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The Life After War Collection

Page 383

by Angela White

  Then don’t leave her alone too long, the demon stated ominously. Fate has already flipped a new wildcard and she’s terrified of it. She can’t handle this alone anymore.

  “She won’t be alone,” Marc muttered, sweeping her profile. Even in sleep, the tears were still oozing out. “We’ll help her. That’s what Safe Haven does for people. It knocks them down as low as they can go and rebuilds them. I think it was just her turn, like the Keeper said.”

  In the brig above them, Chauncey laughed silently. Your day will come, Marcus Brady. And so will your son’s. I can’t wait to record it.

  End of Book 6

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  Notes from the author

  Hello World!

  Well, that was one quick, tension-laced ride, wasn’t it? I hope you enjoyed our time together! Thank you, Jan, Jeff, Jeanne, Angie, Shawndra, and everyone else! It turned out nice, didn’t it? Great job! That’s it for now, folks. Stay warm, and remember to watch your six.


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  Deleted Scene #1

  It took hours to get things arranged according to Angela’s new layout, but by mealtime, Safe Haven was up and running, and many people were already noticing the difference. Three bathroom stations, two parking areas, and the garden near the livestock made things easier, but each area now having water and supply trucks would also reduce time spent on chores. People assumed it was for conservation of energy and it was. Angela wanted her herd to pick up a little weight, while it might be possible. Once inside those caves, they would ration everything, down to the last seed.

  No one noticed there was no space slotted for games like football and baseball, and Angela had counted on the evening meal to help with that. Who wanted to run around and shed calories after a giant steak? Tomorrow, everyone would be too busy and tired for games.

  By nightfall, the bright center fire was surrounded by the usual group, and the mess was crowded with laughter and relief. They were home, at least for a while.

  On a cliff much smaller and more isolated than he had planned on, Adrian observed his peaceful herd without the clear view he’d first had. Marc was erecting the walls around Safe Haven, sweating and joking with the other men as if he’d been born for it. Adrian wanted him dead.

  The banished leader spun for his tent, ignoring David’s shadow and Conner’s concerned questions. Everyone would have to fend for themselves for a bit longer. He had plans to finish.

  Conner got up and made their fire. At some point, Adrian would come out fighting, right?

  David studied the father and son, awed to be with the infamous Adrian, but also disappointed as well. He had clearly missed out on the best of the Mitchel family ride.

  Deleted Scene #2

  “Can you help me?”

  Kyle rolled over to ask what she needed help with and found Jennifer holding her top up so that he could reach her bra clasp.

  Kyle swallowed nervously as his big fingers slid over her ribs and gently unhook the soft material. Blue silk against creamy skin.

  Kyle breathed as his vision blurred, forgetting he needed oxygen.

  “Will you rub right where it meets?” Jennifer asked. “I can’t reach it to do that.”

  Kyle knew what she was doing. They’d made camp in the lobby of the lodge, wanting daylight to explore a cabin, and Autumn was with Whitney. Jennifer had sworn she was tired and suggested a nap together and now here they were, about to get…intimate.

  Kyle realized she planned to push the issue and groaned, “Whatever you want.”

  Jennifer waited until Kyle sat down to pick up a stack of gear and then dove at him.

  He fell backwards onto the air mattress and had no time to brace as she slid her body up his in full, delicious contact.

  Jennifer didn’t stop when she got to his waist. She leaned down and pushed her lips to his, nervous and excited at her own bravery.

  Kyle wouldn’t have pushed her away in that moment for any reason. He groaned, kissing her as he always wanted to. He tasted her as he slid his arms around her waist.

  Jennifer reveled in her success and shoved the fear down when his hand slipped to the small of her back and pressed their hips together. His hardness was a steel rod against her thigh and she followed through with her plan. She bucked against him.

  “Oh, yeah,” he moaned against her cheek. “Whatever you want, baby!”

  Emboldened, Jennifer adjusted their position until hard and heat were lined up. When she bucked, they moaned together, exactly like in his dream.


  I’m dreaming again, Kyle realized, and snapped awake.

  Jennifer was facing him on the bed, curiosity and nervousness on her face.

  Kyle flushed. “Mornin’”

  Jennifer slowly reached out and cupped his neck, tugging.

  Kyle surrendered without a fight, wanting her.

  Jennifer mashed their lips together, trying not to freeze or panic, and felt his hands come up to tangle in her unbound hair.

  Drawing on her courage, she took his hand and wrapped it around hers. The she put it on the bulge she’d been fascinated by while he dreamed.

  Kyle bucked as she touched him, lost in sharp, involuntary spasms of pleasure.

  He obviously liked it, and Jennifer molded her hand to him and waited.

  Kyle struggled to think and breath. When he figured out what she wanted, he groaned, “I gotta stop now. I–”

  Jennifer kissed him, letting her lips remain parted a bit.

  Kyle was lost. He hadn’t had his tongue in her mouth yet and he wasn’t passing up this opportunity.

  Jennifer felt the tension grow and then he took over, moving her hand in short, hard jerks that ripped guttural groans from his lips that she caught with her own. His pleasure wasn’t scary like she’d expected, but it was a turn-on. Her body was throbbing in time to his.

  Kyle stopped as the line between frustration and pain was reached, and she knew what had to happen next. Her hand went to the button of his jeans and popped it.

  Kyle’s hand covered hers, stopping the fingers on his zipper. “I’m not ready yet.”

  Jennifer ignored him and tugged the zipper down. She pressed her lips to his as her hand curled around him and Kyle’s hips rose in time.

  Jennifer knocked him out quickly, as she always had when Cesar wanted a h
and-job, but with Kyle, she wasn’t scared of anything coming next. He would be perfectly happy with this.

  Jennifer increased the pace, listening to his tortured breathing and his sexy groans telling her how sweet she was, how he liked her being sweet. It made her nipples harden against his chest.

  His free hand slid up her hip and brushed her breast. Timing it, Jennifer switched into those brutally vicious, short jerks.

  Kyle groaned loudly as his climax came.

  Jennifer rode the waves, almost wishing it wasn’t over yet. She’d enjoyed doing this for him.

  Kyle was gasping and groaning, unable to believe how fast he’d lost control of the situation.

  Jennifer rested on his chest, listening to his wildly thumping heart. Before, she’d cowered by her pole. Now, she snuggled against Kyle’s chest and felt the world become right again as he hugged her and whispered how much he loved her. She fell into a light doze quickly, leaving Kyle to question if he was actually awake.

  The uncomfortable position of his arm convinced Kyle that it had happened and he vowed to be stronger. She wasn’t ready for this, wasn’t old enough, and he couldn’t let it happen again. If he did, he would crave it every time they were alone together and she deserved to be treated better than that.

  Full of guilt he had no room for, Kyle drifted into an uneasy slumber.

  Eagle Teams

  Former Eagle Teams

  Kyle: Chris, Daryl, Shawn, Billy, Morgan, Crone, Denny, Theo, Angela

  Neil: Jeremy, Greg, Wade, Ben, Daniel, Jake, Tim, Steven

  Zack: Allan, Donald, Lee, Frank, Ozzie, Brandon, Simon, Pete

  Seth: Jeff, Rusty, Jack, Ryan, Bruce, Tommy, Joey, Robert

  Kevin: Ray, Dexter, Logan, Alex, Francis, Scott, Josh, Whitney

  Marc: Quinn, Shane, Jax, Logan, Paul, Bobby, Howard, Dwayne, George

  Angela: Jennifer, Samantha, Cynthia, Leslie, Rebecca, Tracy, Tonya, Candy, Crista

  Rookie: Tyler, Nathan, Cody, Stanley, Olivia, Pam, Lawrence, Gary, Andrew

  New Eagle Teams

  Eagle Special Forces

  Team #1: Kyle, Daryl, Shawn, Morgan, Billy, Shane, Jax

  Team #2: Neil, Jeremy, Greg, Tommy, Wade, Ben, Quinn

  Level Eagle Teams

  Level 6: Zack, Seth, Allan, Donald, Brandon, Jake, Logan, Whitney

  Level 5: Theo, Simon, Tim, Ozzie, Francis, Candy, Gary

  Level 3: Marc, Ray, Josh, Dexter, Bobby, Howard, Scott, Tyler

  Level 1, Team #1: Angela, Jennifer, Samantha, Cynthia, Kendle, Rebecca, Tracy

  Level 1, Team #2: Cody, Nathan, Stanley, Olivia, Pam, Lawrence, Andrew

  Rookie Team #1: Kenn, Joseph, Charlie, Sheila, Conner, Courtney, Julia, Randal

  Rookie Team #2: Jonny, Kim, Ian, Eddie, Rod, Molly, Harry, Michael

  Life After War

  Shattered Dreams

  Book 7


  Angela White

  Title: Shattered Dreams

  Book 7 of the Life After war series

  Edition: 2017

  Length: 806 pages

  Author: ©Angela White

  Publisher: C9 Publications

  ISBN#: 978-1-945927-65-2

  Copyright: © 2011 by Angela White.

  All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this publication may be replicated, redistributed, or given away in any form without the prior written consent of Angela White or C9 Publications. Made in the USA.

  Publisher: C9 Publications

  All Angela White Books

  Life After War Series

  The Survivors

  Adrian’s Eagles

  Nuclear Ashes

  Dystopian Stand

  Fight for Survival

  Carved in Stone

  Shattered Dreams

  Dearly Departed

  LAW Backstories

  Marc and Angie

  Marc and Dog

  Related to LAW

  The Alexa’s Travels series

  Other Books by Angela White

  The Bachelor Battles Trilogy

  HOP-17: Human Origins Program

  Table of Contents

  Madness and Misery

  Deals with the Devil

  All Souls Matter

  Let’s Go To Market

  Caged and Pre-staged

  Toured and Lured

  Baiting and Waiting

  To Bluff or Not

  Keep It Down

  Lying In Wait

  Swinging Sack

  Move Away from the Pen


  The Black Widow

  Big Orders

  The Human Condition

  Not the Favorite


  Reluctant Surrender

  Walking a Tightrope

  Would You Believe?

  The Hard Way

  Good and Bad

  Insanity Runs Deep

  Tough Love




  Dirce’s Way

  Fate’s Way

  Giving Way

  Which Way?

  My Way


  Beware the Blades

  The gates have all been opened

  The flood is on the way

  For both the scavengers and lambs

  Who survived apocalypse day

  Heavy beasts are drifting

  With ravenous evil in mind

  Assassins and traitors lurk

  Waiting in the blind

  Heavy snow surrounds

  Bringing raging wind

  It crashes against tall fences

  Forcing the stone to bend

  The ground occasionally shudders

  Always at the worst time

  Fate cackles wildly from a distance

  Turning lives on a bloody dime

  The future comes too fast, too soon

  The timing isn’t exactly right

  The mountain thunders with dismay

  And death lights up the night

  Now, the past has come back

  The safety slowly fades

  The swords of karma slice right through

  Oh, beware the blades!

  Chapter One

  Madness and Misery

  Safe Haven Den

  Somewhere in the Georgia Mountains

  September 27th, 2013


  “Fire in the hole!”

  Marc waited for the rumble, sure that few others were doing the same. After three days of Adrian blocking and blowing roads to their den, the notification didn’t garner attention. In fact, it was mostly ignored. People in this mountain had more problems than a former leader hanging around.

  Marc had told the camp what was likely coming. He’d also assigned Samantha and a few others to monitor the situation. The result was a twitchy council who needed reassurances from their boss, but none were coming. Angela wasn’t in any condition to comfort others. All she did was cry when awake, so the doctors were sedating her. Even when Marc was with her, the tears were constant. That man wasn’t certain how much more of it he could handle. He wanted his Angie, even if she was a cruel, self-centered bitch. They’d talked a little and he understood why she’d made the choices she had, but it didn’t stop the anger or the guilt. If she had told him what she planned, he would have helped, not interfered. She had no right to exclude him that way and then blame him for what went wrong. At the same time, if he had been able to follow her plans in the past, instead of always second-guessing her choices, then maybe she would have confided in him. The gulf between them could now hold entire towns.

  The camp also ignored the rumbling from the new explosions. Marc had informed everyone that they would be hearing those noises regularly while Adrian sealed up the mountain. Angela had sent him out to handle that chore alone in the dying snowstorm, with dazed, angry refugees and betrayed ants roaming
everywhere. Marc still wasn’t positive that she was trying to kill Adrian, though he was rooting for it. He did hope she let the traitor get the roads and paths blocked first.

  There were too many threats in range for Marc’s liking, and then there were the three items that Seth and Becky had brought back: iodine, water purification tablets and a bag of military-grade dosimeters. He didn’t want to know what horror would cause them to use the personal patches. He had his hands full with the current problems. It was infuriating to Marc that yet another group of individuals wouldn’t let them have peace. He wanted to challenge them all, but nothing would get him to counter Angela’s plans and plots right now. She’d only given a few orders since being carried down the bloody mountain, but Marc was making sure they were followed–against his own wishes. He didn’t want to bunker-in. He wanted to rush out and meet Vlad’s populace with his fury. Safe Haven had fought for ten months to keep it together. They had sacrificed and suffered enough. When did they get a break?

  According to previous words from their seer, no break was coming until they reached true safety. People now assumed that was Pitcairn Island. Kendle had no idea how popular she would be when she returned. Some of the Eagles reasoned she might keep going on her own, but Marc didn’t. Kendle was terrified of being on the ocean again. She wanted to go, but the method of transport was going to keep her with them. Marc wondered how she would react when she found the cruise ship. There was no way she would deal well with that. Marc was glad they would be pulling other boats that would need a skeleton crew. It would allow Kendle a different type of ship for the journey that Theo had calculated would take over a month. Instead of traversing the country again, or worse, dipping into foreign coasts as they tried to slide through on their way to Pitcairn Island, they were going to sail all the way around South America. They planned to stay in the open ocean until it was time to ride the deadly currents around the tip and be spit out very near their destination–if they survived. Marc was forever impressed with Angela’s courage and ambition. He also thought she was nuts.


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