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Green Bearets: Jarvis (A Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance) (Base Camp Bears Book 3)

Page 9

by Amelia Jade

  Normally when she had slow, passionate sex with men, their erections cooled down. They stayed hard, but not that sexy, ultra-hot, rock-hard. Not with Jarvis though. If anything, she was positive he’d become more swollen as he writhed in time with her, their bodies moving as one so that he could get every inch deep inside of her.

  Her muscles began to contract slightly, and her walls tightened around him in anticipation of the orgasm building within her.

  Jarvis seemed to sense it, and he suddenly thrust harder, burying himself within her in one swift stroke.

  Then he did that little flex trick that guys can do, where they push a bit of extra blood into their cocks, making it just a little bigger.

  Carrie came all over him the instant he did that, the extra roughness and size making her explode without any warning. She shook violently, her nails digging into his arms as she held on for dear life.

  He covered her mouth with his own as her screams rose in pitch, muffling them so that they wouldn’t echo throughout the hotel.

  The seconds dragged on and on and still Carrie continued to cum, her body locking down as it tried to process the ecstatic feedback being sent its way.

  And then it rolled through her, and she began to jerk and shudder as the final waves assaulted her brain with their extreme pleasure. Her lungs released back to her own control she gasped and breathed deeply.

  The entire time Jarvis simply stood immobile, his cock mostly inside of her, as hard as ever. His eyes, she noticed eventually, were fixated on her face, drinking in her reactions with an intensity that would have scared her if she didn’t understand it.

  “That was so hot,” he rumbled as she began to return to the moment.

  “I agree,” she said, smiling up at him.

  A surge of energy rushed through her without warning.

  “Your turn,” she told him.


  Carrie nodded. “On your back, now,” she said, tugging his right arm out from under him and rolling him over, until she was straddled on top of him, nearly impaled on his cock.

  “Now that is a sight,” he said, his eyes running up and down her nakedness some more.

  “Good,” she said, and began to move, her hips alternating between moving up and down on his cock and grinding into him.

  Jarvis’s hands wrapped around her hips and he held on as she fucked him, controlling the pace of it all.

  “I want you to cum for me now,” she ordered, reaching behind her and between his legs.

  Her fingers found his sac and she gently caressed it even as she squeezed her walls tight around him.

  Jarvis grunted, and she saw him trying to hold on.

  “Oh no you don’t,” she told him, and upped her tempo slightly.

  A grin slipped across his face, but Carrie was determined to win this one. She used every trick in the book. She stopped playing with him and instead began to run her hands up and down her own body, playing with herself as he watched, even as she rode him.

  It was too much.

  She felt him swell inside of her, and her soft, husky voice continued to beg him to give it to her.

  “Carrie!” he said with a soft roar, and he finally gave in.

  His back arched, lifting her clear off the bed as his cock spasmed inside of her. Warmth filled Carrie as he came.

  This time it was her turn to focus on him, watching as he was brought to the edge and pushed over, pleasure blossoming on his face as his eyes briefly closed, rolling back into his skull as he shuddered.

  “Mmm,” she said, imitating his growl as she leaned forward, her breasts pushing against his chest.

  Her lips kissed his neck as she stroked his head, enjoying the feeling of him still deep inside of her, unmoving, simply entwined with each other in the most intimate of embraces.

  “You. Are. An amazing, woman,” he said, pausing several times for breath as he spoke. “I’ve never felt so…so… important.”

  She grinned to herself, nuzzling her face into his neck. “Good. Because I’ve never been so turned on before simply by the way someone looks at me.”

  He didn’t reply; instead he ran his hands across her body, from her shoulders down to her calves, his fingertips pressing ever so gently into her skin as he went.

  Goosebumps rose up as he went, a marker of his touch’s passing.

  “Stop,” she whispered. “You’re turning me on again.”

  “That was kinda the point,” Jarvis replied.

  Between her legs, Carrie felt him beginning to harden inside of her.

  “Oh.” She pulled back to look him in the eyes.

  “Exactly,” he said.

  “How do you want me?” she asked, shaking her hips slightly.

  Jarvis didn’t hesitate in his response.

  “Every way I can get you.”

  Chapter Eight


  He was so far behind.

  The entire day before had been lost to waste.

  No, not waste.

  It had been lost as far as work was concerned perhaps, but it had been exactly what his personal life needed.

  Today, however, as much as he wished to lie in bed with Carrie, Jarvis knew he’d have to get up and be productive. Some paperwork simply could not be pushed off any longer, and he also wanted to go take a look at the locations on the map he’d found.

  “Hey beautiful,” he said softly as Carrie blinked and stirred beside him as he sat with his back to the headboard, relaxing in the early morning light that pushed its way in past the curtains.

  “Morning,” she said blearily, mumbling the word so badly he almost didn’t understand it.

  She rolled over, depositing her head in his lap for attention.

  Jarvis grinned and began to stroke her head, gently pulling her hair back out of her face a little more with each tender stroke. In seconds she was back asleep, trapping him there until she woke once more.

  How did I get so lucky?

  The truth was, he almost didn’t. His actions should by rights—in hindsight at least—have driven Carrie away much earlier on. But for some reasons she’d stuck with his dumb ass and forced him to adjust his outdated, and frankly sexist, viewpoint.

  It made his face burn to think about the way he’d viewed the situation. Carrie was not an object that belonged to someone else. She was free to make her own decisions, to be her own person. He had to respect that, and to trust her until she proved she couldn’t be trusted.

  “Damn,” Carrie muttered from his lap. “I think I’m up now.”

  She stirred abruptly, removing herself from the bed and into the washroom.

  He watched her as she left.

  Very lucky.

  “So, do you need to go back to work?” she asked when she emerged, coming back to drape herself lithely over him, still completely naked.

  Jarvis eyed the way her breasts pushed together. She was staring up at him.

  “Unfortunately,” he admitted. “I have some paperwork to do, among other things.”

  Carrie looked at him inquisitively. “Other things?”

  He nodded. “Yeah. The other night, umm, after I left the bar—”

  “You mean after you fled, leaving me alone on the dance floor for everyone to see?”

  “Um, yeah,” he said, feeling his face heat up. “After that, which by the way I am extremely sorry for, I went back to Angelo’s place to look around.”

  Carrie’s body stiffened as she realized that this was something serious.

  “To see what was bothering you?” she prompted.

  He nodded. “Exactly.”

  “Did you find it?”

  “Sort of.” He told her about not finding anything about his hobbies, nothing that might indicate he was truly interested in them. “And then I found a map of Cloud Lake.”

  “A map?” Carrie shrugged as if to say “so what?”

  “There were three things circled on it. Things that really aren’t of any importance.”


  “Two hills, and a section of the road between Cloud Lake and Cadia.”

  “Odd,” she said, her eyes glazing over, likely picturing a map of the area as she thought about it. “I take it you want to go investigate them today?”

  He nodded.

  “Then I’m going with you,” she said.

  It was a statement, not a question.

  Jarvis opened his mouth to argue automatically, to tell her that it wasn’t safe. He could have listed reason after reason on why it would be stupid for her to accompany him.

  Cloud Lake itself was mostly safe, but there were still reports of shifters from Fenris operating in the countryside around them.

  He could move much faster without her, covering ground without having to wait for her.

  And on and on.

  But the look in her eyes told him that if he even so much as tried to suggest such a thing, he would be in a world of hurt. The odds were against them encountering any trouble while out there. Plus he would be with her, and Jarvis was a formidable force on his own. It was unlikely that they would be bothered by anything he couldn’t handle.

  Still, he didn’t like the idea of taking her along.

  I like the idea of arguing with her even less.

  “Okay,” he said simply.

  Carrie made an odd noise. “You’re a faster learner than I gave you credit for,” she said, her head still in his lap, her nakedness on prominent display.

  “Thank you. I try,” he said, flashing her a grin.

  “Now,” she said, rolling over until her tongue flicked out.

  Jarvis hissed.

  “Do we have to leave right away?” she asked, the last words slightly muffled as she went to work on him.

  Perhaps not quite this instant…



  She steeled her nerves and twisted the key.

  It’s just a house. You’re not staying there. It’s daylight, there are people around. You can do this! Go in, grab what you need, and leave.

  Closing her eyes, she pushed the door open and walked inside.

  “Okay. Clothing and footwear suitable for hiking. Boots and pants and a shirt. That’s all you need.” She paused. “Go!”

  Moving quickly, not bothering to remove her shoes, she headed upstairs, rifling through her drawers for some appropriate clothing. Hiking had not been on the list of necessary clothing options she’d taken when she first moved into her sister’s place.

  After selecting a few options and stuffing them into a bag, she descended the stairs to grab her boots from the front closet.

  Reaching the end of the hallway on the ground floor, where the house became open concept, Carrie came to a dead halt.

  “What the fuck?” she exclaimed.

  All the boxes of Angelo’s things were missing.


  They stood on the four-lane road—to call it a highway would be overly kind—that led between Cloud Lake and Cadia.

  Despite being the single road in and out of the largest shifter stronghold on the planet, they had only seen two vehicles on it in the half hour they’d been walking along it.

  “Do we get to go home the same way?” she asked, still in awe over their journey out from the city.

  Jarvis’s head turned to regard her. “Maybe,” he said cryptically.

  “Don’t tease me like that!” she said, tugging on his arm in exasperation. “That was the coolest thing of my life!”

  It wasn’t an exaggeration either. Jarvis hadn’t wanted to take her vehicle out into the wild, stating that he wasn’t sure they’d come back the same way, and that it wouldn’t be able to go where they needed to. The hills marked on the map had no roads nearby.

  They would be hiking.

  So to avoid her having to walk the entire way, he’d arranged alternate transport.

  Carrie had figured he had perhaps hired a driver, or gone crazy and hired a helicopter.

  Boy had she been surprised when a majestic-looking gryphon shifter had landed on the rooftop of the motel. When Jarvis had told her to climb on, she’d nearly lost her shit.

  Flying! She had been flying on the back of a creature straight out of legend.

  The experience had been indescribable. Carrie couldn’t imagine what it must be like to have such an ability at your beck and call all the time. To be able to simply take to the air and feel the wind at any time was…an intoxicating idea.

  She’d been unable to see much of Cloud Lake from the air. According to Jarvis they’d been breaking the rules by having the gryphon—Andrew, his name was—carry them in animal form inside the city limits. To avoid pushing the boundaries any more than he already was, they’d winged out of the city at a good clip.

  Part of Carrie had hoped they would continue to Cadia, so that she could see the magical shifter homeland for herself. But they had stopped well short of the mountains that marked the border. Perhaps halfway between the two of them. The section of map that had circled the road was rather large, and Jarvis wanted to walk the entire section of it, to see if anything stuck out.

  “I’ll see what I can arrange,” he said mysteriously, giving her a wink before refocusing his attention on the road.

  They were coming up on a slight dip in the land.

  “This is about the center of the circle,” he remarked as they started down the decline into the valley.

  “A dip in the road,” she said dully. “That’s what he thought was interesting?”

  Jarvis looked around, surveying the nearby landscape. “I have no idea. I don’t see anything that screams ‘trouble’ about this location. But it’s definitely circled.”

  Carrie leaned around his shoulder to where he held the map out, his finger jabbing at the circled location where they now stood.

  “Well, that’s no help,” she remarked, giving his shoulder a squeeze before moving past him.

  “None at all,” he agreed.

  She heard him fold the map up and stuff it away.

  “Shall we go check out the closest hill?” he asked, draping a powerful arm around her shoulders as they moved off the road and headed north into the forest that surrounded much of Cloud Lake.

  “Oh man, I mean, I wore hiking boots and clothing, but this is gonna be a long day,” she said as the distance registered on her a moment later.

  “It’ll be longer if we don’t find out why he came back for all that gear,” Jarvis said, walking steadily across the wet ground.

  When she’d first told him about it, he’d come to take a look, but they hadn’t been able to see anything. No signs of a break-in, nothing.

  At some point Angelo must have copied her key. Her fears of being in the house had risen at that revelation, and Carrie wasn’t sure she was ever going to be able to go back into it alone now.

  “We’re seriously going to trek through all this?” she asked, her boots already squishing. The ground was still wet from all the snow melt that had been going on for the past few days, mixed with the rain on top of that.

  “Do you have a better idea?” he asked, pausing a few strides ahead of her.

  Carrie came to a halt as well. “Not really,” she admitted. “But maybe I should head back. I think I might have bitten off more than I can chew,” she admitted unhappily. “I’ll never make it through all this while there’s still daylight in the sky.”

  Jarvis grinned. “Well, I guess it’s a good thing I have an idea, isn’t it?” he said, teasing her.

  “You expected this all along!” she said with surprise.

  “Perhaps. But I was willing to give you the chance, to see if you would be willing to admit it or not.” He winked. “Proves I’m not the only one capable of learning.”

  Carrie glared at him, but there was no anger in it. He had a valid point. She’d been so insistent on coming along, that she hadn’t taken into consideration just what she was getting herself into. In situations like this, she just wasn’t his equal. It wasn’t anything to
do with weakness on her part, but the fact that he literally was not human.

  She would need to learn not to be ashamed of it, or to perceive it as a slight against the fact that she was female.

  After all, female shifters would be able to keep up with him no problem.

  Could he turn me into a shifter, like vampires can?

  The thought flitted through her mind, an interesting proposition, but not one that Carrie was sure she was okay with. Becoming another species would have all sorts of repercussions that she wasn’t positive she wanted to deal with.

  On the other hand, it would allow me to become closer with Jarvis, to better understand one another in ways I’m sure I can’t even imagine now.

  “What’s your grand plan then, mister smart guy?” she asked, pushing the thoughts to the side for the moment. “It had better be good, after all this bragging,” she told him with a smile.

  “Oh it is,” he replied.

  Taking a step away from her, he turned so that he was side profiled toward her. Carrie saw him spread his fingers wide and take a deep breath, his chest rising.

  And then, before her very eyes, she saw him change. One moment it was Jarvis standing there. The next it was some huge human-beast, as his limbs swelled and grew, sprouting thick dark brown fur. His head angled upward and a long snout jutted forward from it.

  The creature fell forward, shaking the ground slightly as it landed on all four paws. The body continued to thicken out for another brief moment. Then the creature stirred and shook itself.

  “Holy. Shit.” The words weren’t adequate to express what she’d just seen take place.

  Deep down, Carrie had known that he was a shifter. That he could turn into a huge bear. She knew it. Hell, she’d ridden out here on a gryphon, of all things. But the shifter had already been in his animal form then, and she’d simply climbed aboard.

  This time though, she’d seen the transformation take place. It had all happened in perhaps a second, maybe two at best. But it was undeniably impressive.

  And just a little scary. This was no normal bear. Carrie had lived and worked around Cloud Lake for a long time now. She’d seen bears before. They often topped out at a thousand pounds at most.


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