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Propositioning Mr. Raine (Riding the Raines Book 1)

Page 9

by Laurann Dohner

  “Of course not.”

  “I know you have to be shit with money since Ted had to treat you like you were a kid rather than a woman. He took care of everything. He—”

  “Don’t.” She cut him off.

  “He deserved better. You were always wrong for him.”

  Pain and anger hit her. “He was happy. I quit my job because he asked me to, and we lived that way because he wanted that kind of life with me. Don’t blame me if you didn’t understand our lifestyle. He wanted to take care of everything and he wanted me at home to take care of him, and I did that. I was the best housewife I could be. I put aside all of my dreams and ignored what I wanted because I loved him, Paul. Don’t you dare accuse me of being wrong for him when I gave up everything to make him happy.”

  A snort sounded over the phone. “He knew you couldn’t do anything so he kept you at home. You’re one of those pathetic women who—”

  The phone made a loud sound when it slammed into the cradle. Trina stared at the receiver, stunned that she’d hung up on him, having never done that to Ted’s brother before, no matter how mean he got. He was bitter about Ted’s death and resentful that Ted had left everything to Trina. She was pretty sure he was even bitter that their marriage had lasted, while Paul had gone through four wives, proving what a big jerk he was.

  The phone rang. She hesitated. It rang again. She jerked it up. “I won’t let you talk to me that way, Paul. Do you understand me? I won’t be berated and put down. Do you get that? Don’t call here and start tearing into me. I lived to make Ted happy and it cost me plenty sometimes but I did it because I loved him that much.” She took a deep breath.

  “Trina?” Navarro’s voice came out soft. “This isn’t Paul. Are you all right? You sound pissed.”

  She closed her eyes. “I’m sorry. I just hung up on him and the phone rang. I thought you were him, calling me back.”

  “Who is this jerk?”

  “Ted’s younger brother.”

  Navarro hesitated. “Are you all right?”

  “I’m fine. I’m sorry. Hi.” Trina tried to shake off her anger.

  “Are you sure you’re all right?”

  She hesitated. “Ted’s brother is upset that Ted left everything to me. I was just his wife. The family thinks no matter how many years we were married, they should have gotten everything. Paul is particularly upset and he calls sometimes just to rile me, I swear. I’m really fine. I just didn’t expect his call or his verbal attack.” She took another deep breath, relaxing. “So to what do I owe the pleasure of your call?”

  He chuckled. “I loved the brownies the best. I had to fight Adam and Ryder for one of the loaves of banana bread. Thanks. You can bake for me anytime.”

  “I’m glad. I know I overdid it.”

  “We ate it all.”

  A sudden burst of laughter came from her as she lay back on her bed, Paul totally forgotten. “No way. I made enough to feed ten guys.”

  “We made breakfast out of the whole thing.” He laughed. “That’s why I’m calling. You offered to bring something to dinner so can you make us something for dessert? I was going to offer ice cream but after tasting what you take out of an oven, it just pales in comparison. Adam and Ryder are eating with us but then they’re going to the bar tonight so we’ll be alone.”

  “Okay. Any suggestions?”

  “Surprise me.” He lowered his voice. “I’m looking forward to the alone time with you the most.”

  “Me too.” Hearing his words made Trina smile as warmth spread throughout her body.

  “Thanks for the back rub last night. Thanks for everything.”

  “I had a good time.”

  “Sure you did. Sleeping in a barn on the uncomfortable dirt floor with me had to be a hell of a lot of fun.”

  “I did have a good time.” She sat up. “And I didn’t sleep on a dirt floor. I slept on you and you’re comfortable.”

  He chuckled. “Always happy to be there for you. I’ll see you at six.”


  “And babe?”


  “Don’t let that jerk get to you, okay?”

  “I won’t. See you then.” She hung up, grinning.

  Chapter Seven

  “You’re an excellent cook.” Trina smiled across the table at Navarro.

  “Now,” Adam laughed. “When he was sixteen, he invited a girl over and decided to impress her with his grilling techniques. He damn near burned the back porch down. We had to hose off him and his date.”

  “Not the kind of smoking-hot date he had in mind,” Ryder laughed.

  Navarro chuckled. “I learned to never grill that close to the house again.”

  Trina turned her attention on Adam. “So I take it you are a lifetime friend?”

  “Not lifetime but close. My mom worked for their dad after Ryder and River were born. We came to the ranch when I was four and I grew up here with them after that. My mom worked here right up until she died last year.”

  Ryder chuckled. “He’s one of us, and so is his brother Trip. We made them blood brothers when we were just kids. He about fainted when he realized real blood was involved.”

  “Cool. So do you have a place around here?” Trina couldn’t help but grin.

  Adam hesitated. “I live on the ranch.”

  Navarro met her gaze as she looked at him. “Adam put a nice mobile home on the land. He didn’t want to live with all of us in the house.”

  “‘Want’ wouldn’t exactly be my choice of word to use,” Adam chuckled, pointing at Ryder. “He kept stealing all the women I brought home. Between him, River, and Dusty, I couldn’t keep one for long, so I moved out so I could have the same woman in my bed more than a week at a time.”

  Trina grinned as her attention focused on Navarro. “What about you? Is he being polite and not mentioning your name? Did you try to swipe his girlfriends too?”

  “No.” Navarro didn’t smile. “I was engaged to Debbie at the time and then we got married.”

  Debbie. So that is the ex-wife’s name. She nodded and noticed the laughter had died when Navarro spoke. A glance at the other men revealed their grim expressions as they stared at Navarro. He met their gazes and then looked at Trina.

  “She was a bitch. She fooled me completely, but I didn’t want to see it. I was young and believed I was in love. For some reason she thought I owned the entire ranch and she was getting someone with a hell of a lot more money than I ever had. When she realized I wasn’t just modest but really didn’t have much money, she became spiteful.” His mouth twisted into a grim line. “She tried to fuck every one of my brothers and then she went after my friends.”

  Ryder took a sip of his beer. “We wouldn’t touch her.”

  “Damn straight.” Adam nodded. “Brothers don’t do that shit to brothers.”

  “My friends weren’t so saintly.” Navarro sighed. “I met her when I was on the rodeo circuit, so I should have known better. She was kind of wild but she was fun. I talked about the ranch and how I wanted to retire from the circuit to go home. Then I got hurt, so while I was recovering she got me to marry her and I brought her home when I was well enough. It all fell apart hard.”

  “I’m sorry.” Trina meant it. “You got hurt on the rodeo circuit?”

  A surprised look was on Adam’s face. “She hasn’t seen the scar?”

  Ryder snickered. “Sorry, man. Maybe you can show her soon.”

  Trina frowned. “I saw some scars on you but…”

  Navarro shot Adam and Ryder a dirty look. “I got gored in the nuts by a bull. Unless you lift them up and look on the backside, near my ass, you won’t see the scar.”

  Trina nodded, understanding now what was so amusing to Adam and Ryder. “I missed that. I was too impressed with the front view to pay attention to anything else.”

  Adam choked on his beer. Ryder laughed, pounding him hard on the back. Navarro chuckled.

  “I’ll show you soon. That’s why I can
’t have kids. Everything works but that part of me. At first I was terrified I’d never be able to have sex again, so I know I should count myself lucky that being sterile was the worst of it.”

  “I’m sorry. Everything does work, though, and pretty great too.” She winked.

  A grin curved Navarro’s lips. “We’ll test out the equipment after they leave.” He glanced at both men with a telling look. “Hopefully that will be soon.”

  “Not until we get some of that cake your woman brought,” Ryder said, chuckling as he grinned at Trina. “I’m in love with your banana bread. If you ever dump Nav, when you realize he’s not someone you want to spend an eternity with, I want you to marry me.”

  Trina was surprised that they thought she was Navarro’s girlfriend, and it was obvious they believed she was more to him than just a woman he was having sex with. After finding them naked and curled up together in the barn, she knew both men realized they were having sex, but they were obviously taking it as more. It told her that Navarro obviously hadn’t shared the facts with them on why she was really there. Her gaze flew to his but he just winked at her, smiling.

  “She’s too bright to dump me for you, Ryder. You’re in a band and on the road way too much.”

  “You haven’t heard me play or sing yet.” He waggled his eyebrows at Trina.

  She laughed. “You could try but I’m a one-guy type of girl. You’d just be wasting your time.” She changed the subject. “I hope you eat chocolate, since I brought a Death by Chocolate Cake with me. It’s to die for.”

  The men laughed. When they finished dinner, she sliced up the cake, giving them each a huge piece of it and herself a small slice. If she looked at that cake too hard her thighs started to swell and her jeans got tight. She sat down to watch the men test her cake.

  Navarro groaned, reaching for her hand across the table and giving it a squeeze before he released her.


  “That’s why it’s called a ‘death’ cake. It kills your diet too.” Trina stood after she ate. “I’ll do the dishes so you can talk to them.”

  Standing quickly, Navarro grabbed her hands. “No you don’t. I cooked and you brought dessert, so Adam and Ryder are doing the dishes before they leave for the bar.” He tugged her toward the living room. “Night, boys. See you in the morning. Don’t forget to dry the dishes after you wash them.”

  Navarro locked the bedroom door and leaned against it, grinning at her. “Hi. We’re alone finally.”


  “I want you so bad. Take it all off.”

  She stripped. Her heart raced with excitement, and the look in Navarro’s eyes turned her on. He looked at her the way he’d looked at her chocolate cake, as if she were something he couldn’t wait to put against his lips. He kicked off his boots.

  “How are Willow and her baby?”

  “They are perfect and healthy as horses.” He chuckled. “I don’t want to talk about them. I want to talk about what to do together tonight. Are you ready to try something new?”

  “I’m ready to do anything with you,” she said honestly.

  She was already naked as Navarro stripped. She openly stared at his body, loving to look at every hard angle of his muscular frame. He closed the distance between them to grip her hips the second he was totally nude. He lifted her up his body, yanking her against his chest, and her arms wound around his neck. His mouth took possession of hers before she could say a word. She kissed him back. The passion that he hit her with made her knees turn to jelly. It was a good thing they were wrapped around his waist.

  He walked until her back hit the bed as he took them both flat. He released her to brace his arm to keep his weight from crushing her. Navarro grinned as he tore his mouth away and their gazes locked.

  “I’m going to lift up and I want you on your hands and knees under me.”

  She nodded, releasing her hold on him. When he pushed up from her body, she turned on the bed slowly, keeping under him since his arms caged her in on each side where he braced his weight. She moved to her hands and knees. Navarro lifted a hand to push her hair over one shoulder and out of the way before he went for her revealed skin with his mouth.

  It was a magnificent feeling as his lips, tongue, and teeth raked her. His mouth trailed upward to her neck and she moved her head to the side to give him more access to her sensitive skin. His hand wrapped around her waist and brushed down her stomach straight to her mound. His fingers found her clit to rub her, discovering by touch that she was wet so his finger slid easily against her swelling nub. A soft moan tore from her parted lips.

  “I want you. No playing tonight.”

  She nodded. “Yes.”

  He shifted, pressing against her back as Navarro used his other hand and gripped his cock, guiding his erection to her pussy. He entered her with one strong push of his hips against her ass. It made Trina gasp and then groan at the way he drove right into her without pause. His hand braced on the bed next to her to keep him steady as he pounded into her from behind. The fingers of the hand against her mound pressed on her clit, furiously strumming the sensitive bundle of nerves. Trina lowered her head and moaned loudly into the mattress and her fingers clawed the bedding.

  The room filled with their heavy breathing, Trina’s loud moans, and a slapping sound as Navarro’s hips slammed against her ass. Navarro changed positions as he drove into her and that did it for Trina—the new sensation was too much, too intense. She gasped, her body tensed, and she screamed his name as the climax gripped her.

  Navarro released her clit, gripped her hips with both hands as he rose upright, and pounded into her even harder. He cried out her name seconds later as his strong hips jerked against her ass while he emptied his release into her.

  When Navarro collapsed onto his side, he took Trina with him, both of them breathing heavily. Trina found the strength to smile, amused that Navarro hadn’t broken contact anywhere on their bodies when he’d taken them both down. She was still impaled on his cock. He inched closer so his chest and her back were tightly pressed together and he moved one of his thighs, draping it over hers to hold her in place.

  “You’re staying tonight, right?”

  She forced her eyes open to meet his beautiful gaze. “If you want me to. It’s not like anyone is waiting for me at home.” She smiled to soften the words.

  He smiled back. “Good. I’m not done with you yet, and by the time I’m ready to sleep, I’m hoping you’ll be too tired to move.”

  “What else do you want to do to me?”

  He started to move inside her, causing her to moan in ecstasy. He had her pinned on her side, so she couldn’t move her legs with his thrown over hers and his other leg bracing them where they were. She couldn’t believe he was still hard but the proof was moving inside her, and it was an incredible sensation. He stopped a few minutes later and Trina wanted to cry out for him to continue. She was close to coming again.

  He lifted his leg off her. “Get back on your hands and knees for me and spread your thighs wide apart.” He released her.

  She moved to her hands and knees and parted her thighs, looking over her shoulder to watch Navarro get up on his knees. She really enjoyed doggy style with him. When he played with her clit while he fucked her, it really got her off. The fact that he made her climax still amazed her.

  He knows what a clit is and isn’t afraid to play with one. She grinned at that thought.

  “What?” He smiled.

  “I was just thinking about how you know how to get me off.”

  She watched him reach for the drawer next to his bed and remove a few things she couldn’t see, keeping them behind his back. He moved behind her again, sitting on his knees and then inching forward, positioning himself. She tilted her head to watch what he was doing as he moved closer.

  “You said you’ve never tried anal sex, right?”

  Her heart almost stopped. She swallowed hard before shaking her head. “You’re kind of big.”
  He laughed. “Will you trust me?”

  Looking into his eyes made the decision for her. “Yes.”

  His lips curved into a naughty grin. “You’ll get off on it.”

  “I think I’m about to find out, aren’t I?”

  He nodded as he removed what was behind his back. “I went to town today and picked up the mail.”

  He lifted a vibrator, a black one, bigger than the tiny one she had at home but it wasn’t huge—about six inches long and not too thick, but not real thin either. He lifted a condom wrapper and then a small tube of lube to show her what he had. Trina’s heart sped up.

  “I’m going to talk you through this. You’ll enjoy it or we’ll stop.” Navarro gave her an intense look. “Do you still trust me?”

  “I do.” She meant it. She’d let him tie her up and she’d been helpless then.

  Reaching for the condom first, he tore it open with his teeth and put it on his cock. He met her curious look with a smile. “This will make me going in a little easier. These damn things are tight and as much as I’d love to feel you without it the first time, this is going to help.”


  He chuckled as he opened the lube. She watched him coat the condom from tip to base very generously. He left the lube open when he dropped it on the bed. His gaze met hers as he picked up the vibrator but didn’t coat it. He turned it on and she could tell by the sound it was on the highest setting.

  “This is going inside your pussy nice and slow, and it’s going to feel great for both of us. I’ll feel it too when I’m inside your ass.”

  She was still nervous but she was turned-on too. She nodded. “Okay.”

  Amusement lit his features. “You look unsure. I want you to feel pleasure, because if you like this, you’ll let me do it again.”

  She laughed at that, relaxing completely. “That’s totally logical.” She wiggled her ass at him. “Let’s do this.”

  “Before we start, I want you to know that when I first enter you, it is going to hurt a little. I’m going to go slow or it would really hurt. You need to adjust to me but don’t tense up. Once I’m in, it will feel good, okay? It’s just entering the first time that burns a bit.”


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