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Page 36

by Sky Corgan

  “Come in, Mister Parker.” He stepped away from the door.

  From the entrance, I could see all the way across the living room and into the dining room. Kim was nowhere to be found.

  “Where is she?” I asked, trying to temper the anger in my tone.

  “I took her to my bedroom to lie down.”

  The implication in his voice caused a stabbing in my heart. This was definitely the end, and I was going to need to handle it with as much poise as I could muster.

  “She's fine,” he assured me, apparently seeing the darkness in my expression. “I'd like to talk to you for a few minutes, if that's alright.”

  “I have nothing to say to you,” I growled, pushing past him to go into the bedroom.

  When I got to the doorway, I paused. Kim was lying there on a perfectly made bed, fully clothed, snoring loudly. A trickle of drool glistened on her cheek, and her hair was an absolute mess. It wasn't one of her best moments.

  “See. I told you she's alright,” Victor whispered softly behind me. “We didn't do anything, if that's what you're afraid of, but that's also what I'd like to speak to you about.”

  I sighed. He was playing the caring nice guy, the guy who was about to tell me what was really going on between them so that he could save Kim from it. Fine. I'd rather be shattered now than have to wait and wonder. Kim had a hard time talking about things like this. If I left it up to her, it might be six more months before she confessed to me what was really going on between them.

  “Alright.” I gave Kim's sleeping body a pained look before following Victor to the living room and taking a seat on the sofa. To my surprise, he sat beside me instead of in the recliner that would have put space between us. The closeness made me uncomfortable, but I decided to bear it. I wouldn't be here much longer anyway.

  “Would you like something to drink?” he offered.

  “Not particularly. I would just like to get this over with and take Kim home.”

  “She doesn't handle her liquor well.” He smirked.

  “No, she doesn't.”

  “I'm glad. I was counting on it.”

  His words took me aback, and I found myself arching an eyebrow in his direction. “Why?”

  “Because I've been wanting to talk to you, and this was the only way I could think of getting your attention without you running away.”

  “You picked a bad way to get my attention. A phone call would have sufficed.”

  “No. I'm afraid not.” When Victor shook his head, strands of blonde hair fell in front of his face, obscuring his eyes.

  “I don't have all night. Say what you need to say so I can leave.”

  “There's a lot to say. I was hoping you'd be more patient.”

  “It's not one of my virtues in situations like this.”

  “I guess I better get to talking then.”


  “Well,” he took a deep breath. “To make a long story short, I don't think the two of you should be together.”

  “You and everyone else.”

  “She doesn't love you anymore, you know.”

  If words ever hurt me more, I couldn't remember a time. Even when Tammy told me that Marcus had proposed to her, and she had accepted, it didn't hurt this badly. Probably, because I never had Tammy. Kim belonged to me. We were together. A couple. Yes, this was far worse, like my heart was being ripped from my chest, and every artery and vein went with it, filling my entire body with nothing but pain. As it surged through me, I struggled to keep from trembling. This is what I had feared all along, and it explained everything, why she'd been pushing me away, the distance between us. This was truly the end.

  I was speechless. What more was there to say? He had just confirmed what I already thought. There was no point in discussing it any further. I didn't want to know why or how she had fallen out of love with me. None of that mattered. I just wanted to retrieve the husk of the girl I loved, go home, and wallow in my misery.

  “It's probably for the best,” Victor continued. “She wasn't worthy of you anyway. She's a silly selfish little girl that fell in love with the idea of dating an older wealthy man. There are so many of them out there. I think it's a phase that girls go through, really.”

  “I don't want to talk about this,” I said, though he didn't listen.

  “She's too immature for you. She doesn't really understand the importance of your work and the way the world operates. She's not smart enough to even hope to be able to understand it.

  “You deserve someone better, someone on the same social scale, someone with the same sophisticated tastes,” his tone took a peculiar turn. “You know, I've read every one of your books. When Kim told me about you, I took an interest. I'm a fan of literature, not particularly romance, but I do enjoy erotica. The story of your past piqued my curiosity, and when I read your books, it felt like I was getting to know you on a deeper level.

  “Then when I met you that one day at college, I became a bit obsessed. You seemed like such an interesting person. I researched every article I could find on you. You're rather amazing, if you don't mind me saying so. I realized we have a lot in common. Just by listening to Kim talk about you, I knew we had a lot in common, more than you have with her.

  “It didn't take long before I fell in love with you.” He turned to look at me. “Dominick, I know it's hard to believe, since we really don't know each other personally, but I am in love with you. The only reason I've gotten so close to Kim is because I wanted to get close to you.”

  Now I just felt awkward. Was this kid out of his mind? What kind of psychopath does something like that?

  “So, you used her?” I asked, feeling a strange rush of relief roll through me.

  “No.” Victor shook his head. “She's still my friend.”

  I sighed, trying to hide my grin, though it came out anyway. “All this time, I've hated you because I thought you were trying to steal her from me.”

  “That was never my intention. I'm not stupid. I know Kim likes me, but I have no interest in her. My interest lies entirely with you, but you'd never give me the time of day. I couldn't just waltz in and be her friend when you knew there was something else there, even if it wasn't from my end of things. This was the only way I could get your attention. Come off as a threat to lure you in.”

  “You're rather devious.” I quirked an eyebrow at him.

  “We do what we have to do to get what we want.” He smiled coyly at me.

  “Well, you're not getting what you want. You may love me, but I love Kim.”

  “But you're forgetting that Kim doesn't love you. Even if you take me out of the equation, it doesn't erase that fact.”

  His words stabbed through me again. He was right. Even if Victor wasn't a threat, Kim and I were still torn apart. There was a strange throbbing in my heart counting down to a numbness I'd known before. I was alone again. My life had no meaning. Soon, it would return to how it used to be. Wake up. Work. Sleep. Wake up. Work. Sleep. Move on occasion so that I'd have different walls to stare at. Writing would keep me sane. Memories. Fantasies.

  “Have you ever been with another man?” Victor asked, stirring me from my thoughts.

  “I don't swing that way,” I grumbled.

  “How can you know if you've never tried?”

  He was looking at me earnestly. I could see him in my peripheral vision, and it annoyed me. One of his hands moved to rest on my knee, and I quickly brushed it off.

  “You know, I didn't know that I liked boys either until I kissed one. I thought I was straight. But there's just something different about kissing someone and knowing they understand what you feel. Girls don't get us. They really don't. Just like we don't get them.” Victor was sitting on the edge of the sofa now, staring at me.

  I refused to look at him. This was a game that I wasn't interested in playing, but I couldn't force myself to move either. My mind and heart were still processing his words, trying to cope with the realization that it was over. Even seein
g Kim would be enough to push me over the edge. I needed to compose myself first. There was no way I was going to lose it in front of an audience.

  “I love you, Dominick,” he continued. “I know that things are over for you and Kim, but we could be together. You don't have to be alone anymore. Let me show you.”

  He leaned in, and I quickly leaned away.

  “Do you want to get punched?” I threatened, which quickly made him recoil, though he didn't look afraid.

  “That wouldn't be very good for your career.”

  “It wouldn't be very good for your face either.”

  “It's just a kiss. Not the end of the world. If you don't like it, I'll never bother you again.”

  I gave him a suspicious look.

  “You don't want to be alone again, do you?” he asked. “I know you don't want that. I could fill the void. I have my own place, so I wouldn't be bothering you all the time, and my parents are rich, so you know I'm not after your money. You may not know me well now, but you could grow to love me eventually. Just one kiss. What would it hurt?”

  No more than I already hurt, I was sure. Everything inside of me felt numb. I wasn't ready to face Kim yet, but I didn't want to deal with this brat either. It was a battle of which was worse. If this depraved act could spare me a few moments, then I supposed I could allow it. I knew I wasn't gay, and I damn sure didn't plan to reciprocate, but I just . . .

  With a sigh, I leaned back against the sofa and closed my eyes, internally cringed at the thought of the lips that were slowly approaching mine.



  I woke to the sound of mumbling. Where was I? It was dark, and the darkness swirled around me, making me feel nauseous. Oh God, I was drunk. Traces of memories came back to me in a confusing blur. This was not my bed. It didn't smell like me. Nor was it Dominick's bed. There was no scent of grapefruit and shampoo. This was a stranger's bed.

  I groaned as I pulled myself up into a sitting position, then paused to listen to the voices. Victor. It sounded like Victor. Who was the other voice though? Dominick? It only took me a few more minutes to realize it was him. Why was he at Victor's apartment?

  Haphazardly, I stumbled out of bed, tripping over a shoe. Thankfully, I caught myself before I had a chance to nose plant into the wall. My hand landed on the doorknob, and I tugged it open, stumbling around the corner to a sight that instantly sobered me.

  For a few seconds, I wasn't sure if what I was seeing was a naughty wet dream, or if it was real. Dominick was sitting on Victor's sofa, and Victor was leaning over him . . . kissing him. I rounded the side of the sofa like a bull in a china shop, grabbing Victor by the arm to pull him away from Dominick and nearly falling again in the process.

  “You slut! What are you doing with my boyfriend?” I yelled incoherently before losing my balance. If it wasn't for Dominick being quick to catch me, I would have landed on the coffee table. As soon as I found my feet again, I let my rage loose on Victor. “You're gay? You're gay! Of course, you're gay. It makes so much fucking sense now. Oh my God.”

  “Kim, calm down.” Dominick grabbed me by the arms, holding me in place so that I didn't claw Victor's eyes out. In that moment, it seemed like the most logical course of action. That motherfucker was kissing my boyfriend. What the fuck?!

  “I'm not gonna calm down,” I slurred. “That asshole. I thought he was my friend, and he's out here kissing you. You're not gay, are you?” I turned on him.

  “No, I'm not gay.” He was calm as always, which only pissed me off more.

  “Why were you two kissing then?”

  “I'll explain in the car. We should go.”

  “You're damn right we should go.” I wiggled out of his grasp, then grabbed his hand possessively, turning to Victor with a huff. “We're leaving.” I dragged Dominick towards the door, nearly stumbling again after stepping on his foot.

  “I'll see you at school on Monday, Kim,” Victor called back to us, and I could hear the smile in his voice. Pretentious boyfriend stealing prat. Was I going to have some choice words for him when I sobered up.

  Dominick guided me to the car, boxing me in with his arms to make sure I wouldn't fall over. Once he got me situated in the passenger's seat, I crossed my arms over my chest and sulked down into the leather. How long had I been asleep? Judging by how drunk I felt, it couldn't have been very long. Long enough for Victor and Dominick to make out on the sofa though, apparently. This would not go unpunished. Oh God, did I still even have a boyfriend? I was so confused.

  “You's got a lot of splaining to do, Mister,” I grumbled as Dominick climbed into the driver's side.

  He grunted. “You're one to talk.”

  Angrily, I threw my hands up, knocking the back of my knuckles against the dashboard. “I'm not the one kissing someone else. Owww. God damn it!” I groaned, sucking on my knuckles.

  “I wasn't kissing him. He was kissing me,” Dominick replied calmly.

  “Same difference. He told me you were gay, but I didn't believe him cause of all the . . . you know . . . things we've done together.”

  “I'm not gay.”

  “Then why were you kissing him?!”

  “Calm down, would you?”

  “I will not calm down.” I stomped my feet, throwing a tantrum.

  “You're going to break my car.”

  “You can afford to buy another one! You'd be pissed too if you walked out and saw something like that.”

  “You're only upset because you're drunk. Victor told me that you don't love me anymore. You can stop acting now.” His jaw tensed.

  “What?” I paused, my mouth agape. “That motherfucker! Turn this car around.”


  “Turn this car around. I'm gonna kick his ass. How dare he say shit like that to you? I knew he wanted to break us up, but I didn't think he'd resort to such low dirty . . . Turn this car around!”

  “Calm down. I'm not turning the car around. You're drunk. We're going home.”

  “Ugh!” I screamed. “I'm going to kick his ass on Monday. I can't believe he'd say something like that to you. It's not true.”

  “It's not?” He looked at me with surprise.

  “Of course it's not. I love you. I'm in love with you. You're the only one for me.”

  “Then why haven't you been around? It seems like ever since I bought you the car, you can't stand to be around me anymore. I thought you were trying to break up with me.”

  I sighed, sinking further into the seat, the fight quickly leaving me as I realized how hurt he sounded. “I wasn't trying to break up with you.”

  “I don't understand.”

  “I was worried about you falling behind in your work again, so I've been staying away.”

  “There's no need for you to worry, I'm doing just fine with my work.”

  “You're not behind anymore?” I gave him a hopeful look.

  “No. I haven't been behind for a while.”

  “Yay!” I threw my hands up, hitting the roof of the car and hurting myself again. “Goddamn it!”

  “Would you please stop flailing around,” he chastised me.

  “Sorry.” I drew my hands to my chest as if that would keep me from moving.

  “I know you're not happy being with me, Kim. That's fine. I just want you to be honest.”

  “I am being honest. No one wants us together. Your life was perfect before I came along. You always got your work done on time. Then I came into your life, and you started falling behind.

  “You know at that party we went to, the one for Behind Her Green Eyes? Your publicist pulled me aside and told me we should break up because I'm not good for your career. I thought that if I stayed away, you'd get back on track. And he was right. Once I started staying away, you did get back on track. I'm a problem for you. I'm just trying to make it better.”

  Oh no. I'm getting emotional again. My heart was breaking at the idea of losing Dominick. All this time, I thought I was doing what was
right for us, but I had just been hurting him. Would I ever stop screwing things up?

  “My life was empty before you, and it will be empty after you,” he told me. “Victor offered to fill that void, since he had convinced me that you don't love me anymore. I'm not gay, but I was just feeling too numb to move. That's what happened.”

  “I still can't believe he told you I don't love you. It's the complete opposite. Everything I've done has been out of love for you.”

  “It hasn't felt like it. And I can't believe that Ray would say something like that to you. I guess this all stems from him then.”

  “Not just him. Before that. Melinda said something similar. And they're not wrong. You do slack off when I'm around you all the time.”

  “I slack off because I'd rather spend my time with you, because I love you. That doesn't make it your fault. It makes it my fault for not being more disciplined.”

  “Still. It feels like it's my fault. When I came into your life, it turned upside down.”

  “When you came into my life, it got better.”

  The sobbing came out then. I wasn't sure if it was because of the alcohol coursing through me or raw happiness. Within seconds, I was a blubbering mess of I love yous and apologies. Dominick did his best to keep his annoyance at bay, though I could tell he wasn't in the best of moods with me.

  “We'll discuss all this again tomorrow when you're sober,” he told me as we pulled up in front of the condo.

  “There's nothing else to discuss. You're mine. He can't have you.” I clutched onto his side as he led me up to the front door and inside.

  “You should take a shower and go to sleep. You smell like a bar.”

  “I'm going to sleep with you tonight.”

  “I'll ready the vomit bucket on your side of the bed.”

  “I'm too drunk to shower,” I groaned.

  “Then we'll shower together. You're not getting in my bed smelling like that.”

  I felt like a doll. Dominick took me into the bathroom and undressed me, then himself. As soon as the clothes were removed, all I could think about were perverted things, but he fended off my grabby hands, giving me a warning look every time I'd get too touchy-feely.


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