Puck Battles: A Complete Sports Romance Series

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Puck Battles: A Complete Sports Romance Series Page 91

by Kristen Echo

  “It’s on top of the list, baby. This one and the one with six bedrooms.”

  “We will need extra space, but six is overkill. You do realize this might be our one fluke baby.” She wrapped her arm around his neck. Her fertility issues hadn’t disappeared. The odds were not in their favor. Which made her feel extra lucky and blessed to have found Joe and be carrying his child.

  His lip lifted on the side as he placed his hand over her stomach. “My swimmers are strong. We knocked you up with a broken condom; I’m positive it will happen again when we actually try. I’m looking forward to all the sex that comes with that,” he said and moved his hand between her legs, pressing against her mound.

  Her hips lifted towards him, seeking his touch. “You’ve taken to this daddy news really well. What happened to the guy who had the crappy childhood and never wanted kids?”

  “You’re so hot, baby. I know if I dip my fingers inside your panties, you’ll be dripping wet for me,” he growled and nipped at her ear.

  “You need to leave for the big game. No distractions.” She closed her legs, caging his hand between her thighs. “Take the six-bedroom house off the list.” She didn’t want to have the pressure of trying to fill them.

  He removed his hand and licked behind her ear. “It’s staying on the list. Besides, if we can’t make them, we’ll adopt or foster. I really like the idea of helping kids whose lives started off rocky. You don’t have to say yes now, but I think it’d be cool.”

  Hailey kissed him. This man was so selfless and had an abundance of love to give. “Yes. I think it would be cool too.”

  “You’re in an agreeable mood. Who is this imposter, and where did you put my snarky, argumentative girlfriend?” He pretended to look behind her back. “You look like my sexy baby-mamma, but she says no to everything first.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Funny. I don’t always say no. Well, I’m turning a new leaf. My new motto is to say yes,” she said, sliding off his lap and walking towards their bedroom.

  Joe stood and followed behind her. He pulled his t-shirt over his head and tossed it in the hamper across the room. If he hadn’t become an NHL player, he could have tried out for the NBA. He dropped his sweats and sat on the bed naked. “Let me test this new motto of yours.”

  “Joe don’t get any naughty ideas. We have to leave, or you’ll be late.” They’d spent the morning making love and looking at houses. He was obsessed with moving out of the condo and having a yard for their kid. Hailey walked into the closet, searching for her Larson jersey.

  “Get naked and bring my suit out.”

  She huffed, but she had told him yes was her new motto. Telling him to get it himself, lingered on the tip of her tongue, but she swallowed it. “Yes. I’ll be right out.” She removed her clothes and carried his freshly pressed, tailored suit out for him.

  Joe leaned back with a surprised look on his face. “Impressive.”

  She flipped her hair over her shoulder, granting him an unobstructed view of her breasts. Joe was a breast man, and that worked in her favor. “I know. Saying yes is a piece of cake.”

  He stood and took the suit from her. “Let’s see how long you can keep this up. I can already see you itching to tell me off,” he chuckled. “Go put on my jersey and a black mini skirt. No bra and no panties.”

  “It’s cold out and I… yes. I’d love to feel the wind against my pussy. Great choices. Whatever. Get dressed and then we’ll leave.” She turned and marched back into the closet. The jersey rubbed against her nipples and the bottom of her skirt. Without looking in a mirror, she was positive if anyone looked closely they’d see her nipples. This outfit was the worst, but she’d make the best of it.

  “Turn around and let me see the full picture.” He whistled as she twirled for him. He’d put on his white button-down shirt, leaving the top three buttons open. His erection poked through the bottom, waving at her. He gripped his shaft. “Come here.”

  “We don’t… yes.” She exhaled and stepped in front of him next to the bed.

  He smiled and pinched her nipples. “Do you want me to fuck you?”

  Her lips thinned. “Yes.”

  “But we’ll be late,” he said, mocking her. She went to slap his arm, but he caught her hand and moved it over his cock. “Do you want all this inside you, baby?”

  She did. “Yes.”

  “I love it when you see things my way. This new motto looks good on you.” In a flash, she was bent over the bed with Joe pressing against her entrance. “Keep saying yes, baby.” He thrust in hard and deep, making her lift onto the tips of her toes.

  “Fuck, yes. More,” she screamed as he slapped her ass and pushed in deeper. Her fingers squeezed the sheets as each thrust penetrated her soul. “I love you,” she wailed over and over.

  He pounded her relentlessly. Spanking and thrusting, exactly the way she needed. “Come. I can’t hold on any longer.”

  “Yesss,” she hissed as his heat consumed her from the inside out. She detonated, clenching around him and tearing at the sheets.

  A feather-light kiss caressed the back of her neck. He leaned his body into her, pressing her against the mattress. “Do you love my cock, baby?” he whispered into her ear.

  She laughed. “Yes. I love your cock. It’s big, and it makes me happy. Is that you want you to hear? Mr. Arrogant.”

  The night they met flashed back. Their first encounter had been full of challenges. They’d overcome all of them. He’d been right about everything. One last challenge had been laid before her, and she was ready to accept it.

  He pulled out and stepped back with a smile on his face. “Yeah. You make me happy too.” He winked before sauntering towards the bathroom.

  “Do you think you could adopt the say yes motto too?” She dropped to her knees.

  The water trickled from the sink as he cleaned himself. “Yes. I don’t think it would be hard for me.” He returned to the bedroom and their eyes met. “What are you doing?”

  She crawled towards him and grabbed his hands. She removed the ring from around her neck. It had once given her hope, and she wanted it to do that again. Her grandmother’s ring belonged on her finger. She placed it in his hands. “Will you accept this ring as a symbol of my love?”

  He stared at her, then he dropped to his knees with her. “Hailey, what are you doing?”

  “I’m offering you my heart for as long as we both shall live. Joe Larson, will you marry me?”

  “Yes,” he said without hesitation. They both smiled as he tackled her to the ground. Joe kissed her, and he made love to her all over again.

  By some miracle, they made it to the hockey game on time. As she watched Joe charge down the ice, her heart had never felt so full. She cheered and loved seeing the determination on his face. When Joe wanted something, he went after it with every piece of himself. He wasn’t afraid to let happiness into his life and she planned to follow his lead.

  They did it! Joe and his teammates pulled off an incredible win in overtime. The entire city had taken to the streets to celebrate their hockey team moving on to round three of the playoffs. Once the interviews were over, the guys made their rounds and they all ended up at a local watering hole near the arena.

  “They’re calling you the Playoff King. That’s epic,” Theo Montagne patted Luka Pedlanski on the back.

  Luka rubbed the back of his neck and shrugged his broad shoulders. “One hard hit hardly qualifies me. You’re the one who scored the winning goal.”

  Hailey leaned against her fiancé and watched the banter with a smile. Her cheeks hurt. Since Joe agreed to marry her, she’d been floating on clouds. Joe gripped her hand, rubbing his thumb over the ring on her left hand. No one had noticed during the game and she wasn’t sure if or when he wanted to announce their engagement. They hadn’t had a moment to talk about what came next, but it didn’t matter. She was in no rush.

  Nicolas Ivarsson wrapped his arms around his fellow players. “Team effort won the game. Luka
that hit stopped Kroller from taking his shot at net, not to mention all the plays before it. Let the people celebrate your mad skills.”

  “I need a drink or something. Catch you guys later,” Luka said, pulling his hat low over his brow.

  “Speaking of celebrating, I’ve got news.” Joe cleared his throat and motioned with his hands for everyone to gather close. “It’s not news that Hailey loves me. I mean, she broadcasted it to the world.”

  Everyone laughed, and Hailey shook her head. She’d never live that down. Since that day, he’d made her re-watch it more than a dozen times. Joe’s ego was in no danger of disappearing any time soon.

  He gripped her wrist. “What you don’t know is that she asked me to marry her, and I said yes.” A collective gasp followed as Joe lifted her hand in the air, showing off her ring. It was a simple gold band, but it had survived over a century, spreading love to all who’d worn it.

  “I am officially off the market and we’re going to be married as soon as possible,” Joe announced. He tilted his head to her ear. “No more running. I’m locking this down before you change your mind.”

  She looked into his dark brown eyes. They were filled to the brim with love and lust and everything in between. “I love you, and I promise I’ll never run from you again.”

  “You’ve been whipped since you met her.” Cameron Smith slapped Joe on the arm. “You’ve made fun of the rest of us and it’s about time you met your match. Congrats.” He winked at her and pulled his best friend into a hug.

  Hailey’s sister squealed and jumped on her. Meagan might not beat her down the aisle after all. “I am so happy for you. A baby and a wedding. Life is good,” she said with a smile.

  Sylvie and Martin laughed. “Taking a page from our book. Well played,” he said, and they all exchanged hugs.

  Not long ago, Hailey would have cringed at all the attention and the contact, but it no longer bothered her. She welcomed the affection from her friends. Everyone took their turns congratulating them and Joe held her hand through every moment.

  “Joe, can we get your picture? Please.” Several fans yelled.

  “You bet.” He pulled her close and kissed her. The kiss, like all their kisses, became heated and jumped from PG to rated R in a matter of seconds.

  She had a hard time letting him go, especially when he growled and thrust his growing cock against her.

  “Go. I’ll be here when you get back and then we’re leaving.” Her lipstick had smeared across his mouth. She reached to clean it.

  He slapped her hand away. “I like having your mark on me,” he said with a wink.

  Hailey rubbed her belly. “I like having your mark in me.” Leaning towards him on the tips of her toes, she whispered into his ear. “I want more of you in me too. Hurry up.” She placed a gentle kiss against his cheek and shoved him towards his fans.

  That man made her laugh, and he made her crazy. He gifted her with his lopsided grin before going to work his charms on others. His smile had turned her knees to jelly months ago, and it still had the same capacity to rev her engines. She rubbed her thighs together, counting down the minutes until she could ride that face.

  Meagan tossed an arm over her shoulder. “What a perfect day. The team is one step closer to the Cup and you’re engaged. Eeek!”

  She laughed at her sister’s enthusiasm. “Yeah, it’s been a great day. Perfect would be if they found that lowlife Rex and tossed him behind bars with the rest of his crazy-ass family.”

  After the raid on the farm, everyone that Hailey knew about had been captured, except for Rex Ressa. He’d avoided the police. It was only a matter of time before he used his handsome face to prey on the vulnerability of teens again.

  The police were still gathering evidence and building the case against the family. Everyone close to the teens and Hailey had been interviewed. The uncles denied any involvement, pinning the entire operation on Rex and Blaze. However, their vehicle was the same one Connie and Meagan had seen the day they were chased. Her sister had recognized it during her interview. They were also the same men Carly identified as the ones who’d harassed her at the diner. They were facing multiple counts of abduction as some teens had not gone to the farm willingly. The case was a mess with the family pointing fingers at each other, while all claiming their innocence.

  “Leave that to the cops and the courts. You’ve done your job.”

  “Yeah and now I’m out of work. Though, I got a call during the game that might change that. The lead detective said he found my resume. I have an interview next week.”

  Meagan jumped up and down. “How are you not jumping up and down with me?”

  Hailey smiled. “I don’t count my chickens before they hatch. It’s an interview, and I am pleased. This could be the break I’ve been waiting for, or it could lead to nothing. Time will tell.” She looked past her sister and saw Joe with his arms around a group of women. He made a point of including the one lady who seemed too shy to be in the shot. With that woman, he planted a big kiss on her cheek.

  Jealousy didn’t flare in her gut, only admiration. He always went out of his way to please people. She knew it was his way of honoring his sister, Donna. Joe believed in showering those around him with happiness and attention. She loved that about him. There were many layers to her fiancé, and she looked forward to spending the rest of her life discovering them.

  “You’re so in love with him. I never thought I’d see you this happy again. You deserve it. You know?”

  Hailey never thought she’d feel that way again either. “Thanks. Though I’m still wrapping my head around it.” She rubbed over her heart. “It’s different with Joe. I loved Ryan like he was my air. We were so young. We needed each other to make it through basic training and then all the hell that followed. When he died… I still miss him like crazy.”

  Her sister squeezed her shoulder. “That’s natural.”

  “For a while, I thought being with anyone else for more than a fleeting moment was being disloyal to the love we shared. But… I don’t know. Joe and I clicked. He’s like Ryan, in that he doesn’t let me get away with any shit, but he’s different. We don’t need each other, but we want each other. Does that make sense?”

  “Perfect sense. When Cameron and I first hooked up, it was… wow.” A stain colored her cheeks. “He blew me away. I think when you meet your person, you just know. My heart had found its match even though all the cards were stacked against us. You and Joe will have a happy life together.”

  Seeing the sparkle in Meagan’s eye thrilled Hailey. Her younger sister had assumed the brunt of her families overbearing and often stifling actions. After their brother died, Meagan had let their parent’s control her life, but it was great to see her living and thriving on her own accord.

  “You’re so young to be so wise.” Hailey patted her arm. She looked up at the exposed rafters as the lights danced across the ceiling. “Do you think our boys in heaven are happy for me? I worry I’m not living enough for them.”

  “OMG. Yes.” Meagan smacked her arm. “If you’re smiling, then so are they, but you need to live for you. I still can’t believe my two heroes are marrying each other. I guess, if anyone had to nab him, I’m glad it’s you. My BFF has a serious crush on your man. If she ever comes back from Europe, she might smother you in your sleep.”

  The women laughed as their men returned from a horde of rabid hockey fans. Their shirts looked askew and their hair disheveled. Joe’s eyes caught her moments before his hands landed on her waist. His body heat enveloped her, sending shivers across her core.

  “Enough celebrating with others. It’s time for us to celebrate; alone.” He kissed the top of her head then picked her up, tossing her over his shoulder.

  She squealed as he smacked her ass and carried her out of the bar. He didn’t set her down until they were in the back of a limo. “Where did this come from?” she asked as he threw her on the seat.

  “I had a few drinks, so no driving for me. Plu
s, this means I don’t have to wait another second to be inside you. Open your legs, baby.”

  The short mini skirt revealed the top of her thighs. All night she’d been tugging on the hem to make sure nobody caught a glimpse of her bare ass. She sat back on the seat and lifted her legs to the edge. When she opened her legs wide, it gave him a full view of her lady parts. “I want your mouth right here,” she said, running one finger through her wet folds.

  Joe dropped to his knees and crawled towards her. Her finger landed in his mouth and he sucked her fluids as he stared into her eyes. He kissed her ring then licked along her entrance. She whimpered when he flicked her clit.

  “I was thinking of this little bundle while I played tonight. Did you get cold? Were you pissed at me for making you go panty-less?”

  Hailey grabbed the back of his head and slammed his face against her pussy. “Pissed. No. Ahhh,” she moaned as he wriggled his tongue inside her. “Horny as a teen boy with a porn mag. Yes. Oh God… don’t stop!”

  His mouth worked her over until her thighs clenched against his head and her core quivered in ecstasy. Joe licked every ounce of her orgasm until she released him. He licked his big, puffy, red lips and sat back on his haunches. His hair pointed in all directions, but he still took her breath away. Only, the suit had to go. As sexy as he looked, it was a barrier between the skin to skin contact she craved. She loved the feel of his heat against her.

  “Get naked. Lie down and hold on to something because this will get rough,” she said, climbing off the seat and tearing his shirt open. Buttons scattered across the limo.

  Joe laughed and within seconds he was naked. Every glorious inch of his tanned flesh was hers for the taking. “I won’t make you chase me. Come get me, baby.” He held out his hands to her, and she took them.

  Hailey settled on his lap, sinking down on his cock. The stretch, the heat and the connection felt so good and so right. “I’ve got you.” She lowered her face inches above his. “I love you, and you caught me too.”

  Their bodies and their hearts fused together. She’d been living on the edge and ended up falling for Joe. At first, she’d been scared. Not knowing where she’d land, but his arms and his love had cradled her fall.


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