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NightFall: Book One: Bloodlust Is the Cure for the Immortal Soul

Page 20

by Anastacia Kelley

  “You used to call me Mr. Brant.” His voice was overly friendly and his smile was forced.

  Simone crossed her arms and glared. “I only save that for the people I respect,” she deadpanned. Tears threatened to shed, but to her amazement, she held them at bay. It would only give him leverage against her. She couldn’t afford to back down. Not after what he did.

  “Please.” Mr. Brant reached for her.

  Simone stepped away from his touch. “No. You used me. You had me unknowingly using my friends. They’re like my family. Do you realize what you’ve done?!” she asked incredulously.

  Mr. Brant sighed. “I know that now. But I’m afraid it might be too late. The wheels have been set in motion and I don’t know how to stop it. I can’t take back what I’ve done to you, Simone. I wish I could, believe me. I had no idea that your stories were going to be used this way. Not until it was too late.”

  Simone gritted her teeth. “But after you figured out what was going on, you still emailed me asking-no, telling-me that I had to go on with more of these stories. You even told me over the phone when I called you,” she stated hotly.

  Mr. Brant’s slight smile turned into panic. “Simone, please, please tell me you didn’t mention any of this to the others. I’m afraid for you.”

  “I can take care of myself,” Simone snapped. “As a matter of fact, I told Van everything. He knows I’m the reporter. We had a fight about it but everything’s okay now. I told him that I wasn’t going to write any more stories.” She fixed him with a hard stare. “And I won’t. I will not be a pawn in this sick game.”

  Mr. Brant shook his head vigorously. “Oh, Simone. I wish you hadn’t said anything.” He looked around as if he were afraid of being spied on. “It was a risk for me to come here and make contact with you. I was warned never to tell you anything and to never let on that I had any idea what was going on. If he finds out that I came here and warned you, he’ll kill me. But I had to do something. Maybe, in some way, my death will make up for the wrong I’ve done to you,” his voice cracked with emotion. “I don’t know if I can ever rebuild your trust.” His words felt like a knife had twisted in his heart.

  Simone finally put a hand on his shoulder. “Just because you have betrayed me doesn’t mean I want you to die. Who is this man who threatened you?”

  Mr. Brant nervously licked his lips. “You interviewed him not long ago.”

  Simone’s hand dropped like a stone. “Mr. Hobbs? That poor excuse for a man threatened you? He doesn’t seem to have it in him.”

  Mr. Brant snorted. “Believe me, he does. He has powerful connections. Oh, he might not do the dirty work himself but I’m sure he will find some goon who will.” He grabbed her shoulders. “Simone, take yourself and your friends far away. Hide… something. Just get out. Please. Do this for me even if you never do anything for me again. This is all I ask from you. If Mr. Hobbs knows that you know anything, he made it crystal clear of what he would do to you and your friends. I don’t want to see you hurt in any way.” He dared to open his arms to her.

  Simone gave in and hugged Mr. Brant, thinking that this may be the last time she would ever see him again.


  Zane paced the floor of his home. He was in a murderous mood tonight. Raven was the target of his blatant contempt. Oh, how he wanted to kill her. How he wanted to wrap his hands around her throat and watch the very last breath escape her body, her eyes closing in defeat. This hatred put him in a bind, however. He needed her to do the spying but from what he’s seen tonight, Raven would no longer be used to spy on Saldivar. That meant she would probably not lurk in the shadows to watch Indea, Van and Simone given they were all linked to Saldivar.

  He had to do something. He could threaten her, but she was in cohoots with the one he hated most. He was powerful but he did consider the fact that it would be three against one.

  He heard Raven step through the door. He did not let on that he knew anything about her visit to her brother. Until she stated talking.

  “Bonsoir, Father.” Raven went to the bar and poured herself a goblet of the red liquid. “Comment allez-vous? How are you?”

  She baited him purposely. He was going to remedy that. Right now. “Viens. Come on.”

  Raven barely downed her drink before Zane grabbed her arm harshly. “Ouch. Ou? Where? What’s going on, Zane?” She tried to pull away but Zane’s grip was like a vice. She struggled just the same.

  “Never you mind, you ungrateful, no good half breed.” He pulled her out of the house, and in a blurred rush, ran to the edge of the forest where the ocean met the mountains.

  Panic rose bitterly in Raven’s throat. “What are you going to do, Zane?” What could she do if he did decide to really hurt her? He was too strong, too old and too wise. She felt perfect doom lay heavily across her chest. She could not breathe. Her heart echoed loudly in her chest.

  Zane pushed Raven to the edge of the cliff where the water beat harshly on the jagged rocks below. He put his mouth to her ear and with a deep menacing whisper, he said, “C’est votre tour. It’s your turn. I have grown tired of you, Raven. You do not please me as a daughter and you have failed me as a spy. You are worthless. Do you hear me? Worthless! I no longer need you. You are nothing to me. You were always nothing in my eyes. You are too human. You don’t deserve to live, half breed.” His menacing words spoke volumes.

  Raven now knew his intentions. He meant to push her over the cliff. He wanted her dead. She always knew that he would one day try to kill her. She just didn’t think the day would be now. But she would not let him win. She couldn’t.

  “Au revoir.” Zane said as he started pushing her over the edge, but not before Raven got in the final word, “A bientot. See you soon.” She quickly focused her mind on Saldivar’s and mentally and loudly called for help. She hoped he heard her plea before her body landed on the jagged rocks.


  Darkness had just settled in as Indea met Saldivar at the cabin that they had made love in. From the sound of his voice, something was bothering Saldivar greatly. His worried tone worried Indea as well.

  He had told her he hoped he could be forgiven for what he was about to tell her.

  What could be so terrible that Indea would hate Saldivar? She loved him and nothing could change that. It couldn’t be another woman. They spent every waking moment together.

  She knew that he loved her. It was plain to see his feelings show in his gentle amber eyes.

  Indea didn’t think it could be anything to make her want to leave Saldivar and forget about him. That was as impossible as asking her to quit breathing.

  Indea walked up to the cabin door and knocked softly.

  Saldivar opened the door and she walked in. Saldivar closed the door and immediately wrapped Indea in a crushing embrace. He held her tightly as if afraid to let her go. She snuggled into his arms, feeling more protected than ever.

  Saldivar looked into her eyes before bringing his head down for one of the sweetest kisses Indea has ever experienced. So soft and gentle, in fact, that Indea felt the back of her eyes burning as tears threatened to fall. A couple of tears managed to fall onto her cheek.

  Saldivar lifted his head and, upon seeing Indea’s tears, took his thumb and wiped it away and brought it to his lips. He tasted her affection, her love for him and it was then he wanted to curse himself for what he was about to tell her.

  He led her over to a chair where she sat as he sat opposite to her.

  He let out a breath, trying to find a way to tell her.

  “Indea. There’s something I just have to tell you. I wanted to tell you sooner, I just didn’t know how. I still don’t know how to tell you that will make you understand completely. You might end up hating me when I’m finished. Either that or you will pity me and then leave Paris and never think of me again.”

  Indea placed a hand on his knee. “Saldivar, nothing could make me want to delete you from my mind. I couldn’t even if I wanted to. You’re too
much a part of me. I love you, Saldivar. Surely, you know that by now.”

  Saldivar closed his eyes, letting the words he had been longing to hear, wash over him. He just hoped she would continue to feel that way after he told her his story.

  He grabbed her hands and folded them in his. “I love you, Indea. I have for a while. There’s no one else in the world for me. You are mine as I hope I am yours.”

  Indea voice broke a little as she said, “You are mine, Saldivar. Please, tell me what is wrong.”

  Saldivar got up from his chair and paced as he began his story. “I must beg you not to interrupt me for I feel I will not be able to continue.”

  Indea nodded.

  Saldivar talked at length of his time in Paris in 1200. About his childhood. About Zane and his transformation. About meeting Van in 1700 and helping him when he had no where to turn.

  Indea sat stock still, trying to let Saldivar’s story sink in. It was near impossible to fathom this. She found it hard to digest this kind of information.

  When Saldivar finished, Indea was in total shock.

  What was going on here? Had Saldivar lost his mind?

  Finally finding her voice, Indea started, “What are you saying, Saldivar? You’re immortal?”

  Saldivar nodded somberly. “I am a vampire, Indea.”

  Indea shot out of her chair. “What?! No. I don’t believe it. If this is your way of breaking up with me, it would have been easier to just tell me flat out instead of making up this kind of story, Saldivar. When I said nothing could ever make me forget you, I had no idea you would tell me something like this.”

  Saldivar’s nostrils flared. “’Make up this story’? I would never do such a thing, Indea. You know I love you. I don’t want to break up with you. I need you to believe me. Please.”

  “How in the world could you make me believe in a vampire myth? Vampires aren’t real and if you believe they are, you’re crazy. People like you thinking along these lines are usually destined for the loony bin and you know it. So why tell me?” Her eyes widened. “I was just a roll in the hay for you, wasn’t I? How many notches were on your bedpost before me Saldivar? Van’s in it with you, isn’t he? Simone is out with him now. He’s as crazy as you are.” She folded her arms to her chest, feeling as if she had gone a little mad herself.

  Saldivar couldn’t blame her for being furious with him. But calling him crazy did make him a bit angry. He could prove it to her, though it might scare her to death. He could Persuade her but that would be wrong on so many different levels.

  Saldivar’s eyes darkened. “I am not crazy, Indea. Why can’t you believe me? I have never lied to you. Not once.”

  Indea clenched her jaw. She wanted to believe him, but found it so hard to swallow. “How do I know that?” She dropped her arms to her sides harshly. “Face it, Saldivar. You used me. You don’t want me any more and this is your way of saying you’re through with me. Fine, Saldivar. I can handle it.” She turned her back to him. Heaven help her, she still loved him no matter what he had told her. She just couldn’t turn it off in the blink of an eye.

  Saldivar crossed the room and pressed closely to Indea. “You think I don’t want you any more?” He pressed his arousal against her. “Does this feel like I’m through with you? Does this feel like I don’t want you?”

  Indea stepped away, turning to glare at him. “You’re a man, Saldivar. Press yourself up against a woman and you’re going to get aroused. It’s human nature.”

  That was the final straw for Saldivar. “I am not human.” He growled and suddenly, his eyes darkened to almost black. He opened his mouth, his sharp canines gleaming dangerously.

  Indea’s eyes widened. She swallowed. She was speechless.

  No, it couldn’t be real. Was she dreaming? No, no, no.

  “Yes, yes, yes.”

  Indea’s brow furrowed deeply. “I didn’t say anything to you.”

  “You don’t have to. I can hear your thoughts, Indea,” he explained.

  Indea shook her head in disbelief. “Really?”

  Saldivar nodded.

  Take off your clothes, she dared silently.

  Saldivar stepped away from Indea and in a split second, he removed every trace of clothing. He saw Indea’s jaw hit the floor.

  “Anything else?” he asked almost flippantly.

  Indea found herself liking this game, as much as she hated to admit it. Mad as she was with Saldivar, one look at his smooth, hard naked body and she began to feel that familiar throb between her legs. Angry sex could be really good. Just as good as gentle sex.

  Indea thought for a moment then narrowed her eyes. Take off my clothes, she demanded.

  Saldivar grinned. He walked over to her and in one motion, ripped her shirt and bra in two. Next, he pulled down her jeans. He stared at her intently as he grabbed her lacy panties and tore them apart.

  Before either could breathe their next breath, their lips met in a heated battle. Tongues sparred. Hands roamed.

  Indea slowly made her way down, her tongue following the happy trail all the way down to Saldivar’s rigid manhood. Suddenly, Indea’s mouth took all of him in. She wrapped one arm around his hips as she pulled at him, her hand encircling him, massaging the base. Her tongue bathed him, milked him. Saldivar growled as his hand played through her soft hair. Her warm, moist mouth felt like velvet on him. It felt like heaven. Like sweet torture. She pulled at him harder until he could take it no longer. He pulled away and lifted Indea from her knees and turned her around and carried her to the bed.

  “On your hands and knees, my sweet Indea.” Indea did as bade and then felt Saldivar come up behind her. He caressed her back, his finger gliding a path down her spine, and he watched her arch like a cat. Her dark hair spilled onto her smooth, creamy back. He positioned himself behind her and watched his manhood disappear into her soft folds. His hands caressed their way up to her shoulders. He grabbed them and pulled her down hard on his throbbing shaft, burying himself as far as he could go.

  Saldivar grunted, burying himself as deeply as he could inside her. He couldn’t seem to get enough of her warm body gliding over him, caressing him, teasing him to new heights of unadulterated ecstasy.

  Saldivar placed both hands on her shoulders and smoothed them all the down to her soft buttocks. He kneaded them, pinched them and watched them reddened at his ministrations.

  Indea moaned and pushed backward, arching her head up. She grabbed the sheets in a hard fist. Saldivar pumped into her faster. She heard his labored breathing matching her own. She moved her hips side to side and up and down, getting the response she wanted from Saldivar. He grabbed her hips fiercely and glided into her in short, sharp jerks.

  Indea screamed out his name as he held to her fast, as he called out her name in a breathless whisper.

  Indea lay her head on the sheets and felt Saldivar rest his head on her back.

  “Please, Indea. Believe me.” Her skin tingled at the words he breathed her back. She shivered. Saldivar raised up and guided Indea into bed with him and pulled the covers over them.

  Indea rested her head on Saldivar’s shoulder. “I want to but there is something stopping me. I can’t put my finger on it. I guess I need more proof than you just showing your teeth. No offense, Saldivar, but I’ve seen humans have them put in. Sometimes permanently. So you can understand why I’m a little skeptical.”

  Saldivar kissed Indea’s soft hair. “I guess I can see your point, In–-“

  Indea raised her head to look into Saldivar’s far away gaze. “What’s wrong?”

  Saldivar remained silent and listened closely. Trouble. Raven was in trouble.

  “Indea, you said you wanted proof.” He got up and quickly dressed and told her to do the same. “Well, I think you’re about to get your answer.”

  Indea put on her clothes in record speed, all the while confused at what Saldivar meant.

  Saldivar opened the door and grabbed Indea’s waist and held tightly and bolted out th
e door faster than lightning could strike. Indea barely had time to get used to the feeling before Saldivar stopped at a cliff and set her to her feet.

  Indea looked down and saw a beautiful woman hanging on to a small branch that threatened to snap in a moment’s notice. If it did, that poor girl would plunge to her death on those horrible rocks below.

  The young woman looked up. “Saldivar! Help me. Please!!! I don’t want to die.” Tears rolled down her cheeks freely.

  “Hang on, Raven!” Saldivar called to her. Saldivar closed his eyes and summoned Van. “I am calling for Van.” He said this to Indea.

  In less than a few minutes, Van and Simone were at Saldivar’s side. Van and Saldivar pulled Raven to safety.

  “Simone?” Indea thought she was going to faint.

  “Easy, Indea. It will be okay. I promise.” Simone gave her friend a hug.

  “It’s true, isn’t it?” Indea wanted to know.

  Simone smiled and nodded. “I thought it was pretty unbelievable at first. You’ll get used to the idea,” she assured Indea.


  Raven sat on the chaise in Van’s living room, explaining to the four people who came to her aid even though they barely knew one another. At first, Raven was leery of telling any one about Zane’s treatment of her, especially to the three strangers. Saldivar was the only one who knew and telling him was hard enough.

  But she studied their faces and there was no hint of judgment or humor in their eyes. They befriended her without question. It would take some getting used to because she was always questioning others, always thinking they had an agenda; an ulterior motive. It was Zane who placed those poisoning thoughts in her mind and it seemed it would take a life time to rid her head of him.

  Raven finished her story. “So you see why I did what I did? I didn’t want to, but Zane is very powerful. You see what he is capable of. He almost killed me tonight.” She licked her lips and her shoulders sagged in relief, finally glad to get it all out in the open. She looked at each one. “I am sorry. I won’t be doing Zane’s dirty work any more,” she said with conviction. She looked at Simone who recently told them about Mr. Brant’s warning. “I’m sorry about Mr. Hobbs. I was just desperate to find a way-any way-to be rid of Zane.” She hung her head in shame. “It didn’t even do any good. Zane‘s still here and now the OVI are trying to capture any vampires they can find. I was crazy to think it would go smoothly.”


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