Chronicles of Eden - Act VII
Page 28
“I suppose you’re right,” Specca nervously admitted. “I don’t know why I’m getting such a bad feeling about all this, there’s nothing dangerous nearby and everyone is with someone. I just need to calm my nerves somehow.”
Another loud rumble of thunder echoed outside, with Luna and Specca turning to the curtain while Triska glanced to it with a raised eyebrow.
“I would like to stand out there in the rain to wet my scales,” Specca mentioned before showing a troubled frown. “But that would only remind me of the fairies being caught in it elsewhere. Oh dear, this is going to be torture waiting for them like this.”
“For crying out loud,” Triska muttered. She walked over towards the entryway then pointed to Specca. “I’ll go take a quick look around and see if I spot anyone, I’m not going to be able to focus on my magic with you fretting so loudly over there. Just read a book or have a snack in the meantime, anything to take your mind off of this, alright?”
“Alright. Thank you, Triska,” Specca said with a small smile.
Triska rolled her eyes then left the room, hopping down onto the grass and looking around the landscape for any sign of the missing group members.
“Why not just have them go looking for their friends instead?” Kitten dryly asked beside her.
“I’m a bit worried too,” Triska admitted while walking off towards a nearby hill. “Besides, if they come out here looking for them they’re not going to stop and are only going to get themselves more worked up if they don’t find them.”
“Well aren’t you so sweet.”
“By the way,” Triska mentioned glancing to her. “So far I haven’t felt anything like what you’ve been describing. Are you sure I even have your magic while you’re held back in my mind?”
“Of course I am,” Kitten sincerely pleaded. “Triska, my primary concern is and always will be my master’s safety. If you’re not careful with the powers that lie at your fingertips you could hurt him, and I simply cannot allow that to happen.”
“But I haven’t felt anything different about myself.”
“You saw the way you crushed those large rocks to rubble earlier. I’m sure that’s quite different than what you were originally capable of as just an ordinary human.”
“Yeah, I suppose,” Triska said looking to her hand curiously. “It didn’t feel like I was even crushing those stones, it felt like I was just moving my hand through paper.”
“Imagine what could happen to my master if you’re not controlling your strength properly either,” Kitten gasped with concern. “Why, you could crush him with your hips or bare hands when you’re fucking him. It would be simply dreadful.”
“But I didn’t hurt him when we were making love earlier. And I didn’t hurt the other girls either. I was very careful not to use any strength at all if I was able to avoid it.”
“Yes,” Kitten dryly replied while looking away with a dull expression. “You just laid there and let them ravage you. My master was splendid as I knew he would be, the way he handled our body got my loins burning just watching him. But those other girls… meh, they were just in the way if you ask me.”
“I didn’t ask you,” Triska snapped with ire. She got to the top of the hill and looked around carefully, seeing nobody else in the surrounding landscape while the clouds above were growing darker and moving overhead.
“I don’t sense anything nearby, and my vision is the same as before,” Triska pointed out before looking down at her body confusedly. “I may have your strength but I think that’s all I have like this.”
“Poor little girl,” Kitten chuckled. “You have no idea what you’re truly capable of, do you? So lost and confused in this new body of yours.”
“Alright then, tell me how to perform any kind of spell,” Triska demanded with a scowl. “I’m outside and away from my friends, I can cast anything here and not risk endangering them. So tell me, how can I cast something?”
“Triska, I’ve been telling you from the start, you need to feel the magic flowing through your-”
“Enough of that bullshit!” Triska yelled, stomping her foot down and crushing in the ground below her. “I don’t think I have any of your magic, I think you’re only saying I do just to mess with me.”
“Why would I tell a lie about such a thing?” Kitten innocently asked.
“Because if I don’t need your lessons on anything then what reason do I have to let you come back out?”
“Well, you wouldn’t want me to spend the rest of my days alone in here, would you? You’re not so mean to do that, Triska.”
“Enough of your games. Do I have any magic, yes or no?”
Kitten crossed her arms and sighed while slowly eyeing Triska from head to toe, the teen watching the demon murmuring something to herself while standing before the girl in her mind.
“Honestly… I’m not sure.”
“What do you mean you’re not sure?” Triska snapped. “You said I was going to kill everyone around me earlier with some godforsaken spell I was supposedly about to cast. Was that not true?”
“Not… entirely,” Kitten giggled with a shrug. Triska fumed with rage before the demon held out a hand to keep her quiet. “But that’s not to say you couldn’t. Triska, my master’s life is in danger with you controlling our body like this, because you very well could use my power at a moment’s notice.”
“You were lying to me, again!” Triska shouted out.
“I’m not lying,” Kitten asserted with a stomp of her foot. “I mean, yes, I lied about you nearly killing your friends earlier. But c’mon, that was hilarious how you froze up like you did. And besides I needed something to leverage with having some time to come out again, what else could I have done to persuade you?”
“You’re never coming out, you’re never going to change,” Triska condemned before she marched through the demon’s image.
“Triska, wait!” Kitten demanded as she reappeared alongside the teen. “You’ve changed, clearly you have. You could very well possess my real power, and if that’s the case-”
“I’ll take my chances without your guidance,” Triska snapped before turning to her with a glare. “I was a fool to trust you. Why did I ever agree to let you live inside me like this?”
“Because you’re a kindhearted girl and wanted to let me live?” Kitten nervously answered with a weak smile. “And I do thank you for that, I really do.”
“I’m regretting that I was. I trusted you to teach me because I felt my family was in danger from me, but that’s not the case is it? They were never in danger, you were just toying with me! You sick bitch, I hope you got your kicks out of that. You’re never coming out now.”
“Wait, you’re not listening to me, you could have my-”
“Then prove it!” Triska yelled before holding her arm out to the side. “Tell me how to cast a spell, right now! Anything, anything to prove you’re not a liar and that I should even consider trusting you again. Tell me how, Kitten!”
“Triska,” Kitten shakily said with fidgeting hands. “Um, uh, it’s just like I was saying. You have to feel-”
“I don’t feel anything. Not a damned thing.”
“You just have to… to… to visualize it! Um, try to feel… or touch what you… I mean… you just have to-”
“Stop babbling! Tell me how to perform a spell right now!”
“I don’t know how to tell you!” Kitten cried out desperately. “You have to feel it for yourself! I don’t know how to describe it! It’s a power that flows through you-”
“I don’t feel anything flowing through me!”
“Triska, please, I’m trying to help, you have to-”
“You were lying to me this whole time!”
“Triska, please let me-”
“I never could perform magic, you just wanted to scare me and bargain for me letting you back out!”
“You don’t understand, I’m not trying to-”
“You’re never coming out again, Kitten! E
njoy your life inside my head, because that’s where you’re going to stay forever!”
“Please let me see my master again!” Kitten shrieked as she dropped to her knees, holding her hands together in a pleading manner and looking up at Triska with teary eyes. “I’m begging you, don’t keep him from me! I need him, I need to be with him again! For god’s sake, Triska, I’m dying like this!”
“What are you talking about?” Triska snapped.
“It hurts so much,” Kitten whimpered. “It hurts, my heart aches like you couldn’t believe. I need to be with my master, I need to serve him and have his love, I need his approval of me! I can’t… I can’t… I can’t take being separated from him like this. I need my master so badly, this is torture being without him!”
Triska watched carefully as Kitten slumped down with her wings drooping low behind her, the demon’s sobs echoing in her head as Kitten looked to her shaking hands.
“Every fiber of my being, my soul, craves him. I can’t help how I feel, I need that man’s love. Without it… I’ll die, I’m sure of it. Triska, my heart hurts so much being kept from him like this. Please, I’m begging you!”
“Why should I have any sympathy for you, demon?” Triska scoffed. “I wanted to trust you, I was willing to give you a chance, and you tried to manipulate me all for your sick pleasure!”
“I’m sorry!”
“No you’re not! You don’t even know what it means to be sorry! All you want is to be Daniel’s pet and torment everyone around you. Well, surprise, surprise! Daniel doesn’t want anyone like that in his life! None of us do! So if this is the only way you can live, then you’re never coming back! I’d rather listen to you scream and cry in my head for the rest of my life than let you out again!”
“You can’t keep me in here! This is so cruel!”
“You’re the one that’s cruel!” Triska declared, pointing to the demon with a deep glare. “I tried to give you a chance, but-”
“I promise I’ll be good! Please, give me another chance! No more lies, I promise, I’ll be a good girl!”
“Why should I believe you? Why should I believe you when you’ve done nothing to prove that you can be a good girl?”
“I need to be a good girl for my master!” Kitten screamed out. Triska watched as the demon scrambled over on her knees and held her hands up as if to rest against Triska’s waist. “Please, I need his love, I need his approval! I can’t lose that, he’s all I have left to live for! Help me be a good girl, please!”
“Why should I?” Triska shouted while stepping away from the demon.
A loud bang echoed out before rain started to drop from the clouds. Triska and Kitten looked around to seeing a heavy rainstorm suddenly falling upon them, the teen’s clothes becoming soaked against her body while Kitten remained visibly dry in her ethereal state.
“We’re trying to have a conversation here! Do you mind?” Kitten shouted at the sky.
“Oh no,” Triska said, quickly looking around before racing back down the hill towards the caravan. She scrambled aboard the ride and went in, finding Specca and Luna standing at the table and nobody else inside.
“Are they back?” Triska asked. “Did they fly in here?”
“No, nobody has come back yet,” Specca said shaking her head.
“Wow, it’s really raining out there,” Luna worriedly mentioned.
“Pip and Cilia are still out there,” Specca fretted as the girls rushed over and looked around at the rain pouring down outside. The rapid prattling of the water on the roof drowned out Specca’s nervous whines as the three girls were unable to see too far out into the thick downpour.
“Those two should have been back by now,” Triska cautiously mentioned. “They wouldn’t risk getting caught in the rain.”
“What happens if Pip and Cilia did get caught in that?” Luna nervously asked.
“They’ll die,” Specca whimpered as she held a hand over her mouth. “The heavy rain hitting their tiny bodies, it would be the equivalent of being stoned to death!”
“But I don’t want them to die! Where are they? They need to get back here!”
“They can’t now,” Specca said shaking her head. “They couldn’t possibly fly in that storm. Either they found something to protect them from the rain, or…”
“Can’t we go get them?” Luna asked her.
Lightning crackled through the sky followed by a heavy boom of thunder. The girls jumped and watched as the storm grew with the wind now picking up with a long howl.
“How will we find them in that?” Specca wailed as she grabbed her hair in dismay. “We’d be lucky to find our way back to the caravan if we go out there.”
Triska gritted her teeth as she saw the rain pounding down outside. She envisioned Pip and Cilia screaming as they tried to fly around in the rain before being struck down by the heavy droplets. The horrible image of Pip being pelted to death by the rain made Triska cringe as she feared her tiny friend may be in grave danger. Glancing to the side she saw Kitten standing atop the driver’s seat while looking around at the rain with a curious eye.
“Go find them, now!” Triska ordered.
“And just how are we supposed to do that?” Specca demanded.
“I can’t fly in that,” Luna nervously said pointing to the rain. “And it looks a little too windy, and dangerous, and scary.”
“Not you, her,” Triska sternly said, with Kitten watching her worriedly now. “You wanted a chance to prove I could trust you, that you could be a good girl. Well here it is.”
“Wait, what exactly do you expect me to do?”
“Get out there and find them!” Triska roared, with the girls quickly backing away from her while Kitten watched her carefully. “I know you can see better than we can, a demon such as yourself would be able to hunt prey even in weather like this, so that means you can find Pip and Cilia even in this storm. Find them, bring them back to us, or else I’m never trusting you again!”
Kitten eyed the rain dropping all around and even through her for a moment then looked at Triska with a raised eyebrow in question.
“Are you saying you’re going to let me out now? You’re going to give me control of our body?”
“Yes, I’ll let you out for now,” Triska agreed. Specca gasped then opened her mouth to violently protest before Triska held a hand back to silence her. “But know this, Kitten. If you don’t bring them back alive, Daniel will never forgive you. Pip is his mate too, so you’d better find her before it’s too late.”
Kitten showed frustration and concern to that then looked around quickly at the rain while visibility near the caravan was very low. The wind threw droplets about while thunder echoed in the sky above, the storm showing no signs of easing up as puddles of water began to form all around the wagon.
“This is your last chance, Kitten,” Triska warned, earning a worried look from the demon. “Find them, bring them back, and then return control of my body. Prove that you can be a good girl, or else your master will never accept you again.”
“Triska, please reconsider this,” Specca nervously spoke up.
“She’s not going to be mean again, is she?” Luna fearfully asked while stepping behind Specca.
Triska narrowed her eyes at Kitten then took off her shirt, tossing the wet clothing aside before turning her sights out towards the heavy rainstorm.
“Do it.”
Luna and Specca nervously watched Triska as she stood still with water dripping from her hair and arms. They remained on guard while looking around quickly, as if in a vain attempt to spot the demon before she appeared. The rain rattled against the roof above as all the girls fell silent, with Triska trying to pull all her restraints in her mind back and hold onto hope that Pip and Cilia weren’t being crushed to death by the downpour.
“If I do this, will you let me be with my master?” Kitten inquired while stepping in front of Triska.
‘If you don’t, you’ll never be with him.’
u didn’t answer my question.”
‘Get out there now!’
Kitten flinched then glanced back to the rain outside, a bolt of lightning flashing in the sky and brightening the area briefly before it fell into a hazy shadow again.
“Fine. I’ll be a good girl and help. Just… don’t keep him from me, Triska.”
Triska closed her eyes and tried to push all the thoughts out of her head. She relaxed her body as much as she could, held in her frustrations and anxieties, and focused on feeling Kitten’s presence in her mind. Slowly she felt something lightly pressing against her body from the front, almost like a soft blanket engulfing her and wrapping around her figure. Her mind started to feel lighter while her body slowly numbed, a strange sensation for her as it felt like she was being pushed back into the corner of her head by something filling her up inside.
“Triska?” Specca asked as she grew worried about her co-mate having been standing still for so long. She then gasped as demonic wings began to slide out of Triska’s back, the large extensions pushing out and growing in size while her skin never ripped or bled from the protrusions.
“I don’t know if I like this,” Luna whined as she watched with growing fright a pointed tail poking through Triska’s pants in the back before sliding out and waving around.
“Oh no, she’s really doing this,” Specca whimpered as she pushed Luna back a few steps with her.
Outside a bolt of lightning struck down through the horizon, the bright flash shining against Triska as her silhouette showed the wings flexing up and stretching out. Specca and Luna jumped with a scream as the light faded, showing Triska standing before them with demonic wings spread out at her sides and a tail slowly waving about. She stretched out her arms and arched back, a relaxed sigh coming from her lips before she glanced back to the trembling nixie and butterfly girl, her eye showing a warm cerulean glow while a sly grin came across her face.
“What’s wrong?” she spoke in a mocking manner. “Didn’t you miss me at all while I was gone?”