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Curse of Night (A vampire and witch paranormal romance) (Thorne Hill Book 5)

Page 42

by Emily Goodwin

  “Thank you.”

  Julian gets up, letting Lucas sit next to me. I mix the cheese in with the pasta, still refusing to call this a “weird craving.” Cheese and pasta go hand in hand; ask anyone.

  “How are you feeling?” Lucas brushes my hair back.

  “I’m tried.” I meet his eyes, silently telling him I’ll talk about it later. He kisses me and grabs a blanket to put over my lap. I take a few slow bites of pasta. I’m starving but feeling sick again, and Tabatha has more important things to deal with right now than making me the anti-morning sickness potion.

  “They have an opening Saturday morning,” Abby says, coming back into the living room with her phone in her hand. “At ten-thirty.”

  “That’s so early,” I say, wrinkling my nose. “I’d have to leave here at like nine-thirty.”

  “We can stay in Chicago tomorrow night,” Lucas says. “I’d like to take out to dinner. We need to celebrate.” His eyes go to my stomach.

  “Deep dish pizza does sound good. Book it. I’ll very much enjoy dinner and then a spa day in the morning.”

  Abby smiles. “Done. I’ll get your info entered, too.”

  “Thanks.” I take another bite of pasta and set my bowl down on the coffee table. Eliza is going back to Chicago tonight and is driving Abby. If my sister is nervous to be alone with Eliza, she’s doing a good job at hiding it. She told me before she wasn’t scared to be around vampires if I was with her, since she knows I can handle them.

  I trust Eliza, and I hope Abby does, too. If anything, she should know that Eliza wouldn’t do anything to piss Lucas off, and hurting my sister is a good way to get on his bad side.

  “Ready to go?” I ask her.

  “Yeah. Phil is home now, and I have no idea what I’m going to tell him.”

  “Tell him the truth,” I say. “I’m tired of lying and having to keep things secret. He already knows I’m a nephilim.”

  “I think I’ll just say demons.” She blinks, slowly shaking her head. “It’s just easier.”

  Lucas walks us out to the car and hugs Eliza goodbye before she leaves.

  “Thanks for everything, Abby,” I say. “And I’m sorry you got wrapped up in my drama.”

  “I’m kind of glad,” she says, slowing when we get to the car. “There’s this whole other world out there, and I had no idea. I’ve never felt more alive than when I’m thinking I’m about to die,” she laughs. “And if it means spending time with you, then it’s worth it. Though if you cast some sort of spell to let us get through the three hours at the spa, I’d be really happy.”

  I laugh. “I would, too.”

  She hugs me tight and then gets in the car. I wave as they go down the driveway. Yawning, I go inside and am able to eat a a few more bites of pasta and cheese before feeling too sick.

  Lucas takes me upstairs, and we shower and get into bed. He spoons his body around mine, resting his hand on my stomach.

  “Do you think it’s a girl?” he asks. “You said her.”

  “I’m honestly not sure.” I rest my hand on top of his. “When I was unconscious, I thought my dad was talking to me. Maybe he was, or maybe I imagined it all. He said I could do it for her.” I close my eyes, still able to hear my father’s voice loud and clear in my head. “I think it was him. I hope it was, at least.”

  “Elena,” Lucas says.

  “Who?” I tip my head up.

  “For a name. Elena.”

  I smile, tears springing to my eyes. “Elena King. I like that.”

  “Or Madison.”

  “That’s too trendy.”


  “Ohh, that’s pretty.” I close my eyes. “What if it is a boy?”

  “Lucas the second,” he says seriously.

  I shake my head. “I like moaning your name while we’re having sex. I can’t call our baby the same name.”

  Lucas holds me against him. “Our baby.”

  “It’s so weird, isn’t it?”

  “Yes,” he agrees. “But we are adults. Responsible. I’ve been financially stable for centuries. And we’re married. If I wasn’t a vampire, would it be weird?”

  “I guess not,” I admit, feeling a little bad. “But I would have expected it and probably tried to prevent it. For a while at least.” I roll over, hooking my leg over him. “Though there’s nothing conventional about us. I like it. It’s our thing.”

  He nuzzles against me, and the feel of his cock against me sends a wave of desire through me. I’m exhausted, nauseous, and processing everything that happened at the coven.

  But if anyone can repress something bad, it’s me. And tonight…tonight I just want to have sex with my husband—the father of my unborn child—and pass the fuck out.

  I tip my head up, kiss Lucas, and do just that.

  “What’s wrong?” Lucas shoots up the second my feet hit the floor. It’s nearly four a.m., and I just woke up.

  “I have to pee,” I tell him. “Nothing is wrong.”

  “Oh, okay. Did you have a bad dream?” he asks, not convinced I’m okay.

  “Actually, no. I dreamed I gave birth to a kitten and somehow it made sense in the dream and we were really happy. Her name was Chloe, and she looked like a tiny version of Pandora.”

  “I’ll have some questions if you give birth to a kitten.”

  “Me, too.” I pull a face. “And just thinking about the claws…no, thank you.” I toss up an energy ball to light my way to the bathroom. I got super nauseous after Lucas and I had sex, maybe from moving around after eating? I have no idea. I ended up puking in the toilet again. The strong return of my symptoms was actually a little reassuring.

  Abby did a quick assessment of me when we got back to the house to help ease my mind and said I seem fine and don’t need to worry unless I start spotting or have bad cramping. I didn’t lose that much blood or get my ass beaten…this time.

  Yes, I stopped Ruth, but Bael is still out there, desperate to find a way out now that he knows I’m half archangel. We’d be lying if we thought I could get through this entire pregnancy without some sort of physical trauma, let alone the stress of demons being after me or someone I care about.

  But that’s my life, and I wouldn’t trade my powers or angelic side for anything. It’s who I am. And it’s part of who my child will grow to be as well.

  I get back into bed after using the bathroom and snuggle up with Lucas. I’m feeling sick again and just want to fall asleep.

  “You should eat,” I tell him as I settle into his arms.

  “I’m fine for now,” he shoots right back. “You lost blood in the woods today. You’re fine losing a little bit at a time. I’m not taking from you tonight.”

  “Aren’t you hungry?”

  “I’ll sleep with you—actually sleep—and will be fine when I get up tomorrow.”

  “Eliza’s getting more blood, right?”

  “Yes, she will have it ready and waiting when we get to Chicago tomorrow.”

  “I’m excited for pizza,” I say with a laugh. “And then for you to have some of me.”

  “I am, too.” He wraps me in his embrace and kisses my forehead. “Go back to sleep.” I can tell he’s tired. The lack of blood makes him require more sleep than usual.

  “I will. I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  I’m comfy, and now that I’m laying still, the morning sickness is starting to fade a bit. I can hear the TV on downstairs, and knowing Julian is in the living room brings me comfort. Binx and Freya are at the foot of the bed, and Pandora is doing a good job acting annoyed that Scarlet is sharing her pile of laundry on the floor but secretly likes snuggling with the pup.

  Lucas is asleep only minutes later, and my mind is wandering, going back to the Covenstead. Everyone saw me as the hero when I left, and I know I can’t blame myself. Yeah, it was me who Ruth was after, but it’s not like I stole her lunch money for no reason, and she was out for revenge, hurting others who got in her way.
  She was fucking insane and power hungry, and I did nothing wrong. And now the truth is out, and I have no idea if the witches that were in the gathering hall will tell anyone what they witnessed.

  What they heard.

  I stopped Ruth, saved Brooke, and Lucas single-handedly took out three vampires and a handful of demons, saving the students and professors at Grim Gate Academy. If anyone had doubts about trusting him before, they shouldn’t now. He’s proved time and time again his loyalties lie with me.

  I should feel good, but something is nagging me. And it’s not the grief I’m not allowing myself to feel yet over the lives lost. It’s that Lucifer didn’t answer me. He always has before.

  I close my eyes and bring my hands together. Lucifer, are you there? I wait a beat, and nothing happens. If you’re there, talk to me. Please. Binx gets up and plops down next to me. I cuddle him like he’s a teddy bear and eventually fall asleep.

  I don’t wake up until ten a.m. I’m alone in bed, and the smell of bacon wafts up the stairs. I’m immediately hungry, but the moment I get out of bed, my stomach twists.

  “Ugh,” I groan as I go to my dresser, pulling out a bra and underwear. I put on sleeper shorts and a sweatshirt from Lucas’s bar in Chicago. I don’t plan to get dressed until later tonight when we leave for the city.

  “You’re up,” Lucas says, putting a plate full of pancakes on a tray. There’s already a pile of bacon, scrambled eggs, and a blueberry muffin on the tray. “I was going to bring this up to you.”

  “Breakfast in bed.” I smile. “Are you trying to get lucky?”

  Lucas laughs. “Will it work?”

  “Assuming this bacon stays settled in my stomach, yes.”

  “What does get lucky mean?” Julian asks, flipping a page in my Book of Shadows, and for the first time, I realize I will have someone to pass the book down to.

  “Sex,” Lucas tells him. “It means have sex.”

  “Oh.” Julian nods. “Like last night.”

  I press my lips together and look at Lucas. Having Julian around is nice, but I do enjoy having the house to ourselves. Though we only have a month or so left until we can move, and the new house is big enough we can easily spread out and not be heard. Well, most of the time. We can get kind of loud sometimes.

  “The coffee is almost ready,” Lucas says. “One small cup a day is okay.”

  “Thank god,” I say dramatically. “I want sugar in it, though.” I wrinkle my nose. I always drink my coffee black.

  “Craving sugar is a sign you’re carrying a girl,” Lucas tells me. “I looked it up.”

  “You’re going to know more about being pregnant than me,” I laugh and sit at the island counter.

  “I never thought about it before,” he says, coming around and rubbing my shoulders as I eat. “And now that I knocked you up, it fascinates me.”

  “You like saying that, don’t you?” I laugh and take a bite of bacon. “You knocked me up.”

  “I do.” He kisses my neck. “What do you want to do today, my love?”

  “Watch TV and nap.”

  “That sounds like a good plan,” Lucas chuckles. “We do need to start thinking about packing. Both for Florida and for moving.”

  “Right.” I take another bite of bacon and smile. “We can go on vacation.”

  “Aren’t you glad I didn’t cancel?” He kisses my neck.

  “Yes. Thank you. I cannot wait to see your face when we walk into the Magic Kingdom.”

  “It’s not going to look any different than my face right now.”

  “Well,” I say and pick up my fork. “Be prepared for me to cry. I’m already overly emotional.”

  “I’ll have the camera ready.” Lucas kisses my neck and then sits next to me. I finish breakfast, brush my teeth, and get serious about doing nothing. I doze off and on while watching TV with Lucas and Julian.

  We have to leave in about an hour, and at this point, I’m either not putting makeup on or I’m doing it in the car. I’m too comfy snuggled up with Lucas, and I don’t want to get up. I stretch out, closing my eyes.

  Then Julian suddenly sits up.

  “What?” I ask.

  “Alona,” he says. “She’s calling me.”

  “Is that bad?” I push up.

  “Not necessarily. She probably has a demonic issue for me to handle. I have to go, but I will be back.”


  “If we are hunting a demon, it may be a day or two.”

  “Will I be able to, uh, call you?”

  “I don’t have a phone,” Julian replies.

  “I know. I meant prayer-call. But I should get you a phone when you get back.”

  He nods. “Yes, that would be practical. And if I’m on Heaven or Earth, I can hear you. If I’m underground, then I won’t be able to.” He gets up.

  “Wait,” I say and get to my feet. “Be careful.” I throw my arms around him, trying not to worry.

  “I will. Stay out of trouble,” he says and hugs me back. And then he disappears. I let out a sigh and sit back on the couch.

  “Are you okay?” Lucas hooks his arm around me.

  “I miss him. I know he says he’ll be back, but it’ll probably be a few weeks again. Or longer.” I shrug. “Maybe it’s weird, but I feel a connection to him.”

  “Because you are connected. You’re related on some level.”

  “True.” I grab the blanket and cover us both back up. Lucas slips his hand under my sweatshirt, rubbing me as we finish the episode of a treasure hunting show we’re watching.

  Then I have to force myself up to put on real clothes, pack a bag for the night, and put on some makeup.

  “Do you guys want to come?” I ask my familiars. “If not, you’re responsible for letting Scarlet out.”

  Freya eyes me. She was on board with the whole sit around and do nothing plan.

  “Fine. Stay here and I’ll take her.”

  Freya closes her eyes and rolls over, purring. I laugh and use magic to curl my hair. Now that I’m up, I’m motivated to put a good amount of effort into my appearance and trade my t-shirt and leggings for a tight black dress and a pushup bra. It’s not the most comfortable, and I swear my boobs have gotten too big for my bra already, but seeing Lucas’s face when I come down stairs makes it all worth it.

  “Fuck,” he groans, taking me in his arms. “How did I get so lucky?” His hands sweep down to my butt. “You are so beautiful.”

  “Are you still going to think I’m hot when I have a big belly?”

  “I will always think you are hot.” He kisses me. “Always.”

  “I think I’m officially addicted,” I say, stepping into Abby’s foyer. I take my shoes off and set my purse on the ground. “That was my first facial, and it will not be my last. It’s probably a good thing there aren’t spas like that in Thorne Hill. I’d be there weekly.”

  Abby laughs. “Is there anywhere close? Prenatal massages are everything once you hit those last few months. No one really prepares you for how sore you get. The movies show women waddling and talking about their backs hurting, but everything hurts, and the pressure on your cervix is real.”

  I run my hand over my stomach. “I’m kind of excited to start showing. Lucas is, too.” I laugh. “He said he thinks I’ll look hot with a big belly.”

  “You’re tall and in such good shape you might be one of those women who don’t show until you pass week twenty. Which is totally not fair, I say as someone who got asked if I was having twins.”

  “Really?” I take my coat off. “I need to see pictures of this.”

  “I have a whole album. I did a picture every week.”

  “I didn’t even think of that. I’ll have to start.” We go into the kitchen to get something to eat. I started feeling really nauseous before we got our massages, and Abby gave me anti-nausea pills that helped take the edge off. It pays to have a doctor in the family.

  “Where’s Penny?” I ask. The house is peacefully quiet. />
  “Phil took her to the Children’s Museum for a daddy-daughter day.”

  “That’s sweet.” I gasp. “Fuck, Lucas will be able to do that someday.”

  Abby smiles, but I know what she’s thinking: Lucas is a vampire. He’ll miss out on all daytime activities. He won’t. I’m going to find a way for him to day walk.

  I pull my phone from my purse, checking for missed calls or texts since it’s been on silent since we got to the salon for our massages and facials. I’m trying to really relax the whole entire day, but my mind has drifted to the coven and how everyone is faring.

  I have a missed call and a voicemail from Easton, which I’ll listen to later, and a text from Lucas telling me he loves me.

  “Is it too soon for another Zofran?” I ask Abby.

  “It wore off already?”

  “Yeah.” I put my hand over my stomach. “I’m not used to feeling so human.”

  She laughs. “You got about another hour until you can have another.”

  “I can mange until then. Once things have settled down at the Covenstead, I’ll pester Tabatha into making that potion.”

  “Crackers,” Abby says and opens her panty. “I lived on these.”

  The doorbell rings, and Abby jumps up. “Oh, that’s probably Mrs. Jacobs with my honey.”

  “Your honey?” I shove a cracker in my mouth.

  “Her daughter is a bee keeper and is my supplier.”

  “Ohhh, look at you with the secret hookup.”

  “Be jealous.”

  I laugh. “What that a bee pun?”

  “Dammit, I totally missed that opportunity,” she laughs. “I’ll be right back.”

  I eat another cracker and then get up to get some water. Abby said sparkling water helped settle her stomach when she was pregnant, so I grab a lime LaCroix from the fridge. I pop the top right as something falls to the ground at the front of the house.

  “Abby?” I ask and take a drink and hear a voice. A male voice. That doesn’t sound like Mrs. Jacobs with a mason jar full of organic honey. I set the can on the counter and go through the kitchen into the foyer. The front door is closed, and Abby is standing still, holding her hands up in front of her. “What’s—”


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