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Dirty Little Secrets

Page 19

by Elise Noble

  Brooke put her hands on her hips, then quickly thought the better of it when her shirt gaped open. I had a vague memory of ripping the buttons off.

  A million times fuck.

  “Aaron, we’re two consenting adults.”

  He snorted. “Consenting? Luca doesn’t have to worry about consent. He whispers shit in Spanish, flexes, and women’s panties fall off. It’s like a damn magic trick.”

  “That’s… That’s not how it was.”

  Aaron’s gaze cut to the bottle of wine on the box. “He got you drunk instead?”

  “No! Well, maybe just a little, but—”

  “He’s a player, Brooke. You think I don’t know his game? In New York, he went through a woman a night, sometimes two. I’m not gonna stand by and watch him hurt you.” Aaron staggered forward, squared up to me. “You’re an asshole. We made a pact.”

  “A woman every night?” Brooke asked. “What pact?”

  Perhaps I should’ve heard the irritation in her voice, but I never had been too good at listening. And this was between me and Aaron.

  “I know we had a pact, but I can’t say I’m sorry for breaking it. Not when I wouldn’t mean it. I care about Brooke too much to minimise everything between us with a fake apology.”

  “Spare me the bull, bro. Brooke’s worth more than a one-night stand.”

  “It wasn’t just one night,” she told him, snippy now.

  Wrong thing to say.

  I’d been half expecting the punch, and alcohol sapped its power, but it still stung like a bitch. I worked my jaw, testing. Nothing felt broken.

  “You done?” I asked.

  “I’m just getting started.”

  “I’m not fighting you.”

  Aaron shrugged. “Suit yourself.”

  This time, he got me in the stomach, but I’d tensed my abs first, so the blow hurt him more than it hurt me.

  “Stop!” Brooke shrieked.

  “Chill, sweetheart. We’ll sort this out our way. Just stay back.”

  I dodged a jab, blocked Aaron’s cross, but he got me with an uppercut. My head snapped back. Seemed those boxing lessons Colt said he’d been taking were paying off. I tasted blood, but I didn’t have time to work out where it was coming from before he swung his fist again. I considered taking him down, could have done it in a second, but he needed this. And hell, I probably deserved it. If a few punches sapped Aaron’s fury, transferred some of my guilt to him, then I’d take the beating. I’d had worse. In many ways, my father had prepared me well for life, and sparring in the army gym had only built on those lessons.

  And besides, I had a bigger problem. What the hell was I going to do about my future with Brooke?



  I’d once said my goal in life was to learn the right lessons, but sometimes it seemed I’d learned nothing at all. How had everything gone so wrong?

  My fingers trembled as I dialled Colt. I didn’t know what else to do. My stupid drunk brother had lost his mind, and so had Luca.

  “Brooke? It’s nearly ten p.m.”

  “You need to come. Quickly.”

  The sleepiness in his voice vanished. “What’s happened? The stalker? Is he…?”

  “No, it’s Aaron. He’s trying to kill Luca, and Luca’s just letting him.”

  “Huh? Aaron’s in Cabo.”

  “He’s here!” The tears fell, and I couldn’t stop them.

  “Why’s he trying to kill Luca? You’re not making any sense.”

  There’d be two of us dead soon—Luca from Aaron’s punches and me from embarrassment.

  “I was… We were… I was giving Luca a blow job, okay? And Aaron walked in on us. And now he’s furious.”

  “Whoa. I mean, sheesh.”

  “P-p-please, just come.”

  “Kiki’s asleep. I’ll need to— Shit, I’ll be there, okay?”

  How had I forgotten about Kiki? If Colt had to find a sitter, Luca would be hospitalised before he showed up. I had to stop Aaron and Luca myself. But how? The pair of them were like two dogs battling to become pack leader, snapping and dancing around each other. Hmm… Dogs… When I was a kid, next door’s dachshunds had gotten into a fight in our yard, and Nonna had turned the water hose on them. I didn’t have a hose, but Vega had his water in a bucket because I’d taken his bowl to the Craft Cabin, and it was almost full. Anger burning, I heaved it up and threw the whole damn lot over the two idiots.


  They turned to face me, dripping, rivulets of blood running from Luca’s nose.

  “What the hell are you doing?” I yelled. “Competing to see who’s the biggest asshole? Because let me tell you, it’s a tie. Are you happy now?”

  “Brooke…” Aaron started, flexing his fingers and wincing as he did so. His knuckles were bruised. Good. “Somebody needs to defend your honour.”

  “Defend my honour? What do you think this is? The eighteenth century? Are you gonna invite Luca outside for a duel next?”

  “I care about you.”

  “If you cared, you’d listen to me.” Aaron opened his mouth. Thought the better of that idea and closed it again. “Anything I do with Luca is my business, not yours.”

  “You’re in my apartment. That’s my business.”

  Dammit, I couldn’t argue with his logic. “Why are you even here? I thought you were in Cabo until Thursday.”

  Luca was meant to be picking him up at the airport. I’d seen the flight schedule.

  “Yeah, well, I was gonna be until I worked out Clarissa was cheating on me. The beach didn’t hold the same appeal after that, so I dumped her ass on the street and flew home.”

  Clarissa cheated on my brother? That little bitch! I’d rip out her damn highlights by the roots, then I’d scratch out her eyeballs and… No. No, I wouldn’t because then I’d be the one getting the bucket of water tossed over me. Breathe, Brooke.

  “You’re sure? I mean, how did you find out?”

  “Saw the messages between her and the other guy. She didn’t even try to deny it.”

  “I’m so sorry.” I actually wasn’t because I didn’t like Clarissa, but Aaron didn’t deserve the heartache. Okay, maybe he did after the little stunt he just pulled with Luca, but… “You left her in Cabo?”

  “Figured she’s somebody else’s problem now. At least I hadn’t given her the ring yet.”

  “The ring?”

  Behind him, Luca grimaced. Yes, that had been a close call. Because if Aaron had married Clarissa, then I’d have had to endure being in bridezilla’s wedding party, and probably it was frowned upon for a bridesmaid to stick up her hand when the priest asked if anybody objected.

  “It wasn’t Mom’s ring, if that’s what you’re wondering. I saved that for you.”

  Those darn tears came back. How could my brother be so sweet and such an absolute dumbass at the same time? Not that I’d be getting married anytime soon—Luca didn’t seem like the marrying kind, and I wasn’t even sure where we stood now. He was supposed to be leaving in two days, and he’d be taking my heart with him. Although I couldn’t deny my brother’s words had cut me. Yes, I’d always known that Luca had played the field, but a different woman every single night?

  “Uh, thanks?”

  “There any wine left in that bottle?”

  “I don’t think so.”

  Aaron scrubbed both hands over his face. “Shit. I need a fucking drink.”

  “Not sure that’s a good idea, buddy,” Luca said.

  “You being here, that’s not a good idea. Just get out of my apartment.”

  Luca looked at me, and I looked at Luca. I needed him here.

  “Can’t do that,” he said.

  Aaron bristled again. “The hell you can’t.”

  “You think I want to stick around to be used as a punching bag? I don’t, but Brooke’s been having some issues, and you’re not in a fit state to protect her.”

  “Issues?” Aaron huffed. “You’re the issue.”

  “I’ve got a freaking stalker, you jerk.”

  “What?” It took a moment for the words to fully penetrate Aaron’s thick skull. “What stalker? Since when?”

  “Since a year ago.”

  “A year ago? Then why didn’t you tell me?”

  This was exactly how I hadn’t wanted to have the discussion about my assault with Aaron. He’d already been hurt by what he saw as Luca’s betrayal tonight, and by Clarissa, and now I was going to twist the knife.

  But before I could arrange my thoughts, someone hammered on the door. Luca’s gun was in his hand before I could blink.

  “Put it down! I think it’s Colt.”

  “Colt? What’s he doing here?”

  “I called him while you were fighting.” Which I now regretted doing. “I’d better let him in.”

  “Stay there. I’ll go.”

  I slumped onto the couch, my beautiful couch, now damp and spattered with Luca’s blood. Though long-term happiness was out of reach, half an hour ago, I’d been happy in the moment. Now, that moment had fast-forwarded me straight to hell. Aaron was upset, Luca was putting definite distance between us, and when Colt walked in, he couldn’t even meet my eyes.

  “The fight’s over? Brooke, you okay?”

  “Define ‘okay.’”

  “Nothing’s broken?”

  Apart from my heart and my spirit? “No, nothing’s broken. I’m sorry I brought you into the middle of this.”

  “Not a problem.” He patted me awkwardly on the shoulder, then straightened. “If I go home, is there gonna be any more trouble?”

  Luca shook his head. At least the blood had stopped running now, leaving a dark red crust over his top lip and most of his chin.

  “Reckon we’re done with our fists. But now we have the other problem to deal with.”

  “The other problem?”

  “Brooke’s problem.”


  Aaron’s attention swung between them. “Wait, Colt knows about this too? Am I the only person who doesn’t?”

  “I didn’t find out until last week,” Colt said. “After you left for Cabo. How was the vacation?” I shook my head hurriedly, and Colt got the message. “Eh, never mind. So, getting back to Brooke’s problem, I can understand why she kept it to herself for so long. Statistically, only around thirty percent of rape cases are reported to the authorities, and—”

  All the colour drained out of Aaron’s face. “Are you… Are you telling me Brooke was raped?”

  Colt took a couple of steps backward. “I thought…”

  “We hadn’t got that far,” Luca said.

  “Well, shit.”

  Someone had to control the narrative here, and it was my story. “It happened after Addy’s birthday party last year. I drank a few glasses of wine, and maybe my drink got spiked too because I barely remember a thing. But I had sex with somebody, and I sure as heck didn’t consent to it.”

  “You should have—”

  “I didn’t report it because everything was jumbled in my mind and I had no idea who did it. I still don’t know for sure.”

  “You don’t know for sure? But you have an idea?”


  “No,” Luca said firmly. “We still don’t know.”

  He was right to say that, of course. Telling my hot-headed brother that it might have been Steve would only lead to Steve in the emergency room and Aaron in a jail cell. And although Steve was a grade-A prick, I had to abide by the innocent-until-proven-guilty principle. So did Aaron, seeing as he was a freaking lawyer, but he wasn’t thinking straight at the moment.

  “And the fucker’s leaving Brooke notes, including one that showed up here earlier, hand-delivered. Which is why she needs somebody around who can protect her.”

  “I can do that.”

  “You’ve been drinking.”

  “Well, you weren’t exactly alert earlier.”

  “I’d still have shot him between the eyes if he’d shown up.”

  “Hey, hey, relax,” Colt said. “I’ll stay here with Brooke tonight. I can sleep on the couch.”

  “What about Kiki?” I asked.

  “I dropped her off at the Snyders’ on the way, and I’m not gonna wake her up again tonight.”

  Neither Luca nor Aaron seemed particularly happy with the idea, and quite honestly, I wasn’t either, but I wasn’t going to fan the flames by suggesting I stay at my apartment with Luca. Colt’s offer was a kind one, and at this moment in time, it was the best arrangement for everyone.

  “Then I’ll find you a blanket.” I managed a smile. “Thank you.”

  The bed felt cold and empty when I woke in the morning. Funny how quickly I’d grown used to having Luca beside me, and now I didn’t even know where he was. Last night, I’d tried to give him the key to my apartment, but he’d declined, saying that if he stayed there, it would only add kindling to Aaron’s fire, and he didn’t want to bring the Crowes into our mess either. Then he’d packed his bag and walked out.

  I’d cried, I’m not ashamed to admit that. Inside, I was hollow, but now I had to go to work and act as if nothing had happened. I rolled over, checked my phone for messages. Nothing. Should I send one of my own? What if Luca had gone for good? He had nothing keeping him here and every reason to leave.

  Me: Are you okay? xxx

  I wasn’t asking for much, just a little reassurance, but Luca still hadn’t replied by the time I’d showered and dressed. The apartment smelled of synthetic lemon when I emerged from the bedroom, and I found Colt on his knees, scrubbing bloodstains from the couch.

  “You don’t have to do that.”

  “Thought you might need a hand.”

  “I’m so sorry about last night.”

  “Nothing to apologise for. You and Luca, eh?”

  “Yeah.” I felt myself blush. “Is that crazy?”

  “Maybe. I always figured he had a thing for you. Didn’t say anything to Aaron, obviously.” Colt shrugged. “The heart wants what the heart wants. I made you a coffee, over there on the counter.”

  “Thanks.” My heart might have known what it wanted, but my head had to be realistic. Luca had agreed to two weeks, and it had ended in a disaster. “Don’t you need to take Kiki to school?”

  “Meli Snyder offered. She has to take Sophie anyway.” Colt glanced toward the back door. “Didn’t know what state your brother would be in.”

  “He’s still asleep?”

  “I’d assume so.”

  “That’s probably for the best.”

  “I’ll give you a ride to work when you’re ready.”

  “It’s okay; I can take my car. Otherwise I won’t be able to get home.”

  “After last night’s conversation, Aaron’ll want to pick you up.”

  “Well, I’m not sure I want Aaron to pick me up.”

  Colt sighed. “Look, I promised Luca I’d drive you, okay? He cares.”

  “Then why did he—”

  “We both understand he had to. In high school, everyone said Luca was the volatile one, but…”

  “He’s gotten calmer and Aaron’s gone the other way?”

  “Aaron’s like ice in court, but maybe bottling all that emotion up isn’t so good for him? And Clarissa… Can’t say I was her biggest fan, but there are ways to end it, and then there are ways. Any idea who the other guy was?”

  “Not a clue. I didn’t much care for her either, so we didn’t hang out.”

  “Your brother’s gonna need your support.”

  “Yes, I know, but is it wrong that I’m more worried about Luca right now? The last thing I wanted was to ruin their friendship.”

  “Luca knew what he was getting into. Give Aaron a week, and he’ll most likely cool off.”

  “A week? I told you what he walked in on.”

  “Okay, maybe a month. Once he’s had time to think things through, he’ll realise he doesn’t want to lose you or Luca either.”

  I hoped beyond hope that Co
lt was right. And in the meantime, I’d just have to be damn careful. Until Aaron came to his senses over Luca, I’d go nowhere alone until my stalker was caught. Aaron would look out for me, of that I was certain, and he’d also put pressure on the sheriff’s department in Coos Bay to do more, but when it came to having a bodyguard, I preferred Luca’s brand of close protection.



  Darla took one look at me when I walked into work and opened her arms for a hug. Today’s muumuu was green with pink flowers, but the bright colours did little to cheer me up.

  “What happened, hun? You look as if your dog just died.”

  “Vega’s fine.” Deck was probably feeding him potato chips and sliced ham by now. “But everything with Luca went wrong. It was h-h-horrible. Aaron came back early from his trip and walked in on us, and there was a fight, and b-b-blood, and now Luca’s gone.”

  “Oh, shoot.” Darla’s eyes saucered. “That’s a lot to unravel. Who won the fight?”

  “Aaron, but only because Luca didn’t hit back. And I want to be mad at Aaron, but I can’t even do that because we were in his apartment and I was in quite a, uh, compromising position, so he had every right to be upset, and also he just broke up with his girlfriend, and he’d been drinking and…and…”

  Darla’s arms tightened, and I cried onto her freaking shoulder. For the briefest of moments, I was actually grateful to my stalker because if it weren’t for him, I’d still have been working as an executive assistant, and my old boss would probably have had HR write me up for acting unprofessional.

  “Are you looking for advice, or do you just want to unload?” Darla asked.

  “I don’t know. I don’t know anything anymore. I guess advice? Honestly, I’ve never been in this situation.”

  “Have you spoken to Luca today?”

  “I sent him a message, but he hasn’t replied.”

  “Why don’t you try calling him?”

  “I… I… I suppose I’m scared.”

  “Why are you scared? Because the stalker guy’s still around? Was it him who left the note on your car? You seemed pretty freaked out when Colt and Luca were here.”


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