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Keeping Their Human: Monrok Warriors 2

Page 2

by Aubrey Cara

  “The time has come for us to let the Zapex know we will no longer be their guard dogs,” Kein says. “The Zapex want to breed us. Take our young as slaves. Make our females available to any they want to breed them with. We cannot let that happen.”

  “They will come after us.”

  “And if we take a planet in replenishment and band together, we will be ready.”

  Many of us nod in accordance to his words. The Zapex strip planets of all their resources and then leave them untouched for thousands of years to replenish. And it sounds as if he has a habitable planet in mind.

  “I do not speak of a rebellion lightly,” Kein continues. “Nor do I propose this to only those here. Word has been sent to Monrok across the galaxy. Those back on our moon of Mehcad stand behind us, as well as those at other outposts. This is happening.”

  I step forward, lending Kein my support. “One of those females has been claimed and may already carry my young. I have been summoned to the medical bay to mate her again. I am with you.”

  One by one, everyone steps forward.

  “How do we choose who gets the remaining females?” someone asks, and all eyes turn to Kein, the unspoken leader of our uprising.

  “For the safety of the females, they will only go to those willing to claim them with a partner. There should be at least two Monrok, to every female. The females…their spirits are strong, but their bodies are weak. They have no defenses. They are susceptible to illness. They get cold. Over warm. They will need to be fed, watered. And mating…” He shakes his head as if at a loss for words. “It is not the same as relieving your essence on your own. Your back is vulnerable while you fuck. You will need a second.”

  The room fills with chatter as the men pair off. Kein walks over to me, clapping me on the shoulder. “Who will be your second?”

  I turn to Jual in question and he nods. In show of our accord, we bind hands, forearms together, bumping elbows as is the way in the Jun’pn galaxy.

  “If you have been summoned, you must go to your female,” Kein says. “We must not let anyone suspect what is happening. We will meet you there. While you are mating, we shall take over the mainframe and seal off the entrances to the medical and the docking bays to all but Monrok. The vessel is set to jump in less than a half shift. We must move quickly.”

  Kein and I bind fists in farewell, and I nod to Jual before striding from the barracks with renewed purpose. As soon as I enter the foul medical bay, my skin tightens at the sterile scent. A gearan steps out of the lab room I have been directed to.

  My senses on guard, I step back at the sight of something in his hand. He holds it up for my inspection.

  “Pheromones,” he tells me. Like all gearan, his voice is an off-putting trill that makes my teeth grind.

  Not wanting to draw attention to myself, I allow him to spray me before I enter the lab room. The lights are dim, and the door swooshes closed behind me. The same type of heady, musky scent Kein was covered in hits me along with a riot of emotions.

  Fear, confusion, and an aching need.

  Most beings know of the Monrok ability to sense emotions, like a scent in the air. All beings I have ever encountered are capable of blocking their emotions to some degree, large or small. This vulnerable little human is either incapable or does not know how.

  She is emitting carnal frustration so strong it’s like a vibration I can touch.

  Long limbs and flushed pale skin greet my eyes. My female. They have injected her with the same type of vulgar stimulant they gave me.

  She whimpers from the lab table at the center of the room, pulling at her bindings. They have strapped her facedown on an incline with her naked posterior up, presented legs spread.

  My mouth goes dry at the sight of her. They’ve removed her body hair, and nothing bars the site of her naked sex. Her ripe cunt is glossy and swollen. And lovely. It is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.

  My cock strains in my pants, but I am unmoving, immobile as if my collar were once again activated. But it is not.

  I force one foot in front of the other until I am at her side. It’s then I notice the dark bruises on her pale skin from where I held her too tight and slammed into her too hard. Remorse fills me once again. I crouch by her face, so I am no longer tempted by the sight of her core, and brush fine strands of hair from her eyes.

  “Please, help me.” Her voice has a soft lilt that is telling in her origins on Earth. Her eyes are clouded with drug, and so dilated the light color I saw there before is all but eclipsed by her pupils. Tears leak from the corners, dripping to her temple.

  My stomach clenches. She now burns and suffers through the same fever to rut I did, but I fear she is still too internally damaged to mate.

  I lay the table flat and release her restraints. Her body is slick with sweat as I help her sit up. I try not to notice how soft and delicate and tempting she feels.

  She weakly clings to me, her torn, jagged nails scraping my skin as she sobs into my chest, rubbing her body against me. “What is happening to me?”

  “They have given you a serum. You are in a mating fever.”

  “N-no mating.” She tries to push me away, only succeeding in toppling from the medical table in her disoriented state.

  I move to assist her, but she holds up a hand to ward me off, scuttling back. She has the other between her legs, rubbing furiously. I watch in horrid fascination, my cock pulsing painfully.

  Tears roll down her cheeks, and I scent her anguish as she crests through her pleasure only to discover the fever need is still upon her. Likely worse.

  I know the fiery grip of that need. Experienced it only cycles ago.

  Every muscle in my body clenched tight, I drop to my knees at her feet. “I can help you.”

  Turning her face away, she covers her mouth as she sobs but spreads her knees wide in offering.

  Humbled, I ease forward, stretching out on my stomach. The second my mouth settles over her heat, she shudders. Tangy warmth coats my tongue. Her hands move to the back of my head, fisting my hair, holding me to her. I fight the instinct to pull out of her grasp and exert my dominance.

  She is already completely powerless and at my mercy.

  My tongue spears her silky folds, licking up to her little pebble of nerves. I circle it with some pressure before grazing my teeth over it to test its sensitivity. She loudly moans and sobs as she ruts against my face, her pain and confusion one with her desire.

  Liquid heat gushes against my chin, and I startle before realizing she’s expressing mating lubricant. My cybernetics work to even my rapid pulse rate. I try to remind myself it is only the fever causing her anguish, but the taste and scent of her pleasure as her cunt ripples in orgasm takes hold of me.

  My vision hazes and clears as my cock throbs in need. I painfully grind my hips into the floor, punishing my cock for wanting more than I will allow it.

  My little human crests again, sobbing and begging for more, and it’s nearly my undoing. My cybernetics have to steady my trembling as I carefully breach her with my fingers. Her perfect heat takes my thick, scarred digits with ease, but I still go slowly. The walls of her narrow channel stretch and contract on me, the feel of her making my mind reel. I am engulfed in the slickest warmth.

  She writhes on my fingers, holding my face to her cunt, and my groin pulls tight. Her back arches on a cry, new wetness gushing over my hand, her body quaking with release. My groin seizes, essence spilling in my pants in near painful pulls, but I continue sucking and tonguing her. Her moans ring in my ears. Her grasping fingers claw at me, but I can’t stop.

  I fight revulsion at my own weakness, but I never want to stop tasting her.

  The door behind me glides open, and I jerk around. The female grips my hair tighter and tries to draw me back to her.

  For a moment, Jual and I stare at each other in surprise. He takes in the scene, his mouth opening and closing. Seeming to come back to himself, he waves us forward. “We must go.”

  Monrok pass the open doorway before a scream rings from down the way. I stand and pull her up. She stumbles forward, the slickness between her legs causing a squelching sound with each step, and she whimpers.

  “Give me your shirt to cover her.” I do not want the others to be tempted by her nakedness while she is in this state.

  Jual eyes mine as well as the front of my pants, damp from my release, and pulls his over his head. With a tenderness I have never seen from him, he eases the garment over her head, helping her arms through. He strokes his knuckles over her cheek with the same care before stepping away.

  “One of us must carry her,” I say, giving him the option. “They have drugged her, and she is too weak to run.”

  His eyes wander over her and then back at the front of my clothes. “You take her. The way she is projecting her need, I would likely suffer the same fate as you.”

  I grimace but swing her up in my arms.

  We make our way down the passage, and Mudah struggles with a female behind us. She growls viciously of how she will tear his lifebringer from his body and piss down his throat with it. She emits an acrid odor of rage and a hunger for violence.

  Jual’s gaze meets mine in an unspoken understanding. We are fortunate in our female.

  She sobs her distress against my chest, and I pull her tighter against me. She may weep all she wishes as long as she does not threaten to mutilate me.

  I scan my internal data, checking the intel from Kein while listening for any disturbances in front of us. He has sent the coordinates of the planet we are taking for our own, along with a shuttle assignment.

  Each shuttle is to follow a different route. Those with humans will follow the most direct courses.

  Jual jogs forward. Two Zapex round the corner, the swirling blue depths of their eyes going wide in their otherwise placid faces. There is barely a scuffle. Jual effortlessly disposes of them, snapping their necks before either can call out our presence. He checks the passageways ahead and waves us forward.

  I glance down as we pass the bodies, noting one was the scientist who examined our female after I nearly destroyed her. He was one of the aheh who caused me to brutalize her. I am sorry I couldn’t squeeze the life out of him myself. Watch as his eyes bulged and his blood gurgled up his throat. He went too quickly.

  He should have suffered.

  The rest of the way is clear and quiet. So quiet I wonder if all the Zapex on board have been disposed of or have been detained. Apprehension moves through me, my senses on high alert.

  Entering the shuttle bay, we go directly to our space craft, linking up our cybernetics and opening the hatch. I bound in, Jual close behind me. We waste no time starting the engines and checking the status of our tash stone, the shuttle’s sole power source.

  We may have to jump multiple times to get to Kadeema, where we are all meeting. The planet lies on the outskirts of the War’wok solar system, dangerously near Ko’sar’s territory. We do not want to find ourselves without an energy source halfway there.

  The seats rise up in front of the control panel, and I sit with the female in my arms. She is still crying lightly but not emitting her emotions as strongly. Her damp eyelashes rest against her cheeks, and I believe she slumbers.

  The shuttle lifts as Jual navigates us to the shuttle bay’s sub doors, and I get a sense of anticipation I have never felt before.

  Once we leave this ship, everything changes.

  Without warning every muscle in my body goes rigid. Paralysis is gripping me. I see Jual is in a similar stasis, our internal collars activated.

  “Was I not benevolent?”

  Kaihan. His sanctimonious voice rings around us like he is in the craft with us, but he is not.

  Immobile, we face the sub doors to the bay and do not know where our creator taunts us from, or what is happening. But we do know. Somehow the Zapex have already taken back control of the ship, or have blasted through the passages cut off to them.

  Denials and curses rage in my head. We should have had more time.

  Jual’s face is pinched and lined in anger. I know his thoughts reflect mine. Kein promised he had a plan, and as Monrok, we must trust he has prepared for every eventuality. We’re too close to freedom to entertain thoughts of defeat.

  The female stirs. Her eyes are still dilated with drug as she peers up at me and then Jual, taking in the fact we are in a shuttle.

  “What’s happening?” She pushes away from me, scrambling from my lap. Her enfeebled limbs give out under her, and she stumbles, falling onto her hands and knees.

  “Female, you will injure yourself,” Jual growls at her, but cannot so much as twitch in her direction.

  Her face scrunches in question as she peers at him, and then me. “Whas wrong with ju?” she slurs. “Whas happening?” I do not know how to explain our collars. I watch in horror as she crawls away from me. Hear her banging on the walls of the shuttle and hope she does not figure out how to open the hatch.

  A moment of silence and then her moan. Lust as well as her musky mating scent fill the space around us, making my cock stiffen to achy awareness.

  Jual faces in her direction, and he looks tortured.



  A male I haven’t seen before is watching me, his icy blue eyes shine brightly from his dark face, his body rigid. The other man is just as oddly locked in place. They are great, hulking beasts of men and should be frightening, but I’m too far gone to care. A blazing inferno rages inside me. I throb, every inch of my skin over sensitized.

  More tears roll down my cheeks. I’ve been dry-eyed for days. Numb. Now, I’m bombarded with sensations, and I can’t stop crying.

  I’ve found myself in some version of hell, and I can’t escape.

  There is no escape.

  Those blue freaks had come for me again and injected me with something vile, while I was still feeling bruised inside and out. I’m living a nightmare I can’t wake from.

  My fingers work furiously between my thighs, and my stomach seizes with cramps of need unfulfilled. A knot of frustration lodges in my throat and I scream. Those hulking men are captive audience to it all, and wish they would turn away.

  Before I was married, I would secretly touch myself late at night when I should be sleeping, and it filled me with more shame then than I’m capable of feeling now.

  My body tightens, and my eyes screw shut as I come, but it’s not enough. This burning ache won’t go away. An evil spirit has taken possession of me.

  In a startling burst, both men are moving.

  The one facing me jolts forward, freed from whatever invisible hands held him immobile.

  I scramble back, but I’m against a wall. I’m pinned. He’s over me, tugging me down by my waist until I’m under him, and I don’t have the power to fight.

  It hurts less if you lie still.

  It was true of my marriage, true of before…and I pray it’s true now.

  And maybe if he slakes his lust on me, this torturous driving hunger ’pulsing through me will go away.

  With a whoosh of air, his weight lifts off me. He and the other man struggle, the impact of them smashing down shaking the floor.

  “She is in need,” one snarls.

  “I will not let you damage her,” the other growls. His voice is dark and smoky and fills me with fear and confusion. I know that voice.


  I know him.

  He broke me.

  More tears. They are hot as my skin and offer no relief.

  He promised me retribution.

  He promised me death.

  “Kill me,” I whimper listlessly. My voice isn’t more than the barest of whispers, but they cease in their struggle, and both of their gazes’ jerk to me. “Please. Kill me.” Is it a sin to beg for death? A weakness of my spirit and faith? God could not have meant for me to struggle this way. Am I being punished?

  Maybe I’m already dead and this is my Hell.

/>   Almost certain I have been sent to perdition, my fingers go back to the part of my body crying for attention. I’m so wet, my heat slicks my thighs and pools under me. I’m aware I should be burning with embarrassment, but I just burn.

  “She knows not what she says.” Him.

  I do know. If this is life in this place, death would be a mercy.

  “I will offer her relief, not death.” The other is over me, but this time his touch is gentle, even though his look is anything but.

  “She is still healing.”

  “Hst. I will not harm her. Just get us off this vessel.”

  His hands fist at his sides and he grinds his teeth so hard I think they may break. He’s obviously unhappy with the words of the other, but moves away. I brace myself against the floor when the room we’re in starts moving. Squinting, I peer around and blink. “What’s happening?” I slur.

  “We are taking you somewhere safe.”

  Does he tell the truth? Will he take me home? He pushes hair from my face, watching the strands sift through his fingers, seemingly mesmerized.

  I do not believe him, but his nearness is distracting me. I fight the urge to rub against him.

  “Please.” I no longer know what I ask for. Death. Release. Anything.

  “Let me help you.” I have heard these words before from Him. And he did not hurt me. Not that time. I pray this other doesn’t hurt me either.

  He moves down my body and pushes my knees wide as he settles his large bulk between my thighs. I hiss in pleasure when his mouth covers my core, simultaneously feeding and squelching the hunger blazing inside me.

  I cry out, trembling in release, but it’s not enough.

  It’s never enough.

  I come twice more, never achieving bliss, before a black tide rolls over me, hazing my vision and sweeping me into oblivion.


  My ears ring, and my head pounds. A sharp burning sensation radiates from my left temple. It’s what woke me. Blinking my eyes open is a mistake.

  I can’t see anything. All is darkness. I put my hand in front of my face, but I see nothing there. Hot tears scorch down, wetting my hairline, and panic claws at my throat.


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