The Life After War Collection
Page 190
“Are you happy?”
Charlie wasn’t expecting the question and he hesitated. “Most of the time.”
He looked over at his mom. “What about you?”
Angela recognized the distraction technique with a smile. “I’m content. That’s enough.”
Neither of them was satisfied with those answers, though. They each wanted happiness for the other.
Maybe I can help, Charlie thought.
What else can I give him? Angela wondered.
Their thoughts crossed and they both chuckled as they brought up metal walls and continued with plans.
“Yeah, you’re mine,” Angela joked, hugging him. She missed moments like this.
Charlie hugged her back loosely, afraid to scare her away by saying the truth. Now, I’m happy.
Angela held Charlie as long as she thought he would allow, scared of ruining the moment. She didn’t want to ask for more than he could give. Being a teenager wasn’t easy.
Worried he was clinging, Charlie slowly backed away.
Angela turned around to wipe at the light tears. He would have a great future. She wouldn’t rest until he could live in safety. “Here they come.”
Angela lingered with Kyle and Cynthia, as Charlie got their charges settled inside the training tent. Seth and Becky were reluctantly here, as well, and Charlie motioned to the girl. “This way.”
Becky wasn’t sure why she’d been put in this class or even what teenage recovery lessons were. She suspected it was Adrian’s version of a reform school.
“Not at all, though the camp probably will think that,” Angela stated quietly. “And you don’t have to come back after today. It’s not therapy.”
“Liar,” Becky accused without malice. “He wouldn’t have us all here if it wasn’t going to help.”
Angela didn’t respond and Becky went toward the tent, taking curious glances back.
Angela waited until they were all inside and then spent a minute with their adults. “They’ll come back wound up and eager to practice if this goes well. If not, they’ll need a release at the defense ring.”
Angela blocked the various concerns and images, only giving as much as she needed to. “Each of those teenagers is special. It’s time it was put to use for the greater good.”
The guardians would have given tips and specific instructions, but Angela didn’t want that. “Be back in two hours and be ready to handle them.”
Angela left them exchanging concerned looks–three adults bonded by the trials of youth.
Seth let go first, turning for the parking area, where Kenn and Marc were modifying their chosen mission vehicles. They might need some help.
Kyle and Cynthia lingered as Angela ushered the kids into a seat. The mobster’s fears were obvious, but the reporter’s concerns were clear, as well. With Matt and Jennifer out of control, anything could (and likely would) happen.
Eased a bit to see rookie Eagles move into a tight perimeter around the canvas, Cynthia relaxed. Angela had it covered. They were wrong to worry.
She didn’t tell Kyle that, but it wouldn’t matter to him. He loathed being away from Jennifer and with his team set to go into the city, this was taking time that he’d hoped to have with her. It didn’t help that she was six weeks away from hitting the date when John might be able to save the babies and Kyle didn’t want her doing anything to jeopardize it.
“I haven’t had a second kai lesson yet,” Cynthia said lowly. “Neil’s list is long and I don’t really get on with Jeff.”
Kyle grunted, suddenly realizing he was okay with Cynthia–more than he’d ever thought he would be. “Okay,” he agreed. “Now?”
Cynthia shook her head in amusement. “No one can say you don’t serve him.”
“Nope.” Kyle led the way, not correcting the assumption. Angela didn’t want the babies as much as he and Jennifer did, but Adrian did and what Adrian wanted, he got. Angela would keep her safe.
“I can’t keep you safe.”
The four teens understood there was a problem at roughly the same time, and began looking around in concern.
Angela let them stew for a long minute. If this was going to work, they had to be clear on the danger.
“Each of you can do things to help these people and when these people find out, you’ll be in danger. Someone tell me why. No cheating, and don’t think I won’t know if you try,” Angela warned. She had a link into all four of them now.
“They’ll want us to do things,” Jennifer said, already sure what was going on. “The magic they can’t do.”
“Yes.” Angela leaned against the wide desk she’d helped bring in late last night. “I won’t always be here to cover things. Safe Haven needs defenders, the kind who can perform the miracles that Adrian’s Eagles can’t.”
“Then why am I here?” Matt popped up, stutter mostly gone now that he’d snapped. It was as if multiple switches had been flipped at one time. The result was a mess that he had to sort out. “And why’s Becky here?”
“Don’t call me that!” Becky shouted. “It’s Rebecca, you retard! Remember it!”
“Shut up!” Matt quipped back. “Shouldn’t you be crying or screwing?”
“Hey!” Jennifer protested. “That’s rough, Matthew.”
“Don’t call me that!” Matt growled.
Becky immediately began gloating. “Matthew! Matthew!”
“Come on, guys,” Charlie pleaded. “Leave him alone.”
“Oh, it’s us, huh?” Becky accused. “He started it.”
“Get. Out.”
Angela’s fury washed over them, stinging and burning.
“Go on.” Angela moved around the desk angrily. “There are older people here waiting for this opportunity. I’ll give these positions to them.”
Angela began to write on a blank paper, scribbling to make it look good. She didn’t react when the teenagers stayed sitting and began to whisper to each other.
“Tell her we’re sorry,” Jennifer whispered.
“Why me?”
“It’s your mom!” Becky pointed out.
“You guys all caused it,” Charlie stated. “You can all fix it.”
“How?” Matt asked.
“How do I know?”
“But you do, though,” Jennifer insisted. “Don’t you?”
“Yes,” Charlie admitted reluctantly. “She wants me to take charge of you guys.”
As the other kids frowned, Charlie hurried to explain his side of it. “I’ve told her I don’t want that. I like having friends.”
“Take charge for what?” Becky asked.
Charlie looked to Angela now, not sure if he was supposed to trust them with these secrets.
Angela kept scribbling. “Go on.”
“She wants...”
“Safe Haven needs...” Angela led, staying busy with her imaginary note taking.
“Safe Haven needs a team of defenders that no one would suspect,” Charlie explained. “She wants us to be like, well, spy kids, I guess.”
The tent erupted with excited promises and apologies that allowed Angela to put the pen down and take back over.
“The first rule, the only one that is to never be crossed for any reason...” Angela paused to be certain they were listening. “Is loyalty to the group. We are a team. The four of you, myself and Adrian, and in time, a few others.”
“Will we do things?” Charlie asked eagerly. “With you and Adrian?”
“Yes. We’ll meet at least once a week as a complete team and there will be endless lessons, drills, and tests.” Angela looked at Matt. “Repeat your question.”
Matt swallowed nervously and then let himself grow. “You answered it, I think.”
Angela nodded. “Good. Share your discovery with the team.”
Matt reddened a bit. “I’m dangerous.” He looked across the isle of student desks. “Rebecca’s here because she’s a killer. She doesn’t wound. She goes for your weak spot and squeezes.”<
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It was a level of intelligence that none of them, Charlie included, had thought Matt capable of. “Yes.” Angela finished the point. “Show them what you and Matt will contribute in the future.”
Becky concentrated.
“I saw that!” Jennifer exclaimed.
“So did I,” Charlie added.
“Me too,” Matt revealed, causing silence to fall. “How is that possible?”
They looked up to see Angela’s eyes were crimson.
“Power rubs off in many ways,” Angela and the witch stated in eerie tandem. “It can also be shared.”
Angela concentrated. “For exactly ten seconds, each of you will join for a moment. Try to relax.”
It was hard work, finding and then linking into so many minds. Angela drew harder from the rookies outside the tent.
“What was that?”
“Don’t know. Record it and shake it off.”
Angela tuned the outside voices to a lower setting and shoved the doors open all at once.
“Ten seconds. Get to know each other.”
All four teens tensed, gripping desks and muttering as they struggled to close off their secrets.
Angela made them hold out for the full count.
“Ten.” She broke the line, and the rookies outside reacted first.
“We’ll have Li Sing check the stock dates.”
“Maybe the mylar bags aren’t keeping things out. We’ll do it when we’re done.”
Angela stifled a yawn. “For ten seconds you were vulnerable, unprotected except for your minds. Imagine what I could do if I were evil.”
She had their attention and small flecks of determination were building in their gazes.
“Or mission is to protect these people and that means guarding what they need. I mean the supplies and camp itself, of course, but more importantly, the chain of command.” Angela pulled them into the dream. “We’re walking targets. We need you. Your attitude, your flaws and anger–all of it. Put them together and keep us alive, so that we can do the same for our country.”
Kyle, Cynthia, and Seth were waiting nearby, early, as Angela stepped out of the tent.
She waved the rookies over first. “You guys feel anything strange while we were in there?”
All but three of them nodded or said yes, and Angela smiled. “Thought it was just me. Everyone who did, go see John and get a quick check. If you didn’t, stay on duty.”
Kyle watched her thin the rookie herd in admiration. The three men who hadn’t spoken up were exchanging satisfied looks that Angela encouraged with her low words when the others were gone. “After your shift, have a good meal and some extra water; add another hour of sleep so that you can build up a tolerance.”
Kyle grinned as she joined them. “You just made their day.”
Angela lit a smoke. “It was a good two hours. They’ve chosen to spend a few minutes alone, practicing here. You three are welcome to go in, but please remember to observe only. They know what they’re doing or I wouldn’t have them doing it yet.”
Angela, exhausted, headed for the tent across from them. She slid inside and stopped. She’d hoped to find Marc or even Zack but Adrian was running the workout canvas tonight and she hesitated.
Adrian didn’t look up from his clipboard. “Brace for a pulse, gentlemen.”
Angela needed the refill. Directing the weak, wild teenagers had drained her. She inhaled greedily, openly, and the teams stiffened at the draw.
Adrian blocked the stream, not sending any of his light.
Angela was grateful.
She was also disappointed.
Kyle led Seth and Cynthia into the tent, not sure what to expect. It wasn’t four quietly working teenagers.
“Too hard,” Charlie muttered, wincing. “Don’t get my fingers.”
“Too bright!” Jennifer protested. “Ease off some.”
Matt put his head on the desk. “Stop thinking about that.”
Becky giggled. “I smell him. Sorry.”
“That’s disgusting,” Matt moaned.
Now Jennifer laughed and Charlie groaned, “No more, please. We give. Right, Matt?”
“Yes,” Matt surrendered. “We’ll take the first shift.”
Jennifer laughed again, making Kyle’s heart clench. It was a beautiful sound.
“Nice job,” Jennifer stated.
“I agree,” Becky affirmed. “We make a good team.”
“I think I know what else me and Bec…Rebecca were supposed to understand.” Matt stood up, feeling better than he had in a while. “You guys need us for energy, but for strength, too. You couldn’t have kept the doors open without our concentration.”
Their first exercise had been boys vs girls–one trying to open the line, while the others tried to close it.
Kyle and Seth were surprised at the cooperation, but Cynthia was shocked. Matt was laughing, getting along, and fitting it. It was amazing.
“We owe him,” Cynthia murmured lowly. “He’s a genius.”
Kyle and Seth gently eased Cynthia from the tent. “Not him, her. This is Angela’s project.”
“She’s the genius this time,” Seth reinforced. “And you’re on her team.”
Cynthia got the point. “I’ll make sure she knows how much we appreciate it.”
Kyle felt Jennifer come to the flap. “Tell her our gratitude will extend to Marc, as well.”
Seth added another layer, watching Becky and Jennifer joke as if they’d been friends for a lot longer. “We’d also like to know some personal things, like her favorite color, scent, and book, so we can deliver them with chocolate and wine sauce.”
Cynthia laughed and the two men grinned at her. Each of them had an anti-social teenager to care for, but now, they also had a support group. The kids, and the adults.
“I need to practice. Will you help me?”
Becky’s question to Seth was repeated by the two other eager teens, and Cynthia quickly spoke up. “We could go to my tent and make pizzas during. I have a few boxes of mix stashed.”
The group moved away together, leaving Charlie standing by himself. Instead of feeling forgotten, he was full of pride and eager nervousness. They’d voted him team leader. His mom had given him one of his secret wishes. Team leader and Tracy went hand-in-hand. He wouldn’t get one without the other.
Charlie looked over his shoulder to see his mom now leaning against the outside of the training tent. Before he could thank her, she directed his attention to the lone female stepping into the back of the mess supply truck.
Charlie’s heart thudded painfully as Adrian entered the truck a few seconds later.
“Stiff competition,” Angela stated carefully, aware that they were feeling roughly the same pain.
Charlie understood. He didn’t want to sympathize with her on this one, but with his own emotions boiling, it was hard not to.
Angela left the mental doors open, needing him to see that she didn’t want to feel like this either. “You fight or give in,” she told him tiredly. “I love your dad. There’s never been any other choice for me.”
“I want her in the same ways I feel between you two, but I don’t understand love,” Charlie answered reluctantly.
“You’re scared of it,” Angela guessed, turning her back as the truck rocked sharply. “Want and need are always there, sometimes even with people you hate. With love, you’d die to be near them.”
Charlie followed her slow retreat. “But you care for him so much!”
“Stop.” Angela couldn’t stand to hear it, not from her mouth or his. “Human hearts are not confined by man’s laws, Charlie. You can’t set a limit on how many people you care for. If fate says someone, you do.”
Angela held the flap up on her tent. “The only thing that matters is reaction. I have a commitment, willingly made, and I would never break it.”
Angela got him settl
ed with a bottle of water and a bag of apple chips. “You don’t have any limits. The female you’re looking at isn’t claimed or bound to someone. She’s fair game, with no challenge or dishonor.”
Charlie was relieved to find that his mom knew his secret, but wasn’t flipping. He hadn’t been sure. “What does she want?”
Angela leaned back in her seat. “Funny you should ask. I picked up a couple things a few nights back.”
Angela didn’t feel guilty about the weaknesses she was set to reveal. The realization that her son was in love had brought a lot of thoughts out, but the most important was how to help him get what he needed. Today had reminded her of that goal and provided a perfect opportunity to deliver it.
“She wants to be needed all the time, not just when a man wants to play with her.”
Another parent might have shut it down already, and Angela thought she would have gone that way too, if not for a conversation she’d overheard.
“I was on duty outside the showers. My girls haven’t adjusted for the female Eagles on duty being able to get closer. I took advantage.”
“And what you heard helped her?”
Angela nodded, giving her approval. “It swung me in her favor.” Angela connected them; let him hear the words for himself.
“He put a flower in your tent again.”
Tracy sighed wistfully over the lightly running water. “That little man needs to grow up faster.”
Leslie understood what that meant and gasped, “No way Angie goes for it! Get it out of your mind now.”
“I don’t think he plans to tell her,” Tracy confided lowly.
“You’re encouraging him?” Leslie asked in surprise. “You better stop it now. He’s getting serious.”
Tracy’s miserable sigh echoed. “I know. He’s too young until October.”
“Young, hell. He’s going to be a leader here, Tracy. He can’t have a whore for his mate”
Silence fell for a moment, tense, and Angela was forced to consider her own bias.
“I’ll let him down soon,” Tracy confirmed unhappily. “And that’s the only reason why. I won’t hurt the dream.”
Leslie didn’t understand. “You have Adrian, among others. Why would you want little Charlie?”
Angela stiffened at the confirmation, breath held in silence as she waited for the answer.