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Phantom Lover

Page 8

by A. J. Llewellyn

  Kimo carried me to the bed and made love to me with a tenderness he hadn’t shown in the past couple of days, holding my cock and guiding me to an explosive orgasm the moment he came too.

  For long moments, we kissed and licked at each other’s faces and unhappily, I felt him roll off me.

  He chuckled as he lay right up against me, looking at me. “I keep telling you…it’s not going anywhere. How was dinner?”


  “You missed me that much, huh?”

  “I missed you a lot.”

  That seemed to delight him. “I have something special planned for tomorrow night, baby. So figure out a way to escape and meet me down the hill by the shrimp truck. Meet me at six thirty. Okay?”


  He gathered me in his arms. “Oh and dress up. What we’re going on is a date.”

  “A date? Wow, that’s so nice.”

  “Yeah, I hope so, baby.” He kissed my shoulder and pretty soon we were asleep.

  * * * *

  It wasn’t easy escaping the others, but the next evening, I found Kimo waiting for me in an old truck I recognized as my grandmother’s. Boy, these two were as thick as thieves. He kissed me as I jumped in.

  “You look hot,” he grinned.

  “You do, too. You know how hard it is to look at you all day and not be able to touch you?”

  He laughed then. “Well, you can touch me all you want tonight. Are you ready for an adventure?”

  “Sure. How’d you get my tutu’s truck started?”

  “I had a friend fix it.”

  For a moment I couldn’t speak. “You did that? Wow, Kimo, thank you. That’s so…nice.”

  “You don’t think I’m a nice person?”

  “I get glimpses of it. More and more glimpses.”

  His mouth twitched into a smile. “I feel like being nice. More and more.” He reached for my hand. “I want her to think of me as a big improvement over what’s-his-name.”

  We both laughed and he got the truck going, pointing it toward the Puna forest. As we approached a narrow mountain road with a black gate, he paused. I jumped out and intuitively opened it, letting him pass, closing it again.

  I jumped back in and he reached for my hand again. “I love that you just did that. My wife wouldn’t even have figured out to do that. We would have spent ten minutes arguing about it.”

  “Your wife should never be mentioned when you’re on a date with your other wife.”

  For some reason we both found this hysterical and we sat in that truck, poised on a precarious road, laughing our asses off.

  “How far away are we from where we need to go?” I asked him.

  “Very close.”

  “And how soon do we need to be there?”

  “Very soon.”

  “That’s a shame.” My hand traveled to his lap.

  “Don’t worry. Baby, I’ve arranged something that will make us both very, very happy.”

  He laughed again when he saw the big smile on my face.

  Kimo drove us about another mile inland and the path thickened to a lush cluster of trees and assign up ahead written in stones, piled on an old stone wall:

  Aloha, Kimo and Bobby

  “What have you done?” I asked him. “That’s amazing. Can I have a photo of it? I want to remember this night for the rest of my life.”

  “It hasn’t even started yet,” he said, but I could tell he was pleased.

  “Who did that?”

  “The owners. It’s part of the…package.”

  And then we were in a small grove, where two children were waiting for us. “Aloha! Aloha!” they kept chanting. They each held flower lei, the little girl uncertain when the massive Kimo and his fearsome tattoos stepped out of the truck.

  He was sweet and gentle with her. “Is that for me?” He bent down to her. She giggled and threw it around his neck. I knew it was pukalana, a small green flower that looks like nothing, yet could scent everything around it for miles.

  The little boy draped a lei around my neck and, as I thanked him, he took my hand. The children started squealing, “They’re here! They’re here!” I could feel, rather than hear Kimo’s rumbling laughter behind me.

  They took us down a dirt track that opened to a large expanse of green and ahead of us was an enormous hau tree with a house built right on the highest branches.

  “Aloha.” A big, smiling man was waiting by the tree. “I’m Billy, I am the owner of Stairway to Heaven. My family welcomes you. Please, make your way upstairs. My wife will bring dinner shortly. She will knock at the door and leave the tray outside. Oh, and please feel free to play the music as loud as you like. Nobody will hear you. Oh, and please remember that I will come to collect you at nine fifteen. Mahalo!”

  And with that, he took off, his children leaping back down the dirt track ahead of him.

  “Ready, baby?” Kimo asked, nuzzling me. “You climb ahead of me. I want to watch that cute bubble-ass of yours.”

  I threw my arms around his neck and he kissed me. “I can’t believe you did this. This is the most incredible date I have ever been on.”

  “Tell me that after it’s over.” His eyes shone. “When I know for sure it’s the most incredible date you’ve ever had.”

  I started climbing, aware our time was somewhat short. I got to the door with Kimo’s hand on my ass and I was surprised to find we were—well, I was—able to stand upright in it. Kimo was able to stand, but had to bend his head down. I had never seen anything as charming as this little slice of Heaven. There were huge pillows, small pillows, a window seat with a spectacular view of Mauna Kea Mountain and the verdant lava forests of Puna sprawled below.

  Kimo and I sat together by the open window. “We’re the only people in the world,” he whispered to me and he started to kiss me. I got his shirt off in record time and was ecstatic to have the touch of skin on skin again. Kimo’s tongue flicked at my lips, plunging into my mouth again. I couldn’t get enough of him.

  We heard noises outside, then there was a knock at the door and he smiled. “Ah. Dinner is served.”

  We heard the slow climb of Billy’s wife down the stairs again. Kimo crawled on his knees to collect the tray and I looked around, noticing the thoughtful touches Billy and his wife had provided for their Heavenly guests. There were candles to light, flowers and incense, even a package of condoms. There was also a record player set to go.

  Kimo put the food on a low-lying table, plumping up pillows around it.

  It was only when I saw the amount of delicious-looking food that I realized how much expense and trouble he had gone to. I wanted to cry. He was looking at my face, but wasn’t getting the reaction he hoped for.

  “Is everything okay, baby?” He was so anxious. “Don’t you like this place?”

  “Oh my God, how can you say that?” Tears were in my eyes. “This is beautiful. It’s all so beautiful. I just know you spent a fortune on me and…”

  Kimo scooted over to me and took me in his arms. “This is my pleasure. My pleasure,” he repeated with emphasis. “I am going to have so much fun spoiling you. In the little time I have known you…all you have given me is joy.”

  He kissed me, which effectively stopped my brain from functioning. I wanted him naked and started removing all his clothes.

  “You want to make love first?” He was disappointed. “But honey, our dinner will get cold.”

  “I’m having dinner with the sexiest man alive. I want to look at him in all his glory.”

  “Well, carry on then.” He grinned. He got my clothes off and poured us some wine. I think that was when our tradition of drinking out of the same glass, the same cup, eating off the same plate, began. I lit the candles and a stick of incense, then Kimo told me to put the record on.

  It was Keola Beamer, one of my favorites. The first song was also one of my favorites, Shells. As a boy, I watched my mother dance to it. I wiped the memory, focusing on now.

�Dance with me.” Kimo took me in his arms and although he had to bend his head, it was the sexiest dance I ever had in my life. Our hard, pulsating cocks made it hard to stand as close as we wanted to, but we managed.

  When the song finished, we got back down to our pillows and cushions, Kimo picked up a dish. “Here, baby, try some of this.” He put a scallop in my mouth that had been cooked with ginger and lychee. I almost swooned with pleasure. Next came a piece of broccoli that had been cooked in garlic and soy sauce.

  “You like?”

  “The food’s fantastic and the fingers are not bad either.” I took them into my mouth, sucking them again.

  “Damn. I guess the food’s gonna get cold after all.” He pulled my head to him and we kissed with renewed vigor. I swooped down on his magnificent, erect cock, which would never have lasted through dinner, and sucked the tip into my mouth. Kimo reacted as if prodded with a tazer. He squirmed with the wonderful sensations only a hot, wet, wanting mouth can produce.

  “Baby,” I lifted my head. “Have you ever had a fruit squeeze?”

  His eyes focused on me, coming out of the haze of carnal pleasure I’d created for him.

  “Uh…I don’t believe so.”

  “Hmmpph. Well, prepare yourself to be squeezed. Can you watch me okay from that position? Here, put another pillow behind your back. I want you to watch what I’m doing to you.”

  “Kiss me.” His tone was husky, when I was done re-arranging him.

  I let him kiss and lick my mouth. I picked up a handful of the cubed mango I had seen on the tray. I squeezed the fruit in one hand, holding onto my own personal joystick with the other and I let the juicy, messy pulp slide down my baby’s fuck pole. Kimo groaned as the wet, warm mess slid down his cock and I took the head of it back into my mouth, slurping at him and the fruit.

  Sucking down the length of his cock, I recovered every last drop of fruit and juice and got busy between his legs. Kimo kept saying, “Oh my God,” over and over again.

  When I got back to the delicious cock head I had come to crave, I sucked the excess juice off him with such force that he came like a geyser, igniting his juices down the back of my throat.

  Although I’d learned his cock was very sensitive after coming, I knew just how to handle it. Lots of kisses on the side, the base and his balls. I’d come back to his cock head in a couple of minutes. Sucking a man’s cock was an incredibly powerful feeling for me. I loved that I could bring Kimo such fulfillment. I loved seeing the dazed expression on his face. The lust still smoldering in his eager eyes.

  “Did you enjoy your fruit squeeze?” I asked him as he raised himself back on one elbow.

  “Oh fuck, yeah. You’ve got the touch, baby. Please, please don’t ever do that again with another man.” He pulled me to him.

  “I won’t.” I was surprised by the urgency in his voice.

  “Promise me.” The look on his face was so intense, I promised him. He sighed then, relaxing completely. “That was something else. I know I’m not supposed to talk about my other wife, but you could teach her a thing or two.” He felt me stiffen in his arms. “But I won’t mention her again, I promise.”

  My own cock was full to bursting and it was all I could do not to start jerking off right then and there.

  Kimo was looking at it, touching me. He wiped the slick head of my cock with his forefinger and put it in his mouth. “Delicious. You know what, baby, King Kamehameha had a cannon, the first cannon ever seen on the islands. His nickname for it was Lopaka.

  “As you know, Lopaka is your Hawaiian name and since this luscious cock looks like a cannon, I’m never calling you Bobby again. From now on, you’re Lopaka. And when I call you Lopaka, you’re going to know I’m wishing I had this cannon in my hands.”

  He started stroking his cannon and kissing me, begging me to come all over his hands. It didn’t take me long to meet his demands.

  * * * *

  Billy came and collected us when it was dark outside and the only lights were from the two flickering candles in our tree house. I never wanted to leave. I loved being the only two people in the world.

  Kimo and I dressed in a hurry when we saw the flickering of the family’s flashlights as they came to meet us. Good thing, too. The forest was pitch-black.

  “That was amazing.” I hugged Billy and his wife. “What a wonderful thing you are doing for couples all over the island.”

  “Mahalo,” Billy grinned. “We do it just to see the happy faces on our friends when they come down that tree.”

  “Well, my baby is very happy.” Kimo slipped his arm around me. “I think we’ll be coming back again.”

  The look on my face must have shown the instant glee I felt. We all laughed and Billy led us back to the truck while his wife got the tree house ready for the next pair of lucky lovers.

  “Thank you,” I said to Kimo, before he got the truck started.

  He smiled, truly happy with our sexy adventure himself.

  “Do we have to rush back to the hotel?” I asked.

  “No, baby, what did you have in mind?”

  “I have this fantasy I want to act out…I want to show you what island boys who have no place to go, do with the men they love.”

  Love. The word was out now before I even realized it. Something, a current of energy, passed between us. It wasn’t a bad feeling. It was a warm feeling and Kimo’s smile reached his eyes.

  “Where do you want me to drive?”

  I pointed the way to the main road, looking for the side exit I’d walked by many times as a child. “Here.” I was excited now. “Make a right.”

  Kimo took the road and after a bumpy half mile, we reached another gate. I got out and opened it. The road led to an old, disused pineapple plantation. An old guard’s hut sat to the side of us, but much of the fields had returned to native grasses and plants.

  “Pull over here.” I told him to cut the lights. “When I was a little boy and I had fantasies of other boys, I used to see guys, beautiful guys pulling up here, giving each other fast and thirsty head. I need to suck your cock, Kimo. And you need to pretend you’re looking out for the cops.”

  He laughed as my hands galloped to his zipper and that monster-sized man meat found its way into my mouth again. Kimo stroked my head as I sucked at him. I put my index finger in my wet mouth, letting it rub the head of his shaft.

  “Oh, fuck!” Kimo screamed. “Oh…man, that feels good.”

  The extra pressure sent him over the edge faster than I anticipated and he came quickly, holding my head to him.

  “That was beautiful, baby.” He gasped until he finally caught his breath. He was laughing now. “You have a nasty streak in you. I love it.” He kissed me and his eyes widened. “Don’t look now, baby, but I think the cops really are here.”

  The vehicle that curved by us was the local sheriff who asked if we were okay. Since we were fully clothed from the waist up, he didn’t bother us, just told us we were on private land. As he watched us pull back out onto the main road, Kimo could tell I was satisfied. My fantasy was now complete.

  “Lopaka…” He shook his head. “You’re bringing out a dangerous side, the bad boy in me.”

  “Is that good or bad?”

  He grinned at me. “Oh, it’s very good. You are something else.”

  Chapter Eight

  Kimo and I filled each other’s days and nights. After our morning run, we took to finding private spaces to fuck and enjoy each other for the hour before rehearsals started. He took me away after rehearsal and we found beautiful, secluded beaches to swim, and if we were alone, we’d enjoy a quick romp.

  Dinners were spent with the others, who seemed oblivious to the fact that Kimo had me next to him at restaurants. Occasionally he would forget we were supposed to be discreet and he’d drink from my glass or my coffee cup. The girls would tease him about being greedy and his hand would seek out mine under the table.

  We went to visit my tutu one afternoon and she was excit
ed to see us, but she seemed to be walking with difficulty. Kimo forced her to lift up her long skirt and we saw she’d been badly stung by a scorpion on her right leg.

  “Baby,” he said to me. “Go out and find me a taro, roots and all, from the garden.”

  “You must be in a lot of pain,” he told Tutu.

  “Baby, you got no idea.”

  I ran outside as I heard him start to chant. I pulled a taro out from the patch and paused. I went back and pulled another, propping it beside the stone representing Pele. Other taro roots were rotting beside her, so I threw it on the pile. I stopped by Tutu’s lemon tree, plucking lemons and leaves off a bough.

  When I got back into the house, Kimo was still working on Tutu. She turned her head to me.

  “You leave one for Pele?”

  “Yes, I did.”

  Kimo instructed me to wash and chop the taro and its stems. He rubbed them on the wound and my grandma moaned. Kimo tore a clean shirt and wrapped it around her thigh.

  “I’m coming back in the morning and I’ll change it, okay?” Kimo was so sweet with her.

  “Hey,” Tutu cracked. “I could get used to this.”

  “And Lopaka and I are putting screens in your windows. No arguments, please.”

  “Lopaka, eh?” Tutu had tears in her eyes. “How did my boy and I get so lucky to find you, Kimo?”

  “I’m the lucky one.” He dropped a kiss on her cheek.

  “Boy he’s a sexy one, ain’t he?” Tutu asked.

  I grinned at her. “The sexiest.”

  Kimo looked at the lemon leaves I’d brought in. “How did you know about lemons? That they’re a repellent?”

  “I told you he was taught in the ways of the ancients.” Tutu watched as I started to place the leaves around the windows and in the doorframes.

  And I saw the look in Kimo’s eyes. He was surprised, continually surprised by me.

  * * * *

  After we checked on Tutu the following day, he brushed off her efforts to feed us, even though we’d stocked the fridge full of delicious food. I knew he wanted to be alone with me and that was fine by me.


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