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Keeping Their Human: Monrok Warriors 2

Page 16

by Aubrey Cara


  Author’s Note

  Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed. I’m having a blast writing about the Monrok Warriors, and have a few more in the works. There will be a spin off, Abduction series, which will be lighter than this one. And a Monrok Masters series that is a bit darker.

  Look for my next upcoming book Their Human Pets, the first in my Monrok Masters series, set to come out the late summer, 2017.

  You can SUBSCRIBE TO MY NEWSLETTER or visit my website @ to stay up to date on upcoming books, and giveaways.

  If you’re new to the series, you can check out the first chapter of Monrok Warriors 1, Taking Their Human on the next page.


  The human harvest has begun…

  Upon waking in a dimly lit white room, my biggest fear was that I had been kidnapped by a serial killer. I learned there are things out here in the universe much worse than anything on Earth. And, even if you escape, you can never go home.

  They’re not kind, these being who stole me and want to use me as chattel. The others—part man, part machine— have claimed me for their own, but I’m far from saved.

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  MONROK WARRIORS: Taking Their Human

  A Monrok Ménage Catalyst Novella

  By Aubrey Cara

  Chapter One


  Some people wake up gradually. They lounge in the comfort of their beds and let the light streaming in infiltrate their brain while they lie in denial until they can refute no longer the fact they must face the day.

  I’ve never been like that. My eyes pop open the second I’m awake, the need to get up and be active on me. This is the first time I’ve ever lain in bed doing the denial routine.

  Am I even awake?

  I’m certainly not in my bed.

  The room is white and all angles. It’s definitely not mine. Nor is the squishy gel-like mat I’m lying on. The lights are recessed and provide a dim glow giving the sensation of night. I’m trying not to freak out. I look down and pat myself. I’m wearing the same jeans and T-shirt I put on. I search my brain and try to remember where I was last. My apartment, maybe? Did I fall asleep?

  As stupid as it may sound, I feel awake. Yet, this has to be the strangest dream I’ve ever had.

  There is no doorway in this peculiar room, just one open wall. An incandescent glow shimmers in the space, but I can still see through to the other side. Another white wall, of course. Getting up, I pad over to the opening. The closer I get, the more I can hear a hum.

  When I reach out a finger, a sizzle much like a static charge zaps my finger. I yank my hand back to rub and shake out the hurt.

  “Hello?” My voice is shaky with nerves. I’m like the girl in a horror film. I bang on the wall next to me and speak up. “Hello? Anyone out there?”

  There’s no reply. Just the eerie hum of the electric doorway. I scan the room for video surveillance. Am I even now being watched? Icy fingers of panic crawl up my back. Taking a deep breath, I try to calm myself and assess the situation. I’m not coming up with any good explanations for waking up in a place like this all alone. There has to be a way out of here, and it’s possibly through the shimmer wall. I’m not sure if the electric charge is strong enough to hold me if I try forcibly breaking through, but there is only one way to find out.

  I back up a few feet. The room isn’t large, so I’m standing on the mat, my back to the wall.

  Taking a running start, I jump at the opening.

  With a painful jolt, every muscle in my body seizes. Lit up like a Christmas tree, I’m flung backwards across the small space. I hit the opposite wall with a thud and fall to the mat, ears ringing. Every nerve in my body is on fire, racked in agony. It’s like the misery of being bitten by a hundred army ants all at once.

  Panting, I flop onto my back, and wait for the pain to ebb. I take in my surroundings once again. This isn’t a dream. I’m being held captive. And the sadistic bastard has me trapped.

  My mind spins with implications and psychological horror film scenarios, none of them good. The possibilities of pain and torture are endless.

  Panic constricts my chest making it hard to breath. I try to calm. To breathe. It’s not working.

  Why the hell would anyone take me? Who would take me? I’m just a twenty-year-old waitress from Iowa. No one gives a shit about me.

  Since my parents died when I was sixteen, I’ve been on my own. For a very short time, I went to live with my aunt, but her husband was grabby, and she had low self-esteem. When I took my stuff and left, she was more relieved than concerned. Outside of my ex-boyfriend, my boss and coworkers at the diner, no one knows I exist.

  Crap. Maybe that’s why I was taken. No one knows I exist.

  They make movies about these kinds of abductions. The ones you hear about on the news and think could never happen to you. It never pays to be the loner. This may be the hi-tech basement of some sadistic bastard’s house. I could be kept here for years, maybe decades, before anyone finds me.

  I fight off the tide of helplessness threatening to wash over me. The only ones who get away are those who keep trying to escape. I need to find a way to accomplish that.

  When my parents died, I’d been hollowed out and scared out of my mind. Heartbroken and alone. But I had survived.

  I can survive this.

  No, I will survive this.

  I don’t know what I’m up against but I’m getting the hell out of here.

  Filled with determination or insanity, I get up and steel my spine. I’d rather kill myself trying to escape than be tortured over weeks, months…years.

  A yell like the roar of a battle ready warrior of the past rips from me. Running, I hurl myself at the shimmer wall. Pain grips me and flings me back.

  Shit. I writhe on the floor, gasping for breath.

  The pungent scent of my own urine greets me before I feel any of the telltale signs. I’ve pissed myself. My pants are soaked through with it, but I don’t care. When I can breathe, I get up, my legs like rubber.

  My entire body fights me, but I do it again.

  The third time, I smell my hair burning as I pass out.


  Groggy, I come to, stumbling down a passageway with the aid of a half-naked man. Every step sends a jolt of pain spiking up my legs. The floor is metal and cold under my socked feet. The man assisting me is well-defined, bald, and blue.

  A beautiful, irradiant blue-green color.

  On. His. Skin.

  I squint, my mind reeling, but it’s still there. Still that color. Licking my finger, I rub it over his skin, trying to take off the paint or dye. Only then does he gaze down at me.

  Well, shit.

  His eyes are pure black slanted orbs and not human. Not human at all. His nose is almost flat with nothing but slits for nostrils. He’s a foot taller than me, wearing silk-like flowy pants but no shirt. Now that I’m really looking, he has no nipples.

  Shit, shit, shit, shit. I’m not nearly lucid enough to process this right now. If it weren’t for his bruising grip on my arm, I would be back to thinking I was dreaming.

  A door in the passageway swishes open and I’m pulled through, scrambling to keep up. The room has a sterile smell much like a hospital. There’s a strange table in the middle of the room, but I instinctively know what it is.

  An exam table.

  Fear punches through me. All groggy disorientation disappears. The aches and pains fade back. In fact, I’ve never been more alert in my life. Adrenaline grips me. Time to freak-the-eff-out is upon me. I push at my captor, fighting for the first time. I’m weak, my body sore from my foray with the electric wall, but I have panic on my side. Making me strong.

  Just not strong enough.

  More blue hands yank at my clothes, stripping me. Screaming and kicking in helpless frustration, the last of my modesty is torn away. Naked, I’m unceremoniously shoved into an opening the size of a small closet. I don’t have ti
me to wonder where I am before the wall seals shut.

  I’m boxed in. Confined.

  Screaming, I bang on the wall as a fine astringent smelling mist covers me from head to toe. I close my eyes, momentarily blinded. It fills my mouth and nose. Spitting and coughing, I struggle for breath. The mist burns my skin. Terror grips me. I pound on the walls.

  Another mist covers me. This one is oilier and soothes my aching skin. It has a pleasant fresh scent but does nothing to calm me. I’m blasted with air all around me, so intense I can’t breathe to scream.

  Panting, I scrub at my face when it abruptly stops. “Let me out!” Blinking open my eyes, I’m blinded by bright lights. An opening appears.

  Two bare-chested blue men grab me. Their cruel hands yank me out of the booth. I stumble and pull at their hold. The examination table has been contorted in the middle to make a sex pillow like wedge. It’s made of four segments. The front two slope up, and the third is straight down, making an angle. The last segment is flat.

  I struggle with all my might, but they still easily maneuver me facedown on the cold surface, my naked ass in the air. I fight in earnest as my thighs are wrenched into an open position. Restraints tighten over my thighs, calves, and wrists.

  Pure terror rips from my throat, ringing in my ears. Tears of frustration and fear leak down to my hairline. I’m a sobbing, screaming mess. Immobile, I squirm, but it’s no use. The bindings are padded, but solid enough not to allow any kind of movement.

  From the corner of my eye, I see a new figure enter the room. He has such grace he appears to be floating. The satiny kimono-like robes he wears match his blue-green skin tone, but are interlaced with gold patterns.

  Unlike the man who brought me here, his eyes are a startling glowing green. He also has hair. Oily ink-black hair starts at the top of his head and flows down to his lower back, knotted in segments to make a long tail.

  Although mesmerizing, his face is devoid of emotion as he glides towards me.

  My body tenses; my stomach twists in a sick knot. A tremor races through me. From shock or terror, I don’t know.

  “So this is the new human female we have acquired?” he asks, running a boney hand down my flank. I flinch, but he doesn’t seem to notice.

  It’s only when one of the men who brought me in answers him that I notice their chiming voices. Or their language, more likely. They’re not speaking English, yet I understand their words perfectly.

  Standing at my head, he asks, “Can you understand me, human?”

  Shaking, I can’t will my vocal cords to work. I blink at him as more tears leak from my eyes.

  Giving a command that does not translate, the robed man holds out his hand. He takes a thin tube and holds it to my arm.

  After a pinprick, the raw fear I’ve been inundated with begins to recede. A languid sensation sweeps through me.

  He’s drugged me.

  Even as my racing heart calms, a small voice in the back of my head reminds me I should be freaking out.

  My thoughts scatter. The voices around me waft in a thick fog. My body starts to prickle uncomfortably, and I want to squirm. The drugs they gave me are making me aroused. Feeling my body heat, I start crying in earnest.

  It’s long moments before the robed man is back in front of me. “I see she is decontaminated. That is good. Open your mouth, human.” His voice is hypnotic.

  Without thought, I sniffle, opening my mouth.

  “Excellent. The translator does work,” he says as he runs his fingers along my teeth.

  I’m outside of myself as he holds my mouth open with a thumb on my tongue and fingers under my chin.

  He turns my head this way and that, shining a penlight down my throat. He leans close during inspection. His unnatural scent is darkly seductive and sends awareness to my naked bits. My nipples tighten, and I whimper as my body reacts to him.

  “She is responding to the pheromones. Make a note of it.” Standing up, he dispassionately looks me over. “Bring her to an orthostatic position.”

  The men release me, but I’m still bound. The restraints aren’t connected to the table. They’re electromagnetic or something. They stand me up, arms over my head, legs kicked out farther than shoulder width. With a click, the restraints lock up in the air at the position they put me in.

  A telltale slickness on my thighs makes me cringe. I hate that they’ve drugged me, but it’s allowed the blind panic to ebb. My mind is still sluggish, my body’s reaction a betrayal.

  “How long ‘‘ave I been here? What d’you want with me?” My words come out sounding drunken and it’s a struggle to keep my head up.

  The robed man’s lips pull up in a slight sickly smile, but he says nothing. He yanks at my pubic hair, a distasteful expression on his face. “Alter the follicle cavities over her sheath and body with proper sensory receptors that will block any pathogens.” He studies me for a moment. “Do this on all the females. We do not want them falling susceptible to illness.”

  His thin hands roam down to my hips and back up to my breasts, pinching my nipples tightly. I squeal and jerk at my restraints, wanting to bat his cruel hands away even as my sex clenches.

  He pulls something out of his pocket. A thin flat leather strip with a handle, no longer than his hand. With a sharp flick of his wrist, he slaps my face with it. I gasp. More tears sting my eyes, this time from shock and pain. My cheek throbs.

  “Behave, human.” His voice is calm but authoritative.

  Despite the sedative, anger burns in my chest. My mouth tightens in a mutinous line.

  His air of disinterest cracks. Now he’s clearly annoyed. “Your defiance is showing, human.”

  In my head, I scream I don’t give a shit. But self-preservation prevails. I turn my gaze away from his, my body trembling once again. A fever has swept through me, filling me with a hollow ache between my legs, my head heavy.

  “I am Prince Kaihan of the Zapex,” he says casually, as if this were a regular meeting at any doctor’s office. “I have been studying the males of your species for quite a while. You, female, will go down in history as the first of your kind to be successfully bred with our Monrok.” His eyes flare triumphantly.

  That’s why he gave me the drugs that are making my body betray me. I’m about to be impregnated by aliens. But what kind of aliens? What did he say? Moonrocks? Munrooks? What?

  I’m not a lab experiment, I want to scream. I’m a human…and that means nothing here.

  He pulls out two black nubs then suctions one onto my right nipple. Lightning shoots through me. My breast throbs.

  “We are hopeful these will help stimulate early milk production.”

  I glance down at a little black capsule no bigger than a thimble clamped onto my nipple. Every few seconds it’s like a spark of electric current zaps through, painfully awakening every nerve ending in my body. He attaches the other nub to my left nipple.

  I whimper again, not even trying to hold back my reaction. My breasts swell and throb.

  A flush spreads through my belly and shoots down to my clit. Horrifyingly, wet heat leaks out of me.

  “Please, no,” I whimper. “Let me go.” I fight, yanking my arms and trying to kick my legs with no use.

  “You will be still,” he commands. He whips out the slapper thingy, striking with lightning speed, this time twice as hard.

  Stars dance before my eyes. Every muscle in my body freezes in shock, my cheek throbbing once again.

  Satisfied with my obedience, he stands back and cocks his head. “Interesting,” he says like he can tell what’s happening to my body. “Place her back in position.”

  My cuffs, while still attached, are disengaged.

  I try to break free from their hold. I’m not sure where I’d go. It’s clear now I must be on a spaceship of some kind. It doesn’t matter. They efficiently place me in the vulnerable exposed position once again. I cry out as my over-sensitized breasts are smashed down under my own weight.

over my shoulder I see the bastard is putting on rubber like gloves and being handed something I don’t recognize at first. Then I realize it’s a speculum. My stomach drops.

  Standing at my hip he places a large hand at the small of my back. Making a sshhing sound like I’m a farm animal he doesn’t want to startle, he breaches my vaginal entrance with the cold clamp. The sensations from the nodes on my nipples have made me humiliatingly wet and ease his way.

  When it’s seated, he clicks it open, uncomfortably stretching me.

  Tears slide down my face at the invasion. Whimpering, I try to fidget away from him, despite the bonds holding me. His free hand snaps down on my ass with stinging force.

  Despite my discomfort, my sex clenches at his strike. My face flames as I leak new arousal. His touch is as clinical as my gynecologist’s, but my body reacts like it’s anything but. Something scrapes deep inside me, and my lower abdomen cramps. He’s taking samples.

  I cringe at the sloppy sound my sex makes as he removes the clamp only to shove his unforgiving fingers back inside me. He pulls them out then pushes them back in. “Interesting.”

  He pumps his fingers in and out. I grit my teeth and hide my face with shame. Arousal is leaking from my core at his ministration.

  “Summon the Monrok. The female is ready to mate.”

  Snapping off his glove, he stands near my head and pats my hair, like I’m a good pet.


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