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Ruthless: A Dark Mafia Romance

Page 12

by Piper Stone

  I sat back, curtailing my anger. I eyed what he’d brought, knowing exactly what the headlines were going to say. “He’s there when I need him.”

  “What? You want a drink?” Shrugging, he grabbed two glasses even without my answer.

  I gave him another stern look, making him cringe.

  “Why here? There are thousands of places to go,” he offered.

  “Because this is my home.”

  “Yeah, but you’re in danger and you decided to come back to Chicago. I had other much more secure locations picked out and ready for you to go to.”

  “You mean like Columbus and the prick of a medical director who sold me out?” I could see a single bead of sweat running down the side of Marco’s face.

  “I haven’t been able to determine that yet, but he’ll be handled if necessary. You know that. I heard he was a friend to the family. You can count on me.” He moved closer, nodding several times as if that made this entire situation easier to tolerate.

  A friend to the family. I’d keep that in the back of my mind.

  “No more bloodshed right now, Marco and that’s a direct order. Until I know completely what we’re dealing with, we’re gonna lay low.” My goal was to track Michael’s whereabouts, and find out exactly what he had to gain. I’d already managed to locate a single connection to the don of the New York syndicate, but it wasn’t enough to convict him in our world.

  “Yeah? And how long do you think it’s gonna be before someone figures out you’re here, namely Michael?”

  I chuckled and took the drink from his hand. “Michael will have his day. You just need to trust me on that.”

  “And what about the Feds? You know they have this house watched.”

  “Not a problem. I am going to have a chat with the boys in blue. I’m nothing but a victim to them at this point. They can handle the Feds after that.”

  “Sweet God almighty. You must have balls the size of melons. Good thing we have a few of Chicago’s finest on the payroll at least.” Marco flopped down in the chair opposite my desk. “Aren’t you even gonna read the headlines?”

  “It’s called hiding in plain sight and my resurrection is imminent. It seems both the New York syndicate as well as our Consigliere are under the impression that I’m dead. I plan on keeping my death a tragedy for as long as possible.” I wasn’t going to run any longer, but I did need time. There were exactly three of my crew who knew where I was and that would narrow down any leaks or betrayals. If another one occurred, heads would roll.

  “Well, the Feds bought it. Word on the street is that you died in the Chicago hospital from injuries received during a recent massacre.”

  “Your doing?”

  “I thought it was prudent.”

  Anger swelled but I tamped it back down. “Don’t think on your own, Marco. Just follow orders.” I could tell he was insulted. There was little time to worry about anyone’s sensitivities.

  “Yes, boss. Just so you know, I’m not entirely certain that New York had anything to do with the recent hit attempt.”

  “Jacko wasn’t smart enough to sell out to the New York crew. They would have iced him prior to the hit attempt. From what I’ve heard, Don Giotano trusts fewer people than my father did.”

  “Michael. Has to be.”

  “Maybe, but I’ll know within days. If he ordered the hit and they don’t find my body, he’ll be forced to go to extremes.” Exhaling in disgust, I pushed the newspaper away and fingered the rim of the glass. “What else have you heard?”

  “You’re not gonna like it.”

  Lifting my glass, I took a long sip. I wasn’t in the mood to be second guessed.

  “There isn’t a contract out on that lady doctor friend of yours. I talked with every informant and listened to the shit on the street. Nobody cares about her.”

  I savored the flavor of my drink, glad to be in my own surroundings and thought about Marco’s words. He obviously didn’t have a true understanding of syndicate politics. A hit wouldn’t be announced but leaked, and he wouldn’t be on the receiving end. “There will be in time. Someone will figure out her involvement with me. Did you clean up the site?”

  “Yeah, had a sweeper team come in. The hospital thinks it was a random event and since you were never there, no one’s doing much talking. The asshole medical director is following orders, at least so far. On second thought, I don’t like it though, boss. The man could turn at any time. I say we take him out before he does.”

  I smashed my fist on the desk, forcing Marco to jump. “As long as certain people buy the fact I’m dead, then I might have all the time I need. Leave it alone.”

  “Sure... Sure, boss.”

  “What about Jagger?” Flexing my hand, I did everything to shut down the increasing rage. I had to have full control in order to see this thing through.

  Marco shifted in his seat, looking even more uncomfortable. “Well, from what I heard, Michael has a lead on where he is. Some tropical island, but I don’t think he’s alone. That chick who owns the company Bishop Enterprises was trying to purchase? Seems like he made her a deal she couldn’t refuse.”

  I chuckled at the thought. Maybe my brother had a dark side to him after all. “Keep me informed. I’ll need to talk to him in the next few days, but it has to be at the right time.” It was better for him to believe that I was dead, if that was the case.

  “What are you going to do now?”

  “I’m going to do what I do best, protect my friends and family.”

  “Can I give you some advice, boss?” Marco leaned forward in his seat, fiddling with his glass.

  Waving my hand, I had a feeling I knew what he was going to say. “Yeah, go ahead.”

  “Be careful of Michael. He’s not to be underestimated. He might not be the one behind the hit entirely, if you know what I mean.”

  I knew exactly what he meant. “I’m no fool, Marco. You should know that by now.”

  “I meant no disrespect.”

  Sighing, I took another sip of my drink, debating everything I needed to do. I’d known shadows of darkness my entire life, certain memories repressed based on actions of my father. I’d even shielded my brother on several occasions so that he wouldn’t be forced to face my father’s wrath. The irony was bittersweet. I’d turned into the very same man I’d loathed my entire life, forced to helm a murderous organization. There was no other option. There was no denying my destiny. I’d been bred since a small boy to take over the legacy of deceit, lies, and murder, the very thing that caused my mother’s death. I raised my glass to my dead father’s memory. One time. There wouldn’t be a second. “None taken. Just watch my back and keep the feelers out but quietly. If all goes according to plan after this, I’m going to make you a captain.”

  Smiling, he rose from his chair, beaming. “I appreciate the nod.”

  “Let me know when Michael makes a move and... become his best friend. I want to know if he thinks I’m dead or not.”

  “Will do, boss.”

  “And make no mistake. If he makes a move to take over the family, his demise will be by my hands.” The words were chilling, even for me.

  Marco’s silence was enough of a statement. The Calduchi family, such as it remained, expected me to become the brutal and demonstrative leader.

  And I wouldn’t fail them.

  I heard footsteps mere seconds later, my friend and a man as close to serving as my brother as I could imagine leaving not just my office but soon my house. He wouldn’t return until we were close to the end.

  Another turf war.

  Another vicious fight.

  Additional bloodshed.

  I chuckled and swirled the remaining liquid in my glass, shifting my gaze toward the ceiling. Above me housed what could be my only possible means of deliverance from evil. The thought was as riveting as it was basic damnation. For all my efforts at becoming a savior, I’d slipped into becoming a martyr and all because of my upbringing.

  I didn’t b
other acknowledging Marco’s exit, merely easing back in the rather expensive leather chair. I needed time to process, but even more than that, I needed the feel of warm hands caressing my skin, rebuffing the monster living so dangerously close to the surface.

  My salvation.

  My redemption.

  My obsession.

  * * *


  “Pleasure will only be mine to allow. And to give.”

  Everything about his words stilled me, sending shards of electricity scattering throughout my bloodstream. He knew exactly what to say. He understood me in ways no man had ever dared even try. “Yes, sir.” The words were muttered easily this time, as if he’d always been in charge. My arms ached from the brutal position, my wrists chafing from the thick rope wound in an impossible manner. I was his prisoner for as long as he determined.

  He seemed to enjoy my admittance, allowing me to see the delight on his face as he languished over several sips of wine. He studied me with a poignant look, as if I was his prized possession, an object instead of a person, while shifting his wineglass in semicircles.

  There was no reason the shift in his glass should provide entertainment or even annoyance, but both sentiments entered my mind. Even though I had difficulty swallowing, I did so as nonchalantly as possible, as if my lack of expression would mean anything to a man like him. I wanted this. I craved his touch. I longed for his mouth tasting every part of me, but there was a fleeting moment of self-preservation, as if acknowledging his control would forever ensnare me in his web.

  Then again, it was already too late.

  Gio polished off the glass, almost tossing the cheap crystal onto the counter. I concentrated on the action, remembering the silly trip to the mountains, a tiny gift shop where I’d purchased only two of the same goblets. I hadn’t been able to afford any more. They’d been a prized possession then, an adult purchase, complete with a rather expensive bottle of merlot.

  Now, the glass seemed tawdry, as cheap as the woman hanging from a polished chrome rod, my weight no doubt bending the aluminum screws. I almost burst into laughter but refrained from making any noise. He didn’t like to be interrupted in any manner.

  “My beautiful Minx deserves nothing less.”

  He fell to his knees in such a graceful manner that I almost didn’t notice he’d performed the action but suddenly his rugged hands had positioned my legs. I could no longer feel my feet, although I knew they’d been placed on the tub. All I could think about was what my mother would think.

  “You’re a tramp, just like I knew you’d be.”

  The memory of her words was a bitter reminder of a past I’d hidden, escaping from another level of darkness.

  “Sweet, beautiful, and my perfect submissive.”

  I’d never heard him use the term and I had no rebuttal, no remark at all. The moment he sliced his tongue across the back of my knee, I whimpered, shuddering as my entire body responded. I hated my body’s infidelity but there was no denial of the acute sensations rocketing down my spine. I wanted this. Shame? I would fight to regain the concept at a later date. Right now, I simply craved his power.

  Inhaling, he rubbed his hands in the most delicate manner along the insides of my legs, a whisper of a touch. His primal growl as he neared my pussy forced me to close my eyes, if only for a brief moment. He knew I’d watch.

  And I did.

  His fingers lightly touched the sensitive skin along the crease of my thighs before blowing across my clit. The dark laugh I’d come to love yet fear seemed more intense than before.

  He darted his tongue around my clit once, twice, and a third time and I couldn’t hold back my ragged moan.

  And a mere second before he placed his fully open mouth on my pussy, I heard the same word. Only this time, I believed him.


  The images were wistful, even delicious but the haze left swimming around my foggy brain was nothing in comparison to the wretched pain shooting into my temples. I moved my mouth, cognizant that my throat was nothing but sandpaper. Everything was a blur, no amount of blinking providing any relief. I managed to form a fist with one hand, my fingers twisting around something very soft and pliable. Where in the hell was I?

  I tried to think. Why was I having such a difficult time?

  My house. The stupid movie. Far too much wine. Sniffing, I attempted to turn, trying to wrap both arms around my chest, but one wouldn’t budge. I tried again, struggling to bring my hand in front of me. A moment of raw pain thrashed through me. I kicked out, pitching and twisting, the action only resulting in a jolt of pure agony.


  “Oh!” The sound seemed to reverberate almost everywhere. Panic tried to take over, but I refused, clenching my eyes closed.

  Slowly, painstakingly slowly a few memories floated into the back of my mind. Full-fledged alarm rushed in, terror encompassing every cell. I jerked up, blinking and taking several deep breaths. Slowly, my field of vision altered, the cloud shrinking in until I was able to make out certain details. Think and breathe. Keep your wits. I scanned the room, trying to calm the adrenaline. The only light was from the windows, shadows already replacing contrasts, but I could make out a few objects.

  A dresser.

  A tall window.

  A massive wooden door.

  I twisted my head to one side, not able to understand anything I was seeing. Someone had kidnapped me and brought me here?

  Two stuffed chairs.

  An ornate armoire.

  Another door.

  None of this made any sense. After taking another deep breath, I relived the evening after I left the hospital one more time.

  Driving to my house. Turning on a movie. Dozing off. Anna’s phone call. “Fuck.” A booming noise. And... and... “No. No!” The words were softly whispered, husky from my condition yet full of terror. I had been kidnapped, a rag containing some kind of chemical placed over my mouth. I remembered trying to scream and the last vision that of a dark bag or blanket being tossed over my head. Jerking up, the pain in my arm increased. Then I realized the reason why. One arm had been secured by a large metal chain, a thick leather strap secured around my wrist, the entire contraption locked around a huge iron post. I stared in horror at the binding, jerking several times in a futile attempt to free myself. I knew better than to cry out for help.

  There was no one coming to save me.

  Giovanni had been right. His danger surrounded me and would never leave. The moment I’d entered into a sinful tryst with a mafia king, everything I knew in my life became fodder for monsters. Whoever had abducted me would use me for bait, their attempt at destroying the man I...

  A lump formed in my throat, choking me even as a laugh bubbled to the surface. I actually cared about him. I had to be losing my freaking mind. My mind shifted to Anna’s phone message. A shooting. “No,” I exclaimed then slapped my hand over my mouth. They’d come for Gio at the same time.

  A single creaking noise made me scuttle backwards, slamming against the iron headboard. I stared at the door for a full minute until I realized that no one was coming inside. Fisting my mouth to keep from crying out, I finally took a real look at my surroundings. The room was expansive, beautiful in detail and design, complete with a hardwood floor and expensive art hanging on the walls.

  Everything about my imprisoned state was surprising. Yes, I was chained like an animal, but there was even a pitcher of water as well as a plastic cup on the nightstand, courtesy of my kidnappers. The waning light created the most incredible series of shadows dancing across the furniture. Even the way the vibrant colors of the modern art were highlighted by the slender strip of sunlight was haunting yet beautiful.

  A prison meant for a queen.

  I laughed, easing my head against the bed, fearful of making too much noise. I didn’t think this kind of house was located in a typical neighborhood in Columbus. This was a bedroom fit for royalty.

  “Think.” I whispered the word, now
sitting cross-legged. Gio had told me little about his enemies, not that I wanted to know, but given what I read, this was all about a takeover attempt. Some group from New York was trying to muscle in, assuming control of the Calduchi ventures and holdings. I bit back a laugh. I was rationalizing this as if the crime syndicate was a professional corporation. Granted, I’d read that even the FBI acknowledged a significant portion of the Calduchi Enterprises included lucrative and tax-paying C corporations. The rest was what the Feds wanted to shut down.

  After learning as much as possible, one thing was certain. Giovanni was a very wealthy man, he and his younger brother worth over one hundred million dollars, and that was based on the legitimate side of the operation. No wonder both men had targets on their back.

  And my worth?

  There was no love between us. Whether Gio had some need to dominate was entirely different. He wouldn’t risk his operation or his family for me. There were plenty of other women eager to take my place. The thought was paralyzing, but as long as the abductor believed I was someone of importance, I would stay alive. Maybe, oh God, maybe I could figure out an escape plan.

  I struggled to pour a glass of water, sniffing before taking a sip. It was still cool but it didn’t appear tainted. My hand shook the entire time and the liquid tasted better than any ever had. The light continued to wane, shadows forming creatures in my mind. I wasn’t usually terrified of the dark, but tonight would be an exception.

  As the last vestiges of daylight fell behind the horizon, I shivered and fought tears. They certainly weren’t going to do me any good. Gio. Please find me. Please. Lowering my head, I knew I’d lost the battle, a single tear slipping past my eyelashes. I could swear the melodic sound of music was coming from another floor, but given nothing made any sense, I couldn’t be certain. I was alone, maybe for an extensive period of time.

  There was no way of knowing just how much time had slipped by, but I heard footsteps seconds before the shifting of a lock. There was no method of finding a weapon or protecting myself, but I shifted silently into a crouching position, ready for any attack.


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