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Hard to Get (Killer of Kings Book 4)

Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  He slowed down to a stop, and she came to the car, climbing into the passenger side without a word.

  “What the hell was that all about?” he asked.

  Shadow was so pissed. Not only could she have gotten hurt, she’d fucked up days of grueling intel.

  “You didn’t want to have dinner with me. All you wanted was to find out what that guy was all about.”

  He heard the disappointment in her voice, and it hit him like a punch to the gut. Shadow wasn’t used to caring. Damn it, he shouldn’t feel bad about using her.

  Driving for a couple of minutes, he tried to think of what to say. “I’m sorry.”

  “No, you’re not.”

  “I am. Don’t even bother trying to tell me what I’m thinking and not thinking. I wanted to have dinner with you. You’re wrong about me. I enjoyed our time together.”

  He glanced over at her, and saw her watching him. She had big, expressive eyes, a sweet innocent air about her. He was falling down the fucking rabbit hole and couldn’t get out now if he tried.

  “So … you don’t want this?”

  Shadow saw she held a cell phone in her hands.

  “Your cell phone?”

  She chuckled. “This isn’t mine. This is your guy’s phone. When I tripped, I took it from him. Take it.”

  He reached out, and took hold of the phone. Even as he drove, he flicked it open, and saw there was a code to get inside.

  It wouldn’t be hard to break, but it would take time. Pocketing the cell phone, the rest of the drive was in silence.

  She was completely weird. There was no other word for it.

  After her question about him being a hitman, he’d thought she’d run from him, but she didn’t. Instead, she’d gone and gotten him the cell phone that would tell him if this was his guy. He’d known it was after the lip reading, and it wouldn’t be long now until his mission was done.

  He parked onto his driveway, and as he turned off the ignition, Riley was already out of the car, and inside her own home.

  Shadow didn’t stop her. He exhaled in defeat, and got out of the car.

  Tonight had been a total fuck up, and there was no getting back from it.

  Entering his home, he already knew that Boss was there waiting for him. Shadow closed his door, and went straight to his kitchen, grabbing a beer.

  “Do you have any idea how much danger she was in tonight?” Boss asked.

  Shadow twisted off the cap, and took a long swig. He didn’t want to deal with this man tonight.

  His neighbor was the only person on his mind. She had gotten under his skin even though he’d tried to stop it. Even arguing with her entertained him. There was something inexplicable about that hot little number.

  Grabbing the cell phone out of his pocket, he slapped it on the counter, and slid it over to Boss. “There you go. Get it to Maurice and tell me if I’m onto the right guy.”

  “This is your job.”

  Finally, Shadow turned to look at Boss. His eyes were black, like a cobra’s, impossible to read. “You’re not here to take the job from me?”

  “No. Actually, I came to tell you that Viper, Bain, and Killian have been able to have a life that fits with them at Killer of Kings, even with their families.”

  He narrowed his eyes. Boss didn’t do nice. “Are you trying to tell me to have a relationship?” Shadow asked.

  “I wouldn’t dream of it.” Boss winked.

  “She knows what I am.”

  “And yet she didn’t run away from you screaming. I think you’ve got to think about that. She sounds like a good fit.” Boss tapped the cell phone. “Use your head, Shadow.”

  He watched as Boss left his home leaving him with more questions than answers.

  Grabbing the cell phone, he headed downstairs toward the computers.

  It wouldn’t take long for his hit to realize that his cell phone was gone. From then it would lead back to Riley.

  She didn’t even realize that she’d put her life at risk to help him. And he’d been a fool to involve her. She knew a lot, and Boss didn’t like any kind of exposure for the organization.

  Firing up the computers, he watched Riley remove the dress she’d worn. Her hair cascaded down her back, and the black lingerie looked so damn tempting.

  She sat on the end of the bed with her head in her hands.

  Seeing her like that, almost as if she was giving up, he didn’t like that. Not at all.

  There was a fire inside of Riley, and he’d ruined that. He’d made her feel disposable.

  No, he couldn’t let that happen.

  Shadow rushed from his house, and he used the spare key that he’d made for himself, and let himself through her front door.

  He’d broken so many rules with Riley, letting her know his name, and a lot of other personal things about him, but he wasn’t about to change that, he couldn’t.

  Locking her door, he walked up her stairs, and then paused.

  What the hell was he doing?

  She didn’t want to see him right now.

  Give her the truth.

  She’d seen him kill a man and didn’t freak out. Surely, she’d be able to handle whatever he could say.

  Shadow opened her bedroom door and leaned against the doorframe, folding his arms.

  “Do I even want to know why you’re here? Or how you got in?”

  His first thought was to lie. To tell her she left the door open, but he was tired of all the lies and half-truths. “I have a key.” He lifted it up and showed it to her.

  “Of course you do. You have a key.” She glanced down at her body and shrugged. She was still in her black lingerie, but she didn’t make any move to hide her body. Riley had no spark.

  Shadow couldn’t stop looking at her. Even in her defeated state, she was exquisite and far sexier close up than in the view of the monitors.

  His cock thickened, and all he could think about was fucking her. She looked beautiful and vulnerable at the same time.

  She stood up and glared at him. Without her heels, there was no way for her to match him in height.

  “You know, this world is one shitty fucked up place. I’ve seen a lot of things in my time already.” She stopped, licking her lips. “Maybe one day you’ll see you’re not alone in it.”

  She went to move away, and he should let her. Shadow knew that deep down in his heart this didn’t end well. This ended in death and fire, and evil. Still, he reached out, clasping her wrist, sentencing them as he did so. How could it not? She was an innocent. He didn’t care what she said. She may have seen evil, but the truth was, he’d seen hell on earth.

  Together, they wouldn’t help each other.

  They couldn’t.

  Too many obstacles were in their way, and yet, he pulled her close. Almost as if it was an out of body experience, he held her waist. There was no stopping him now. He couldn’t stop, nor did he want to.

  The feel of her skin beneath his hand was perfect, so warm and soft.

  Staring into her eyes, he couldn’t look away. He cupped her cheek, running his thumb across her lips. Such tempting lips, begging to be kissed.

  “I’ll tell you everything, but first I’ve got to have a little taste.”

  Before she could say another word, he claimed her lips.


  This couldn’t be happening.

  Riley moaned as Shadow’s tongue traced across her lips, and she opened her mouth, tasting him for the first time. Their kiss started tentatively, their tongues mingling until the hunger for more took over. She’d been so angry with him, hated him even, and yet she couldn’t think of a single reason why he shouldn’t be kissing her, or why she shouldn’t be kissing him back. Knowing he wanted her was addictive, making her soar.

  Grabbing onto his arms, she pressed herself closer against him, whimpering as both his hands cupped her ass.

  It felt so damn good to be in his strong arms, and even as she wanted to fight it, her pussy flooded with warmth. She
wanted him, craved him, needed him. Her body was desperate for this man, had been for the longest time.

  He was her drug of choice, and she didn’t want to quit.

  One of his hands moved from her ass, and slid up her back, sinking into her hair, holding her close. He was rough and attentive, making her drift from reality.

  Shadow hulked over her, making her feel small and feminine.

  She released his arms and slid her hands inside his jacket, pushing it off. Next, she worked on the buttons of his shirt, opening each one. She could only imagine what he looked like naked, and in fact she had imagined it many lonely nights.

  He didn’t make a move to help her, or to rid her own body of her lingerie. He stood there, allowing her to undress him. The man was patient and deadly, which only turned her on more. Pushing the shirt over his broad shoulders, he stopped her progress by claiming another kiss.

  Shadow pressed her against the wall, and trapped her there with his rock-hard body.

  “Now you’re my captive.” He took hold of her hands, pinning them above her head, turning her on even more.

  “Yes, I’m your captive. What are you going to do with me?”

  He kept her hands locked together above her head, and with his other hand, he trailed a path down her body until he cupped her breast.

  The lace didn’t hide a thing. Her nipple puckered against his palm, and she bit her lip as he pinched the hardened tip.

  “I’m going to fuck you until you can’t think straight, and you’re going to let me.”

  She chuckled. “I’m not fighting you.”

  This time he smiled, a delicious tilt of the lips. “No, you’re not.”

  He released the clasp of her bra, and her breasts tumbled out. The bra still clung to her body, but gave him enough access to play with her breasts. “These are a thing of beauty.” He pinched the rough tips, making her cry out.

  The pleasure went straight to her clit even as it mingled with a little pain.

  “Are you wet for me, baby?” he asked.

  “Yes.” There was no point in lying to him. She’d never been so ready in her life.

  She was soaking, and with each touch of his hand, she was getting wetter.

  No man had ever made her feel like this, so consumed with passion that she couldn’t think straight. Riley was so desperate for Shadow, she was ready to beg.

  From the very beginning, he’d taken control of her thoughts, just by being mysterious. That had only gotten stronger as she got to know him.

  She wanted him more than anything else, every bit, good and bad. Riley wanted to be taken by the hitman.

  He bent his head, and she gasped as he took one of her nipples into his mouth, sucking hard. The pain mingling with the pleasure drove her crazy. She didn’t know if she should push him away, or hold him closer.

  She pressed her thighs together, wanting some friction on her clit.

  “No, that’s mine.” Shadow pressed her thighs open by sliding his leg between hers.

  Her pussy pressed against his covered thigh as he was still wearing pants.

  She let out a little gasp as the movement of his leg sent a shockwave of need rushing through her. He was going to drive her crazy if she wasn’t careful.

  Finally, after what seemed like ages, he released her hands. In the next second, he lifted her up, and placed her on the bed, spreading her legs as he did. He looked like a sentry standing at the foot of her bed, staring down with an intense need in his eyes. Shadow tossed his shirt, and even in the darkness, she could see his upper body covered in wicked ink. This was no ordinary neighbor. He was the devil, a beautiful beast that was going to change her life.

  She lifted up onto her elbows and watched as he knelt down at the edge, and then his lips were on her pussy. She tossed her head back, shocked by how take charge this man was.

  He circled her clit with his hot tongue, flicking back and forth, creating a rush of arousal. She was so wet that she knew she had to be soaking the bed. She felt a trickle leak out, and tease over her anus.

  “You taste so fucking good.” He plunged his tongue deep inside her, and she cried out as he drew his tongue up, and circled her clit. “I want you to come all over my tongue, Riley. Come and scream my name.”

  She collapsed to the bed as he sucked on her clit, driving her close to her peak. It had been so long since she had been with anyone, and Shadow was a master. She didn’t want to stop him, especially as she’d had so many fantasies of him doing exactly this.

  Riley hoped that this time, she didn’t wake up.

  His fingers slid inside her. One, then two, and she gasped as he plunged them deep at the same time taking her clit into his mouth, and sucking hard. He ravaged her body, pulling her deeper into his web.

  Closing her eyes, she allowed all of her troubles to ebb away so the only thing she focused on was the pleasure of his tongue. His hands worked like magic. How could one man have so much skill?

  Shadow was relentless as he teased her clit, and the build toward her orgasm began. The sweet zone hovered close, and she began to pant, grabbing the sheets in her fists.

  He stroked her pussy, taking her to heights that she’d never known.

  She screamed his name as the powerful release washed over her, sending pleasure to every single nerve ending within her body. There was no stopping it, and Shadow didn’t relent. He didn’t stop at just one. He pushed her toward a second orgasm, and she was panting, gasping, needing so much more.

  Shadow pulled away, and she sat up, a little shaken from what his mouth had done. She watched as he lowered the zipper of his pants.

  Everything seemed to be in slow motion as he removed those pants followed by his boxer briefs.

  He was rock hard, and his cock sprang out, the tip glistening with pre-cum. She couldn’t help but lick her lips. The man was beyond impressive, an Adonis if she ever saw one. Those hours at the gym had paid off with interest.

  She watched, mesmerized as he tore into a condom that he’d gotten out of his pants’ pocket, and rolled the latex over his shaft.

  Shadow moved toward her, and she finally glanced up to look at his face. The heat in his eyes made her start.

  No one had ever looked at her like that. Not as if she was a morsel of food. She’d always been a quick lay, never something worth committing to. Shadow looked like he wanted to own her, and she loved that feeling of being wanted.

  As he came toward her, he bent forward, cupping her face as he claimed her lips. Slowly, he moved her back so that she was laid out on the bed, and Shadow had followed her. Her legs were open, and when he broke from the kiss, she couldn’t look away from his gaze.

  He pressed the tip of his cock to her entrance, but he didn’t look away from her either. Was he waiting for her to tell him to stop? Riley didn’t know what he wanted. She knew what she craved, what she’d dreamt about for a long time now. God, she needed him inside her, needing him to quell the desperate ache.

  In a single thrust, he slammed every inch of his dick inside her. Riley couldn’t hold back the moan as he filled her pussy. It felt that good. He slid his hands beneath her head, holding her close, taking possession of her mouth as his cock pulsed deep within her.

  He was big and she didn’t know if the pressure was on the verge of pain or not, or because she hadn’t been with anyone else for a long time.

  Their kiss stirred something deep within. Something was happening here, something monumental. She felt connected to him on a soul deep level, and prayed it wasn’t one-sided.

  Shadow broke from the kiss, and she became lost in his intense stare. This man. He’d come into her life, and not willingly either. She’d made him take notice of her, and now she didn’t want to get rid of him. She didn’t care about his secrets. They all had them, and there was no getting away from it, nor did she want to.

  Slowly, he began to rock inside her.

  Making love, which shocked her as well.

  “You have no idea what you do
to me, do you?” he asked, his voice rough, deep, and hypnotic.

  He pulled all of the way out of her, and she whimpered, not wanting him gone. Shadow didn’t make her wait for long as he plundered inside her, going deeper than before. He released her head, and moved up so that he had leverage on his arms. She wrapped her legs around his waist, driving her pussy onto his dick. He rocked her body, fucking her like a beast, bringing her closer and closer to a new peak.

  Shadow suddenly pulled out of her body, and with quick work, spun her over so that she was on her knees. He found her heat, and slammed all the way inside her, making her cry out.

  “You feel so tight, so fucking perfect. I knew you would.”

  His hand cupped her stomach, and then slid down to stroke through her pussy. He found her clit, and began to tease her, driving her arousal for him higher.

  She didn’t think it was possible to find another release, but Shadow brought another from her, and she cried out as her orgasm washed over her once again.

  Shadow cupped her hips, and slammed into her over and over. He filled her, driving deep, and moaned as his cock brought her toward another peak of pleasure.

  She heard him groan as he filled her, and then felt the pulse of his cock as the orgasm filled the condom.

  They were both panting, and Riley closed her eyes, a little shaken by what they had shared, and how quickly he’d taken over.

  It felt like they’d been together hours, but it had all happened in a whirlwind. Pushing her hair off her face, she felt his hand go to her stomach as he moved over her. His lips grazed her skin, teasing the tendrils of hair at the back of her neck.

  Even though she was completely exhausted, her neck was a highly erogenous zone. One little touch, and she was ready for more.

  His lips touched her ear.

  “You were right, Riley.”

  She tensed up as his words registered in her head.

  “I’m a hitman, and you should never have let me fuck you.”

  Chapter Seven

  Riley’s eyes were still closed as she stretched out her legs in bed. She felt so comfortable, so completely sated. Then she tensed as her waking mind processed everything that had happened the night before.


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