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Rozalyn 6: The Finale

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by Shan

  Rozalyn 6: The Finale


  Rozalyn 6: The Finale

  Final Version

  Copyright © 2014 by Shan

  Published by David Weaver Presents

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission of the author.

  As always, this is dedicated to my children.

  Also to the readers who continue to support me book after book.

  Thank you

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  “Rozalyn, answer the fucking question or you will be here all damn night!” the black federal agent Stone yelled, slamming his hands down on the wooden table.

  “I—I,” I sighed.

  I was so fucking tired. I had been locked up in this damn room with these same two agents for at least six hours already. I could barely keep my damn eyes open and when I brought my hands up to stifle the yawn that threatened to escape my lips, I instantly felt sick to my stomach. Blood. They didn’t even let me clean this shit off of me. I didn’t even know who it belonged to. Was it Latoya’s or did it belong to her baby girl?

  “I’m going to ask you one last time and then I’m just going to have the officers come in here and take your ass back there and let the wolves take turns trying to get at that little pretty pussy I know you have between your legs! Tamar pulled the trigger, didn’t he? And he took the gun with him? And he left you there to take the fall for him? Tell the truth, now damnit!”

  “I—I told you—get me a lawyer. I’m so fucking tired right now. Please get me something to drink. My mouth is so—”


  Agent Stone’s fist connected with my jaw, knocking me out of my chair, and onto the floor. My mouth dropped open in shock as blood spilled from my lips. I backed away from him, going as far into the corner as I could. I stared at him in horror. This interrogation was supposed to be about me. It was supposed to be about what happened before the police came in and caught me…


  “You don’t wanna fuck with me! I’m not to be fucked with! We know that you have been connected to Tamar since you’ve been fifteen years old. We have a file here on him as long as my fucking dick, and trust me it’s long. We know about the murders, we know about the drugs, the money laundering, we know every damn thing. And whether you like it or not, you gonna fuckin’ give us everything that you know.

  You are not going home. You will be here in this room until you tell us everything that you know on your husband. It’s over for him. We know he killed his brother to keep him from talking. Taron was working with us and unless you want the same thing to happen to you as it did to him, you better fucking speak.”

  “I want a lawyer,” I cried, my lip swelling by the minute. My right eye was slowly closing to the point to where I could no longer see out of it. The fuck was this bullshit about? What the hell has Tamar gotten me into?

  “You want a what?” Stone grabbed me up from the floor, wrapping his meaty hand around my throat. He applied so much pressure that I could feel myself blacking out. My legs were weakening by the second. My arms flailed against my sides, and I gasped for air. I needed to breathe, but I couldn’t. My eyes closed, and all I could hear was that baby crying again. She was so beautiful…

  “What the fuck you mean I’m acting strange? Why are you here anyway?” Latoya asked. She jumped up off her bed and raced over to her closet.

  “I’m just saying I came here to offer you some support girl and you looking at me crazy. I know how you felt about Taron. Remember the time I caught y’all fuckin’ in his office at the club. That shit was hella funny,” I laughed nervously, trying to lighten the mood.

  I couldn’t believe I agreed to come here and do this shit for Tamar after the way he played me for that chick Keysha. I’m sure he was somewhere laid up with her ass right now, probably deep in her pussy or either in her ear selling her a dream. I swear the love I had for him was gonna get me killed sooner or later. I won’t even front though; Taron was my nigga and that was one of the reasons why I didn’t hesitate to jump on that flight to Miami.

  His death was a hard pill to swallow and I knew that it was affecting the hell out of Tamar. He didn’t have nobody left. I mean absolutely nobody. He’d lost Tavon, Keylan, his father, Brandon, and now Taron. Of course, he had his mother and Taylana left, but that wasn’t the same. It would never be the same.

  I wanted to say that he had me in his corner too, but I wasn’t so sure about that anymore. Lately, I’d been having nothing but dark days. A bunch of time where I spent locked up in my bedroom, in the corner on the floor somewhere crying my eyes out. All I could think about was all the pain and sorrow I’d gone through behind Tamar. The love he was supposed to give to me in return for the love I gave him seemed to never have come. He either responded with his fist or by placing his dick in another bitch.

  I held him down when he couldn’t even hold his self together, and he fucked me over. Although I fucked that dope up and lost his money, he still should’ve appreciated what I did, but instead I got shitted on. I was too fed up, but I’m sure I would have to show my ass in order for him to believe it.

  All these people talking about they want us to get it together and have a happily ever after ending got me fucked up. I was gonna have my happy ending okay, but whether it was going to be with Tamar or not was a different story.

  “I know you hear me talking to you bitch!” Latoya yelled, snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked over at her, stepping out of her closet with a pistol in her hands. I was confused as hell. I had only been in her damn house for a good thirty minutes and this bitch was already tripping. I hadn’t even gotten a chance to see how she was really feeling about Taron’s death, see if the hoe was guilty, but even then Stevie Wonder could see she was definitely acting strange.

  I stood up from the bed and looked at her, scared to make one wrong move in case the bitch decided she wanted to shoot me or some shit. I shook my head and frowned, wondering why she was even taking it this far.

  “What the hell is going on? Are you okay?”

  “Don’t try to play me, Rozalyn? Why are you here? Did the police send you? What the fuck are you doing here?” she yelled, loudly. Her voice caused me to jump back a couple of feet. I brought my hands up in attempt to calm her down, but that only caused her to flip out even further. She charged at me, knocking me against the wall.

  “Where is it? Where is the fucking wire?”

  Latoya and I were wrestling; me trying to keep that gun from going off and her searching my body for shit I didn’t even have on me. What the fuck did she mean a wire? Hell I was here to spy and see what was really going on, but it wasn’t for no damn police.

  “Get the fuck off of me, Latoya! What the hell is wrong with you? Let me go! I don’t have no damn wire! I came to check on you and Keymani and this how you treat me! Fuck off me!”

  I pushed her back with all my might. She staggered backwards and before she could fall to the floor, she caught her balance and fucking fired at me. I ducked just in time for a bullet to whiz directly past my left ea
r. I knew then shit was real and I didn’t have time to play with this bitch.

  I rushed her and scrapped with her ass like I was in the fight for my life. This whole fuckin’ scene reminded me of the fight I had with Kari’s crazy ass. She was pregnant then too and waving a gun back and forth like she’d lost her damn mind, as well. The same way it didn’t end well with her, I knew it wasn’t going to end well this time too. Just hoped I was wrong.

  I hated to do it, but I delivered a punch to Latoya’s stomach that was so brutal, it caused her to drop the gun out of her hand. I rose up and kicked her in the gut causing her to double over in pain. I used that to my advantage and jumped towards the pistol, but after all that and with that big ass belly of hers, Latoya seemed to recover with no problem and grabbed a hold of my leg.

  She scratched and pulled and suddenly dug her teeth into the back of my calf muscle. I screamed out in pain, but took my foot and kicked her dead in her mouth. Blood squirted from her lips like a water hose and I jumped up to my feet, turning around, and aiming the gun in her direction.

  I didn’t come here for this shit. I only came here to see how this bitch was acting and see if she was a suspect in Taron’s death and she completely flipped out on me. I guess it was her guilty conscience eating away at her because she had no right to come at me like this. I was fucking heated! I went to reach for my bags so I could get the hell up out here and away from this low down, dirty bitch when Latoya’s door swung open.


  “Oh, fuck!”

  “Bitch, my mama!” Latoya cried. She ran for me, and all I could do was let loose on her ass.


  The gun fell out of my hand at the same time Latoya dropped to the floor. I brought my hands up to my head trying to figure this shit out. Things had gone wrong so damn fast that it was nothing I could do to stop it. Shit! I didn’t mean to shoot her mama. She scared the shit out of me, and it was only a reaction. Thank God that it wasn’t Keymani coming through that door.

  I went to grab my bags again, when I heard Latoya moaning and whimpering. I knew that I should get out of there and never look back, but I couldn’t leave her like that especially knowing that she was still alive.

  “Latoya,” I walked over to her and rolled her onto her back. I cringed at the two bullet holes that were in her chest and the one that had gone through her stomach. I had to open and close my eyes several times. I couldn’t believe that I had done this. My hands shook as I grabbed Latoya’s hand and squeezed it. Tears poured from my eyes and fell onto her face. I could see that she was in pain, and I just wanted her to know how sorry I was.

  “Latoya, I’m so sorry. I never meant for any of this to happen. I just came here to see how you were doing. I promise.”

  Latoya’s lips chattered, and I could see them turning blue. They were so dry, and she looked up at me with fear in her eyes. I think she knew that she wasn’t going to make it. I could tell just by looking at her that she didn’t have much time.

  “I—my—my baby,” Latoya whimpered. With the mention of her baby, I looked down towards Latoya’s legs and noticed a stream of blood and a watery looking fluid pouring out. This shit was surreal.

  “I gotta go. I am so sorry, Latoya. I didn’t mean this. I didn’t mean for this to happen.”

  I released Latoya’s hand and began to back away when she grabbed ahold of her stomach and started grunting like she was using the bathroom. I didn’t know what to do. There was no way I could call the police without getting myself in trouble. I wasn’t about to go down for this shit. I knew they would never believe me if I told them that I had only been defending myself. How was I going to explain me shooting a pregnant woman and her mother, too?

  “Rozalyn,” Latoya’s eyes were barely open as she looked at me struggling with my thoughts. Oh, God, help me. “My baby.”

  “Why the fuck do I have to have such a good heart? This is why people keep taking advantage of me?” I shook my head and went back over to Latoya. Her stomach was shrinking, which only meant one damn thing. “Oh, shit. This baby is coming.”

  “Don’t let—let my baby die. Please,” Latoya begged. “Please.”

  I nodded my head and went to pull down Latoya’s maternity pants. It was a struggle getting them off, but the minute I did, I couldn’t believe my eyes. Latoya’s panties were covered in so much blood, and there was a big bulge in between her legs. It was like the baby was trying to make its way into the world before its mother left it.

  With trembling hands, I removed Latoya’s panties as quickly as I could and my heart jumped out of my chest when Keymani came walking into the room. This shit just couldn’t get any worse. I cried heavily as I watched Keymani walk in my direction with a confused and scared look on her face. I didn’t say anything to her and just kept working on Latoya and the baby. She was already crowning. I could see the top of the baby’s head, and a head full of curly, brown hair.

  “Mommy,” Keymani cried causing my heart to ache.

  “Toy, the baby is coming. You gotta push,” I said weakly, brushing away the water that gathered all over my face. “Latoya?”

  I looked up at Latoya as she reached up for Keymani’s face to touch it, but sadly her hand fell before she could even make contact. I watched as her eyes rolled behind her head and her chest showed no movement.

  “No, no, no! Latoya!” I wailed. The baby’s head sucked back inside of Latoya’s vagina, and I quickly jumped up and began pressing down on her stomach. I knew I didn’t have any time left. The baby would be dead within a minute if I didn’t get it out of her.

  I pressed as hard as I could and suddenly heard a loud pop. I looked down between her legs and could see the baby again. I used my hands and gripped it around the baby’s head, pulling on it with force, praying that I didn’t harm it in any way. “It’s okay, Keymani.”

  At the same time I heard my phone ringing in my purse, I could hear police sirens in the distance. I took in a deep breath and yanked the baby out of Latoya so hard that it caused me to stagger backward. It was a bloody, bloody mess, and I knew that it was an image that would never leave my head.

  I gently laid the baby on the floor and looked around the room in search for something to cut the umbilical cord with. The longer and longer it took, the longer the baby would be without oxygen and the less likely the baby would survive. I remembered that much from all the shows I used to watch on the health discovery network whenever I was with child.

  I tossed everything around Latoya’s bathroom until I came up with a pair of scissors. I grabbed a few towels and raced back into the bedroom. Keymani had her head on her mother’s chest with tiny little tears pouring from her eyes. I felt so bad for her, and I knew she would never look at me the same. I didn’t blame her though; I was a monster in her eyes, and she would forever look at me that way.

  I quickly cut the baby’s cord; I thought it was supposed to be a little boy, but it was a little girl. She was beautiful. She had so much damn hair and a cute set of chubby cheeks. I wanted to gloat over her beauty, but she wasn’t breathing, and I didn’t have time to waste. I laid her flat on her back and began to give her CPR. I had taken classes after Tamar was involved in that accident that damn near killed Zavier.

  They were offering free classes at the hospital, and it was the only thing I could do to keep my mind off of losing Zavier at that time. I never had to use anything I had learned until now, and when I felt the little air that poured from the baby’s nose and the wails that followed, I was so thankful that I decided to get the training.

  A smile came to my face as she cried at the top of her lungs, and I held her close to my chest. I took the towels and wrapped them around her little body and then rocked her a little as I stood to my feet. I almost forgot about everything that had been going on around me until I spotted Latoya’s mother across the room dead in a pool of her own blood and then Latoya at my feet with Keymani crying on her chest. This room looked like a massacre—one that I had caus

  The tears started coming again, and my phone began to ring. I knew who was calling. He’d text me so many times, and I refused to answer him. I was so mad at him for hurting me yet again that I didn’t have anything to say to him. I didn’t want to talk to him, and I wanted him to stop calling me, but now after this shit I had gotten myself into, I needed to talk to him.

  I rushed over to my purse and grabbed my phone out of it. Before I could even answer it, I heard the sirens of the police even closer to the house. I knew they had to be at least right outside. They were so close.

  “Roz, what’s up? Why you ain’t answering my texts or my calls?” Tamar said into the phone. I could hear the panic in his voice. He really did care about me, but just didn’t know how to show it.

  “Tae!” I yelled out.

  “What’s wrong? Hello!”

  “Tae, I killed them!”

  “Killed who? Babe, what’s going on?”

  I moved over to the window to see if I could see what was going on outside because them damn sirens was too damn close for comfort. I looked over at Keymani, and she was still laying across her mother’s chest. The baby found comfort in my arms as long as I paced back and forth. I looked down at her and saw her sucking on her little fingers. She looked like Taron and Keymani; nothing like Latoya.

  “I ain’t have a choice. We got into a fight because I told her that I felt like she was acting strange—and then she just came at me—and then somehow I just shot her—her mama came in—and I killed her. It’s so much blood,” I cried into the phone, my thoughts were rambled up and the events of what happened were all over the place, my heart was racing, and I felt like at any moment I would pass out from the exhaustion of it all.

  I gave Tamar the rest of the details when I suddenly heard a banging at the door followed by the constant ringing of the doorbell. I looked over at the gun near LaToya’s feet and knew that I had to get rid of it. I told Tamar that I had to go and thought quickly on what to do with it.


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