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Alien Explosions (Zerconian Warriors Book 12)

Page 7

by Sadie Carter

  “Do they all talk as much?”

  She sniffed. Insulted. “No.”

  She turned away. Asshole.


  She stopped at the doorway, holding her grin in check. “Some of them talk much, much more.”

  Ioin Clacka, leader of the Clacka pack, one of the most powerful Sky Warrior packs in the universe, turned to his packmate, Sacaren.

  The scar on his packmate’s face was one he carried with honor. His face had been sliced while protecting an injured packmate from a pack trying to take their territory. That had been…hmm, almost two hundred years past.

  “Well?” he demanded.

  “She is compatible,” Sacaren replied.

  “Good,” Tecan said with a grin. “I like her.”

  Ioin sent him a sharp look. “We are not taking this one.”

  Tecan’s grin faded. “Why not? Sacaren said she is compatible. She is here. She’s got courage.”

  “She talks too much,” Nax said coldly.

  “So we gag her.” Tecan rolled his eyes. “Everyone talks too much for you.”

  “She belongs to the healer,” Sacaren said.

  “But you heard her. There are no feelings involved,” Tecan pointed out.

  “That is true,” Ioin mused. “He might even be eager to get rid of her.”

  “And why do we care if he lays claim to her? He is our prisoner,” Tecan said.

  “It was not a good idea to take him,” Nax stated. “His people will come for him.”

  “We will drop him somewhere soon,” Ioin declared. “Once we can be sure Marcun will fully recover. Then they will have no reason to come after us.”

  “Unless we take the female,” Sacaren said. “I do not believe what she says. He cares for her.”

  Ioin nodded. That was his read on things as well. “It was nearly impossible for her to pretend to be subservient. She would be too much trouble to keep.”

  “But think of all the fun we would have taming her,” Tecan said.

  Ioin shook his head. “No. We need someone more biddable, more submissive. Someone who will obey without question. Our world is too dangerous to bring a female in who will fight our dominance. This female would take too long to train.”

  “Finding another human female isn’t going to be that easy,” Tecan said, looking disappointed.

  “Why not?” Ioin asked. “We will simply go to Earth and pick one. Easy.” Perhaps, if these females were plentiful they might even get more than one.

  “Then we shall train her,” Sacaren added.

  “And then we will impregnate her,” Tecan said with satisfaction, rubbing his hands together. “The fun part.”

  Chapter Seven

  “This is not the way we came,” Moroco said to Brogan, who was escorting him back from the injured warrior’s room. Unfortunately, there had been no change in the Sky Warrior’s condition, though at least his health had not deteriorated. Moroco didn’t want to think about what might happen should that occur.

  If he was just in a healing sleep, then hopefully he would soon wake up.

  And then what? Would the Sky Warriors let them to go?

  “Where are you taking me?”

  Where was Saffron? Stars, let her be okay. He shouldn’t have left her. Not that he’d had much choice, but he should have thought of some way to stay with her. His guts tightened, his nerves stretching to breaking point. He did not appreciate all of this worry. This is what having a mate did to a male, she made him worry, made him fear. Made him vulnerable.

  Wait. Mate?

  Had he really just thought that?


  He swallowed heavily. Ridiculous. Saffron was not his mate. She couldn’t be. He didn’t want a mate. He never intended to mate again.

  “Where is my pet?”

  Brogan turned to give him a look. Moroco couldn’t decipher the expression on the warrior’s face. But he got the feeling something had happened. Something he wasn’t going to like.

  Which probably meant it involved Saffron. Stars, he should have never left her.

  “Where is she?” he demanded as the warrior stopped in front of a door and pressed his hand up against the pad beside it. The door slid open and the warrior stepped back. Moroco stepped forward. If they’d done something to her then he would murder them.

  Slowly. Painfully.

  The tight knot in his stomach eased as he saw her. She turned to face him. She looked pale. Scared. As he walked inside, the door slid shut behind him.

  “Wait! Come back here!” he yelled, turning. He wanted some answers and he wanted them now. Like when they were going to let them go. And where.


  He turned back to stare at Saffron. She had her arms wrapped around herself, her eyes wide as she stared at him. He noticed how she trembled. That more than anything, cut through his anger.

  “Saffron? Are you well? Did they hurt you?” His alarm grew. “Saffron, tell me, did they harm you?” He would have to examine her. She hadn’t seemed like she was in pain, but then not all harm was visible. He swallowed heavily. What if they…oh stars, he should never have left her. “I will never forgive myself,” he whispered.


  He took a deep breath, pushing his worry aside. She needed him to be calm right now. He looked around. This was a different room than the one they’d been kept in before. This room had a large bed in the center. A small set of drawers was next to the bed. Otherwise it was bare.

  “Is that a bathing area?” he asked, pointing over at a door.

  “Ah, yeah, there’s a toilet in there anyway. I can’t work out the shower though.”

  He nodded. “I am going to use the facilities. Strip and then climb under the covers. I will be in to examine you shortly.”

  “Um, what?”

  He kept his gaze averted from hers, not wanting to see the pain and anguish from what she had experienced in her eyes. Or the accusation.

  He should have protected her.

  “Please, do as I ask.” He rushed into the bathing area.

  “Please?” she half-yelled.

  Did he just say please? What the fuck…?

  Saffron shook her head, trying to pull herself together. Something was going on here. She had no idea what it was but Moroco never said please. Ever.

  But he wanted her to please get naked and under the covers.

  Somehow she didn’t think it was because he had an overwhelming urge to have sex with her.

  He walked back into the room, coming to an abrupt stop when he saw her still dressed, standing beside the bed, which was actually a proper bed. Not one of those floating mattress things the Zerconians were fond of.

  “You have not undressed. You do not need to fear me.”

  “Okay, let’s slow down a little here.” She held up both her hands. “I need a time out.”

  “A time out?”

  “It means let’s take a minute to regroup. Why do you want me to get naked and lie on the bed?”

  “I wish to examine you.”

  “Right, you said that. Why do you need to examine me?”

  He was looking everywhere but directly at her. He didn’t answer.

  “Moroco, look at me.” There was something about the way he held himself. He was so tense, almost on edge. She needed to figure this out quick. “Moroco, it’s going to be hard to examine me if you can’t even look at me.”

  He moved his gaze. To her chin.

  Okay, then. That was better than staring at the ceiling, she guessed.

  “Moroco, I don’t need examining. I haven’t been hurt.” She figured that had to be what was going through his mind. At least it was the only explanation she could come up with.

  “I know that females often feel shame after they are harmed sexually. But you must know that it is not your fault.”

  “Moroco, you’re not listening to me. I was—”

  “It’s mine.”

  “Huh? How is it your fault? Not t
hat anything hap—”

  “I left you. I left you with them. I should have stayed and protected you.”

  “Moroco, I have no idea why you think—”

  “You were shaking. You were afraid.”

  “All right. Time. Out.” She made a symbol like a T with her hands. Jesus, she wasn’t even into sports, but she really needed a moment to catch her thoughts right now. “You need to stop talking and you really need to stop interrupting me.”

  “But I—”

  “No!” she said sharply. “Listen to me. Really listen to me. I’m not trying to hide the truth from you. I’m not trying to pretend that nothing happened. Nothing did happen. I promise. All they did was talk to me, then they escorted me back here and left me. Alone.”

  “The covers on the bed are wrinkled.”

  “Because whoever had this room before us isn’t into making his bed. I’m thinking it’s not a good idea to actually sleep under the covers as Lord knows how long it’s been since they’ve been washed. Bachelors.”

  “You were not harmed.”

  She shook her head. “They never even touched me. Promise.”

  His face grew pale and he abruptly sat on the bed, leaning his elbows against his thighs.

  “You were really worried about me.” She grew warm and soft in the face of his agitation. “Behind that gruff man you’re really just a teddy bear, aren’t you?”

  He glared up at her. “You are my responsibility. It is the only reason I was concerned. Had you been harmed under my care, it would have brought me great shame.”

  “And that’s all that matters, right? The shame you would feel.” Jeez, would it hurt him to just pretend to like her?

  His eyes widened. “You said they did not harm you.”

  “They didn’t.” She waved her hand at him. “It’s just annoying that you can’t admit for one minute that you might care, just a little, about me.”

  He remained silent.

  She placed her hands on her hips. “Fine. Forget I said anything. You’re more stubborn than a two-year-old who wants the last cookie.”

  “So why were you shaking when I returned? Why did you look so frightened?”

  “Well, stupid me, I was actually worried about you. It’s this thing called caring, see? Although I don’t know why I should.”

  “Why would you be worried about me? I can look after myself.”

  “Clearly. I shall stop immediately.”

  “Good.” He nodded, oblivious to her sarcasm. He stood. “So they just escorted you here? That is all?”

  “Um, well, some other things might have happened.” It was her turn to look anywhere but at him.

  He whirled to her. “Like what?”

  “Well…ah…” she braced herself, “they might know that I’m not your pet.”

  Fury and fear warred within him, each one vying for control. “And how would they know that?” He attempted to keep his voice calm but knew that he had failed when she flinched.

  “Because I told them.”

  He stepped closer to her. “Why would you tell them that?”

  “They guessed! Sort of. And I didn’t know what to say. So I told them that we’re fuck buddies.”


  “Fuck buddies. Oh, you probably don’t know what that means. Friends with benefits. You know, that we’re friends that fuck on occasion.”

  “We are not friends.”

  “Ouch. You really do know how to get a girl where it hurts, don’t you?”

  He felt a flash of guilt, which he quickly squashed. Driving her away was the only way to protect them both. He did not like how worried he had been over her. He could not feel something for this female.

  She had been worried about him. He didn’t like how good that felt. Even if it was completely unnecessary. He was a warrior. He could handle any issue. However, he guessed it was understandable that she might be developing feelings for him. She clearly saw him as her savior. Her protector.

  Once this situation was over they would go back to their previous mutual dislike of each other.

  Except, I felt attracted to her before we were kidnapped.

  That was just sexual, nothing more. Disconcerting, but understandable. It had been a while since he had sought pleasure with a female. He usually waited until the need became too great to ignore before searching out some relief. But those encounters had been entered into with understanding on both sides that it was just about release.

  Nothing sexual could happen between them. Not unless he made it very clear that was all it was, that there would never be anything more.

  “Hurt? And here I thought you were strong.” He deliberately provoked her. Unable to deal with his guilt. And interest.

  Anger flared in her eyes. That was better. He could deal with anger. Anger was something he understood only too well.

  “I am. I had to be strong growing up in my neighborhood.”

  Her neighborhood? “Why was that?” She spoke very little about her past and he had to confess to some interest.

  “Doesn’t matter.”

  Frustration bit at him at the way she closed him out. But was he any better? No, if anything he was more closed up than she was.

  “Good. I have no interest in speaking of it. No doubt it would bore me.”

  “Bore you?” Her mouth dropped open. He liked when she got that look on her face. One of complete shock. She lost that hard edge. The attitude that said she expected everyone to harm her so she was going to bite them first.

  “Why did you tell them that we were fuck buddies? They will think you mean nothing to me.”

  “Don’t worry, I managed to convince them that we care about each other, but that this isn’t a forever thing.”

  He frowned. He didn’t like it. “You should have stuck with the pet story.”

  “Why? So you could have me sit at your feet and feed me? Bet you got your kicks out of that.”

  “I did not kick you!” He would never harm her.

  “I don’t mean a physical kick. I mean that you enjoyed having me be subservient to you.”

  “It was pleasant.” He made certain he put a wealth of satisfaction into his voice. As long as she was angry with him she wouldn’t be staring at him with that lost look. Then he wouldn’t be tempted to pull her into his arms and kiss her.

  “Well, too bad, buddy. Because I am never kneeling at your feet again.”

  He sighed. “That is unfortunate. The peace and quiet was very pleasant.”

  “You are such a jerk.”

  “You have told me this before.”

  “Yes, but I thought…”

  “You thought what?” There was something on her face. Some look he couldn’t quite decipher.

  Her smile was brittle. Forced. “Doesn’t matter, does it? Now you have to put up with me pretending to be your lover rather than your pet.”

  He grimaced. “That is going to be decidedly more awkward.”

  “Why? Can’t imagine yourself having sex with me? Don’t you think you can pretend to be attracted to me?”

  That part would not be difficult.

  “Aren’t you the same man that offered to show me your cock? Why did you do that, anyway? It’s obvious you’re not interested in me at all, so why proposition me like that?”

  It was obvious? To who?

  He shrugged. “What can I say? It’s a long time since I had release.”

  “Release? You mean, sex? You were horny, is that what you’re saying? You were horny and the fat, mouthy girl was your only option? Wow, you must be desperate.” The words were spat out bitterly, with more than a fair bit of pain coloring them.

  He should find some soft words. It had been a long time since he had to care for a fragile female’s feelings. He wasn’t certain he remembered how. And it surprised him that she felt so insecure about her looks.

  She always appeared so tough, so guarded, as though nothing got to her.

  Yes, soft words were needed.

bsp; If only he knew any. “You are not fat,” he growled.

  She snorted. “Am so.”

  He stepped towards her. Her eyes widened in surprise and she moved back.

  “You are not fat. I hear you call yourself such again and you shall end up over my knee.”

  Her mouth opened. Closed. Opened again.

  Satisfaction filled him at having silenced her. It didn’t happen often. Perhaps he should threaten to spank her more often if it gained this reaction.

  He nodded to let her know he was serious then turned away, certain that the subject was dropped.

  Something hit him in the middle of his back. It wasn’t hard enough to hurt, but it did startle him. He turned, looking down at the small remote now lying on the floor. He stared over at Saffron, hardly daring to believe what his brain was telling him.

  She had thrown that at him.

  She had thrown something at him.

  She raised her chin, but he saw it tremble slightly, indicating her uncertainty.

  “You threw that at me.”

  “You threatened to hit me.”

  “I never threatened to hit you.” He stared at her, shocked.

  “What the hell is a spanking if it’s not hitting me?”

  He took a step forward and she squeaked, jumping back. He paused. Had he frightened her? He studied her closely. He did not wish her to fear him, even though that might make his life easier. If she were afraid of him then he would not need to worry about keeping his distance from her.

  “Do you fear me?”

  “What?” She frowned. “No. Of course not.”

  So, to some extent she trusted him. “Why did you throw that at me?”

  She swallowed so heavily that he heard her. “You were being an asshole.”


  “How? How? You said you would spank me!”

  “If you put yourself down again. I cannot allow that.”

  “Why the hell not? It’s my body! I can say what I like about it. And I wasn’t putting myself down, I was telling the truth.”

  He tilted his head to one side. She really did see herself as fat? “It is not the truth. You are not fat.”

  “I have scales and a mirror. I’m fat by anyone’s standards.”


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