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by Candace Wondrak

  I eyed him up. He might be truthful, but he also hid part of the truth, too. Lily might be the instigator, but Crixis did nothing to stop her. That had to change. I would not let them…ugh, I couldn’t even think it. It was too painful, too gross to put words to.

  “If you—” My words were cut off by Crixis.

  “Max and Claire are here, and, goody, they brought their Morpher cub.” He offered me his arm. “Shall we head downstairs to greet them?”

  Over my dead body would I walk downstairs, arm-in-arm with Crixis. He might have Lily’s infatuation, but he did not have mine. He never did, the murderous psychopath. I spun on my heel, furious. I’d have to have a separate talk with Lily about this. She was too young to go playing around with killers.

  Hell hath no fury like a mother scorned.

  Thank you so much for embarking on Kass’s journey. While it ended bittersweet, it is NOT the end for Kass. Scroll on to read a sneak peek at an upcoming series revolving around her daughter, Lily. Things are not always what they seem…and maybe Kass can get her happy ending after all—just a few years late.

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  A word of warning, though. Kass’s story was mostly in the Young Adult vein, though I did straddle the line a few times. Lily’s story will definitely be more NA and even adult. Don’t believe me? Just turn the page and see for yourself…


  The moon hung low in the sky, its silver surface nearly full. Some people believed in the craziness that the full moon brought, but I knew better. People were always crazy, and the demons? Well, a demon didn’t care whether the moon was full or not. A demon was going to do what a demon was going to do, regardless of the weather.

  Don’t ever tell my mom that I’m talking about demons. She has this weird thing where she doesn’t want me to fight them, or even to think about them. Which is just stupid, if you ask me, considering Mom’s old pals. Claire and Max were always over; our house was like a second home for Krystal—who, technically, was a type of demon since she was a morpher.

  A pretty white cougar one, just like her mother. A pretty white annoying cougar, but that was neither here nor there. My mind was rambling, mostly because I was waiting for the other shoe to drop.

  I was eighteen years old, a senior in high school, and I was dying to have sex.

  And if you’re of the mind that kids shouldn’t have sex, then maybe you’re not living on earth. Kids got freaky whenever the hell they wanted, whether their parents approved or not. Mine probably wouldn’t approve, considering my mom had me when she was young, but I didn’t care.

  I wanted to fuck, and it was like the whole world was against me. Really. I could list all the specific instances when I’d tried to get down and dirty with whoever, and all the ridiculous, silly, stupid things that happened to interrupt, but I won’t, because I was a little busy at the moment.


  The best-looking jock in the senior class.

  He sat next to me, giving me a heavy-lidded look over the car’s dashboard. We were parked far off the road, in a place where teens often went for privacy. The make-out spot, although in all honesty we used it for a hell of a lot more than making out.

  Brian was hot. He had a square jaw, a perfect, blinding white smile, and the kind of hair that made him the centerpiece of any teenage wet dream. Oh, and the muscles. Being a football player, he had the muscles.

  We were literally in the middle of nowhere, no other cars parked around us, nothing but forest surrounding us and the clear night sky above us. It was a Friday night, and though I had a curfew, I never really listened to it. I was more of a do what I want when I want kind of person. A rule-breaker. I blamed my dad, not that I ever met him.

  “I’m surprised you wanted to come out here,” Brian said. The music played whatever tunes were on the radio, but I was zeroed in on Brian and the way he stared at me. My seatbelt was already unbuckled, as was his. This was his pathetic attempt at small talk.

  “I’m surprised you’re surprised,” I purred out, having perfected the sultry tone years ago. I might’ve only been eighteen, but what could I say? Temptation came to me easily. Guess it came with the bloodline. “I mean, look at you.” I reached over, running a hand down his arm, squeezing his bicep as I went. I ran a tongue over my lower lip, which caught his attention instantly.

  Boys. I could play them like a fiddle, and yet I couldn’t sleep with them. Go figure.

  Hopefully tonight, that would change.

  I said nothing else as I moved to his seat, straddling him. I brought my hands to his neck, smashing our lips together. For a jock who could get any girl he wanted at the school, it took Brian a while to get in the swing of things. To kiss me back like he meant it and not sloppily.

  A heat dwelled within me, and anytime I came close to finding out just what made sex so amazing, that heat expanded, threatening to swallow me up. Like a fire in my soul, a burning flame that only grew and intensified.

  I felt his greedy hands snaked up my shirt, running between my bra and my skin, touching me in a sensitive place. I let out a light, fluttery moan, right into his mouth, grinding harder on the lap beneath me. I could feel his arousal, and I was sure if he moved those hands downward, he’d feel mine, too.

  The problem was never the race. The problem wasn’t the laps or the cars themselves. The issue was the finish line. I just never seemed to be able to get there, to reach it. I’d had orgasms, both from myself and others, but I’d never been connected with anyone before. Not like this.

  Brian tore his mouth off mine and helped me out of my shirt, undoing my bra the next moment. His hungry, heated lips went for a nipple, and I threw my head back and lost myself in the sensation.

  This was nice. This was going perfectly…but that’s how it always went, at first. It was right as dick was about to meet vagina that things went south, every single fucking time.

  Hell, maybe I only wanted it so badly because it felt like fate didn’t want me to do it. Like I wasn’t allowed to do it. Insane, if you asked me, especially considering what I am, where I came from.

  Oh, don’t you know? My blood is special. My bloodline is like no other around, so when you think about it, it’s just stupid that I can’t have sex.

  I’m the granddaughter of an angel and the daughter of the devil himself, and if I say I want to have sex, by God I’m going to have sex even if it kills me…even if it kills him. Yeah, me and doing the right thing? Strangers, unlike my mom. Mom always did the right thing, even when it hurt.

  Me? I didn’t care enough to do the right thing. My dad might’ve chosen the light at the end, but when it came to me…I had the feeling my struggle with darkness was only just beginning.

  Darkness has never looked as good as me.

  To be continued…

  Keep an eye out for The Wicked Angel series, featuring Lily, a familiar crew of characters, and a few new faces. The Wicked Angel series will be RH, meaning Lily will have multiple love interests…and she won’t be forced to choose.



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