy, I am always game. Meagan, do you think they’ll have us?”

  “At this point, I could bring the entire city and they’d be overjoyed as long as I’m there.” Meagan grabbed her phone off the counter and scrolled through her text messages. She’d reread the apology from her mom at least a dozen times already. “My mom said she was sorry for the way they behaved and begged me to come. I’d really like for us all to be together this holiday.”

  “Then, we’ll all be together,” he said, sitting down at the table with April. “What time should we go?”

  “Anytime. It’s an all-day event.” Meagan felt the excitement bubbling inside her. Her boyfriend and his daughter were about to spend the holidays with her parents and her sister. She felt like she’d crossed the threshold into adulthood.

  Her family was often domineering, but they had hearts of gold. Her parents loved kids and their home always had an open-door policy wherever they’d lived. Kids from all over the base would visit. It was total craziness, but she couldn’t wait for Cameron and April to get to see another side of her.

  When they arrived at her parent’s house, Cameron let the girls go in first. Cars filled the driveway and half the city block. The nineteen-fifties bungalow was similar to Cameron’s only much older. Meagan didn’t knock and walked right in. The house smelled amazing with a mix of turkey, all the trimmings and sugar pie. As expected, the walls were covered in their childhood Easter creations. Every picture had been painted with love and an unskilled hand. It was far from magazine beautiful, but it was homey.

  “Hello, I’m here,” she announced, helping April take off her coat.

  Her mother flounced out of the kitchen, wearing an apron covered in chocolate. “I am so thrilled. Hi, baby.
” She gave Meagan a friendly rub on the arm and crouched down in front of April. Her brown eyes lit up like the Christmas lights still strung outside their house. “And you must be April.”

  April wrapped her arms around her neck and hugged her. “I am and I like your house.”

  “Thank you for having us over,” Cameron said, hanging up all their jackets in the closet.

  “We are happy to have you all here. Meagan, your father, sister and most of the city are downstairs. Make yourself at home. April, I am certain that the Easter Bunny knew you were coming here and left a trail of treats for you. Would you like to find them?” Her mother took the little girl’s hand and led her towards the kitchen.

  “Are you ready for this?” Meagan hip checked the hockey player until he smiled. “Relax.”

  He tossed his arm over her shoulder. “Let’s do this.”

  They walked down the stairs and the volume increased with every step. There were over six families crowded into her parent’s basement. She recognized all of them and smiled at her father who was knee deep in conversation. She spotted her sister by the bar and dragged Cameron over with her before the men could pounce on him and start the hockey inquisition.

  “Hailey, I’d like you to meet my boyfriend.” Meagan loved being able to say that out loud.

  Her sister turned and her eyes widened. She rubbed her chin and smiled. “It’s nice to meet you.” She held out her hand and Cameron shook it.

  His face showed an equal spark of recognition, but he repeated Hailey’s words. Meagan sensed something was fishy, but never got the chance to ask. All too soon, they were bombarded with questions from every angle. People asked Cameron about the playoffs and his points this season. While she got questioned about school and her job.


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