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Page 38

by Sky Corgan

  “Hi,” he said, giving me an awkward look.

  “Hi,” I replied hesitantly, studying his face.

  They had the same gray eyes and strong jawline, but Dominick's hair was darker. It was like looking into the past, at Dominick when he was still a teenager and had a youthfulness about him, though the clothes were all wrong. Dominick had been a jeans and T-shirt guy. What Jeff was wearing was at least three sizes too big. His T-shirt practically hung off one shoulder and had a picture of two masks on it, one laughing and one crying. His jeans were so baggy that the only thing holding them up was a cheap looking rope belt, and it was doing a poor job. Despite his haggard appearance, he didn't seem thuggish though.

  For the first few weeks, things went fairly smooth. Jeff was playing the good-guy act, constantly thanking Dominick for taking him in. He said he understood the path he was going down and wanted to get away from it, but that it was hard because of all the peer pressure. Unlike the neighborhood that Dominick and I had grown up in, the neighborhood Jeff and his family lived in wasn't very safe. There was a lot of gang activity going on, and Jeff said his options were either to join in or experience retribution for it.

  Dominick listened to his story completely unamused, waiting for it to be over so he could give one of his famous fatherly lectures. He would be the mean parents if we ever had children together. I could tell. Still, I found it enduring that he tried to pass on what advice and wisdom he had, though I doubted Jeff was listening to any of it. The way he made it sound, there really was no escape from the gang. Once he went back to Virginia, they would come to him again, and all of this would be for nothing.

  At night time, I laid in bed with Dominick, thinking about everything Jeff had told us. “This isn't going to help him,” I said.

  “What?” Dominick asked.

  “He's been here for a few weeks already, and he's been well behaved. I don't think the problem is so much his behavior as it is his environment.”

  “Well, we've taken him out of that environment.”

  “That's not the point. Once summer comes, he'll be going back to Virginia, back to that bad neighborhood. He's going to fall back in with the gang again. I just know it.”

  “That's completely up to him. Once he goes back home, it's out of our hands.”

  “It doesn't sound like it's up to him though. From the way he tells things, you're either in the gang or you're harassed by them.”

  “Everyone has a choice, Kim,” Dominick sighed.

  “You know it's not that easy.”

  “Well, what do you want me to do about it?”

  “I don't know.” I sulked, rolling away from Dominick to sleep. It was obvious he didn't want to discuss it any further, and in truth, he was doing all he could. What more could anyone expect from him?

  The next afternoon, I decided to talk to Jeff about his situation. We sat together in the living room. He played games on my laptop while I did my homework. Dominick was in his office with his door closed. He had started keeping it closed ever since Jeff came to stay with us. He said the sound of the television distracted him, and Jeff tended to keep it on a loud setting, no matter how many times Dominick told him to turn it down. It was Dominick's only real complaint about having him around. While it was a burden on him, it did give Jeff and I the opportunity to speak more privately.

  “So, you've been here for almost a month already,” I commented, setting my pen down to take a little break.

  “Yup,” he replied, not even bothering to look up at me.

  “Have you thought about what you're going to do when you get back home?”

  “I have.”


  He glanced at me over the monitor. “Do you want the truth or do you want me to lie?”

  “The truth, of course.”

  “You're not going to like the truth.”

  “I didn't think I would,” I sighed.

  “Then why did you bother to ask?”

  “I don't know, because I don't want you to go back to the way things were.”

  “I think the only one who is fooled here is Dominick. He thinks he's helping, but he's just postponing the inevitable. When I get back to Virginia, the guys are going to come around, and I'm going to have to go with them. My parents might kick me out, but what does it really matter. I'm old enough to be on my own anyway.” He shrugged.

  “Aren't you worried about going to jail?”

  “There are worse things than going to jail.”

  “You think they'd kill you if you stopped?”

  “Maybe. They might do a drive-by on my house. Someone else could get hurt. My parents. My little sister, maybe. I'd rather not risk it.”

  “If the neighborhood's that bad, then why don't your parents move.”

  “They can't afford to. Not everyone is rich, you know,” Jeff said in an offended tone.

  “I know. I'm sorry. It was just a suggestion.”

  “Well, it was a shitty one,” he growled, and then his features softened. “I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be rude.”

  “It's okay. It's a frustrating situation.”

  “It is.”

  “Have you thought about maybe getting a job and moving out on your own?”

  “Pfft. Any job I got there, the gang would know about. My money would go to them, not toward saving for a place. That's how it works there.”

  “Well.” I shifted, thinking. “What about staying here? I mean, you'll be here a few more months. That's plenty of time to get a job and save up some money.”

  “You think Dominick would let me leave the house?” He gave me a sarcastic look. “I love my cuz, but he treats me like a prisoner.”

  “I don't think he means it that way. I think he considers this more like rehab for you.”

  “Rehab,” Jeff huffed.

  “I'm serious though. You have enough time to get up on your feet here. If your parents are going to kick you out anyway when you get back, you might as well work on getting a new start somewhere else while you have the opportunity. I could talk to Dominick about it.”

  “You really think he'd go for something like that?” There was a hopeful look in his eyes.

  “I think so. I already told him that I really don't think staying here is doing you much good. Would you even be interested in something like that?”

  “Well, yeah, I think so. I mean, it's not like I'd be alone. I've got you guys.”

  “Exactly.” I smiled at him. “We'll support you and help you to stay on the right track.”

  “Thanks. I appreciate that.”

  I spoke to Dominick about my idea that night, and he seemed on board with it, though there would definitely be rules in place. The next afternoon, we sat down with Jeff to go over them. At the top of Dominick's list was that Jeff would only be able to leave the condo to go to and from work. Either he or I would drop Jeff off and pick him up every day. Internally, I sighed, realizing how much more of a strain this would put on both of us. I had to keep reminding myself it was for a good cause though. Jeff would also be required to turn all of his paychecks over to Dominick until it was time to start looking for an apartment. Surprisingly, Jeff agreed to that too.

  After our little meeting was over, I sat down with Jeff and helped him look for jobs online. Thankfully, he wasn't picky. Up to that point, he hadn't had a job before, so he seemed to be up for anything.

  I made a resume for him and then sent it out to as many local restaurants and gas stations that I could until it was time for me to do my homework and go to bed. It had been a long mentally exhausting day, and as soon as my head hit the pillow, I was fast asleep.

  For the rest of the week, Dominick took over, driving Jeff to his job interviews. I knew his work was suffering because of it, but I had little sympathy. This had been his idea in the first place, providing a short-term solution for his cousin. My solution was more permanent, and we both agreed that if we went the extra mile, it would eventually be worth it. Maybe we could even get Jeff o
ut of the condo faster. Part of me hoped we could, but another part of me feared I would have to move back into my old bedroom, which I really didn't want. I had gotten comfortable sleeping with Dominick every night. Even though the rest of the changes that Jeff had caused by moving in with us were stressful on me, that was one thing I enjoyed, and I didn't want it to change.

  Luckily, it only took Jeff a week to land a job at a local pizza joint. His excitement and enthusiasm over it was contagious. It seemed like he was really serious about getting up on his own two feet and changing his life, which made both Dominick and I happy.

  Since Jeff didn't go into work until ten o'clock in the morning, Dominick took him to work every day, and I picked him up in the afternoons after I got out of school. Dominick was ever grateful for the quiet time he got during the day while Jeff was at work, and on the weekends, we were even able to sneak in some randomly located sexual encounters. Our sex life had admittedly slowed down quite a bit since Jeff had moved in, but this new job gave it a boost, which we were both elated about.

  When Jeff got his first paycheck, we went out to dinner to celebrate. Afterward, Dominick took us both shopping, insisting that if Jeff wasn't going to be a thug anymore, then he needed to stop dressing like one. While he didn't seem too pleased with Dominick's assessment of his style, he still went along with it, allowing me to doll him up like a preppy while Dominick took care of the bill. It was an overall fun afternoon, one that I'd remember for a long time, and not just for that reason.

  When we got home that night, Dominick retired to his office. I stayed in the living room with Jeff to keep him company, as normal. That was our routine. As soon as I got home and finished my homework, Jeff and I would hang out together until it was time to go to bed. For the most part, we'd either watch television or talk, or I'd watch television while he played games on my laptop.

  That particular afternoon, we decided to watch a special on Comedy Central. During the program, Jeff got up to go to the restroom, and when he returned, he sat right next to me. Usually, he sat on the loveseat across from me, keeping a safe distance.

  “What's up?” I asked, trying not to sound as uncomfortable as I felt.

  “Nothing.” The look he gave me was completely innocent, and when he leaned back, I started to relax a little, though I kept my body on the edge of the seat.

  After a few moments, he readjusted, spreading his legs so that our knees were touching. For some reason, I kept getting the feeling that he was looking at me, like his eyes were burning into the back of my skull. All of my concentration on the television show was lost, and I briefly considered moving over to the other loveseat, though I didn't want to offend him, especially if nothing was really wrong.

  “Thanks for today,” he said.

  “I didn't do anything,” I replied.

  “You helped me pick out clothes. I'm fashion stupid when it comes to this style.”

  “It was nothing.”

  “I feel like you've been molding me into a better person since I came to live here. I really appreciate it.”

  “Don't thank me. Thank Dominick. It was his idea to bring you here.”

  “I know, but he really hasn't spent the time with me like you have. He brought me here, but I feel like he just expected me to change on my own. You've actually put time in with me . . . like you care.”

  “I do care.”

  “I care about you too,” his voice softened, and he sat up.

  When I felt his hand slid onto my thigh, my entire body tensed. Reflexively, I looked down, placing my hand on top of his to stop it from moving any closer to my nether region.

  “What are you doing?” I asked.

  He recoiled, though he didn't look hurt by my rejection. “I just wanted to touch you is all.”

  “That wasn't very appropriate.”

  “You like me, don't you?”

  “I like you as a friend.”

  Jeff furrowed his brow, staring down at the floor. “It's hard for me to understand.”

  “What is?”

  “You and cuz. He's so much older than you, and he's kind of boring.”

  “He's a good man.”

  “I know, but I don't feel like he's the right man for you.”

  I couldn't help but smirk and roll my eyes. Add another one to the list of people who don't think that Dominick and I should be together.

  Jeff continued, “I understand why he likes you. You're kind and amazing and beautiful. But, I don't understand why you like him.”

  His words made me flush a little. It had been a while since I'd received such compliments, especially from someone so attractive. They didn't matter though. It wasn't Jeff who I wanted to hear them from. He was just a guest, nothing more. I had no feelings for him, and I never would.

  “Dom is everything I've ever wanted. He still is. He's loving and selfless. I think I get a lot of my kindness from him. He makes me a better person, just as I've helped to make you a better person. And I help to make him a better person.”

  “And I could help make you a better person,” he said.


  “Don't you want to enjoy life more, go out and have fun? You're so dedicated to school that you don't really make time for yourself to live.”

  “School is important.”

  “But so is enjoying your youth. You won't be young forever. Dominick is boring because he's older. Older people don't go out and do a lot of stuff. But he's making you older too.”

  It was a strange thing to hear him say. Did being around Dominick make me seem more mature? In truth, we had both been treating Jeff like a kid. I thought of him as more of a responsibility than a friend. Was that something a nineteen-year-old should really be doing? Then again, my sister had done it with me. There was nothing wrong with it.

  “I'm happy with my life.” I decided finally.

  “Have you ever even been with a man your own age?” Jeff's words caught me off-guard.

  “That's none of your business.”

  “You haven't, have you? It's probably always been Dominick.”

  “I've never felt the need to be with anyone else.”

  “You don't know what you're missing out on.”

  “I don't care what I'm missing out on,” my voice took an agitated turn. The conversation was pissing me off, though I wasn't sure why.

  “You should try being with me. Just once.”

  “Listen, Jeff, I'm not one of those little harlots you used to bang back home, okay. I value my relationship. And if you value my friendship, you'll put whatever perverted thoughts you're having out of mind. I'm sure Dominick wouldn't be pleased to know you're hitting on me.”

  “How could he not expect it?” He smirked, which only pissed me off more.

  “Well, he trusts me, so I doubt he's too worried about it.”

  “But should he trust you is the question. I've seen the way you look at me. I know what I'm feeling isn't one-sided.”

  “I'm sorry to inform you that it is. Now, will you just drop the subject?”

  “For now.” Jeff leaned back with amusement lacing his voice.

  The next few minutes were spent in tense silence. Stress built up inside of me to the point that I retreated to Dominick's room once the show was over, leaving Jeff alone to watch television until it was time to go to bed.

  I took a long shower, thinking about the last thing he said. Surely, he knew better than to pursue me further. Up to that point, he had shown signs of being attracted to me, but he hadn't been so bold. His confidence at the end of that conversation made me fear that this truly wasn't over. What would I do if he hit on me again? What should I do now? Should I tell Dominick? It wouldn't be long before Jeff saved enough money to move out. Could I hold him off until then? I felt genuinely bad for his situation, and I wanted to help him. If he went back to Virginia now, everything we had done would be for nothing.

  Just a few more weeks, I told myself. How much can possibly happen in a few weeks.


  Jeff hadn't been kidding when he said he was only going to drop the subject temporarily. The following days played out like a subtle game of cat and mouse. Jeff put his hands on me every chance he could, whispered inappropriate things in my ear. I was able to deflect most of his advances, but it seemed like the more I rejected him, the worse his behavior became. He began lashing out at Dominick, saying rude things to him, commenting snidely about our age difference and bluntly declaring I would be better off with someone else. Dominick just gritted his teeth, reminded Jeff of how hospitable he was being, and that he shouldn't press his luck. When Jeff asked what Dominick would do if he did press his luck, Dominick simply replied he would send him back home. That shut him up for a little while.

  His behavior didn't really change though. It became a struggle to get him to go to work, and one day when I went to pick him up, he had disappeared. I asked his co-workers where he had gone, but none of them had a clue. They said he had just left with some guy. Part of me panicked, but another part of me hoped that someone from Virginia had picked him up and taken him back home. While Jeff's sudden acting out didn't really put a stress on my relationship with Dominick, it had put a stress on our lives, in general.

  I thought to go out looking for Jeff, but I honestly didn't have any idea where to start, so I ended up waiting around at his work for an hour before returning to the condo. Dominick didn't seem particularly worried. He was every bit as fed up as I was.

  “If he comes back, he comes back,” Dominick said.

  “And if he doesn't?”

  “Then there's nothing we can do. I'll call his father and tell him what happened. I doubt he'll be surprised or point fingers. We did the best we could for the kid.”

  I nodded in agreement, thankful that Dominick wasn't upset with me. He could have easily blamed me, saying it was my idea for Jeff to get a job. But he didn't.

  Hoping that Jeff wouldn't come back was wishful thinking. At around one o'clock in the morning, Dominick and I awoke to pounding on the front door. It was Jeff, and he was completely wasted, stumbling inside and grumbling at Dominick threateningly before collapsing onto one of the loveseats and almost instantly falling asleep. I could tell that Dominick was angry, but he was too tired to make a scene about it.


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