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Into the Roar (The Roar Series Book 2)

Page 18

by A. M. White

  The electricity buzzed and the lights flicked on. There she was, in my hands. She sucked in a breath. I kissed her softly.

  “Thank you.” A tear escaped my eye. “Are they keeping you comfortable?”

  “I guess.” She responded.

  I wiped the tears from her cheeks. My fingers felt the bump of her scar. I smiled.

  “You have one, too?” She reached her hand to my cheek, her half arm mimicked the movement. She blushed. “It still feels like it is there sometimes.” She covered her shoulder with a sheet from the bed.

  “It’s okay, really.” I pulled back the sheet.

  “A woman named Lori came to see me. She said they could try an arm transplant.” Alex looked hopeful.

  “What do you think?” I asked.

  “I keep thinking about how I would survive with one good arm, up there.” Her eyes lifted to the ceiling. “If we ever get out, I believe two hands would be better than one.”

  I smiled. “You have a point.”

  “Have you seen the others?” She changed the subject.

  “Just Cara. I saw her yesterday. She is okay. They patched her up well. She only had burns, beside the neck wound.” I tucked her hair behind her ear. I was in complete awe of her beauty. She looked strong, even after all she had been through.

  “Good. How about Jason, any word?” She nuzzled my forearm. She laced her fingers in mine.

  “I’ve been told that he is critical care, like you. I suppose they will take me to see him soon. I’m worried about him.” I kissed the back of her hand. “Alex, they gave me ten minutes to talk to you. I should tell you the real reason they allowed me to come. I met with the Superiors.” I tilted her chin up to me. “I agreed to our compliance with the medics, so that they would let us live. I had no other choice. Do what they tell you to do. You must promise me that. You have to stay alive.”

  She closed her eyes. “How about you? Will you stay alive for me?”

  “Of course. I have to; I have too much hope left.” I slid my arms around her and held her. I breathed in her smell. I had to remember all of this, to get me through; to keep my promise.

  “It’s time.” Bryce came into the room. He faltered for a moment, when he saw the two of us.

  I kissed her mouth, so I would remember the way she tasted, one more time and walked to Bryce. I turned back to see her. She looked so small on the table, but I knew how strong she was.

  “I love you.” Bryce pushed me toward the exit.

  “I love you too.”

  The door shut on my love.


  The door locked with a clank. I folded in on myself. I cried an ugly, forlorn cry until I hyperventilated. My eyes were swollen and my throat raspy from it.

  My pillow was soaked. I turned it over and continued to weep. When the sadness ended, I punched the innocent pillow in anger.

  Timothy’s presence had made everything okay. Then they took it away again. Just like they always did; they took everything I cared about away.

  In my head, I fought each of them. I dismembered the whole civilization and tore down the tunnels. I didn’t care, let it all come down on me. I played out the fantasy in my head, until I wore myself out.


  At the exit of the critical care unit, the medics dismantled the web of wires from my body. Bryce put the cuffs back on my wrists.

  I was impatient. I wanted them off me, now. I wanted to be alone, to digest what had happened with Alex. I couldn’t believe that they would keep something like the amputation of her arm a secret. If it was for the sake of some data on a piece of paper, screw them.

  I strode through the double doors and walked faster than Bryce could keep up. “Timothy, slow down.” He jogged to my side. “Slow down. You need to take a few breaths and calm down before you get yourself into trouble.”

  I scoffed at him.

  At that moment, Lori rounded a corner in front of us. I sprinted forward. Her eyes widened in fear. I gripped her around the neck and pinned her against the wall. Her fingers scratched at mine.

  “What was that?” I growled. “Is this some kind of game to you?”

  She shook her head. I squeezed.

  Bryce’s gun poked me in the back of the head. “Let her go, Timothy.”

  “Why should I?” I spat.

  Lori’s face began to change color.

  “Because, she is on your side and if you don’t, I have to put a bullet in your brain.” He said evenly.

  “Go ahead.” I shrugged.

  “Did you forget the promise that you just made to that pretty girl in there?” He asked.

  I let go of her neck. She collapsed to the floor and gasped for air.

  “These are people I care about.” I sobbed. My fists clenched in front of me.

  Bryce helped Lori to her feet. She coughed to regain oxygen. “Take him into the room.” She croaked and pointed to a room around the corner. Lori leaned against the wall and watched Bryce drag me to the room.

  “That was so stupid.” Bryce pushed me into the room. He yanked off his helmet.

  “Is it as stupid as what she did?” I pointed to the doorway.

  Lori stood in the door’s frame. She held her throat. I was sure a bruise formed under her hand.

  “Let me make something very clear to you. If you ever lay a hand on me again, I will execute you myself. How’s that for stupid?” Her eyes were ravenous. “I don’t think you fully understand the delicate situation you are in, Timothy. Right now, your girlfriend needs a new arm. I can make that happen or not.

  Your buddy Jason? I just gave him eyes. He still needs to hear and move. I can make that happen or not.

  Right now, there is a chance that you may walk as a free man one day. I can make that happen or I could replace you. You are a glorified lab rat that a lot of people want dead. It’s your choice, Timothy.”

  My anger with her evolved. She had everyone that I cared about in the palms of her hands. She could do as she pleased with them. My actions held huge repercussions. I put us in this situation, because there was no other choice. I felt like a caged animal.

  Lori raised an eyebrow. “Do you fully understand how our relationship works now?” She rubbed her throat.

  “Yes.” I whispered.

  “I’m sorry, I couldn’t hear you.” She took two long paces to stand in front of me. She slapped me across the face.

  I grit my teeth. “Yes.” I said louder.

  “Good. Get him away from me.” She looked over my shoulder at Bryce. “You won’t see Jason tomorrow. I think you have deserve that.”

  Bryce replaced his helmet and shoved me. “Let’s go.”

  I was ashamed. I let my temper get the best of me. I put everyone in danger, because I acted so impulsively.

  I was furious, too. I knew better than to trust that woman. She wasn’t a friend. She was right; we are all nothing more than glorified lab rats.

  As we returned to my room, I worked through what Lori had revealed about Jason. He was in the worst shape out of all of us. I couldn’t fathom the loss of sight, hearing, and movement.

  He must be terrified, even with his sight regained. I screwed up the chance for him to see a person that cared for him. That crushed me.

  Bryce pushed me into my room. I turned around to face him. He slowly shook his head. The door slid shut.

  It was very clear that I was the stupid one.


  My spirits lifted a little since I got to see Timothy. I even tried my best to be cordial with the staff. I smiled and did what was asked of me. I even managed to get one of the medics to smile at a joke I made. Of course, it was all fake, but I put on a decent show.

  They had me complete stress tests, to check my heart rate and blood pressure. I allowed them to put me through a session of brain wave tests. I played nice when they asked me about my escape and how I came to find out Timothy was my brother. Timothy told me to comply and I did.

  That same day, I was rewarded fo
r my efforts. I was moved to a residential room where the cuffs were taken off. It had a real bed! A place to sit and eat my food. I could even get my own water to drink.

  I plopped down on the soft bed, surrounded by pillows. It was amazing.

  There was a knock at the door.

  “Come in!” I hollered at the ceiling.

  I heard the footsteps as someone entered. I lifted my head to peek at my visitor. She was a middle-aged woman, in a crude dress, with her hair pulled back tightly.

  “Hello Cara. My name is Lori.” She smiled. “I assume your brother told you about me?”

  I sat up and wrapped my knees into my chest. “He did.”

  “Do you mind?” She pointed to one of the chairs at the table.

  “Sure.” I nodded.

  “No reason to get up. I’ve just had a long day.” She pulled out the chair, turned it in my direction, and sat.

  I smirked. I had no intention of going to the table anyway.

  “Your brother told you about our arrangement, I see. Your compliance hasn’t gone unnoticed. That was how I was able to request a room change for you.” She neatly folded her hands into her lap.

  “Thank you.” I replied.

  She sighed. “I came here to ask a favor of you. Would you be willing to see Jason? I don’t think Timothy is up for it. He seems very exhausted from spending some time with Alex today.”

  That didn’t sound like my brother. I narrowed my eyes. “Timothy is exhausted?”

  She tilted her head. “Yes, he overdid himself today. He decided to exercise before his visit and it was just too much. You know how he pushes himself. He asked me to come here to see if you would go in his place?” Her voice was thick with concern. “I would hate it for Jason to go another day without a visit from someone he trusts.”

  I couldn’t put my finger on it, but something didn’t add up. However, there was no way I would let her know how I felt. I needed more time to figure it out. “Sure. Jason is like a little brother to me. Anything to help.” I tried to sound chipper.

  “Thank goodness. Poor thing, he has been through a lot. I know it will mean the world to him. I only ask that you will pass along the same message as your brother gave you; to comply with our efforts to help him.” She crossed her legs.

  “Yes, he should accept your help.” I confirmed.

  She clapped her hands together. “That settles it then. We will make sure you get a shower to clean up and you will be taken to see him. Thank you so much, Cara, really.” She stood and walked to the scanner. “It was very nice to meet you. I am sure I will see you again soon.”

  “Nice to meet you, too.” I plastered a smile on my face.

  As she left, a guard entered. “Here to transport you to shower.” He stood at attention.

  “Well, that was fast.” I commented.

  I grabbed a new outfit and walked ahead of the guard down the corridor. I was directed into a small bathroom with a walk-in shower and sink.

  “You aren’t going to watch, are you?” I teased the guard.

  He seemed taken aback by the joke. “No, um, undress and dress in the stall. Your toothbrush is by the sink. The towel is on the curtain rod.” He stumbled to explain.

  I pursed my lips. “They only make you guys sans humor, huh?”

  He didn’t respond. I pushed the curtain aside and walked into the stall.

  The warm water that flowed over my body was as wonderful as I imagined. I lingered under the flow of it. The water circled in a pool of brown at my feet before it was sucked down the drain.

  “What song is that?” The guard asked from outside.

  I hadn’t even noticed that I hummed as I washed. He interrupted me and I had to think about the tune.

  “It’s something the villagers sang above. The words are about hope in the new world. A lot of them still believe that there will be a way to flourish.” I turned around to let the water run through my hair.

  “It’s nice. I didn’t mean for you to stop.” He added. Through the muffle of his helmet, he had a strong voice. It was deep and attractive.

  I continued to hum the song. I grinned at his disregard for the rules. Guards weren’t supposed to engage prisoners.

  After the soap was gone, I turned off the water. I used the towel to dry. I dressed quickly. The clothes were scratchy, but anything was better than the old hospital gown.

  I made a point to look at the guard as I exited the stall. He was built solid. The uniform didn’t hide his muscles well. He was quite a bit taller than me, although almost everyone was.

  I brushed my teeth as he hovered nearby. My hair dripped onto my shoulders.

  “What’s your name?” I asked bravely.

  He looked behind him, startled that I addressed him. “Caleb.” He answered softly.

  “Nice to meet you Caleb.” I stuck my hand out to shake his.

  Behind the dark visor, he looked at my hand and then at me.

  “I promise I don’t bite.” I kept my hand extended.

  He slowly raised his gloved hand to mine and shook it.

  I retracted my hand. “Are we off to see my friend now?”

  He hesitated. “Yes.” Caleb was bewildered by me. I had stumped him by my actions. I liked that he was curious about me. “Uh, I have to put these on you.” He held out a set of handcuffs.

  I grimaced. “I know. It’s okay.” I put my hands out and he latched them. “Just tell me where to go.”

  We headed back through the labyrinth of tunnels. I felt Caleb’s eyes on me. It was nice to draw the attention of a man. I hadn’t felt like that since Max.

  Jason had made jokes, but he was just a baby; he didn’t count. I was nervous and excited about my chance to visit him.

  That woman Lori, gave me the creeps, though. There was something amiss with her. She seemed nice enough, but her story about my brother didn’t add up. Timothy would go to see Jason, no matter how tired. Heck, he would go sick, or wounded.

  I decided to use my charm on Caleb to see if I could get anything out of him. I had seen girls use manipulation like that on boys before. Unfortunately, I didn’t have much experience in that department. Direct and to the point was more my style. This would take a softer approach.

  Caleb and I came to a pair of doors that were labeled as the critical care unit. I had no idea what to expect when we entered.

  A team of medics waited for our arrival. They sprang upon me and hooked all types of wires to my body. The supervisor told me they would take data from my visit to better understand the connections that we had with our friends. I let them, I had promised Timothy.

  Caleb gently guided me to a door. “Good luck, I’ll be here. You have ten minutes.” I thought I saw him wink at me behind the tinted visor.

  I walked into the room. It was dimly lit with red lights. A hospital bed was positioned in the center. Jason laid upon it.

  I timidly took a step toward him. “Jason?”

  There was no response, not even a twitch of his toes.

  I reached his feet and put my hand on his ankle. There was no movement. A pad of paper was on his chest with a pen on top of it. His eyes were closed.

  “Jason?” I tried again. I became scared. I was right here, I called for him, yet he seemed in a deep sleep.

  At his chest, I lifted the pen and paper. Jason’s eyes shot open. What I saw, made me yelp and jump back.

  His eyes were white! I attempted to catch my breath, yet panic resisted. His eyes moved in the sockets to follow me. This couldn’t be real.

  “Jason, what did they do to you?” I inched closer.

  His eyes blinked furiously. They locked on to the pad in my hand. I held it up. He blinked quickly.

  I stared at the glossy white orbs. “They gave you our eyes?” He didn’t respond. I jotted my question on the paper and held it over him. He blinked twice.

  “Okay.” I took a deep breath. I began to understand how I would have to communicate with him. My hand shook as I wrote. “One blink f
or no, two for yes?”

  He blinked twice.

  I scribbled more. “Did they have to do this?”

  Jason blinked two more times.

  “Can you hear me?” I asked with the pen. It was kind of a stupid question, since the pad had been left for me to communicate with him, but I needed to know from him.

  One blink, no.

  He hadn’t moved a muscle. “Can you move?” I wrote, afraid of the answer.

  One more blink.

  Tears filled my eyes. Jason was in worse shape than I could have ever imagined. I realized that not too long ago, Jason couldn’t even see. He must have been terrified, as he laid there, unable to move or hear in darkness.

  There was nothing I despised more than the ownership of conflicted emotions. Hatred and sadness overwhelmed me. I hated them, all of them. Jason relied on them for any chance to gain back the abilities he lost. So, sadness for my friend won.

  The tears rolled down my face. His white eyes produced tears that trickled out of the corners. I hoped it didn’t hurt.

  I put the pad beside him and stroked his cheek. His breath halted.

  “I am so sorry. I had no idea.” I wept. I set my head on his chest and hugged his upper body.

  I picked up the pad. “I will make sure they do everything they can for you.” I held it over him.

  He blinked twice.

  “I’ll be back as soon as I can. Please do what they ask. That way, they can help you.” I put the pad near his face. I hoped that I was right, however, in Jason’s condition, there was little he could do to protest anyway.

  He read it and answered, “Yes.”

  I reluctantly turned from my helpless friend. The pad and pen were still gripped in my hands. With each step, the anger bubbled inside of me, until it boiled to the brim.

  The door opened for me. Caleb stood on the other side of the threshold. I rushed him with the pen held to stab him.

  He caught my wrist inches from his neck. He spun me around and restrained me with his strong arms. I writhed against him.

  “Why? Why didn’t anyone tell me?” I screamed and cried at the same time.


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