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Page 40

by Sky Corgan

  While he lavished sloppy affection on me, I looked around the room, planning my escape. My phone and keys were on the bedside table. It would be easy enough to grab them and head out the door. The hard part would be getting Jeff off of me. He was still being aggressive, and I doubted he had completely let his guard down.

  “Mmm baby, your pussy feels so good,” he whispered between kisses. The closer his face got to my nether region, the more my body tensed up. That was a Dominick-only zone. I didn't even want to think of what he'd do when he saw the video . . . what he'd do to both of us. Would he think of this as a betrayal, or would he understand? It didn't matter now. All that mattered was escaping.

  “I want to suck your dick,” I said suddenly, getting an idea.

  “I bet you do. I want to eat this pussy though, first.”

  “We could sixty nine each other,” I suggested.

  “Just can't wait, can you?” He smirked at me, looking genuinely pleased.

  “No. I've been thinking about sucking your dick for so long.”

  “What's been making you think about it?”

  I groaned internally. He was one of those guys, the ones who constantly needed their ego fed. This wasn't a game I enjoyed, but I knew I had to play it if I ever hoped to trick him.

  “Just seeing you walking around in your boxers all the time,” I said seductively, staring at his crotch like I actually gave a damn about it. With my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I could see the perfect outline of his erection. That was something else he didn't have in common with Dominick. I was pretty sure that Dominick would win a size contest.

  “Well, I suppose I shouldn't disappoint you.” Jeff knelt on the bed and pulled down his boxers, letting his cock spring forth to greet me. It was long and thin with a slight curve to the right and a head that wasn't much thicker than the shaft. Dominick's was definitely bigger.

  “Nice.” I grinned at it.

  “Take off your clothes.”

  “Do I get to suck you off if I do?” I teased.

  “Damn. I didn't expect you to be such a cock hungry slut. You're totally surprising me tonight, Kim.”

  I cringed on the inside when called me a slut. Damn, I hated this guy.

  “I like cock. What can I say,” I told him, shrugging nonchalantly.

  “Well, how about you take off your clothes, and I'll give you a reward.”

  Fear and apprehension rushed through me. This was not part of my plan. How was I supposed to get out of the house if I was naked? Then again, it really shouldn't matter. If I didn't get away from him, he'd rape me for sure. There was no getting out of this.

  Hesitantly, I pulled myself into a sitting position, grabbing the bottom of my nightshirt and lifting it over my head. The air in the room felt absolutely disgusting, polluted with tension and suffocating expectation. Once I got my nightshirt off, Jeff helped me with my underwear. I pulled them over my hips and thighs, and he grabbed them and wrangled them off the rest of the way, throwing them on the floor. Being naked had never felt more dirty, knowing that he could see me perfectly through the darkness.

  He moaned in pleasure at the sight before him, and it only made me feel more uncomfortable. Everything in me wanted to reach my arms up and shield myself from his eyes, but I knew that would give me away—give away that I didn't want him. I had to stay strong, to look confident, like I wanted this, like I wanted him.

  “Now let me wrestle that anaconda,” I said, winking at him.

  “Anaconda, huh?” Jeff laughed. “It's been called many things, but that's a new one.”

  “It's so big, what else could it be called?”

  “I suppose you're right.” He straightened himself, grabbing his dick and giving it a few warm-up strokes.

  “Lie down,” I told him.

  “I don't want to lie down.”

  “Why not?” I tried not to sound agitated.

  “Because then I can't buck my hips as well.”

  “I promise, you won't need to buck your hips.”

  Jeff gave me a suspicious look before finally deciding to trust me. Seductively, I crawled up his body, eying him like I had been waiting a lifetime to suck his cock. It was quickly hardening, twitching slightly against his stomach with excitement. The thought of sticking it in my mouth made me want to vomit, but I knew it was unavoidable.

  Dropping the teasing act, I grabbed the base of his shaft and plunged my mouth down on it. He groaned in pleasure . . . until I sunk my teeth in and bit him like his cock was a hot dog, and I hadn't eaten in weeks. Blood pooled into my mouth, which only amplified my disgust. Jeff tangled his fingers into my hair, letting out a shrill cry as he tugged until my head throbbed. For a few seconds, I feared that he wasn't going to let me go, but as soon as my mouth left his cock, he released me, and all of his attention focused on the ring of teeth marks circling his swollen and now bleeding member.

  “You stupid bitch,” he began screaming at me, but I wasn't waiting for him to finish.

  My hands instinctively groped for my keys and phone on the bedside table, and once I had them, I made a mad dash for the door, never looking back. When I got outside the room, I hesitated for a moment. Leaving out the front door was the most logical next move, but I was naked, and despite my overwhelming fear, I allowed my pride to get the better of me. Instead, I bolted for the bathroom, locking myself in and immediately dialing 911. This wasn't a problem I could solve by calling Tammy or Dominick. As soon as Jeff recomposed himself, there was no telling what he would do. I needed the police, and I needed them immediately.

  “911. What's your emergency?” a woman with a nasally voice answered on the other end of the line.

  “I'm locked in the bathroom of my condo and there's a man trying to rape me. Please, come quickly,” I told her, not even bothering to try to sound calm.

  “What's the address?”

  Jeff was yelling on the other side of the condo, but I could hear him quickly approaching. The closer his voice got, the more my heartbeat sped up. What if he managed to break down the door? I should have gone outside to my car. I should have gotten away from him when I had the chance.

  He banged on the door, and I screamed reflexively, the phone shaking in my hand. Thankfully, I had already managed to sputter out the address. Now my voice was a mess of frantic “Please hurry”s.

  “God damn it, Kim! Open this fucking door!” Jeff pounded on the door with both fists, and I watched in horror as it shook violently on its hinges. Would the lock hold? These condos weren't built with the sturdiest materials. I could only hope that he gave up before the lock did.

  “I called the police,” I shouted back at him. “They're on their way. You should go.”

  Finally, the banging ceased, though I could still hear him breathing heavily on the other side of the door. “You're going to regret this, Kim,” he said in a deep threatening tone. “I'm going to destroy Dominick and everything else you know and love. I'm going to find Tammy and tell her about your relationship. I'm going to ruin your life.” And then he was gone.


  I kept the door locked until the police arrived out of fear that Jeff was trying to trick me by being silent. It felt like forever before they got there. Each minute was spent agonizing over Jeff's words. Did he mean to hurt Dominick physically? How could he tell Tammy about my relationship with Dominick when he didn't even know where she lived? Would he go as far as to try to hurt her too?

  The realization of his past made my fear feel almost palpable. This guy was bad. Really bad. He had only repressed his violent urges. They hadn't gone away. I had no doubt he'd try to make true on his threats.

  “The police are there,” the operator told me, and I heard a loud knock on the door to confirm her words.

  “Tell them to break the door down,” I said to her.

  They did, and I was safely retrieved from the bathroom. Apparently, Jeff had left on his own after all.

  I gave the police a full report, then I called Tamm
y and told her what happened. She wanted me to come stay with her, but I couldn't just leave the condo unprotected, so her and Marcus came to stay with me instead. I called Dominick as well, who totally freaked out and got on the next plane to Arizona. He didn't arrive until early in the morning, but when he did, he looked more distraught than I had ever seen before.

  “Did he hurt you?” he asked, taking my face in his hands and looking me over as if he didn't even care that Tammy was standing a few feet away.

  “I'm alright,” I replied meekly, keeping my eyes to the floor.

  “I'll send the police the video feed, so they can use it as evidence.”

  When he said that, my heart dropped to me feet, but all I could do was agree. There was no doubt in my mind he'd watch it later, and it would probably tear him apart, tear us apart, all the things I had done and said, even if it was all lies.

  “What in the hell were you doing leaving her alone with that creep?” Tammy went on the offense, taking a step towards us.

  “I didn't think he would do something like that,” Dominick replied stiffly, his eyebrows furrowing.

  “The kid is practically a convict. He could have killed Kim!”

  “Tammy, stop!” I stepped between them. “It's not his fault. He was only doing what he thought was right.”

  “What he thought was right could have gotten you killed. You should come stay with us until they catch this creep.”

  I shook my head, quickly becoming angry. “Lay off, will you.”

  “Tammy's right,” Dominick said, catching me off guard. When I turned to him, his expression was serious yet pained. “You should stay with her until the police catch Jeff. It's not safe for you here.”

  “But you're home now. You can protect me.”

  “I really think it would be better.”

  “No. I'm not going anywhere.” My temper flared, and I looked past him to Tammy. “Thank you for coming and staying with me, but you can go home now.”

  “Kim, we only care about your safety,” she said almost pleadingly.

  “I'm safe with Dominick,” I insisted, crossing my arms over my chest.

  “Fine,” Tammy sighed. “Just . . . call us if you need anything, okay?”

  “I will.”

  She glared at Dominick disapprovingly before flanking Marcus's side to leave. I leaned on the wall next to the broken front door and closed my eyes when they were gone. The hostility had left with them, but there was still something unpleasant lingering in the air.

  “You should have gone with her,” Dominick said softly.

  My eyes flew open. Was he so damn set on getting rid of me?

  “Why? Am I dirty to you now or something? Do you not want to be around me anymore?” I snapped.

  “Kim, you know that's not it.” He gave me a wounded look. “I just thought you'd need some time to recover. This place can't have good memories for you right now.”


  Now that I thought about it, he was right. I was still afraid of Jeff returning, though far more afraid of Dominick watching that video. Fear and tension hung heavy in the room. At Tammy's house, the atmosphere would be much lighter—much less threatening, but I couldn't bear the thought of leaving Dominick's side.

  “You should get some sleep. I know it's been a long night,” he said gently.

  “What about you?”

  “I'm going to stay up until I can get someone to come fix and change the locks on the door.”

  I pushed off the wall and wrapped my arms around myself. If I went to sleep, he'd watch the video. There was no doubt in my mind. But the truth was that I was exhausted, and I couldn't stay up forever.



  “Don't watch the video.”


  “The surveillance video. Don't watch it. I had to do some . . . unpleasant things to get away.”

  I could see his body stiffen as I spoke and could only imagine the thoughts going through his mind. He inhaled a sharp breath and then let it out slowly, taking a few steps towards me before reaching to draw me into a tight embrace.

  “I don't care what you had to do,” he whispered soothingly into my hair. “All I care about is that you're okay. If anything would have happened to you, I never would have been able to forgive myself.”

  I rested my head against his shoulder. Then I felt him trembling, and my heart shattered into a million pieces. He was crying. I couldn't see it or hear it, but I knew it.

  Strange emotions rolled through me as he held me tightly. It had been a long time since I'd seen Dominick cry, and I honestly wasn't sure how to react, so I simply stood there, feeling my own eyes well up. Why did I have to cry just because he was? Because our bodies were so in tune? Because I knew how guilty that he felt for leaving me alone?

  “It's okay,” I told him. “This wasn't your fault.”

  “It was my fault,” he murmured. “I should have never left you alone with him.”

  “You didn't know.”

  “I should have known,” his voice was laced with disgust.

  “You're not psychic.”

  “I should have known.”

  We held each other for a few more minutes until the trembling stopped, and I heard Dominick sniffle loudly. Then he let me go, turning away from me quickly to go into his office as if he wanted to hide that he was crying. It was too late though; I already knew.

  I decided to make things easier for both of us by going to bed. When I stepped into the bedroom though, a sickness consumed me from the memory of what had happened. This room that I had so desperately wanted to make my own was tainted now. The bed was stained with fear and remorse. I didn't want to touch it, but I didn't want to make Dominick feel more uncomfortable by trying to stay up with him, so I forced myself to cross the distance and set myself down on the messy sheets. At their touch on my backside, my heart rate sped up. This was no good.

  Feeling guilty, I went to the master bathroom to get some towels, piled them up on the floor into a pallet, took Dominick's pillow from his side of the bed, and curled up to sleep on the floor. Hopefully, he wouldn't be too upset when he found me like that.

  I woke to the feel of Dominick's strong arms around me. As I roused, I realized that he was picking me up to carry me. He took me into my old bedroom and laid me down, informing me that he had changed the sheets on the bed. I wasn't sure if I was happy or not, but I decided to thank him for it regardless. He looked horrible, with bags under his blood shot eyes. I didn't want to stress him out anymore by seeming ungrateful.

  The day passed in a fit of consciousness and sleep and silent crying. Every time I woke, I worried that Dominick had watched the surveillance video. I was pretty sure he had, even though I had told him not to. No doubt, he would be curious. And could I really blame him? If something similar had happened to him, would I be able to exercise self-control? Probably not.

  At some point during the day, I heard a ruckus in the living room that startled me awake. My heart pounded in my chest from fear of some altercation—from fear that Jeff had come back. But when I peaked around the corner, I saw that it was just Dominick mounting a new front door, and I relaxed and returned to my room. I would be jumpy for a while. How long would it take for me to heal from this?

  The answer was a long time. The weekend passed and we went back to our normal routine, still both shaken and on edge from what had happened. The police never found Jeff, which only made things worse. How far could he have possibly gone on foot?

  Dominick didn't invite me back into his bedroom, which made me sad but relieved at the same time, if that even makes sense. Every time I looked inside of it, the memory of being held down and nearly raped played through my mind like a horror movie. I feared I would never get over it.

  I wasn't the only one who was damaged from the incident though. Dominick's complete disposition changed. He was still affectionate, but emotionally distant, and he seemed melancholy most days. There was a new divid
e between us, and it was quickly chipping me away. It didn't make things any better that he continued to suggest that I move in with Tammy on an almost daily basis. He said it was because he thought I'd have an easier time getting over what had happened if I removed myself from the scene of the crime. I insisted that it wasn't something a little therapy couldn't solve, so he immediately scheduled an appointment for me to see a psychiatrist.

  It felt like in a single night the world had been turned upside down. My mind was now filled with irrational fears. I hated to be touched by anyone. Even feeling Dominick's hands upon me made me cringe at times.

  The intimacy between us died. In fact, he didn't even try to have sex with me anymore. I realized that I was sensitive, but he was being so distant that it felt like he was purposely trying to push me away. His touch was uncomfortable, but I at least wanted him to try. I needed him to try. He didn't though, and I eventually just accepted that it was going to take us both a while to heal, that things would get better. They had to. They couldn't get much worse.

  Tammy started coming over every day to make sure I was okay, and that I had everything I needed. She treated Dominick coldly, and every time I saw them interact it sent sparks of pain to my heart. I didn't want her to hate him. This wasn't his fault, but she couldn't seem to understand that. She had to point the blame somewhere, and he was the easiest target.

  “Dominick is doing everything he can to make this better,” I told her one afternoon in my room.

  “He wouldn't have to make it better if he hadn't let that hooligan in here in the first place,” she replied in disgust.

  “You can't blame him for not knowing.”

  “I can, Kim. You don't understand. If I would have lost you because of his stupidity . . .”

  She stayed angry at Dominick, and I couldn't seem to fix it. All I could do was serve as a connecting barrier between them, the person who loved them both wholeheartedly. We'd all get through this, somehow.

  Even Victor was supportive, though he seemed more interested in talking about the effect that the incident had on my relationship than anything else. I told him about how Dominick kept trying to pressure me to move in with Tammy, and that I wasn't sure what to do anymore. He was inclined to agree that it would be smarter for me to get away from the condo. Maybe everyone knew what was better for me. They all seemed to be in agreement; I was the one resisting.


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