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Stupid Cupid (Holiday Heartthrobs Novella Series Book 2)

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by Annelise Reynolds

  It took over an hour to clean up the wreck. After we got back to the station, I called someone in to take the rest of my shift so I could go to the hospital and check on Jim and Robyn.

  I took another shower and got dressed in my street clothes. Captain Boyd caught me on the way out. “Cory.” I went into his office, wanting to hurry out. “You heading to the hospital?”


  “Good, keep us posted.” He held out a wad of cash. “Make sure you get her some kickass flowers from all of us.”

  I smiled. “Sure thing.” The cold helped me to breathe as I walked outside. I needed the fresh air – it helped me to calm down and clear my head.

  Seeing Robyn in that car – and Jim’s reaction to it – made me think of Katie. How would I have felt if it had been her and not Robyn? The thought terrified me. I knew she was more than just a passing phase before our night together, and after, I knew she was my – everything… I just had to convince her I was her everything too.

  Chapter Five


  “No. No. No. NO!” There they were, two little pink lines. I was just a few days late, but I knew before I even took the test that it would come out positive.

  Two weeks away from Valentine’s Day, and I’m cursing Santa and Cupid for conspiring against me. “Dammit.”

  Turning away from the offending pink, I went into my room and plopped down on my bed. Cocoa was lying with her head on her paws, but when I was beside her, she got close and licked my hand.

  “What are we going to do, Cocoa?” I said, petting her head. Pregnant. The very idea that Cory and I conceived that night, thrilled and pissed me off. I ignored the first emotion and tried my best to focus on the second.

  It’s not that I didn’t want kids, I did. It’s just that I wanted them with the husband and the white picket fence – not with a one night stand and a guy that simultaneously drives me crazy and ignites my fire.

  “How the hell am I going to tell him?” Again, I asked Cocoa, as if she could actually answer me. She just looked at me with her dark eyes, and her tongue hanging out in a goofy grin. She never failed to make me smile.

  I rolled onto my back and placed my hand over my tummy. I wasn’t showing yet, and my curves would hide it for a while still, so I had some time to think about how I was going to approach Cory with this bombshell.

  The ringing phone woke me up sometime later. I had no idea how long I had been asleep – I didn’t even remember falling asleep. I groaned and reached for the offending object.

  “Yeah.” I yawned and stretched. Cory’s voice came through the line.

  “I need your help.”


  “Yeah, Kitten, it’s me.” I melted and clenched my jaw at his use of that pet name.

  “Don’t call me Kitten.”

  “Katie, I need your help.”

  I heard the plea in his voice and the squeals in the background. Kids?

  “What do you need?”

  “Garret and Gracie. I need help. I swear – I don’t know how Robyn does this.”

  “You’re watching Garret and Grace?” I sat up on my elbows, perplexed. Typically, when Robyn needed some time to herself or she and Jim were going on a date, she called me to hang with the kids. Why would she call Cory of all people?

  “Where’s Robyn?”

  “She’s still in the hospital. They are keeping her overnight for observation, and Jim didn’t want to leave her, so I volunteered to stay with the kids, but I’m out of my depth here.”

  It was kind of cute that – hospital? By this time I was sitting up fully on my bed, and reaching for a hair tie. “Why is Robyn in the hospital? What happened?”

  “They didn’t call you?”

  “No. What’s going on?” Already I was getting up and getting dressed. I pulled on my favorite pair of jeans, and my other favorite hoodie that advertised Robyn’s books.

  “She was in a car accident this afternoon.”

  “Oh my God.” I was pulling on my socks, and trying to put it into high gear.

  “She’s fine. Just banged up. They want to keep an eye on her because she has a mild concussion.”

  “I’m on my way. Where are you?”


  “Be there in twenty.”

  I hung up and put Cocoa in her kennel, making sure she had enough food and water. “I’ll be back in the morning girl, sorry.”

  I searched around for my keys, finding them on the counter in the kitchen where I had left the pharmacy bag.

  My stomach fluttered. I was going to be around Cory, and his baby was growing inside me. I absentmindedly rubbed my stomach as my fragile nerves threatened to make me sick.

  I had to push all that to the back of my mind. Right now, Grace and Garrett were more important. Robyn’s health was more important.

  I made the drive in record time. Cory’s familiar truck was is the driveway, and I went to the front door. He opened it before I could knock and pulled me into the house. Gracie and Garrett ran to me immediately, Rex, their dog, hot on their heels.

  “Hey, guys.” I passed around hugs and looked up at Cory. ‘Do they know?’ I mouthed, he shook his head no.

  “What are you guys up to? Giving Cory a hard time?”

  They squealed and giggled, “Yes.”

  “My kind of kids.” I stood back up, “Have y’all eaten yet?”

  “I couldn’t get them to calm down long enough to figure out what was for dinner.”

  “You ever been around kids before, Cory?”

  “No, not really.”

  ‘Well buckle up Honey, you are about to be in for a ride that lasts eighteen years,’ I thought to myself and absentmindedly rubbed my stomach. “Come on guys, you can help me make dinner.” Grace and Garrett took my hands, and we went into the kitchen – Cory followed behind us.

  I grabbed the ingredients for spaghetti. It was easy and quick, and I didn’t have to do much. My nerves with Cory so near were fluttering, or maybe that was the baby or the guilt that I haven’t told him about the baby yet.

  I had the kids help by washing the tomatoes for the salad while I browned the meat on the stove. Cory surprised me when he went to help the kids. Together the four of us got dinner done and sat down to eat.

  It was weird without Robyn and Jim, but I was just waiting until the kids went down before I found out what exactly happened.

  I wasted no time after putting the kids to bed. “What happened? Is she ok?”

  “She’s fine, just a little banged up. They were keeping her overnight for a concussion.”

  “How? Where? Why the hell didn’t they call me?”

  “Calm down,” he said, pulling me into a hug. My agitation seemed to soothe a little. “It was a drunk driver, off Vine and Elm. Jim’s phone was at the station, and Robyn’s probably got left in the car.”

  His logical explanations helped to soothe my upset over them not calling me, and the stroking hand on my back was relaxing me into his hold. My body yielding to him.

  We stood there quietly for a few minutes. I allowed him to hold me, my mind racing with thoughts about our future. Like it or not, my future was tied to his for at least the next eighteen years.

  The thought of telling him I was carrying his child scared me shitless. I didn’t want to be tied to a man that was only around for the sake of a kid. If he were a real one night stand, and not my best friend’s husband’s best friend, then that would be all well and good. Only he’s not just a random stranger. He’s Cory, and I have to tell him.

  For all of his faults and asshole ways, he won’t back out on a kid, but at the same time, I don’t want him here just for the kid. Damn. I wanted him around for me.

  I watched him at dinner with Garrett and Gracie. Robyn was right; he seemed to be a good guy. He hung on to every word they said. It was something I never really paid attention to – mainly because I always tried to avoid him.

  Shit. I really liked him. All this back and forth
. He annoys the hell out of me… All of it was our version of cat and mouse. He was chasing me, and I kept just out of reach. It was an extended game of foreplay. No wonder I was always so frustrated around him. I wanted to fuck his brains out, but wouldn’t allow myself to do it.

  If I told him now, would he be around for me or just for the baby? How would I ever be able to know?

  Chapter Six


  The feel of Katie in my arms when she actually knew it was me, gave me a small glimmer of hope.

  “She’s going to be fine, Kitten.”

  “I know.”

  Her small sigh, and her quick squeeze on my waist had my body reacting. I needed her again, it had been way too damn long, but tonight was not the time for it.

  “Hey,” I said, lifting her chin so she could look at me. Her dark eyes were full of unshed tears. I slid my thumb across her cheekbone and a tear slid down her cheek. “None of that. Robyn will be fine. It’s a small concussion, bumps, and bruises. I’m sure she gets worse than that when playing outside with Garrett and Grace – those two are monsters.”

  Her smile and small laugh, though watery, had my stomach clenching. This was it, this was the turning point in our relationship.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you who I was that night. That was wrong of me.” I leaned my forehead against hers – finally able to get the words I had been wanting to say out.

  Did I regret the night? Not at all. I did, however, regret that she was blindsided by me being her Santa. I should have told her and tried to get her in my bed as me. ‘Sir’ could have come out later. I didn’t exactly lie, but I left out the truth and let her draw her own conclusions.

  One of the things I don’t do is lie to any sub I’m with, yet I lied to her. That guilt ate away at me – more than she would ever know.

  “I’m sorry I hit you.” Her hand reached up and touched my jaw where she had landed the punch.

  I grinned at her and snatched her fingers – kissing the fingers that had broken.

  “Are you sorry you hit me, or sorry your hit broke your fingers?”

  “A little bit of both actually.”

  I kissed the knuckles of her right hand, and her fingertips. She sucked in a sharp breath when I nipped slightly at the pads of her fingers.

  “Katie Sullivan, will you officially go on a date with me?” I asked, holding her fingers hostage, and my arm banded around her waist.

  “Yes, Cory.”

  I smiled and kissed her full, pouty lips. “Just so you know up front, I completely believe in seducing on the first date.”

  “I’m not that easy,” she said between kisses. “Sir.”

  I pulled back. I had to stop or I’d fuck her on our friends’ couch with their kids upstairs.

  “No, Kitten, you aren’t, but I’m going to enjoy every minute of the chase and every second of seducing you.”

  I kissed her again, only deeper and harder this time. Her seduction began now, and by the time our date comes around, the battle will already be won.

  Her body was already on edge judging by how she was responding to my kiss. When I pulled back again, I swiped my tongue across my lips, tasting her there, and it left me wanting more.

  I took a step back. “Go make us some popcorn, and meet me in the living room.” I walked past her, slapping her on the ass. Her yelp of surprise and faux outrage was music to my ears. It was an act and one that was incredibly fun to play with.

  I heard her in the kitchen while I went through Jim and Robyn’s DVDs. I was at odds; scary so she would cling to me, or sexy so she would be on edge? Where did I want to take her tonight?

  I was going through the case and saw an older movie that was a good representation of a true dominant/submissive relationship. The opening scene had the secretary in arm bars and was hot as fuck.

  “Thank you, Robyn,” I said, pulling the movie down. It was a better representation than the new shit out.

  I popped the movie in, wondering if Katie had ever seen it before. “What movie did you pick?” she asked, carrying a big bowl of popcorn and bottles of water.

  “It’s a surprise.” I moved to the couch and sat down with my back to the arm and my legs spread. “Come sit with me.”

  She moved between my legs and sat – leaning against me. This was supposed to be torture for her, but I was not going to go without suffering tonight.

  I hit play on the DVD and pulled the throw from the back of the couch over her lap. When the opening scene came on, I felt her stiffen against me a bit.

  “Just watch. It’s a decent movie, I promise.”

  She nodded her head but didn’t say anything. When the lawyer started spanking his secretary over the desk, she squirmed against me. I slipped my arm around her and caressed the side of her breast.

  She didn’t say anything, but I felt her shudder. I lightly rubbed in circles, gradually getting smaller and closer to her nipple.

  For me, the movie was forgotten. All I could think about was Katie in my lap and all the things I wanted to do to her and with her. I finally hit her nipple. The nub was hard and she purred as I tweaked the stiff point.

  With my other hand, I took the bowl of popcorn from her lap and set it on the coffee table. Her hands found my thighs, her nails gripping through the fabric of my jeans.

  I pinched her nipple with a little more force. At the same time, I swept her hair to one side and started kissing down the column of her neck.

  “I could devour you,” I said against her skin. I tangled my hand in her curls and brought her neck around and captured her lips.

  Our tongues slid across each other tasting, giving, and taking. The need was so strong between the two of us. We were hungry for each other.

  I moved her on top of me and slid until I was reclining more on the couch. She was straddling my hips. Her hair fell around us like a curtain as we made out like a couple of unsupervised teenagers.

  She ground her hips onto mine, seeking relief. I would give it to her – just not yet. I swept my hands up her sides, taking her shirt up with me. When I reached her bra, I pulled the cups down, letting her chest free of the confines. I cupped, squeezed, and massaged her. Her nipples were hard peaks against my palms, and I longed to take them into my mouth.

  I pushed her back and kissed each of her nipples, sucking them and laving them with my tongue. I adjusted her bra back and pulled her shirt back down. She hugged my head to her chest.

  “I want you so bad,” I groaned against her.

  “Me too.” Neither one of us wanted to let go, but I couldn’t go all out and fuck her like I’ve been dying to since that night.

  “At least one of us can get relief,” I said against her before capturing her lips again. I unsnapped her jeans and pulled the zipper down. She squirmed as I pushed my hand inside her panties. They were soaked through.

  I found her clit – the erect bud was coated with her wet heat. She moaned and bucked her hips against my hand.

  “God, Kitten, you’re melting all over my fingers.” She rested her forehead against mine as her hips pushed against me. Her breaths were getting short and choppy.

  Adjusting her, I pushed my hand further inside her panties and slipped two fingers into her tight pussy. I wanted my dick buried deep inside her; my cock throbbed at the memory of being there. Her tight, curvy body was made for my dick and my dick alone. My thumb worked her clit as I pumped and fingered her.

  “More,” she moaned out, now thrusting herself down harder onto my fingers. I felt the first stirrings of her orgasm as she climbed higher toward release.

  “Give me those tits, Kitten,” I said, trying to push her shirt back up one handed. I needed to get my mouth on her. She was going to come apart, and I just needed a taste of her. She lifted her shirt, and I ripped her bra back down again. Her breasts bounced with every thrust she made on my fingers. I took the whole of her nipple in my mouth and sucked hard – flicking it with my tongue – nipping it with my teeth.

She was intoxicating. While she fucked my hand, I sucked her tits, and together we sent her over the edge. Her body shuddered around my fingers – clamping down on me like a vise.

  “Cory!” she cried out my name, and it was music to my ears. Only one other name could have made it better.

  I used my left hand to squeeze her breast, she would wear my fingerprints tomorrow, and her body fucking loved it as much as I did.

  “Sir, Kitten. I own you.”

  She loved the sound of that, there was no way for her to deny it when I had my fingers in her and she clenched tight around me.

  “Give me one more orgasm, Kitten.” I worked my thumb in circles around her clit and switched to her other breast. Her hands were tunneled in my hair, and the sharp bite of her fingernails let me know – she wasn’t the only one that would be wearing battle scars tomorrow.

  Chapter Seven


  I woke to the feel of denim against my face, and a low, rumbling chuckle. Slowly I pried my eyes open – where I came face to face with Cory’s morning wood that tented his jeans. My eyes slid shut again, not really wanting to get up just yet. I was warm between his legs, and comfortable using him as my pillow. Getting up was the last thing I wanted to do.

  “Damn, one night was all it took.” Jim’s hushed voice snagged my attention.

  “I’m going to see the kids. You wake them up before Gracie and Garret see them like that. I’m not ready to have a conversation about the birds and the bees just yet.”

  Shit. My eyes sprang open, and I realized what it must look like. I was laid out with my face by his cock, my hands tucked under my chin by his balls, and I could feel his hands were tangled in my hair.

  “Fuck.” I pushed off him quickly accidentally hitting his balls.

  “Shit.” Cory came awake, grabbing his crotch and rolling to his side. He went to the floor and almost took me down with him, groaning in pain.

  I winced when he hit the floor with a thud, still trying to gasp a breath from my accidental maiming. Whoops.


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