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Against the Gods - Volume 01 - Red-Colored Calamity

Page 2

by Mars Gravity

  “I really am alright grandfather, you can rest assured.” Xiao Che said with an easy expression. His nose could not help but suddenly sour as he looked at Xiao Lie and he see a worried face with a head full of white hair.

  The Xiao clan consists of five elders and although Xiao Lie is the 5th Elder, he is the strongest of the clan. Five years ago he entered the border of the Profound Spirit Realm’s tenth level. Now he is at the peak of the Profound Spirit Realm’s tenth level and has an opportunity to break past the Profound Realm, a level that countless people dream of.

  Xiao Lie is only fifty-five years old this year with the strength of the tenth level in Profound Spirit Realm but all his hair had already turned white. Everytime Xiao Che saw this head full of white hair, his heart became bitter at the sight.

  The reason why Xiao Lie had white hair since his middle-age years was known to all the people living in Floating Cloud City. His only son, the father of Xiao Che, Xiao Ying was called the number one genius of Floating Cloud City. At the age of seventeen, he broke into the Profound Realm. At twenty, he reached the 5th level of the Profound Realm. At twenty three he broke through the Profound Realm and entered the True Profound Realm, shocking all people of Floating Cloud City. He became the Xiao Clan’s pride, as well as Xiao Lie’s pride and joy. Almost everybody believed that when Xiao Ying became middle-aged, he would be the best candidate qualified to inherit the leadership of the Xiao Clan.

  Unfortunately, perhaps god is jealous the elite for there was an assassination attempt on Xiao Ying’s life only a month after Xiao Che was born. A few days before that, Xiao Ying also saved the life of Xia clan’s daughter. After this rescue, Xiao Ying only could fend off the assassins with half his usual strength and drew his final breath. His wife’s heart broke in grief for the loss of her love and went to meet him soon after. Xiao Lie’s hair became white overnight due to the heavy blow of losing his son. Nine months later, Xiao Lingxi was born. Her mother also suffered from the tortured pain of losing her only son and died of depression a month later.

  Nobody knew how Xiao Lie lived his life the years after both his son and wife passed away. His pale white hair contained immeasurable grief, hatred and a deep unspeakable sorrow.

  To this day, Xiao Lie still has not found his son’s murderer.

  Later on, he put all his hopes and wishes onto Xiao Che… But the brutal truth of him being born with a damaged Profound Vein entered and left his life out of the blue like a bolt of lightning.

  However, facing his hopeless grandson, Xiao Lie never showed any signs of disappointment nor fury. In his point of view, being born with a broken Xuan Mai (what is this vein damage broken vein shit) meant that fate had been unfair and that he should not be condemned because such injustice. He should not be indifferent or ridicule Xiao Che but instead should love him more for to compensate for it. Over the years, he has always been seeking any possible ways to repair a damaged Profound Vein. However, the Profound Vein is the lifeline of one’s Profound strength, how can it be easily repaired?

  Although Xiao Che was ignored by others and was faced by the mocking eyes of others growing up, he still felt lucky to have such a grandfather.

  Looking at Xiao Lie’s piercing white hair, Xiao Che’s eyes gradually sharpened… Since the gods gave me this second chance and let me have both my memories, even if it is to only comfort my grandfather, I have to live vigorously! So what if my Profound Vein is broken! I am a medical saint’s successor; as long as I find the right medicine, in a short span of three weeks, I could fully restore my Profound Vein back to normal.

  “You’re alright; that’s wonderful to hear.” Watching him, Xiao Lie was finally rest assured. Glancing at the brightening sky he spoke: “Che dear, the hour is nigh. Go make your preparations while I go arrange the wedding team… Oh right, do you want to ride horseback or sit in the carriage?”

  If he was yesterday’s Xiao Che he would definitely have answered “the carriage”. Although he was the only grandson of an Elder, without that status, he could be called a good for nothing with a world’s difference between him and Xia Qingyue. On his bridal path to the Xia clan, there would be no doubt that he would suffer countless finger pointing but also bear numerous glances of envy and regret. One can imagine what feelings would surface if one met face to face in front of such negative emotion. Xiao Che laughed with a slight smile: “Of course I’m riding on the horse! You do not have to worry about me grandfather, Xia Qingque may be nobility, but she is already fated to be our Xiao family’s daughter-in-law. I will openly wed her home with dignity and honor to not let you lose face.

  There was a delay in Xiao Lie’s expression, for he would never have thought that his grandson would say such a thing. His face then broke into a gentle smile and he slowly nodded: “Good.”

  With just one word, his deep satisfaction came through. Xiao Lie stepped out of the room and gently closed the door.

  As soon as Xiao Lie left, Xiao Lingxi stood in front of Xiao Che and curled her lips. Her face warped in unhappiness she spoke: “So you actually are excited for this marriage and made me worry for you in vain. You obviously have not met Xia Qingyue that many times but you are already fond of her… Oh right, she is our Floating Cloud City’s number one beauty, huh!”

  Xiao Che quickly waved his hands back and forth: “How is that possible! Xia Qingyue is quite beautiful but I think Little Aunt is prettier. If I really fainted because of her, then I would not know how many times I would have fainted in this lifetime because little aunt always accompanies me everyday.

  “Hehe… “ Xiao Lingxi‘s face immediately broke into a sweet smile and giggled: “You know just the thing to say to make me happy. It is fine if Xiao Che fainted in his rush to marry her because Xia Qingyue is beautiful as she is talented. The Xia clan is also the wealthiest clan in Floating Cloud City so there is quite a lot of people who dream of marrying her. However, she eventually is about to marry my family’s Xiao Che.”

  At this point, Xiao Lingxi wore a proud look on her face. Then her eyes became wistful as her voice gentled: “I feel like this day came so quickly… Xiao Che is already about to be married….”

  “Pound-pound,” a knock on the door was followed by the voice of old housekeeper Xiao Hongcang: “Young master, it is almost time to go and meet your bride.”

  “Ah…. already?” Xiao Lingxi glanced at Xiao Che’s clothes and suddenly looked anxious: “Uncle Hong wait a little while longer and we will come out right away.”

  She walked in front of Xiao Che and a pair of soft hands began to quickly tidy his wedding clothes: “This outfit is quite hard to put on. Your clothes are in a mess because of the events earlier. Stand still, I’ll will finish this right away.”

  A pair of snow white delicate hands began to work hurriedly. She flipped his collar back to the proper face and re-fastened his loose belt… her actions were jerky but she took it seriously and paid careful attention to what she did. Xiao Che silently looked at her and his eyes gradually became misty….

  Today he is going to marry Xia Qingyu0e but he knows for sure that Xia Qingyue is not marrying him because she sincerely loves him. If it wasn’t for their fathers; Xiao Xing and Xia Hongyi’s agreement that March, Xia Qingyue would not even have bothered to take a glance in his direction. The only people in this world who were kind to Xiao Che are only his grandfather, Xiao Lie and his Little Aunt, Xiao Lingxi.

  During his earliest childhood, Xiao Lingxi stuck to Xiao Che like a piece of candy. She followed him wherever he went. It was hard for him to shake her off. If she did not see him for a while, she would cry loudly. However when Xiao Che turned ten years of age and it was confirmed that his Profound Vein was damaged, Lingxi seemed to grow up overnight. She knew the consequences of having a broken Profound Vein and then understood the concept of her identity as his “little aunt”. This started her regime of training in the ways of the Profound to protect the life of the weaker Xiao Che.

  After Cang Yun Continent’s twent
y four years of “dreams”, Xiao Che felt that his time here with Xiao Lingxi’s kindness was as luxurious as it was precious.

  Although Xia Qingyue was about to become his wife, she would only be like the sky’s coldest moon; something to only be seen but not touched.

  If I marry a girl like Little Aunt, it would be perfect… These kinds of thoughts uncontrollably popped up in Xiao Che’s state of mind.

  After completing the complex motions of dressing Xiao Che, Xiao Lingxi let out a sigh of relief. Tippy toeing, she lifted her hand and tousled his hair. With an expression of tender affection clearly printed on her face, her pink lips slightly parted like petals of a flower.

  With a supernatural speed, Xiao Che instinctively tilted his head and pressed his mouth against Xiao Lingxi’s lusciously pink lips….

  Chapter 3: Marry Me?


  Xiao Lingxi cried out and sprang backwards like a frightened rabbit. Her fingers touched her numb lips as her beautiful eyes widened in surprise and a touch of red quickly spread from her fair face to the nape of her neck: “You… You… “You kissed me again!!”

  “You have the same reaction as usual.” The innocent Xiao Che had a heartbroken expression on his face: “ When we were younger, we always played your favorite Kiss Kiss game. These days, you go into shock every time I try to kiss you.”

  “You-you-you… You knew that was when we were kids!” Xiao Lingxi’s face flushed into the color of a red rose: “We are now adults and cannot afford to mess around! You… You are soon to have a wife! In the future you can only kiss your wife!”


  “Because I’m your aunt!” Xiao Lingxi stomped her foot as she lost her breath.

  “Then…. What do I do if I want to kiss you?” Smiling mischievously, Xiao Che put his hand under his chin.

  “Then… You should marry me!” Xiao Lingxi turned her nose up in anger.

  “Hey! You are my aunt, how could I possibly marry you….” Xiao Che said with his voice lowered as his eyes widened.

  “Even you know that! If you dare steal another kiss, I’ll let your wife know and let her handle you. Hmph hmph! Xiao Lingxi looked at him triumphantly, with her nose in the air.

  Xiao Hong’s voice came from outside once again: “ Young master, are you ready? It’s about time to go get the bride.”

  “Yes, I’m coming out now.” Xiao Che looked at his current outfit, and got ready to leave. After two steps, Xiao Lingxi grabbed his hand and said with a serious face: “Xiao Che! Before leaving, repeat the promise we made yesterday, word for word, or I won’t let you go.”

  Yesterday’s promise? Xiao Che thought for a while and cannot help but say: “Alright…. after entering the marriage with Xia Qingyue, I won’t forget about little aunt just because I have a wife. I’ll spend the same amount of time with little aunt like before, I will listen to little aunt’s calls and would arrive as soon as I’m called just like before….I don’t think I forgot a word.”

  “Huehue, what a good boy.” Xiao Lingxi smiled sweetly but did not release Xiao Che’s hand: “However, we will be adding another one today, the one I forgot yesterday…. Although Xia Qingyue is about to become your wife, in your heart she cannot outweigh me! Repeat that right now, hurry hurry hurry!”

  Xiao Che gazed at her beautiful eyes and said: “If you kiss me, I will make that promise.”

  “Then… marry me?”

  “……” Xiao Che was defeated.

  “Young master, are you still not ready?” It’s forbidden to be past the “auspicious time”. Xiao Hong’s urgent voice came from outside again.

  Xiao Che put his hand on the door but did not push it open yet. He whispered: “I can’t make that promise because in my heart, you are already my number one. Even if there are a hundred Xia Qingyue’s, she cannot catch up to you. You are irreplaceable.”

  As his voice faded, he pushed the door open and left.

  Xiao Lingxi stood still, frozen in place for a while. An arc formed at the edge of her lips and she joyfully skipped out afterwards, like a girl who was given her favorite candy.

  As Xiao Che walked out of the room, his gorgeous wedding team awaited him. Xiao Hong kindly smiled at him: “Young master, please get on the horse. On the way I will be protecting you with everything I have…. But of course, today is young master’s big day. I should not worry that much since there would only be good things that are waiting to happen.”

  “Thanks, Grandpa Hong.” Xiao Che smiled at Xiao Hong and got on the horse. A gentle voice suddenly came from his left:

  “Looks like I came at the just right time. Is brother Xiao Che going to retrieve his bride now? Felicitations.”

  Xiao Che’s eyebrows furrowed slightly at that sound and saw two young men slowly walk to his side. The person who spoke was a twenty year old young man of medium build. He was as handsome as he was elegant. His eyes were crystal clear on top of a refreshing face and he wore a bright smile. At his rear was a thinner younger man. His footsteps followed quickly behind the speaker.

  “Watching them, Xiao Che smiled: “Oh it’s brother Yulong and brother Xiao Yang, did you guys especially make this trip here to see me off?”

  Xiao Yulong is the son of the leader of the Xiao clan. At the age of 20, regardless of his appearance, his talent, use of speech and wisdom was at the top of the younger generation in the Xiao clan. His Profound strength has reached the third level at the moment. He is his father, Xiao Yunhai’s, pride and joy and is also the future hope of the Xiao clan. The clan had high expectations for him because he would become the next leader if no accidents should occur. He possessed many good qualities but he had never been arrogant. He is one who was kind and polite to everyone. Even towards Xiao Che, who was considered to be disabled in everyone’s eyes. He has never mocked Xiao Che but instead was as gentle as he was polite. Not only that, he frequently expressed signs of concern when faced with Xiao Che’s damaged Profound Vein problem.

  Xiao Che had always liked Yulong. He admired and appreciated Yulong’s kindness…. Of course, those feelings came from the previous Xiao Che.

  The identity of the person behind Xiao Yulong was also not that simple. He was not just an ordinary Xiao clan disciple; he was the 2nd Elder’s youngest grandson, Xiao Yang. At the age of nineteen, he is at the 9th level of the Elementary Profound Realm. Ever since he was a child, he always followed Xiao Yulong around and listened to his every word. However, he was not as kind to Xiao Che as he is to Xiao Yulong. Even though they were both grandsons of the Elders, he never cared for Xiao Che. Whenever Xiao Che tried to strike up a conversation, he would either ignore or respond with an upturned nose.

  As the grandson of a Xiao clan Elder, not only does Xiao Che have his own housing but he also owned a separate little courtyard. Aside from his grandfather Xiao Lie, his aunt Xiao Lingxi, and his one best friend, very few people actually come to visit. At this time Xiao Yulong came with Xiao Yang with the purpose of watching him go on his wedding journey.

  “Haha, of course.” Xiao Yulong approached with a hearty laugh and said: “The person you are marrying today is our Floating Cloud city’s number one brightest jewel. This is not only our Xiao clan’s big event but is our Floating Cloud city’s big event. Since you have the chance to marry this treasure, your brother here is very happy for you. Of course, I am also envious and ashamed as well. Hahahaha.”

  Xiao Che also laughed: “Brother Yulong tells such a funny joke. With Brother Yulong’s talent, the entire women population of Floating Cloud city is yours to pick from.”

  “Young master, we must get going.” Xiao Hong warned.

  “Brother Xiao Che, hurry up. We eagerly await for you to spectacularly bring in Floating Cloud city’s brightest jewel into the Xiao clan.” Xiao Yulong said with a smile.

  Xiao Che nodded and immediately sat tight. The wedding escort team rode through the courtyard to the sound of the beating drums and gongs straight towards the Xia clan’s home.

sp; The moment Xiao Che disappeared from sight, Xiao Yulong’s smile froze and darkened. He suddenly turned around and fiercely slapped Xiao Yang hard in the face. In a low voice he hissed: “Pathetic!”

  Xiao Yulong’s slap was a direct hit and Xiao Yang’s left cheek began to swell. He hurriedly scrambled at the foot of Xiao Yulong and fearfully spoke: “ I… I clearly threw in the Murdering Heart Powder and the message I received confirmed that he did collapse… I… I also do not know what is going on here….”

  “Hmph!” Xiao Yulong’s eyebrows tightened and distorted his face. “I spent so much money to get the poison that not even Dr. Seto has the cure to, but you screwed it all up! Don’t tell me you want me to personally see Xia Qingyue marry that wastrel Xiao Che?”

  “Boss, that kid has only just left. We will have an opportunity on the wedding road… Although we cannot personally take care of this for fear of being seen, we can instigate a resistance army from the Yuwen clan and others. There are other men of nobility who covet Xia Qingyue. Just listening to people speak about Xia Qingyue’s marriage to Xiao Che would make their teeth itch. If we encourage them a little and go out together, we would be able to….”

  “If it was really that simple, why did I spend so much time getting the Murdering Heart Powder!” Xiao Yulong coldly interrupted Xiao Yang and continued: “Xiao Che is a good for nothing but his grandfather is at the tenth level of the Profound Spirit. Who would dare to offend him? Also, Xia Qingyue’s father did not object to this marriage at all. Who would dare to openly offend the Xia clan and Xiao Che? Even if the Yuwen clan’s boys grouped up with the City Head’s boys, their family would obviously prevent them from doing anything….And didn’t you see that old bastard Xiao Hong personally escort him? With him around, how could any trouble start?

  While speaking, Xiao Yulong clenched his hands. The sounds of bone being dislocated popped in the air. The first time he saw Xia Qingyue, he thought that he encountered an angel and was already lost. From then on, he swore to make Xia Qingyue his woman in this lifetime.


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