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Chronicles of Eden - Act VII

Page 41

by Alexander Gordon

  “What the fuck happened here anyway? How did Kroanette get her fat ass in here, and why does it look like it rained inside? And what about Alyssa’s daughter? Did you find her or not, because I don’t want to wait around another fucking day with you all looking for her when we should be heading towards Ruhelia or wherever by now.”

  “Clover…” Triska, Alyssa, Specca, and Falla growled in fury while Squeak sternly squeaked at the elf. Luna started crying from seeing her mate so badly hurt while Doku had her head turned down towards Daniel with a sympathetic look on her face.

  “And would you mind getting me something to wear?” Clover snapped at them. “Seriously, I can feel the fucking draft coming into this place. I’m naked in case you haven’t noticed. Something to cover my body with while my clothes dry would be fucking appreciated.”

  “What is wrong with you?” Kroanette demanded with frustration.

  “And why is my artifact lying on the floor?” Clover questioned as she picked up her fragment, eyeing it carefully then the others while setting her other hand at her hip. “This is my property, you all agreed to that, remember? So who the fuck is touching it? I don’t want anyone else messing with my stuff, that’s not unreasonable to ask of, is it? Well? Is it?”

  The girls all stared at Clover in silence, looked down to Daniel as he whimpered in pain, then back to Clover as the elf waited expectedly for their answer.

  “Well, our home is already a mess,” Alyssa dryly said with a dull glare at the elf. “At this point painting the walls red with her blood won’t be such a bad thing.”

  Chapter 13

  The Shaman’s Husband

  In the world of Eden there were monsters who were truly kind and caring with those around them, even though humans only spoke of them in harsh tongues due to them being different. One such class was the harpies, winged creatures who wished to have a husband and family just as the human wives had in their lives. These monsters were raised to win over their would-be mates with unwavering kindness and devotion to caring for their family. Although they excelled with household chores and being dedicated wives in their own right, they weren’t truly loved as much as they were used for an easy life by deceitful men. Of course it was always the dream of these harpies to find a perfect husband in life, one they could give their entire heart out to and have it returned in kind.

  All they ever wanted was to have a loving family.


  “Please don’t hurt her,” Doku implored while having her wings covering her face out of fear.

  “Keep your eyes closed, Doku,” Triska sternly ordered, her eyes glaring at Clover while she held the elf up by her neck against the wall of the cabin with her teeth bared.

  “I don’t think she can breathe like that,” Luna worriedly mentioned.

  “That’s the idea,” Triska replied while Clover’s legs kicked about below, her hands gripping Triska’s in a vain attempt to pull free while her face was turning blue from being forcefully choked.

  “Don’t hurt her, she’s my friend,” Pip begged as she flew over and fluttered in front of Triska’s face.

  “Well your friend not only confessed to loving our mate, but she had the nerve to kiss him in front of all of us!” Triska yelled out.

  “I never said I loved him,” Clover coughed out while her legs twitched and started to fall limp.

  “We heard you say you love him, you shouted it at him!” Alyssa argued while standing beside Triska.

  “You’re killing her, please stop,” Doku pleaded while lowering her wings to peek over them with her unseen eyes.

  “She kissed our mate,” Triska reminded while glaring at Clover still. “She said she loved him, she hit him in the crotch twice, and then she had the nerve to pester us about not taking her home yet. She needs to learn her lesson that this is not acceptable behavior.”

  “I don’t love him,” Clover gasped as her eyes started to roll back into her head.

  “You shouted you loved him at the top of your lungs,” Specca pointed out while standing behind Triska. “We all heard you perfectly clear.”

  “And then you had the gall to hit him in the nuts twice,” Falla added while she and her sister were behind them, the two then looking back to seeing Daniel sitting on the edge of the bed while holding his crotch with a strained expression.

  “Daniel, are you alright?” Kroanette worriedly asked as she partially sat on the lowered bed near him.

  “I’ll be fine,” Daniel assured waving a hand with a weak smile.

  Squeak sat down next to him with concern and gently rubbed his back before glaring at Clover as the elf’s hands started to weaken in her struggle.

  “I wasn’t… talking to… him,” Clover choked out before her hands slowly dropped down to her sides.

  “Then who were you talking to?” Triska demanded. “Who was it that you wanted to shout out that you loved so much? Tell me!”

  “Zoey…” Clover coughed out as her eyes closed.

  “Zoey?” Alyssa asked with confusion.

  “Who’s Zoey?” Cilia said as she popped up between Doku’s breasts, the harpy lowering her wings and looking at Clover with a worried frown as the elf weakly kicked one more time before a quiet whine escaped her lips.

  “Zoey?” Triska repeated. She then showed a look of wonder and let go of Clover, the elf dropping down against the wall coughing and gasping for air as she held her throat. Doku hurried over to her side and knelt down beside the girl before Clover slumped over to the side against her.

  “Clover? Are you alright?” Doku worried as she gently held her wing around the girl. She then turned to Triska with a stern frown as the teen watched Clover with puzzlement. “Triska, you were being much too rough with her. You could have killed her.”

  “I wasn’t going to kill her,” Triska droned with a roll of her eyes. “I was only going to choke her until she passed out, stomp her teeth in, then throw her out in the rain. That’s all.”

  “I’m sorry, am I talking to Triska or Kitten right now?” Doku questioned with genuine concern.

  “If Kitten were here Clover would be dead by now,” Triska said glancing to the side, watching as her demonic counterpart was still snarling and glaring with unrivaled rage at Clover.

  “Let me out, Triska! I’m going to slaughter that fucking elf! Nobody touches my master like that! Nobody!”

  Triska held in her scoff then knelt down before Clover, grabbing the elf by the jaw and turning her head to face her while Doku held the girl with growing concern for her safety.

  “You’d better have a damn good excuse for all this, or else I will let Kitten back out to play with you. And I can promise she will not show you any mercy. Now, explain yourself.”

  Clover shakily caught her breath and nodded before seeing everyone in the room watching her carefully. Squeak scowled at her before tenderly undoing Daniel’s pants and sliding them down, the ant girl then leaning over and taking his penis into her mouth with a quiet squeak. Clover stared with wide eyes while the other girls watched Squeak moving down in front of Daniel and blowing him, the boy leaning back with a deep sigh as the euphoric sensation rolling through his body was almost too much to take all at once.

  “Squeak…” he breathed out before dropping back onto the bed with a deep blush.

  “What… what is she doing?” Doku asked with disbelief.

  “She’s giving him a blowjob,” Luna told her. “You didn’t know what that was called?”

  “No, I know what a blowjob is, but I’m actually asking why she’s doing that to him now.”

  “Her saliva is very good at treating wounds and relieving pain,” Specca explained. “She’s doing this both because she loves him and to ease his discomfort after Clover hit him so hard down there.”

  “I see…” Doku slowly said while Cilia watched Squeak servicing Daniel with wonder.

  Clover stared at the sight in stunned silence before Triska yanked her attention back to her by the jaw.

sp; “Eyes on me,” Triska ordered. “Now, start talking.”

  “You said you were talking to Zoey?” Specca questioned as she knelt down next to her. “Wasn’t that your friend who died in your old home?”

  “Yes,” Clover answered with a nod.

  Triska and the girls watched her carefully as they questioned what they just heard before slowly realizing something as they saw Clover sniffling with tears forming in her eyes.

  “That nightmare you were having, it was of her?” Alyssa asked.

  “Yes,” Clover whimpered.

  “Who is this Zoey you’re speaking of?” Doku inquired while turning her head down and away, presumably to avoid staring at the sight of Squeak blowing Daniel on the bed.

  “Her friend,” Pip explained as she slowly fluttered down and landed on Triska’s shoulder, the teen letting go of Clover’s jaw and watching as the elf lowered her head with closed eyes. “She was her friend before she died.”

  “She was the one you were talking about earlier?” Cilia spoke up, turning her attention to the conversation while Daniel moaned softly as Squeak continued to pleasure him.

  “She was the one. A fairy came to their home and went boom. Everything was gone, including her friend.”

  “A fairy destroyed her home?” Doku wondered.

  “Everything,” Clover softly answered. “I relived the whole thing, all over again. I was right there when it happened. I lost everything that day. My home. My kin. And…”

  “Zoey,” Specca sympathetically finished.

  “But you shouted out I love you earlier,” Falla reminded her. “That was Zoey you were talking about?”

  “Clover? You loved her?” Luna curiously asked.

  “With all my heart,” Clover dearly answered.

  The girls looked to each other in surprise then to the elf as she sniffled and tried to hold in her tears.

  “You loved her?” Specca asked. “Do you mean… that you two…”

  “I told you,” Clover said to her with heartbroken eyes. “She was my world.”

  “She wasn’t just your friend,” Alyssa realized as did all the girls. “She was your lover.”

  “What?” Falla shouted out. “You were sleeping with another elf? And all this time you’ve been criticizing us for wanting to be more intimate with each other even though we’re girls too?”

  “You hypocrite,” Specca scolded. “You’ve been judgmental of our affections to one another, and yet you were romantically involved with one of your own. Why have you been saying what we’ve been doing with each other is wrong all this time if you yourself were fooling around with another girl?”

  “I never said I was right, just that you were wrong,” Clover huffed while shutting her eyes. “So what if another elf and I were in love? It didn’t change the fact that it’s considered weird and wrong to many, including all our sisters in the grove. We couldn’t tell our priestess that, or anyone else. We had to keep it a secret from everyone. I knew it was wrong, but… I… I couldn’t help myself.”

  “You had sex with another of your own kind?” Doku asked curiously.

  “So what if I did?” Clover shouted out. “You don’t know me, you don’t understand me. She was the only one who did. She was the only one…”

  Daniel moaned heavily as Squeak grabbed hold of his waist and tensed up, the girl taking his release into her mouth as he gripped the sheets and trembled in his orgasm. The girls looked towards them as Squeak moved her head around a little, bobbing up and down a few more times before finally pulling back off of his erection and smiling happily at Daniel. He tried to catch his breath while reeling from his climax, his pain completely gone now as it had been replaced by sheer pleasure by the girl’s oral service and potent saliva.

  “Well,” Kroanette mentioned with a smirk at him. “I think he’s feeling better now.”

  Squeak nodded then gave a big gulp before licking her lips with a coy smile, eyes watching Daniel while she seemed to be proud of the way she made him relaxed and refreshed. Daniel weakly groaned then turned his weary eyes to Squeak, the girl winking at him before blowing a kiss.

  “Thank you… Squeak,” he breathed out before lying back with a gentle sigh.

  She giggled and nodded before pulling his pants back up, giving his crotch one last kiss, then stood up and looked towards Clover with obvious discontent as she crossed her arms.

  “Why did you kiss him, Clover?” Triska asked, turning back to the elf with a sharp eye as did the other girls. “If you were really talking to Zoey in your sleep, then why did you kiss him after you were clearly awake?”

  “She told me to,” Clover reasoned with a shrug.

  “Zoey told you to kiss Daniel,” Alyssa flatly repeated with a dull stare at the girl. “I’m not buying it.”

  “If you’re going to try to weasel out of this I suggest thinking of a much more believable excuse,” Specca dryly commented.

  “No,” Clover sighed shaking her head. “She didn’t tell me to kiss him specifically. Just… the first person I saw when I woke up.”

  “We’re going to need more details,” Triska said waving her on to continue. “Why would she want you to do that?”

  “She wanted me to open up to others again,” Clover softly explained. “After she died… I couldn’t feel anything in my heart anymore. I hated life. I hated that I survived and she didn’t. I hated fairies like no other. I hated everything.”

  “We have gotten that general vibe from you ever since we met,” Specca agreed with a nod.

  “We’re not bad,” Pip whined shaking her head. “Really, we’re not. We’re not all like that bad fairy that blew up your home.”

  “She wasn’t bad either,” Clover admitted to her, a faint smile coming across her face. “She was like you. Innocent, gentle, and friendly. She only wanted to find her home, to find her family. She was lost and alone, she was scared.”

  “What happened to her?” Doku asked as she sat down against the wall next to her.

  “Zoey wanted to bring her home with us,” Clover spoke with a small empty laugh. “She was so convinced that fairies weren’t horrible demons. That they were misunderstood. She cared for that fairy so much. I can’t believe I was so jealous of that little girl. But I was. I wanted Zoey to pay more attention to me. I was a stupid, jealous bitch thinking that fairy could actually take her away from me.”

  “You really did love her, didn’t you?” Luna curiously asked.

  “I did. And I acted like a total ass to her before she died. I said something stupid and left, right before it happened.” The other girls showed some surprise as Clover whimpered and shook her head.

  “My last words to her were horrible ones. I hate myself so much for what I did. Before I could come to my senses the fairy went critical. I don’t know how I managed to survive. I woke up and was buried under rubble and dust, and when I got back up I saw I was in a large fucking crater. No other survivors. Not a single soul.”

  “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but… I’m sorry, Clover,” Specca said softly.

  “It’s not anyone’s fault but our own,” Clover remorsefully admitted. “We brought that fairy home, and we failed to take proper care of her.”

  “What do you mean by that?” Falla asked as she and Luna sat down near them.

  “She didn’t feel loved. She didn’t feel like we were family. We were friends, well Zoey and she were at least, but we didn’t do enough to make her feel loved. We didn’t make her as happy as you all do with Pip and Cilia. We didn’t help ease her pain of being separated from her sisters. We didn’t stop her from losing control in her sorrow.”

  “Where is all this coming from?” Alyssa questioned. “Last I saw you earlier you hated fairies so much, and now you’re sympathizing with them? What changed?”

  “I saw Zoey,” Clover told her. “And it wasn’t just a normal dream, it felt so real, like she was really talking to me. She was fucking there, the real Zoey, and she showed me the truth. She s
howed me what happened that day.”

  “What happened that day? What else happened then?” Falla asked.

  “She didn’t die as a victim. She chose to die. I saw her during her final moments. She walked right up to the fairy, and then held her close.”

  “Held her close?” Luna wondered. “But why? The fairy was about to blow up.”

  “Because she didn’t want the fairy to die alone,” Clover sobbed, with the girls falling speechless with surprise as she broke down crying. “She didn’t hate the fairy at all, didn’t bear any anger toward her at all, instead she empathized with her and refused to let her die alone. I watched Zoey hold the fairy close and calmly accept her fate, all because she didn’t want the fairy to be alone when she died.”

  “That really happened?” Pip whimpered with teary eyes.

  “It had to have. This wasn’t like any dream I ever had. It felt so real, I really felt like I was talking to the real Zoey. I just know that she was trying to tell me the truth from wherever she is, I know she’s watching over me somehow.”

  “Perhaps it was,” Doku agreed with a smile. “Perhaps her spirit truly did touch yours, hoping to soothe the pain of the one she loved.”

  “It was her,” Clover assured while wiping away her tears. “There’s no doubt in my mind.”

  “So that’s why you don’t hate fairies now?” Triska asked.

  “They’re not bad,” Clover admitted looking to Pip. “Zoey was right. Your fairy isn’t going crazy and blowing up everyone. She’s happy because she has a family. As long as they’re loved and have a family they’re peaceful creatures.”

  Pip giggled and fluttered over to the elf, gently patting her on the head before lowering down and hugging her chest between her breasts. Clover watched her nuzzling against her then smiled slightly, with the girls all watching her carefully as she allowed the fairy to hug her without showing any signs of annoyance.


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